Description of Setup
The main gitlab server to develop CORSIKA 8 is
It is configured to run CI jobs for all pushes and merge requests. The configuration can be found in the repository's .gitlab-ci.yml
The jobs are based on docker containers published here
and developed in the corsika-docker
git project in parallel to the CORSIKA source code.
The CI jobs are distributed on Runners via the corsika
tag. Runners need to support docker.
Note, we setup our Runners to be assigned to the corsika and related projects (group runners for, token: sDrYV8raCVzKRk7vyn2v). This also means: from your personal fork you might not be able to run CI jobs on the Runners. Thus, it is an advantage to keep main development on the main corsika repository.
General setup of Runners
Runners should be group-runners and have a name indicating their physical location, e.g. corsika-hawaii-1, corsika-unam-1, etc.
The following tags should be assigned:
- corsika
- for later use: gpu (if GPU is installed)
- number of cores to be available for parallel execution: e.g. cores_4
The following configurations are needed (config.toml):
- we used docker executors
- enable concurrent builds (if number of cores is larger than number of cores assigned to one job): set concurrent to 1 in global section
- We also want to enable custom build dir:
[runners.custom_build_dir] enabled = true
Here are commands used to setup Runners on Note: This is not the best way to setup runners, we prefer that it is better to use containers to start runners!
- setup service
sudo gitlab-runner install --working-directory ~ --config /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml --service gitlab-runner --syslog --user gitlab-runner
- start service
sudo gitlab-runner run --working-directory ~ --config /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml --service gitlab-runner --syslog --user gitlab-runner
Here is how the UNAM Runners are setup
Observed problems, Troubleshooting
If the Runners using docker get stuck periodically (this seems not to happen any more with recent runner versions!). It seems this is most likely related to (stale?) docker images and missing cleanup. We developed the following script which so far works to get Runners back online:
df -h
echo "start"
sudo service gitlab-runner stop
sudo service docker stop
sudo service docker start
sudo docker system prune -af
sudo docker volume prune
sudo service gitlab-runner start
echo "done"
If needed, run this in a crontab. There might be further, and more intelligent, options to optimize our use of docker containers. Currently (Aug 2020) pulling docker containers is responsible for a sizeable fraction of runtime on the runners.
Testing Matrix
We try to test on a variety of systems, both in Debug and Release build types at all times. Those systems should include two systems close to the minimum requirement we have, two contemporary systems that are widely distributed at any time, and one/two bleeding-edge systems. This is a goal, which is limited by actual computing power.
Compilers, minimum is gcc and clang. Also gfortran, nice would be to add f19 and flang.
Minimum system requirements: cmake 3.9, gcc-7.4, clang-8, python3.6, conan v?.
container | corsika/devel:u-18.04 | corsika/devel:clang-8 |
cmake | 3.10.2 | 3.10.2 |
c++ | gcc 7.5.0 | clang 8.0.0 |
fortran | gfortran 7.5.0 | gfortran 7.5.0 |
python | 3.6.9 | 3.6.9 |
conan | 1.33.0 | 1.33.0 |