Quite regularly (e.g. reported by @Nikos in the last general meeting), shower simulations throw the warning:
There is a very negative time step detected: -1.42207e-17 s. This is not physical and may easily crash subsequent modules. Set to 0_s, but CHECK AND FIX.
From a first debugging, this happens especially for low-energy electrons/positrons.
Furthermore, the warning seems to vanish if one turns of multiple scattering, so this seems to be related.
However, I don't yet understand why this is related, because next_intersect() (where the error is thrown) is called from getTrack(), but getTrack() is called in Cascade.inl before the continuous processes (and therefore multiple scattering) is applied.
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I have one question about the code in Intersect.inl which throws the error message:
if (minTime < 0_s) { if (minTime < 1e-8_s) { CORSIKA_LOG_ERROR( "There is a very negative time step detected: {}. This is not physical and " "may " "easily crash subsequent modules. Set to 0_s, but CHECK AND FIX.", minTime); } minTime = 0_s; // LCOV_EXCL_STOP }
If the first condition minTime < 0_s is true, the second condition minTime < 1e-8_s always true as well, right? This is why warning such as
[corsika:error (Intersect.inl:114)] There is a very negative time step detected: -1.27084e-17 s. This is not physical and may easily crash subsequent modules. Set to 0_s, but CHECK AND FIX.
is being printed. Is it possible that the code was intended to have the condition std::abs(minTime) < 1e-8_s? So maybe this error message isn't supposed to be thrown at all...
Another comment: This code/warning has been introduced with commit a8d6de9e. The lines have been written to account for numerical instabilities, which I concluded came from the tracking algorithm being inaccurate at border transitions (see #429 (closed)).