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  • AirShowerPhysics/corsika
  • rulrich/corsika
  • AAAlvesJr/corsika
  • Andre/corsika
  • arrabito/corsika
  • Nikos/corsika
  • olheiser73/corsika
  • AirShowerPhysics/papers/corsika
  • pranav/corsika
9 results
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Commits on Source (17)
with 319 additions and 115 deletions
......@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ If you do not have Conan installed, it can be
installed with:
``` shell
pip install --user conan~=1.55.0
pip install --user conan~=1.57.0
### Compiling
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ git clone --recursive git@gitlab.iap.kit.edu:AirShowerPhysics/corsika.git
mkdir corsika-build
cd corsika-build
cmake ../corsika -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../corsika-install
cmake ../corsika -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="RelWithDebInfo" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../corsika-install
make -j8
make install
......@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ If you do not have Conan installed, it can be
installed with:
pip install --user conan~=1.55.0
pip install --user conan~=1.57.0
......@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ Once Conan is installed, follow these steps to download and install CORSIKA 8:
mkdir corsika-build
cd corsika-build
cmake ../corsika -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../corsika-install
cmake ../corsika -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="RelWithDebInfo" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../corsika-install
make -j8
make install
......@@ -20,13 +20,7 @@ namespace corsika {
TEnvironmentInterface, TExtraEnv>::create(center, constants::EarthRadius::Mean,
// composition values from AIRES manual
{0.7847, 0.0047, 1. - 0.7847 - 0.0047}});
// add the standard atmosphere layers
auto const params = atmosphereParameterList[static_cast<uint8_t>(atmId)];
......@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ namespace corsika {
, radius_(radius) {}
template <typename T>
double ExponentialRefractiveIndex<T>::getRefractiveIndex(Point const& point) const {
inline double ExponentialRefractiveIndex<T>::getRefractiveIndex(
Point const& point) const {
return n0_ * exp((-lambda_) * (distance(point, center_) - radius_));
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
#include <corsika/framework/core/Logging.hpp>
#include <boost/math/tr1.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
......@@ -216,4 +218,4 @@ namespace corsika {
magneticfield_geo[2] * -1_nT};
} // namespace corsika
\ No newline at end of file
} // namespace corsika
* (c) Copyright 2023 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#pragma once
#include <corsika/media/IRefractiveIndexModel.hpp>
namespace corsika {
template <typename T>
template <typename... Args>
inline GladstoneDaleRefractiveIndex<T>::GladstoneDaleRefractiveIndex(
double const referenceRefractiveIndex, Point const point, Args&&... args)
: T(std::forward<Args>(args)...)
, referenceRefractivity_(referenceRefractiveIndex - 1)
, referenceInvDensity_(1 / this->getMassDensity(point)) {}
template <typename T>
inline double GladstoneDaleRefractiveIndex<T>::getRefractiveIndex(
Point const& point) const {
return referenceRefractivity_ * (this->getMassDensity(point) * referenceInvDensity_) +
} // namespace corsika
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ namespace corsika {
template <typename TFunction>
inline auto NuclearComposition::getWeighted(TFunction const& func) const {
inline auto NuclearComposition::getWeighted(TFunction func) const {
using ResultQuantity = decltype(func(std::declval<Code>()));
auto const product = [&](auto const compID, auto const fraction) {
return func(compID) * fraction;
......@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ namespace corsika {
} // namespace corsika
template <typename TFunction>
inline auto NuclearComposition::getWeightedSum(TFunction const& func) const
inline auto NuclearComposition::getWeightedSum(TFunction func) const
-> decltype(func(std::declval<Code>())) {
using ResultQuantity = decltype(func(std::declval<Code>()));
......@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <corsika/framework/core/Logging.hpp>
#include <corsika/media/CORSIKA7Atmospheres.hpp>
#include <corsika/modules/conex/CONEXhybrid.hpp>
#include <corsika/modules/conex/CONEX_f.hpp>
#include <corsika/framework/random/RNGManager.hpp>
......@@ -17,7 +18,7 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <numeric>
#include <utility>
namespace corsika {
......@@ -83,6 +84,28 @@ namespace corsika {
CORSIKA_LOG_DEBUG("showerCore (C8): {}",
auto const& components = ::corsika::standardAirComposition.getComponents();
auto const& fractions = ::corsika::standardAirComposition.getFractions();
if (::corsika::standardAirComposition.getSize() != 3) {
throw std::runtime_error{"CONEXhybrid only usable with standard 3-component air"};
std::transform(components.cbegin(), components.cend(), ::conex::cxair_.aira.begin(),
std::transform(components.cbegin(), components.cend(), ::conex::cxair_.airz.begin(),
std::copy(fractions.cbegin(), fractions.cend(), ::conex::cxair_.airw.begin());
::conex::cxair_.airava =
std::inner_product(::conex::cxair_.airw.cbegin(), ::conex::cxair_.airw.cend(),
::conex::cxair_.aira.cbegin(), 0.);
::conex::cxair_.airavz =
std::inner_product(::conex::cxair_.airw.cbegin(), ::conex::cxair_.airw.cend(),
::conex::cxair_.airz.cbegin(), 0.);
// this is the CONEX default but actually unused there
::conex::cxair_.airi = {82.0e-09, 95.0e-09, 188.e-09};
int randomSeeds[3] = {1234, 0,
0}; // SEEDS ARE NOT USED. All random numbers are obtained from
// the CORSIKA 8 stream "conex" and "epos"!
