First working version of Stack and demonstration of shower simulation.
No realistic physics is required. Heitler-type cascade would be nice.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Improve the ProcessSequence implementation
- missing rotation between corsika stack and sibyll stack
- violation of energy conservation in cascade example
- unphysical position after tracking step
- cascade example debugging
- Add Felix to AUTHORS file
- Infinite loop when SIBYLL produces gammas
- Crash in testCascade due to merge no. 41
- Either remove or fix NullModel
- Process selection logic
- discrete process selection in process sequence broken / not implemented?
- Sibyll interface and process tests
- Extend current SuperStupidStack to work for first paticle cascade
- Provide first example of process list and cascade with interaction length, and decay.
- Think about use of "trajectory" in process interface and cascade
- add shower visualization
- Modify cascade_example to produce some kind of graphical output
- Change operator+ to operator<< for ProcessSequence
- extension of particle properties to include particle lifetimes
- random number access in different modules
- add unit tests for examples
- Relativistic lifetime
- Consistent units in cascade step
- Inconsistency in class Cascade
- Simplify the use of trajectory
- particle decay process using sibyll
- Add sibyll interface
- Cascade::Step logic and tracking
- Define specific types of processes.
- Rename geometry::BaseTrajectory into something else, maybe "BaseTrack"
- Implement simple "homogenous" atmosphere model.
- Handle nuclei
- Move to pull-request based development
- Add jenkins/gitlab-ci to git code hosting
- Requirements for first interface to CORSIKA: Environment