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 * (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
 * See file AUTHORS for a list of contributors.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
 * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
 * the license.

#include <corsika/stack/CombinedStack.h>
#include <corsika/stack/Stack.h>

#include <testTestStack.h> // for testing: simple stack. This is a
// test-build, and inluce file is obtained from CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR

#include <boost/type_index.hpp>
#include <type_traits>
using boost::typeindex::type_id_with_cvr;

#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

#define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN // This tells Catch to provide a main() - only do this in one
                          // cpp file
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>

using namespace corsika;
using namespace corsika::stack;
using namespace std;

// definition of stack-data object
class TestStackData2 {

  // these functions are needed for the Stack interface
  void Init() {}
  void Clear() { fData2.clear(); }
  unsigned int GetSize() const { return fData2.size(); }
  unsigned int GetCapacity() const { return fData2.size(); }
  void Copy(const int i1, const int i2) { fData2[i2] = fData2[i1]; }
  void Swap(const int i1, const int i2) {
    double tmp0 = fData2[i1];
    fData2[i1] = fData2[i2];
    fData2[i2] = tmp0;

  // custom data access function
  void SetData2(const int i, const double v) { fData2[i] = v; }
  double GetData2(const int i) const { return fData2[i]; }

  // these functions are also needed by the Stack interface
  void IncrementSize() { fData2.push_back(0.); }
  void DecrementSize() {
    if (fData2.size() > 0) { fData2.pop_back(); }

  // custom private data section
  std::vector<double> fData2;

// defintion of a stack-readout object, the iteractor dereference
// operator will deliver access to these function
template <typename T>
class TestParticleInterface2 : public T {

  using T::GetIndex;
  using T::GetStackData;
  using T::SetParticleData;

  // default version for particle-creation from input data
  void SetParticleData(const std::tuple<double> v = {0.}) { SetData2(std::get<0>(v)); }
  void SetParticleData(TestParticleInterface2<T>& parent,
                       const std::tuple<double> v = {0.}) {
    SetData2(parent.GetData2() + std::get<0>(v));
  void SetData2(const double v) { GetStackData().SetData2(GetIndex(), v); }
  double GetData2() const { return GetStackData().GetData2(GetIndex()); }

// combined stack
template <typename StackIter>
using CombinedTestInterfaceType =
                                              TestParticleInterface2, StackIter>;

using StackTest = CombinedStack<TestStackData, TestStackData2, CombinedTestInterfaceType>;

TEST_CASE("Combined Stack", "[stack]") {

  // helper function for sum over stack data
  auto sum = [](const StackTest& stack) {
    double v = 0;
    for (const auto& p : stack) v += p.GetData();
    return v;
  auto sum2 = [](const StackTest& stack) {
    double v = 0;
    for (const auto& p : stack) v += p.GetData2();
    return v;

  SECTION("StackInterface") {

    // construct a valid Stack object
    StackTest s;
    s.Copy(s.cbegin(), s.begin());
    s.Swap(s.begin(), s.begin());
    REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 1);

  SECTION("construct") {

    // construct a valid, empty Stack object
    StackTest s;

  SECTION("write and read") {

    StackTest s;
    REQUIRE(sum2(s) == 0.);
    REQUIRE(sum(s) == 9.9);

  SECTION("delete from stack") {

    StackTest s;
    REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 0);
    StackTest::StackIterator p =
        s.AddParticle(std::tuple{0.}); // valid way to access particle data
    REQUIRE(sum2(s) == 3.);
    REQUIRE(sum(s) == 8.9);
    REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 1);
    REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 0);

  SECTION("delete particle") {

    StackTest s;
    REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 0);
    auto p = s.AddParticle(
        std::tuple{9.9}); // also valid way to access particle data, identical to above
    REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 1);
    REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 0);

  SECTION("create secondaries") {
    StackTest s;
    REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 0);
    auto iter = s.AddParticle(std::tuple{9.9});
    REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 1);
    REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 2);
    // p.AddSecondary(3.3, 2.2, 1.);
    // REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 3);
    double v = 0;
    for (const auto& i : s) {
      v += i.GetData();
      REQUIRE(i.GetData2() == 2);
    REQUIRE(v == 9.9 + 4.4);