......@@ -133,7 +133,10 @@ namespace corsika::proposal {
this->doHadronicPhotonInteraction(view, labCS, photonP4, targetId);
} else {
auto sec_code = convert_from_PDG(static_cast<PDGCode>(s.type));
view.addSecondary(std::make_tuple(sec_code, E - get_mass(sec_code), dir));
// use mass provided by PROPOSAL to ensure correct conversion to kinetic energy
auto massProposal =
PROPOSAL::ParticleDef::GetParticleDefForType(s.type).mass * 1_MeV;
view.addSecondary(std::make_tuple(sec_code, E - massProposal, dir));
......@@ -36,13 +36,13 @@ namespace corsika {
TPropagator>::doContinuous(const Step<Particle>& step,
const bool) {
// we want the following particles:
// Code::Electron & Code::Positron & Code::Gamma
// Code::Electron & Code::Positron
// we wrap Simulate() in doContinuous as the plan is to add particle level
// filtering or thinning for calculation of the radio emission. This is
// important for controlling the runtime of radio (by ignoring particles
// that aren't going to contribute i.e. heavy hadrons)
// if (valid(particle, track)) {
// if (valid(step)) {
auto const particleID_{step.getParticlePre().getPID()};
if ((particleID_ == Code::Electron) || (particleID_ == Code::Positron)) {
CORSIKA_LOG_DEBUG("Particle for radio calculation: {} ", particleID_);
......@@ -62,17 +62,28 @@ namespace corsika {
return meter * std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
// this should all be moved at a separate radio output function
template <typename TAntennaCollection, typename TRadioImpl, typename TPropagator>
inline void RadioProcess<TAntennaCollection, TRadioImpl, TPropagator>::startOfLibrary(
const boost::filesystem::path& directory) {
// loop over every antenna and set the initial path
// this also writes the time-bins to disk.
for (auto& antenna : antennas_.getAntennas()) {
antenna.startOfLibrary(directory, this->implementation().algorithm);
// setup the streamer
output_.initStreamer((directory / ("antennas.parquet")).string());
// build the schema
output_.addField("Time", parquet::Repetition::REQUIRED, parquet::Type::DOUBLE,
output_.addField("Ex", parquet::Repetition::REQUIRED, parquet::Type::DOUBLE,
output_.addField("Ey", parquet::Repetition::REQUIRED, parquet::Type::DOUBLE,
output_.addField("Ez", parquet::Repetition::REQUIRED, parquet::Type::DOUBLE,
// and build the streamer
template <typename TAntennaCollection, typename TRadioImpl, typename TPropagator>
......@@ -83,13 +94,55 @@ namespace corsika {
// flush data to disk, and then reset the antenna
// before the next event
for (auto& antenna : antennas_.getAntennas()) {
antenna.endOfShower(event_, this->implementation().algorithm,
antenna.getSampleRate() * 1_s);
auto const sampleRate = antenna.getSampleRate() * 1_s;
auto const radioImplementation =
// get the axis labels for this antenna and write the first row.
axistype axis = antenna.implementation().getAxis();
// get the copy of the waveform data for this event
std::vector<double> const& dataX = antenna.implementation().getWaveformX();
std::vector<double> const& dataY = antenna.implementation().getWaveformY();
std::vector<double> const& dataZ = antenna.implementation().getWaveformZ();
// check for the axis name
std::string label = "Unknown";
if (antenna.getDomainLabel() == "Time") {
label = "Time";
else if (antenna.getDomainLabel() == "Frequency") {
label = "Frequency";
if (radioImplementation == "ZHS" && label == "Time") {
for (size_t i = 0; i < axis.size() - 1; i++) {
auto time = (axis.at(i + 1) + axis.at(i)) / 2.;
auto Ex = -(dataX.at(i + 1) - dataX.at(i)) * sampleRate;
auto Ey = -(dataY.at(i + 1) - dataY.at(i)) * sampleRate;
auto Ez = -(dataZ.at(i + 1) - dataZ.at(i)) * sampleRate;
<< showerId_ << static_cast<double>(time) << static_cast<double>(Ex)
<< static_cast<double>(Ey) << static_cast<double>(Ez) << parquet::EndRow;
} else if (radioImplementation == "CoREAS" && label == "Time") {
for (size_t i = 0; i < axis.size() - 1; i++) {
<< showerId_ << static_cast<double>(axis[i])
<< static_cast<double>(dataX[i]) << static_cast<double>(dataY[i])
<< static_cast<double>(dataZ[i]) << parquet::EndRow;
// increment our event counter
template <typename TAntennaCollection, typename TRadioImpl, typename TPropagator>
......@@ -123,6 +176,5 @@ namespace corsika {
return config;
} // namespace corsika
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ namespace corsika {
VectorPotential Vp =
betaPerp * sign * constants * f / denominator / midPaths[i].R_distance_;
antenna.receive(detectionTime1, betaPerp, Vp);
// intermidiate contributions
// intermediate contributions
for (int it{1}; it < numberOfBins; ++it) {
Vp = betaPerp * sign * constants / denominator / midPaths[i].R_distance_;
......@@ -28,85 +28,6 @@ namespace corsika {
return name_;
template <typename TAntennaImpl>
inline void Antenna<TAntennaImpl>::startOfLibrary(
const boost::filesystem::path& directory, const std::string radioImplementation) {
// calculate and save our filename
filename_ = (directory / this->getName()).string() + ".npz";
// get the axis labels for this antenna and write the first row.
axistype axis = this->implementation().getAxis();
// check for the axis name
std::string label = "Unknown";
if constexpr (TAntennaImpl::is_time_domain) {
label = "Time";
} else if constexpr (TAntennaImpl::is_freq_domain) {
label = "Frequency";
if (radioImplementation == "ZHS" && TAntennaImpl::is_time_domain) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < axis.size() - 1; i++) {
axis.at(i) = (axis.at(i + 1) + axis.at(i)) / 2.;
// explicitly convert the arrays to the needed type for cnpy
long double const* raw_data = axis.data();
std::vector<size_t> N = {
axis.size()}; // cnpy needs a vector here -- this should be axis.size() - 1 --
// write the labels to the first row of the NumPy file
cnpy::npz_save(filename_, label, raw_data, N, "w");
} else {
// explicitly convert the arrays to the needed type for cnpy
long double const* raw_data = axis.data();
std::vector<size_t> N = {axis.size()}; // cnpy needs a vector here
// write the labels to the first row of the NumPy file
cnpy::npz_save(filename_, label, raw_data, N, "w");
template <typename TAntennaImpl>
inline void Antenna<TAntennaImpl>::endOfShower(const int event,
std::string const& radioImplementation,
const double sampleRate) {
// get the copy of the waveform data for this event
// we transpose it so that we can match dimensions with the
// time array that is already in the output file
std::vector<double> const& dataX = this->implementation().getWaveformX();
std::vector<double> const& dataY = this->implementation().getWaveformY();
std::vector<double> const& dataZ = this->implementation().getWaveformZ();
if (radioImplementation == "ZHS") {
std::vector<double> electricFieldX(dataX.size() - 1,
0); // num_bins_, std::vector<double>(3, 0)
std::vector<double> electricFieldY(dataY.size() - 1, 0);
std::vector<double> electricFieldZ(dataZ.size() - 1, 0);
for (size_t i = 0; i < electricFieldX.size(); i++) {
electricFieldX.at(i) = -(dataX.at(i + 1) - dataX.at(i)) * sampleRate;
electricFieldY.at(i) = -(dataY.at(i + 1) - dataY.at(i)) * sampleRate;
electricFieldZ.at(i) = -(dataZ.at(i + 1) - dataZ.at(i)) * sampleRate;
// cnpy needs a vector for the shape
cnpy::npz_save(filename_, std::to_string(event) + "X", electricFieldX.data(),
{electricFieldX.size()}, "a");
cnpy::npz_save(filename_, std::to_string(event) + "Y", electricFieldY.data(),
{electricFieldY.size()}, "a");
cnpy::npz_save(filename_, std::to_string(event) + "Z", electricFieldZ.data(),
{electricFieldZ.size()}, "a");
} else {
// cnpy needs a vector for the shape
// and write this event to the .npz archive
cnpy::npz_save(filename_, std::to_string(event) + "X", dataX.data(), {dataX.size()},
cnpy::npz_save(filename_, std::to_string(event) + "Y", dataY.data(), {dataY.size()},
cnpy::npz_save(filename_, std::to_string(event) + "Z", dataZ.data(), {dataZ.size()},
template <typename TAntennaImpl>
inline TAntennaImpl& Antenna<TAntennaImpl>::implementation() {
return static_cast<TAntennaImpl&>(*this);
......@@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ namespace corsika {
inline auto const& TimeDomainAntenna::getWaveformZ() const { return waveformEZ_; }
inline std::string const TimeDomainAntenna::getDomainLabel() { return "Time"; }
inline std::vector<long double> TimeDomainAntenna::createTimeAxis() const {
// create a 1-D xtensor to store time values so we can print them later.
......@@ -115,7 +117,7 @@ namespace corsika {
return times;
inline auto const& TimeDomainAntenna::getAxis() const { return time_axis_; }
inline auto const TimeDomainAntenna::getAxis() const { return time_axis_; }
inline InverseTimeType const& TimeDomainAntenna::getSampleRate() const {
return sample_rate_;
......@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include <corsika/framework/utility/COMBoost.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
#include <boost/multi_array.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
......@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
#pragma once
#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
namespace corsika {
inline void YAMLStreamer::writeYAML(YAML::Node const& node,
......@@ -92,6 +92,8 @@ namespace corsika::units::si {
phys::units::quantity<phys::units::dimensions<-1, 0, 0>, double>;
using InverseTimeType =
phys::units::quantity<phys::units::dimensions<0, 0, -1>, double>;
using InverseMassDensityType =
phys::units::quantity<phys::units::dimensions<3, -1, 0>, double>;
using InverseGrammageType =
phys::units::quantity<phys::units::dimensions<2, -1, 0>, double>;
using MagneticFluxType =
* (c) Copyright 2023 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#include <corsika/framework/core/ParticleProperties.hpp>
#include <corsika/framework/geometry/FourVector.hpp>
#include <corsika/framework/core/Logging.hpp>
#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
#include <corsika/framework/process/InteractionProcess.hpp>
#include <corsika/framework/process/ProcessTraits.hpp>
#include <boost/type_index.hpp>
#include <memory>
namespace corsika {
* This class allows selecting/using different InteractionProcesses at runtime without
* recompiling the process sequence. The implementation is based on the "type-erasure"
* technique.
* @tparam TStack the stack type; has to match the one used by Cascade together with
* the ProcessSequence containing the DynamicInteractionProcess.
template <typename TStack>
class DynamicInteractionProcess
: InteractionProcess<DynamicInteractionProcess<TStack>> {
using stack_view_type = typename TStack::stack_view_type;
DynamicInteractionProcess() = default;
* Create new DynamicInteractionProcess. Calls to this instance will be forwared
* to the process referred to by obj. The newly created DynamicInteractionProcess
* shares ownership of the underlying process, so that you do not need to worry
* about it going out of scope.
template <typename TInteractionProcess>
DynamicInteractionProcess(std::shared_ptr<TInteractionProcess> obj)
: concept_{std::make_unique<ConcreteModel<TInteractionProcess>>(std::move(obj))} {
CORSIKA_LOG_DEBUG("creating DynamicInteractionProcess from {}",
// poor man's check while we don't have C++20 concepts
// since we only forward interaction process API, all other types of corsika
// processes are prohibited
/// forwards arguments to doInteraction() of wrapped instance
void doInteraction(stack_view_type& view, Code projectileId, Code targetId,
FourMomentum const& projectileP4, FourMomentum const& targetP4) {
return concept_->doInteraction(view, projectileId, targetId, projectileP4,
/// forwards arguments to getCrossSection() of wrapped instance
CrossSectionType getCrossSection(Code projectileId, Code targetId,
FourMomentum const& projectileP4,
FourMomentum const& targetP4) const {
return concept_->getCrossSection(projectileId, targetId, projectileP4, targetP4);
struct IInteractionModel {
virtual ~IInteractionModel() = default;
virtual void doInteraction(stack_view_type&, Code, Code, FourMomentum const&,
FourMomentum const&) = 0;
virtual CrossSectionType getCrossSection(Code, Code, FourMomentum const&,
FourMomentum const&) const = 0;
template <typename TModel>
struct ConcreteModel final : IInteractionModel {
ConcreteModel(std::shared_ptr<TModel> obj) noexcept
: model_{std::move(obj)} {}
void doInteraction(stack_view_type& view, Code projectileId, Code targetId,
FourMomentum const& projectileP4,
FourMomentum const& targetP4) override {
return model_->doInteraction(view, projectileId, targetId, projectileP4,
CrossSectionType getCrossSection(Code projectileId, Code targetId,
FourMomentum const& projectileP4,
FourMomentum const& targetP4) const override {
return model_->getCrossSection(projectileId, targetId, projectileP4, targetP4);
std::shared_ptr<TModel> model_;
std::unique_ptr<IInteractionModel> concept_;
} // namespace corsika
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#include <corsika/media/IRefractiveIndexModel.hpp>
#include <corsika/media/LayeredSphericalAtmosphereBuilder.hpp>
#include <corsika/framework/utility/ImplementsMixin.hpp>
#include <corsika/media/NuclearComposition.hpp>
// for detail namespace, NoExtraModelInner, NoExtraModel and traits
#include <corsika/detail/media/LayeredSphericalAtmosphereBuilder.hpp>
......@@ -204,6 +205,10 @@ namespace corsika {
void create_5layer_atmosphere(TEnvironment& env, AtmosphereId const atmId,
Point const& center, TArgs... args);
//! The standard/default air composition with fraction values based on CORSIKA 7
static inline NuclearComposition const standardAirComposition{
{Code::Nitrogen, Code::Oxygen, Code::Argon}, {0.78479, .21052, 0.00469}};
} // namespace corsika
#include <corsika/detail/media/CORSIKA7Atmospheres.inl>
\ No newline at end of file
#include <corsika/detail/media/CORSIKA7Atmospheres.inl>
* (c) Copyright 2023 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#pragma once
#include <corsika/media/IRefractiveIndexModel.hpp>
namespace corsika {
* A tabulated refractive index.
* This class returns the value of refractive index
* for a specific height bin.
template <typename T>
class GladstoneDaleRefractiveIndex : public T {
double const
referenceRefractivity_; ///< The constant reference refractive index minus one.
InverseMassDensityType const
referenceInvDensity_; ///< The constant inverse mass density at reference point.
* Construct a GladstoneDaleRefractiveIndex.
* This is initialized with a fixed refractive index
* at sea level and uses the Gladstone-Dale law to
* calculate the refractive index at a given point.
* @param seaLevelRefractiveIndex The refractive index at sea level.
* @param point AA point at earth's surface.
template <typename... Args>
GladstoneDaleRefractiveIndex(double const seaLevelRefractiveIndex, Point const point,
Args&&... args);
* Evaluate the refractive index at a given location.
* @param point The location to evaluate at.
* @returns The refractive index at this point.
double getRefractiveIndex(Point const& point) const override;
}; // END: class GladstoneDaleRefractiveIndex
} // namespace corsika
#include <corsika/detail/media/GladstoneDaleRefractiveIndex.inl>
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace corsika {
* @retval returns the vector with weighted return types of func.
template <typename TFunction>
auto getWeighted(TFunction const& func) const;
auto getWeighted(TFunction func) const;
* Sum all all relative composition weighted by func(element)
......@@ -65,8 +65,7 @@ namespace corsika {
* @retval returns the weighted sum with the type defined by the return type of func.
template <typename TFunction>
auto getWeightedSum(TFunction const& func) const
-> decltype(func(std::declval<Code>()));
auto getWeightedSum(TFunction func) const -> decltype(func(std::declval<Code>()));
* Number of elements in the composition array