This is based on corsika7/trunk/coast/CoastOptions/example with an additional interface to CORSIKA8.
This is an example for a "COAST user library" using CORSIKA8 technology. It explains the steps, how to use the COAST_USER_LIB option of CORSIKA together with CORSIKA8/COAST
Step 1:
Configure CORSIKA8 with 'cmake -DWITH_COAST=1' and other options you prefer. You have to define COAST_DIR environment variable to the location of your existing CORSIKA7 installation. Check that 'ls $COAST_DIR/include/interface' contains the file 'CorsikaInterface.h'. If this is not the case, this is not a valid or proper installation of CORSIKA. First compile CORSIKA, e.g. with ROOTOUT option, or CoReas to get COAST installed!
Step 2:
Compile CORSIKA8, edit COAST/ to modify/add your physics module.
There should be a as a result! This is what you need.
Step 3:
Create COAST_USER_LIB environment variable to point at your current directory, where now the '' library is located. Add the path in $COAST_USER_LIB to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.
Step 4:
Go back to your CORSIKA directory and re-start 'coconut'. The option
COAST_USER_LIB will now be visible. Please select it, copile CORSIKA
and start the executable. In the generated console output you will the
statements from your COAST library during Init and Close of the
Add any kind of code now working on the CParticle or
CInteraction class to start using the full power of COAST.
Note: the default COASTProcess just prints out tons of ASCII. This is not very useful, don't run a full MC with this...
Step 5: