Moving to Conan2 based builds and update versions of some dependencies.
- Conan-2 has been integrated with Corsika 8 in a transparent and decoupled way.
- Work is done at branch conan2_cmake_building
- Version of several dependencies has been updated.
- CI related scripts/configurations have been updated.
- Catch2. Fix scope problems of some operators and functors. Catch2 is multi-header since a while, so #include<catch/catch2.hpp> directives needed revision.
- Spdlog. Required implementation of some formatters for some specific types. A new header was introduced to handle this: corsika/detail/framework/core/SpdlogSpecializations.inl .
- *.inc are now produced at configuration time, instead of building time.
- corsika/cmake_conan directory is installed at lib/cmake/dependencies .
Note: No physics/math sensitive code was touched.
More details: