The air shower simulation code CORSIKA has served as a key
part of the simulation chain for numerous astroparticle physics
experiments over the past decades. Due to retirement of the original
@@ -65,6 +65,9 @@ lower energy, the recent implementation of the LPM effect, photo pair
production of muons, and of photohadronic interactions allows now to
make a physics-complete comparison also at high energies.
[Proceedings as submitted on July 17, 2023](uploads/e540dd025ca7259efe3ec2d6dffa0475/ICRC_2023__Validation_of_Electromagnetic_Showers_in_CORSIKA_8-1.pdf)
## Parallel processing of radio signals and detector arrays in CORSIKA 8 (poster, PCRI0-42, PoS(ICRC2023)469)
### A.A. Alves Jr, N. Karastathis, T. Huege for the CORSIKA 8 Collaboration