* (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project,
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
#include <sstream>
corsika_logger->set_pattern("[%n:%^%-8l%$] custom pattern: %v");
CHECK(1_m / 1_m == Approx(1));
// CHECK_FALSE( 1_m/1_s == 1 ); // static assert
[[maybe_unused]] auto E1 = 10_GeV;
[[maybe_unused]] LengthType arr1[2] = {{1_mm}, {2_cm}};
[[maybe_unused]] std::array<HEPEnergyType, 4> arr2; // empty array
[[maybe_unused]] std::array<HEPEnergyType, 4> arr3 = {1_GeV, 1_eV, 5_MeV};
auto p1 = 10_s * newton;
CHECK(p1 == 10_s * newton);
CHECK(1_s / 1_ds == Approx(1e1));
CHECK(1_m / 1_cm == Approx(1e2));
CHECK(1_m / 1_mm == Approx(1e3));
CHECK(1_V / 1_uV == Approx(1e6));
CHECK(1_s / 1_ns == Approx(1e9));
CHECK(1_eV / 1_peV == Approx(1e12));
CHECK(1_A / 1_fA == Approx(1e15));
CHECK(1_mol / 1_amol == Approx(1e18));
CHECK(1_K / 1_zK == Approx(1e21));
CHECK(1_K / 1_yK == Approx(1e24));
CHECK(1_b / 1_mb == Approx(1e3));
CHECK(1_A / 1_hA == Approx(1e-2));
CHECK(1_m / 1_km == Approx(1e-3));
CHECK(1_m / 1_Mm == Approx(1e-6));
CHECK(1_V / 1_GV == Approx(1e-9));
CHECK(1_s / 1_Ts == Approx(1e-12));
CHECK(1_eV / 1_PeV == Approx(1e-15));
CHECK(1_A / 1_EA == Approx(1e-18));
CHECK(1_K / 1_ZK == Approx(1e-21));
CHECK(1_mol / 1_Ymol == Approx(1e-24));
CHECK(std::min(1_A, 2_A) == 1_A);
CHECK(1 * ampere / 1_A == Approx(1e0));
CHECK(mega * bar / bar == Approx(1e6));
const HEPEnergyType E2 = 20_GeV * 2;
CHECK(E2 == 40_GeV);
CHECK(E2 / 1_GeV == Approx(40));
const MassType m = 1_kg;
const SpeedType v = 1_m / 1_s;
CHECK(m * v == 1_s * newton);
CHECK(lgE == Approx(log10(40.)));
const auto E3 = E2 + 100_GeV + pow(10, lgE) * 1_GeV;
CHECK(E3 == 180_GeV);
CHECK(sqrt(5_GeV * 5_GeV) / 5_GeV == Approx(1));
SECTION("Output") {
const HEPEnergyType E = 5_eV;
std::stringstream stream;
stream << E;
CHECK(stream.str() == std::string("5 eV"));
const HEPEnergyType E = 5_EeV;
std::stringstream stream;
stream << E;
CHECK(stream.str() == std::string("5e+18 eV"));
SECTION("Special") {
const LengthType farAway = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() * meter;
CHECK(farAway > 100000_m);
CHECK_FALSE(farAway < 1e19 * meter);
SECTION("static_pow") {
double x = 235.7913;
CHECK(1 == static_pow<0, double>(x));
CHECK(x == static_pow<1, double>(x));
CHECK(x * x == static_pow<2, double>(x));
CHECK(1 / x == static_pow<-1, double>(x));
CHECK(1 / x / x == static_pow<-2, double>(x));
SECTION("HEP/SI conversion") {
auto const invEnergy = 1 / 197.326978_MeV; // should be convertible to length or time
LengthType const length = convert_HEP_to_SI<LengthType::dimension_type>(invEnergy);
CHECK((length / 1_fm) == Approx(1));
TimeType const time = convert_HEP_to_SI<TimeType::dimension_type>(invEnergy);
CHECK((time / (1_fm / constants::c)) == Approx(1));
auto const protonMass = 938.272'081'3_MeV; // convertible to mass or SI energy
MassType protonMassSI = convert_HEP_to_SI<MassType::dimension_type>(protonMass);
CHECK((protonMassSI / 1.672'621'898e-27_kg) == Approx(1));
CHECK((protonMassSI / (1.007'276 * constants::u)) == Approx(1));
CHECK(convert_SI_to_HEP(constants::c) == Approx(1));
CHECK(convert_SI_to_HEP(constants::hBar) == Approx(1));
auto const invLength = 1 / 197.326978_fm; // should be convertible to HEPEnergy
HEPEnergyType const energy = convert_SI_to_HEP(invLength);
CHECK(energy / 1_MeV == Approx(1));
CHECK(convert_SI_to_HEP(6.5823e-25_s) * 1_GeV == Approx(1).epsilon(1e-4));
CHECK(convert_SI_to_HEP(3.8938e-32 * meter * meter) * 1_GeV * 1_GeV ==