ralfulrich authored
rename framweork/sequence int framework/process remove all dynamic build files from main corsika directory, move into src re-added main/shower fixed wrong file locations Update corsika.hpp. Re-defining the version macros. Update corsika.hpp Update CONTRIBUTING.md Update MAINTAINERS.md Deleted FIXME.md Deleted AUTHORS Update COLLABORATION_AGREEMENT.md Update .clang-format Update .gitlab-ci.yml added packages: proposal, conex, cnpy, spdlog, lcov, corsika-data prevent in-source builds fotran language flags, sections build types fixed stack_example rename directories corsika8 interface target fixed few compilation, dependency issues in new system clang error simpler cmake files, using functions, re-introduce run_examples target clang format copyright notices fixed CI script, clang-format simplify ctest output better interfaces for urqmd and qgsjII, conex updated conex, data cmake integration build system cmake updates also updated corsika.hpp added earth radius moved static_pow from corsika::units::si::detail to corsika::units updated units::si namespaces throughout the project No python jobs removed a lot of stray using namespaces and corsika::units::si in entire codebase [refactory-2020] stack implementations: updated [refactory-2020] stack implementations: updated [refactory-2020] stack implementations [refactory-2020] stack implementations: !290 headers [refactory-2020] stack implementations: !290 headers
ralfulrich authoredrename framweork/sequence int framework/process remove all dynamic build files from main corsika directory, move into src re-added main/shower fixed wrong file locations Update corsika.hpp. Re-defining the version macros. Update corsika.hpp Update CONTRIBUTING.md Update MAINTAINERS.md Deleted FIXME.md Deleted AUTHORS Update COLLABORATION_AGREEMENT.md Update .clang-format Update .gitlab-ci.yml added packages: proposal, conex, cnpy, spdlog, lcov, corsika-data prevent in-source builds fotran language flags, sections build types fixed stack_example rename directories corsika8 interface target fixed few compilation, dependency issues in new system clang error simpler cmake files, using functions, re-introduce run_examples target clang format copyright notices fixed CI script, clang-format simplify ctest output better interfaces for urqmd and qgsjII, conex updated conex, data cmake integration build system cmake updates also updated corsika.hpp added earth radius moved static_pow from corsika::units::si::detail to corsika::units updated units::si namespaces throughout the project No python jobs removed a lot of stray using namespaces and corsika::units::si in entire codebase [refactory-2020] stack implementations: updated [refactory-2020] stack implementations: updated [refactory-2020] stack implementations [refactory-2020] stack implementations: !290 headers [refactory-2020] stack implementations: !290 headers
Collaboration agreement
The CORSIKA project very much welcomes all collaboration and contributions. The aim of the CORSIKA project is to create a scientific software framework as a fundamental tool for research. The collaboration agreement and the licensing model are based on the guidelines layed out by HSF 1(https://hepsoftwarefoundation.org/activities/licensing.html) or CERN 2(https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=2ahUKEwiLqKG00dXdAhUOZFAKHdIwAh4QFjAAegQIARAC&url=https%3A%2F%2Findico.cern.ch%2Fcategory%2F4251%2Fattachments%2F101%2F505%2FOSL-2012-01-Open_Source_Licences_at_CERN-Short_version.pdf&usg=AOvVaw1n4S0PQCSeE6wbdfdhKDqF), 3(http://legal.web.cern.ch/licensing/software), and follow the examples of other big scientific software projects.
The CORSIKA project consists of the contributions from the scientific community and individuals in a best effort to deliver the best possible performance and physics output. The MCnet guidelines developed by www.montecarlonet.org are copied in MCNET_GUIDELINES -- they provide a very good additional scope that contributors should read and consider.
All possible liability and licensing question are only handled by the adopted software license.
The software license of the CORSIKA project
The license adopted for the CORSIKA project is the explicit copyleft license GPLv3, as copied in full in the file LICENSE. Each source file of the CORSIKA project contains a short statement of the copyright and this license. Each binary or source code release of CORSIKA contains the file LICENSE. The code, documentation and content in the folder externals is not integral part of the CORSIKA project and can be based on, or include, other licenses, which must be compatible with GPLv3. Check the content of this folder for details and additional license information. It depends on the configuration of the build system to what extend this code is used to build CORSIKA.
If you want to contribute, you need to read the GUIDELINES and comply with these rules, or help to improve them.
The CORSIKA Projects Maintainers
The CORSIKA Project mainters make all decisions for the CORSIKA Project. They can also change the COLLABORATION_AGREEMENT, the GUIDELINES or any other structure or document relevant for the CORSIKA Project.
The current CORSIKA Project maintainers are listed in the file MAINTAINERS.
and can be contacted via corsika-project@lists.kit.edu. The chair person of the CORSIKA Project is Ralf Ulrich (KIT). Maintainers have special responsibilities for specific parts of the project.
Planning and performing releases
The CORSIKA maintainers decide on releases of the software, and about the content of it.