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Commit 19d0977c authored by Andre Schmidt's avatar Andre Schmidt Committed by ralfulrich
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* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* See file AUTHORS for a list of contributors.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#ifndef _include_corsika_cascade_Cascade_h_
#define _include_corsika_cascade_Cascade_h_
#include <corsika/environment/Environment.h>
#include <corsika/process/ProcessReturn.h>
#include <corsika/random/ExponentialDistribution.h>
#include <corsika/random/RNGManager.h>
#include <corsika/random/UniformRealDistribution.h>
#include <corsika/stack/SecondaryView.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.h>
/* see Issue 161, we need to include SetupStack only because we need
to globally define StackView. This is clearly not nice and should
be changed, when possible. It might be that StackView needs to be
templated in Cascade, but this would be even worse... so we don't
do that until it is really needed.
#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <type_traits>
#include <boost/type_index.hpp>
using boost::typeindex::type_id_with_cvr;
* The cascade namespace assembles all objects needed to simulate full particles cascades.
namespace corsika::cascade {
* \class Cascade
* The Cascade class is constructed from template arguments making
* it very versatile. Via the template arguments physics models are
* plugged into the cascade simulation.
* <b>TTracking</b> must be a class according to the
* TrackingInterface providing the functions:
* <code>auto GetTrack(Particle const& p)</auto>,
* with the return type <code>geometry::Trajectory<corsika::geometry::Line>
* </code>
* <b>TProcessList</b> must be a ProcessSequence. *
* <b>Stack</b> is the storage object for particle data, i.e. with
* Particle class type <code>Stack::ParticleType</code>
template <typename TTracking, typename TProcessList, typename TStack,
TStackView is needed as template parameter because of issue 161 and the
inability of clang to understand "MakeView" so far.
typename TStackView = corsika::setup::StackView>
class Cascade {
using Particle = typename TStack::ParticleType;
using VolumeTreeNode =
using MediumInterface = typename VolumeTreeNode::IModelProperties;
// we only want fully configured objects
Cascade() = delete;
* Cascade class cannot be default constructed, but needs a valid
* list of physics processes for configuration at construct time.
Cascade(corsika::environment::Environment<MediumInterface> const& env, TTracking& tr,
TProcessList& pl, TStack& stack)
: fEnvironment(env)
, fTracking(tr)
, fProcessSequence(pl)
, fStack(stack) {}
* The Init function is called before the actual cascade simulations.
* All components of the Cascade simulation must be configured here.
void Init() {
* set the nodes for all particles on the stack according to their numerical
* position
void SetNodes() {
std::for_each(fStack.begin(), fStack.end(), [&](auto& p) {
auto const* numericalNode =
* The Run function is the main simulation loop, which processes
* particles from the Stack until the Stack is empty.
void Run() {
while (!fStack.IsEmpty()) {
while (!fStack.IsEmpty()) {
auto pNext = fStack.GetNextParticle();
std::cout << "========= next: " << pNext.GetPID() << std::endl;
std::cout << "========= stack ============" << std::endl;
// do cascade equations, which can put new particles on Stack,
// thus, the double loop
// DoCascadeEquations();
* Force an interaction of the top particle of the stack at its current position.
* Note that SetNodes() or an equivalent procedure needs to be called first if you
* want to call forceInteraction() for the primary interaction.
void forceInteraction() {
std::cout << "forced interaction!" << std::endl;
auto vParticle = fStack.GetNextParticle();
TStackView secondaries(vParticle);
auto projectile = secondaries.GetProjectile();
interaction(vParticle, projectile);
vParticle.Delete(); // todo: this should be reviewed, see below
* The Step function is executed for each particle from the
* stack. It will calcualte geometric transport of the particles,
* and apply continuous and stochastic processes to it, which may
* lead to energy losses, scattering, absorption, decays and the
* production of secondary particles.
* New particles produced in one step are subject to further
* processing, e.g. thinning, etc.