  SECTION("get next particle") {
    StackTest s;
    REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 0);
    auto p1 = s.AddParticle(std::tuple{9.9});
    auto p2 = s.AddParticle(std::tuple{8.8});
    auto particle = s.GetNextParticle(); // first particle
    REQUIRE(particle.GetData() == 8.8);
    REQUIRE(particle.GetData2() == 20.3);

    auto particle2 = s.GetNextParticle(); // first particle
    REQUIRE(particle2.GetData() == 9.9);
    REQUIRE(particle2.GetData2() == 20.2);

    REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 0);


// definition of stack-data object
class TestStackData3 {

  // these functions are needed for the Stack interface
  void Init() {}
  void Clear() { fData3.clear(); }
  unsigned int GetSize() const { return fData3.size(); }
  unsigned int GetCapacity() const { return fData3.size(); }
  void Copy(const int i1, const int i2) { fData3[i2] = fData3[i1]; }
  void Swap(const int i1, const int i2) {
    double tmp0 = fData3[i1];
    fData3[i1] = fData3[i2];
    fData3[i2] = tmp0;

  // custom data access function
  void SetData3(const int i, const double v) { fData3[i] = v; }
  double GetData3(const int i) const { return fData3[i]; }

  // these functions are also needed by the Stack interface
  void IncrementSize() { fData3.push_back(0.); }
  void DecrementSize() {
    if (fData3.size() > 0) { fData3.pop_back(); }

  // custom private data section
  std::vector<double> fData3;

// defintion of a stack-readout object, the iteractor dereference
// operator will deliver access to these function
template <typename T>
class TestParticleInterface3 : public T {

  using T::GetIndex;
  using T::GetStackData;
  using T::SetParticleData;

  // default version for particle-creation from input data
  void SetParticleData(const std::tuple<double> v = {0.}) { SetData3(std::get<0>(v)); }
  void SetParticleData(TestParticleInterface3<T>& parent,
                       const std::tuple<double> v = {0.}) {
    SetData3(parent.GetData3() + std::get<0>(v));
  void SetData3(const double v) { GetStackData().SetData3(GetIndex(), v); }
  double GetData3() const { return GetStackData().GetData3(GetIndex()); }

// double combined stack
// combined stack
template <typename StackIter>
using CombinedTestInterfaceType2 =
    corsika::stack::CombinedParticleInterface<StackTest::PIType, TestParticleInterface3,

using StackTest2 = CombinedStack<typename StackTest::StackImpl, TestStackData3,

TEST_CASE("Combined Stack - multi", "[stack]") {

  SECTION("create secondaries") {

    StackTest2 s;
    REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 0);
    auto p1 = s.AddParticle(std::tuple{9.9});
    auto p2 = s.AddParticle(std::tuple{8.8}, std::tuple{0.1});
    p2.SetData2(0.1); // not clear why this is needed, need to check
                      // SetParticleData workflow for more complicated
                      // settings
    // auto p3 = s.AddParticle( std::tuple {8.8}, std::tuple{1.}, std::tuple{0.1} );

    REQUIRE(p1.GetData() == 9.9);
    REQUIRE(p1.GetData2() == 0.);
    REQUIRE(p1.GetData2() == 10.2);
    REQUIRE(p1.GetData3() == 20.2);

    REQUIRE(p2.GetData() == 8.8);
    REQUIRE(p2.GetData2() == 0.1);
    REQUIRE(p2.GetData3() == 10.3);

    auto particle = s.GetNextParticle(); // first particle
    REQUIRE(particle.GetData() == 8.8);
    REQUIRE(particle.GetData2() == 0.1);
    REQUIRE(particle.GetData3() == 10.3);

    REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 2);
    auto sec = particle.AddSecondary(std::tuple{4.4});
    REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 3);
    REQUIRE(sec.GetData() == 4.4);
    REQUIRE(sec.GetData2() == 0.1);
    REQUIRE(sec.GetData3() == 10.3);

    REQUIRE(s.GetSize() == 0);