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Commit 8c6ecc16 authored by ralfulrich's avatar ralfulrich
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various changes towards history stack

parent 02cc30ee
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1 merge request!254History
with 242 additions and 100 deletions
* (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <variant>
......@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
#include <corsika/environment/Environment.h>
#include <corsika/stack/CombinedStack.h>
#include <corsika/stack/node/GeometryNodeStackExtension.h>
#include <corsika/stack/nuclear_extension/NuclearStackExtension.h>
#include <corsika/stack/CombinedStack.h>
using TestEnvironmentType =
......@@ -70,12 +70,13 @@ namespace corsika::stack {
* @{
using InnerStackTypeValue = Stack<StackDataType, ParticleInterface>;
using StackIteratorValue =
StackIteratorInterface<typename std::remove_reference<StackDataType>::type,
ParticleInterface, InnerStackTypeValue>;
/// @}
using StackIterator =
StackIteratorInterface<typename std::remove_reference<StackDataType>::type,
ParticleInterface, ViewType>;
......@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
#include <corsika/particles/ParticleProperties.h>
#include <corsika/stack/CombinedStack.h>
#include <corsika/stack/node/GeometryNodeStackExtension.h>
#include <corsika/stack/nuclear_extension/NuclearStackExtension.h>
#include <corsika/stack/CombinedStack.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
......@@ -8,11 +8,10 @@
#pragma once
#include <corsika/stack/CombinedStack.h>
#include <corsika/stack/node/GeometryNodeStackExtension.h>
#include <corsika/stack/nuclear_extension/NuclearStackExtension.h>
//#include <corsika/history/HistoryStackExtension.h>
#include <corsika/stack/CombinedStack.h>
#include <corsika/history/HistoryStackExtension.h>
#include <corsika/setup/SetupEnvironment.h>
......@@ -20,15 +19,26 @@ namespace corsika::setup {
namespace detail {
// the GeometryNode stack needs to know the type of geometry-nodes from the environment:
// the GeometryNode stack needs to know the type of geometry-nodes from the
// environment:
template <typename TStackIter>
using SetupGeometryDataInterface = typename stack::node::MakeGeometryDataInterface<TStackIter, setup::SetupEnvironment>::type;
using SetupGeometryDataInterface =
typename stack::node::MakeGeometryDataInterface<TStackIter,
template <typename TStackIter>
using SetupGeometryHistoryDataInterface =
typename stack::node::MakeHistoryDataInterface<TStackIter,
...event... >::type;
// combine particle data stack with geometry information for tracking
template <typename TStackIter>
using StackWithGeometryInterface = corsika::stack::CombinedParticleInterface<
SetupGeometryDataInterface, TStackIter>;
stack::nuclear_extension::ParticleDataStack::PIType, SetupGeometryDataInterface,
using StackWithGeometry = corsika::stack::CombinedStack<
typename corsika::stack::nuclear_extension::ParticleDataStack::StackImpl,
......@@ -54,8 +64,8 @@ namespace corsika::setup {
#if defined(__clang__)
using StackView =
corsika::stack::SecondaryView<typename corsika::setup::Stack::StackImpl,
// CHECK with CLANG: corsika::setup::Stack::PIType>;
// CHECK with CLANG: corsika::setup::Stack::PIType>;
#elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__GNUG__)
using StackView = corsika::stack::MakeView<corsika::setup::Stack>::type;
......@@ -23,14 +23,18 @@ namespace corsika::stack {
however, conceptually we need to provide fake data. A stack without data does not work...
however, conceptually we need to provide fake data. A stack without data does not
struct NoData {/* nothing */ int nothing=0; };
struct NoData { /* nothing */
int nothing = 0;
template <typename StackIteratorInterface>
class ParticleInterface : public corsika::stack::ParticleBase<StackIteratorInterface> {
class ParticleInterface
: public corsika::stack::ParticleBase<StackIteratorInterface> {
using corsika::stack::ParticleBase<StackIteratorInterface>::GetStack;
using corsika::stack::ParticleBase<StackIteratorInterface>::GetStackData;
......@@ -40,7 +44,8 @@ namespace corsika::stack {
void SetParticleData(const std::tuple<NoData>& /*v*/) {}
void SetParticleData(ParticleInterface<StackIteratorInterface>& /*parent*/, const std::tuple<NoData>& /*v*/) {}
void SetParticleData(ParticleInterface<StackIteratorInterface>& /*parent*/,
const std::tuple<NoData>& /*v*/) {}
......@@ -51,9 +56,9 @@ namespace corsika::stack {
class DummyStackImpl {
void Init() {entries_=0;}
void Init() { entries_ = 0; }
void Clear() {entries_=0;}
void Clear() { entries_ = 0; }
int GetSize() const { return entries_; }
int GetCapacity() const { return entries_; }
......@@ -63,12 +68,12 @@ namespace corsika::stack {
void Copy(const int /*i1*/, const int /*i2*/) {}
void IncrementSize() {entries_++;}
void DecrementSize() {entries_--;}
void IncrementSize() { entries_++; }
void DecrementSize() { entries_--; }
int entries_ = 0;
}; // end class DummyStackImpl
typedef Stack<DummyStackImpl, ParticleInterface> DummyStack;
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ TEST_CASE("DummyStack", "[stack]") {
using TestStack = dummy::DummyStack;
dummy::NoData noData;
SECTION("write node") {
TestStack s;
......@@ -28,17 +28,14 @@ TEST_CASE("DummyStack", "[stack]") {
REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 1);
SECTION("stack fill and cleanup") {
TestStack s;
// add 99 particles, each 10th particle is a nucleus with A=i and Z=A/2!
for (int i = 0; i < 99; ++i) {
for (int i = 0; i < 99; ++i) { s.AddParticle(std::tuple<dummy::NoData>{noData}); }
REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 99);
for (int i = 0; i < 99; ++i) s.GetNextParticle().Delete();
REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 0);
......@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace corsika::stack::node {
using T::GetIndex;
using BaseNodeType = typename TEnvType::BaseNodeType;
// default version for particle-creation from input data
void SetParticleData(const std::tuple<BaseNodeType const*> v) {
......@@ -56,8 +56,6 @@ namespace corsika::stack::node {
BaseNodeType const* GetNode() const { return GetStackData().GetNode(GetIndex()); }
// definition of stack-data object to store geometry information
template <typename TEnvType>
......@@ -93,10 +91,9 @@ namespace corsika::stack::node {
std::vector<const BaseNodeType*> fNode;
template <typename T, typename TEnv>
struct MakeGeometryDataInterface {
typedef GeometryDataInterface<T, TEnv> type;
struct MakeGeometryDataInterface {
typedef GeometryDataInterface<T, TEnv> type;
} // namespace corsika::stack::node
......@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
* the license.
#include <corsika/stack/node/GeometryNodeStackExtension.h>
#include <corsika/stack/dummy/DummyStack.h>
#include <corsika/stack/CombinedStack.h>
#include <corsika/stack/dummy/DummyStack.h>
#include <corsika/stack/node/GeometryNodeStackExtension.h>
using namespace corsika;
using namespace corsika::stack;
......@@ -26,19 +26,19 @@ public:
// the GeometryNode stack needs to know the type of geometry-nodes from the DummyEnv:
template <typename TStackIter>
using DummyGeometryDataInterface = typename corsika::stack::node::MakeGeometryDataInterface<TStackIter, DummyEnv>::type;
using DummyGeometryDataInterface =
typename corsika::stack::node::MakeGeometryDataInterface<TStackIter, DummyEnv>::type;
// combine dummy stack with geometry information for tracking
template <typename TStackIter>
using StackWithGeometryInterface = corsika::stack::CombinedParticleInterface<
DummyGeometryDataInterface, TStackIter>;
using TestStack = corsika::stack::CombinedStack<
typename stack::dummy::DummyStack::StackImpl,
using StackWithGeometryInterface =
DummyGeometryDataInterface, TStackIter>;
using TestStack =
corsika::stack::CombinedStack<typename stack::dummy::DummyStack::StackImpl,
TEST_CASE("GeometryNodeStackExtension", "[stack]") {
......@@ -47,25 +47,21 @@ TEST_CASE("GeometryNodeStackExtension", "[stack]") {
SECTION("write node") {
const int data = 5;
TestStack s;
noData}, std::tuple<const int*>{&data});
s.AddParticle(std::tuple<dummy::NoData>{noData}, std::tuple<const int*>{&data});
CHECK(s.GetSize() == 1);
SECTION("write/read node") {
const int data = 15;
TestStack s;
auto p = s.AddParticle(
auto p = s.AddParticle(std::tuple<dummy::NoData>{noData});
CHECK(s.GetSize() == 1);
const auto pout = s.GetNextParticle();
CHECK(*(pout.GetNode()) == 15);
......@@ -77,12 +73,10 @@ TEST_CASE("GeometryNodeStackExtension", "[stack]") {
TestStack s;
// add 99 particles, each 10th particle is a nucleus with A=i and Z=A/2!
for (int i = 0; i < 99; ++i) {
auto p = s.AddParticle(
auto p = s.AddParticle(std::tuple<dummy::NoData>{noData});
CHECK(s.GetSize() == 99);
double v = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 99; ++i) {
......@@ -90,7 +84,7 @@ TEST_CASE("GeometryNodeStackExtension", "[stack]") {
v += *(p.GetNode());
CHECK(v == 99*data);
CHECK(s.GetSize() == 0);
CHECK(v == 99 * data);
CHECK(s.GetSize() == 0);
set (
set (
target_link_libraries (
* (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#pragma once
#include <corsika/particles/ParticleProperties.h>
#include <corsika/stack/Stack.h>
#include <corsika/history/SecondaryParticle.hpp>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
namespace corsika::history {
template <typename TStackIterator>
class Event {
TStackIterator const projectile_; //!< reference to projectile
std::vector<SecondaryParticle> secondaries;
// meta information, could also be in a separate class
targetCode; // cannot be const, value set only after construction
Event(TStackIterator projectile)
: projectile_{projectile} {}
} // namespace corsika::history
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#pragma once
#include <corsika/stack/history/Event.hpp>
#include <memory>
namespace corsika::history {
template <typename TStackView>
class HStackView : public TStackView {
std::shared_ptr<Event<typename TStackView::StackIteratorValue>> event_;
template <typename... Args>
EventBuilder(Args&&... args)
: TStackView{std::forward<Args>(args)}
, event_{std::make_shared<Event>()} {}
template <typename... Args>
void AddSecondary(Args&&... args) {
auto const s = TStackView::AddSecondary(
std::forward<Args>(args), event_); // what if event is not last argument?
event_->secondaries.emplace_back(s.GetEnergy(), s.GetMomentum(), s.GetParticleID());
void SetTarget(corsika::particles::ParticleCode targetCode) {
event_->targetCode = targetCode;
} // namespace corsika::history
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
......@@ -9,10 +9,11 @@
#pragma once
#include <corsika/stack/Stack.h>
#include <corsika/history/Event.hpp>
#include <memory>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
namespace corsika::history {
......@@ -28,26 +29,27 @@ namespace corsika::history {
// these functions are needed for the Stack interface
void Clear() { fEvent.clear(); }
unsigned int GetSize() const { return fEvent.size(); }
unsigned int GetCapacity() const { return fEvent.size(); }
void Copy(const int i1, const int i2) { fEvent[i2] = fEvent[i1]; }
void Swap(const int i1, const int i2) { std::swap(fEvent[i1], fEvent[i2]); }
void Clear() { event_.clear(); }
unsigned int GetSize() const { return event_.size(); }
unsigned int GetCapacity() const { return event_.size(); }
void Copy(const int i1, const int i2) { event_[i2] = event_[i1]; }
void Swap(const int i1, const int i2) { std::swap(event_[i1], event_[i2]); }
// custom data access function
void SetEvent(const int i, std::shared_ptr<TEvent> v) { fEvent[i] = v; }
std::shared_ptr<TEvent> GetEvent(const int i) const { return fEvent[i]; }
void SetEvent(const int i, std::shared_ptr<TEvent> v) { event_[i] = std::move(v); }
std::shared_ptr<TEvent> GetEvent(const int i) const { return event_[i]; }
// these functions are also needed by the Stack interface
void IncrementSize() { fEvent.push_back(nullptr); }
void IncrementSize() { event_.push_back(nullptr); }
void DecrementSize() {
if (fEvent.size() > 0) { fEvent.pop_back(); }
if (event_.size() > 0) { event_.pop_back(); }
// custom private data section
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TEvent>> fEvent;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<TEvent>> event_;
* @class HistoryDataInterface
......@@ -59,34 +61,33 @@ namespace corsika::history {
template <typename T, typename TEvent>
class HistoryDataInterface : public T {
using T::GetStack;
using T::GetStackData;
using T::GetStack;
using T::GetStackData;
using T::GetIndex;
using T::GetIndex;
// default version for particle-creation from input data
void SetParticleData(const std::tuple<TEvent const*> v) { SetEvent(std::get<0>(v)); }
void SetParticleData(HistoryDataInterface& parent,
const std::tuple<std::shared_ptr<TEvent>>) {
SetEvent(parent.GetEvent()); // copy Event from parent particle!
void SetParticleData() { SetEvent(nullptr); }
// create a new particle from scratch
void SetParticleData() { } // nullptr, already by design
// create a new particle as secondary of a parent
void SetParticleData(HistoryDataInterface& parent) {
SetEvent(parent.GetEvent()); // copy Event from parent particle!
void SetEvent(std::shared_ptr<TEvent> v) { GetStackData().SetEvent(GetIndex(), v); }
void SetEvent(const std::shared_ptr<TEvent>& v) { GetStackData().SetEvent(GetIndex(), v); }
std::shared_ptr<TEvent> GetEvent() const {
return GetStackData().GetEvent(GetIndex());
template <typename T, typename TEvent>
struct MakeHistoryDataInterface {
typedef HistoryDataInterface<T, TEvent> type;
struct MakeHistoryDataInterface {
typedef HistoryDataInterface<T, TEvent> type;
} // namespace corsika::history
* (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#pragma once
#include <corsika/geometry/Vector.h>
#include <corsika/particles/ParticleProperties.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <vector>
namespace corsika::history {
* This class stores the non-common properties of secondaries in an event. All
* other (common) properties are available via the event itself.
class SecondaryParticle {
units::si::HEPEnergyType const energy_;
geometry::Vector<units::si::hepmomentum_d> const momentum_;
particles::Code const pid_;
// what else...?
// - polarization?
SecondaryParticle(units::si::HEPEnergyType energy, geometry::Vector<units::si::hepmomentum_d> momentum, particles::Code pid)
: energy_{energy}
, momentum_{momentum}
, pid_{pid} {}
} // namespace corsika::history
......@@ -21,7 +21,20 @@ using namespace std;
// this is our dummy environment, it only knows its trivial BaseNodeType
class DummyEvent {
int id;
DummyEvent() {}
DummyEvent(const std::shared_ptr<DummyEvent>& parent) {
parent_ = parent;
std::shared_ptr<DummyEvent> getParent() { return parent_; }
void addSecondary(const std::shared_ptr<DummyEvent>& particle) { secondaries_.push_back(particle); }
int multiplicity() const { return secondaries_.size(); }
std::shared_ptr<DummyEvent> parent_;
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DummyEvent>> secondaries_;
// the GeometryNode stack needs to know the type of geometry-nodes from the DummyEnv:
......@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
#include <corsika/geometry/RootCoordinateSystem.h> // remove
#include <corsika/geometry/Vector.h>
#include <vector>
#include <tuple>
#include <vector>
namespace corsika::stack {
......@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ namespace corsika::stack {
}; // end class SuperStupidStackImpl
typedef Stack<SuperStupidStackImpl, ParticleInterface> SuperStupidStack;
} // namespace super_stupid
} // namespace corsika::stack
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