void Step(Particle& vParticle) {
using namespace corsika;
using namespace corsika::units::si;
// determine combined total interaction length (inverse)
InverseGrammageType const total_inv_lambda =
// sample random exponential step length in grammage
corsika::random::ExponentialDistribution expDist(1 / total_inv_lambda);
GrammageType const next_interact = expDist(fRNG);
std::cout << "total_inv_lambda=" << total_inv_lambda
<< ", next_interact=" << next_interact << std::endl;
auto const* currentLogicalNode = vParticle.GetNode();
// assert that particle stays outside void Universe if it has no
// model properties set
assert(currentLogicalNode != &*fEnvironment.GetUniverse() ||
// determine combined total inverse decay time
InverseTimeType const total_inv_lifetime =
// sample random exponential decay time
corsika::random::ExponentialDistribution expDistDecay(1 / total_inv_lifetime);
TimeType const next_decay = expDistDecay(fRNG);
std::cout << "total_inv_lifetime=" << total_inv_lifetime
<< ", next_decay=" << next_decay << std::endl;
// convert next_decay from time to length [m]
LengthType const distance_decay = next_decay * vParticle.GetMomentum().norm() /
vParticle.GetEnergy() * units::constants::c;
// determine geometric tracking
auto [step, geomMaxLength, nextVol, magMaxLength, directionBefore, directionAfter] = fTracking.GetTrack(vParticle);
[[maybe_unused]] auto const& dummy_nextVol = nextVol;
// convert next_step from grammage to length
LengthType const distance_interact =
// determine the maximum geometric step length
LengthType const distance_max = fProcessSequence.MaxStepLength(vParticle, step);
std::cout << "distance_max=" << distance_max << std::endl;
// take minimum of geometry, interaction, decay for next step
auto const min_distance = std::min(
{distance_interact, distance_decay, distance_max, geomMaxLength, magMaxLength});
std::cout << " move particle by : " << min_distance << std::endl;
// here the particle is actually moved along the trajectory to new position:
// std::visit(setup::ParticleUpdate<Particle>{vParticle}, step);
// .... also update time, momentum, direction, ...
vParticle.SetMomentum((directionBefore * (1 - min_distance / magMaxLength) +
directionAfter * min_distance /magMaxLength) * vParticle.GetMomentum().GetNorm());
vParticle.SetTime(vParticle.GetTime() + min_distance / units::constants::c);
// apply all continuous processes on particle + track
process::EProcessReturn status = fProcessSequence.DoContinuous(vParticle, step);
if (status == process::EProcessReturn::eParticleAbsorbed) {
std::cout << "Cascade: delete absorbed particle " << vParticle.GetPID() << " "
<< vParticle.GetEnergy() / 1_GeV << "GeV" << std::endl;
std::cout << "sth. happening before geometric limit ? "
<< ((min_distance < geomMaxLength) ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl;
if (min_distance < geomMaxLength) { // interaction to happen within geometric limit
// check whether decay or interaction limits this step the
// outcome of decay or interaction MAY be a) new particles in
// secondaries, b) the projectile particle deleted (or
// changed)
TStackView secondaries(vParticle);
if (min_distance != distance_max && min_distance != magMaxLength) {
Create SecondaryView object on Stack. The data container
remains untouched and identical, and 'projectil' is identical
to 'vParticle' above this line. However,
projectil.AddSecondaries populate the SecondaryView, which can
then be used afterwards for further processing. Thus: it is
important to use projectle (and not vParticle) for Interaction,
and Decay!
[[maybe_unused]] auto projectile = secondaries.GetProjectile();
if (min_distance == distance_interact) {
interaction(vParticle, projectile);
} else {
assert(min_distance == distance_decay);
decay(vParticle, projectile);
// make sure particle actually did decay if it should have done so
if (secondaries.GetSize() == 1 &&
projectile.GetPID() == secondaries.GetNextParticle().GetPID())
throw std::runtime_error("Cascade::Step: Particle decays into itself!");
vParticle.Delete(); // todo: this should be reviewed. Where
// exactly are particles best deleted, and
// where they should NOT be
// deleted... maybe Delete function should
// be "protected" and not accessible to physics
} else { // step-length limitation within volume
std::cout << "step-length limitation" << std::endl;
[[maybe_unused]] auto const assertion = [&] {
auto const* numericalNodeAfterStep =
return numericalNodeAfterStep == currentLogicalNode;
assert(assertion()); // numerical and logical nodes don't match
} else { // boundary crossing, step is limited by volume boundary
std::cout << "boundary crossing! next node = " << nextVol << std::endl;
// DoBoundary may delete the particle (or not)
fProcessSequence.DoBoundaryCrossing(vParticle, *currentLogicalNode, *nextVol);
auto decay(Particle& particle,
decltype(std::declval<TStackView>().GetProjectile()) projectile) {
std::cout << "decay" << std::endl;
units::si::InverseTimeType const actual_decay_time =
random::UniformRealDistribution<units::si::InverseTimeType> uniDist(
const auto sample_process = uniDist(fRNG);
units::si::InverseTimeType inv_decay_count = units::si::InverseTimeType::zero();
return fProcessSequence.SelectDecay(particle, projectile, sample_process,
auto interaction(Particle& particle,
decltype(std::declval<TStackView>().GetProjectile()) projectile) {
std::cout << "collide" << std::endl;
units::si::InverseGrammageType const current_inv_length =
random::UniformRealDistribution<units::si::InverseGrammageType> uniDist(
const auto sample_process = uniDist(fRNG);
auto inv_lambda_count = units::si::InverseGrammageType::zero();
return fProcessSequence.SelectInteraction(particle, projectile, sample_process,
corsika::environment::Environment<MediumInterface> const& fEnvironment;
TTracking& fTracking;
TProcessList& fProcessSequence;
TStack& fStack;
corsika::random::RNG& fRNG =
}; // namespace corsika::cascade
} // namespace corsika::cascade
* Copyright (C) 2016 by Саша Миленковић *
* sasa.milenkovic.xyz@gmail.com *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html ) *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
#include <cmath>
#include "quartic.h"
// solve cubic equation x^3 + a*x^2 + b*x + c
// x - array of size 3
// In case 3 real roots: => x[0], x[1], x[2], return 3
// 2 real roots: x[0], x[1], return 2
// 1 real root : x[0], x[1] ± i*x[2], return 1
unsigned int solveP3(double *x,double a,double b,double c) {
double a2 = a*a;
double q = (a2 - 3*b)/9;
double r = (a*(2*a2-9*b) + 27*c)/54;
double r2 = r*r;
double q3 = q*q*q;
double A,B;
double t=r/sqrt(q3);
if( t<-1) t=-1;
if( t> 1) t= 1;
a/=3; q=-2*sqrt(q);
return 3;
A =-pow(fabs(r)+sqrt(r2-q3),1./3);
if( r<0 ) A=-A;
B = (0==A ? 0 : q/A);
x[0] =(A+B)-a;
x[1] =-0.5*(A+B)-a;
x[2] = 0.5*sqrt(3.)*(A-B);
if(fabs(x[2])<eps) { x[2]=x[1]; return 2; }
return 1;
// solve quartic equation x^4 + a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d
// Attention - this function returns dynamically allocated array. It has to be released afterwards.
DComplex* solve_quartic(double a, double b, double c, double d)
double a3 = -b;
double b3 = a*c -4.*d;
double c3 = -a*a*d - c*c + 4.*b*d;
// cubic resolvent
// y^3 − b*y^2 + (ac−4d)*y − a^2*d−c^2+4*b*d = 0
double x3[3];
unsigned int iZeroes = solveP3(x3, a3, b3, c3);
double q1, q2, p1, p2, D, sqD, y;
y = x3[0];
// The essence - choosing Y with maximal absolute value.
if(iZeroes != 1)
if(fabs(x3[1]) > fabs(y)) y = x3[1];
if(fabs(x3[2]) > fabs(y)) y = x3[2];
// h1+h2 = y && h1*h2 = d <=> h^2 -y*h + d = 0 (h === q)
D = y*y - 4*d;
if(fabs(D) < eps) //in other words - D==0
q1 = q2 = y * 0.5;
// g1+g2 = a && g1+g2 = b-y <=> g^2 - a*g + b-y = 0 (p === g)
D = a*a - 4*(b-y);
if(fabs(D) < eps) //in other words - D==0
p1 = p2 = a * 0.5;
sqD = sqrt(D);
p1 = (a + sqD) * 0.5;
p2 = (a - sqD) * 0.5;
sqD = sqrt(D);
q1 = (y + sqD) * 0.5;
q2 = (y - sqD) * 0.5;
// g1+g2 = a && g1*h2 + g2*h1 = c ( && g === p ) Krammer
p1 = (a*q1-c)/(q1-q2);
p2 = (c-a*q2)/(q1-q2);
DComplex* retval = new DComplex[4];
// solving quadratic eq. - x^2 + p1*x + q1 = 0
D = p1*p1 - 4*q1;
if(D < 0.0)
retval[0].real( -p1 * 0.5 );
retval[0].imag( sqrt(-D) * 0.5 );
retval[1] = std::conj(retval[0]);
sqD = sqrt(D);
retval[0].real( (-p1 + sqD) * 0.5 );
retval[1].real( (-p1 - sqD) * 0.5 );
// solving quadratic eq. - x^2 + p2*x + q2 = 0
D = p2*p2 - 4*q2;
if(D < 0.0)
retval[2].real( -p2 * 0.5 );
retval[2].imag( sqrt(-D) * 0.5 );
retval[3] = std::conj(retval[2]);
sqD = sqrt(D);
retval[2].real( (-p2 + sqD) * 0.5 );
retval[3].real( (-p2 - sqD) * 0.5 );
return retval;
* Copyright (C) 2016 by Саша Миленковић *
* sasa.milenkovic.xyz@gmail.com *
* *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
* (at your option) any later version. *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
* GNU General Public License for more details. *
* ( http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html ) *
* *
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
* along with this program; if not, write to the *
* Free Software Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. *
#include <complex>
const double PI = 3.141592653589793238463L;
const double M_2PI = 2*PI;
const double eps=1e-12;
typedef std::complex<double> DComplex;
// useful for testing
inline DComplex polinom_2(DComplex x, double a, double b)
//Horner's scheme for x*x + a*x + b
return x * (x + a) + b;
// useful for testing
inline DComplex polinom_3(DComplex x, double a, double b, double c)
//Horner's scheme for x*x*x + a*x*x + b*x + c;
return x * (x * (x + a) + b) + c;
// useful for testing
inline DComplex polinom_4(DComplex x, double a, double b, double c, double d)
//Horner's scheme for x*x*x*x + a*x*x*x + b*x*x + c*x + d;
return x * (x * (x * (x + a) + b) + c) + d;
// x - array of size 3
// In case 3 real roots: => x[0], x[1], x[2], return 3
// 2 real roots: x[0], x[1], return 2
// 1 real root : x[0], x[1] ± i*x[2], return 1
unsigned int solveP3(double* x, double a, double b, double c);
// solve quartic equation x^4 + a*x^3 + b*x^2 + c*x + d
// Attention - this function returns dynamically allocated array. It has to be released afterwards.
DComplex* solve_quartic(double a, double b, double c, double d);
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* See file AUTHORS for a list of contributors.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#ifndef _include_corsika_processes_TrackingLine_h_
#define _include_corsika_processes_TrackingLine_h_
#include <corsika/geometry/Line.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Plane.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Sphere.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Trajectory.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Vector.h>
#include <corsika/particles/ParticleProperties.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <corsika/utl/quartic.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <optional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
namespace corsika::environment {
template <typename IEnvironmentModel>
class Environment;
template <typename IEnvironmentModel>
class VolumeTreeNode;
} // namespace corsika::environment
namespace corsika::process {
namespace tracking_line {
std::optional<std::pair<corsika::units::si::TimeType, corsika::units::si::TimeType>>
TimeOfIntersection(geometry::Line const&, geometry::Sphere const&);
corsika::units::si::TimeType TimeOfIntersection(geometry::Line const&,
geometry::Plane const&);
class TrackingLine {
template <typename Particle> // was Stack previously, and argument was
// Stack::StackIterator
auto GetTrack(Particle const& p) {
using namespace corsika::units::si;
using namespace corsika::geometry;
geometry::Vector<SpeedType::dimension_type> velocity =
p.GetMomentum() / p.GetEnergy() * corsika::units::constants::c;
std::complex<double>* solutions = solve_quartic(1, 0, 1, -20);
std::vector<double> tmp;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if(solutions[i].imag() == 0 && solutions[i].real() >= 0) {
double s = *std::min_element(tmp.begin(),tmp.end());
std::cout << "s = " << s << std::endl;
std::cout << "x1 = " << (solutions[0].real()>=0. ? " " : "") << solutions[0].real(); if(solutions[0].imag()!=0.0) std::cout << " + i * " << solutions[0].imag(); std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "x2 = " << (solutions[1].real()>=0. ? " " : "") << solutions[1].real(); if(solutions[1].imag()!=0.0) std::cout << " - i * " << -solutions[1].imag(); std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "x3 = " << (solutions[2].real()>=0. ? " " : "") << solutions[2].real(); if(solutions[2].imag()!=0.0) std::cout << " + i * " << solutions[2].imag(); std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "x4 = " << (solutions[3].real()>=0. ? " " : "") << solutions[3].real(); if(solutions[3].imag()!=0.0) std::cout << " - i * " << -solutions[3].imag(); std::cout << std::endl;
auto const currentPosition = p.GetPosition();
std::cout << "TrackingLine pid: " << p.GetPID()
<< " , E = " << p.GetEnergy() / 1_GeV << " GeV" << std::endl;
std::cout << "TrackingLine pos: "
<< currentPosition.GetCoordinates()
// << " [" << p.GetNode()->GetModelProperties().GetName() << "]"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "TrackingLine E: " << p.GetEnergy() / 1_GeV << " GeV" << std::endl;
// determine velocity after adding magnetic field
