switch on neutral and charged current interactions in pythia. either by extending the existing interaction process or adding a new corsika::pythia::NeutrinoInteraction with different initialization of pythia.
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@Fan could you create a branch with the solution you presented during the technical call. Or a link to your repository?
I think if we adjust the initialization of the existing pythia in c8 it should be straight forward. We should be able to treat neutrino's via the process sequence as all other particles.
The workaround you presented with creating the interaction externally and feeding them into c8 is super cool though. we should keep it as our stack-in solution.
@mreininghaus I think we may not get away without a cross section for neutrinos after all. Looking at cascade.inl even when an interaction is forced, the interaction function re-evaluates the cross section (because energy loss?). Also the cross section enters again when the target is selected in selectInteraction. Or do I read this wrong?
A primitive test confirms this. Adding if (is_neutrino(projectileId)) return 1_mb; to getCrossSection in pythia interface makes corsika.cpp produce a shower when called with a primary neutrino and forcing the interaction
see branch neutrino-interactions-with-pythia-8245. It implements interactions of primary neutrinos with pythia 8.245 based on the example program for DIS main36.cc. Curiously enough that example does not work with neutrinos since pythia 8.3