QGSJetII output depends on gfortran version
In gfortran 7.5.0 (ubuntu18.04) and 9.3.0 (ubuntu20.04) the following pieces of code in qgsjet-II-04.f (around line 15500)
* .and.sww.gt.restm+2.d0*amlam.and.qgran(b10).lt.dc(1)*dc(2))then
with iab=1, iabs(ic(3-j))=2, sww=1.7358469763523714, restm=0.14000000000000001, amlam=1.1160000000000001, dc(1)=7.6999999999999999E-002, dc(2)=8.0000000000000002E-002, amn=0.93827998638153076, amk=0.49600000000000000, am0=0.14000000000000001, ameta=0.54800000000000004, deta=0.11111000000000000
results in a call to qgran(b10)
in version 9.3.0 while NOT in gfortran 7.5.0 (correctly optimized away). The function call to qgran return 0.406864, but it changes the random number sequence in the following leading to different results.
This behavior is not changed by explicitly adding `-O0'.