auto const* currentLogicalVolumeNode = p.GetNode();
int chargeNumber;
if(corsika::particles::IsNucleus(p.GetPID())) {
chargeNumber = p.GetNuclearZ();
} else {
chargeNumber = corsika::particles::GetChargeNumber(p.GetPID());
geometry::Vector<dimensionless_d> const directionBefore = velocity.normalized();
auto magMaxLength = 1_m/0;
auto directionAfter = directionBefore;
if(chargeNumber != 0) {
auto magneticfield = currentLogicalVolumeNode->GetModelProperties().GetMagneticField(currentPosition);
std::cout << "TrackingLine B: " << magneticfield.GetComponents() / 1_uT << " uT " << std::endl;
geometry::Vector<SpeedType::dimension_type> const velocityVerticalMag = velocity -
LengthType const gyroradius = p.GetEnergy() * velocityVerticalMag.GetNorm() * 1_V /
(corsika::units::constants::cSquared * abs(chargeNumber) *
magneticfield.GetNorm() * 1_eV);
//steplength should consider more things than just gyroradius
double maxAngle = 0.1;
LengthType const Steplength = 2 * sin(maxAngle * M_PI / 180) * gyroradius;
// First Movement
auto position = currentPosition + directionBefore * Steplength / 2;
// Change of direction by magnetic field at position
magneticfield = currentLogicalVolumeNode->GetModelProperties().GetMagneticField(position);
directionAfter = directionBefore + directionBefore.cross(magneticfield) * chargeNumber *
Steplength * corsika::units::constants::cSquared * 1_eV /
(p.GetEnergy() * velocity.GetNorm() * 1_V);
// Second Movement
position = position + directionAfter * Steplength / 2;
magMaxLength = (position - currentPosition).GetNorm();
geometry::Vector<dimensionless_d> const direction = (position - currentPosition) /
velocity = direction * velocity.GetNorm();
std::cout << "TrackingLine p: " << (direction * p.GetMomentum().GetNorm()).GetComponents() / 1_GeV
<< " GeV " << std::endl;
} else {
std::cout << "TrackingLine p: " << p.GetMomentum().GetComponents() / 1_GeV
<< " GeV " << std::endl;
std::cout << "TrackingLine v: " << velocity.GetComponents() << std::endl;
geometry::Line line(currentPosition, velocity);
//auto const* currentLogicalVolumeNode = p.GetNode();
//~ auto const* currentNumericalVolumeNode =
//~ fEnvironment.GetUniverse()->GetContainingNode(currentPosition);
auto const numericallyInside =
std::cout << "numericallyInside = " << (numericallyInside ? "true" : "false");
auto const& children = currentLogicalVolumeNode->GetChildNodes();
auto const& excluded = currentLogicalVolumeNode->GetExcludedNodes();
std::vector<std::pair<TimeType, decltype(p.GetNode())>> intersections;
// for entering from outside
auto addIfIntersects = [&](auto const& vtn) {
auto const& volume = vtn.GetVolume();
auto const& sphere = dynamic_cast<geometry::Sphere const&>(
volume); // for the moment we are a bit bold here and assume
// everything is a sphere, crashes with exception if not
if (auto opt = TimeOfIntersection(line, sphere); opt.has_value()) {
auto const [t1, t2] = *opt;
std::cout << "intersection times: " << t1 / 1_s << "; "
<< t2 / 1_s
// << " " << vtn.GetModelProperties().GetName()
<< std::endl;
if (t1.magnitude() > 0)
intersections.emplace_back(t1, &vtn);
else if (t2.magnitude() > 0)
std::cout << "inside other volume" << std::endl;
for (auto const& child : children) { addIfIntersects(*child); }
for (auto const* ex : excluded) { addIfIntersects(*ex); }
auto const& sphere = dynamic_cast<geometry::Sphere const&>(
// for the moment we are a bit bold here and assume
// everything is a sphere, crashes with exception if not
[[maybe_unused]] auto const [t1, t2] = *TimeOfIntersection(line, sphere);
[[maybe_unused]] auto dummy_t1 = t1;
intersections.emplace_back(t2, currentLogicalVolumeNode->GetParent());
auto const minIter = std::min_element(
intersections.cbegin(), intersections.cend(),
[](auto const& a, auto const& b) { return a.first < b.first; });
TimeType min;
if (minIter == intersections.cend()) {
min = 1_s; // todo: do sth. more reasonable as soon as tracking is able
// to handle the numerics properly
throw std::runtime_error("no intersection with anything!");
} else {
min = minIter->first;
std::cout << " t-intersect: "
<< min
// << " " << minIter->second->GetModelProperties().GetName()
<< std::endl;
return std::make_tuple(geometry::Trajectory<geometry::Line>(line, min),
velocity.norm() * min, minIter->second, magMaxLength,
directionBefore, directionAfter);
} // namespace tracking_line
} // namespace corsika::process
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