Requirements for first interface to CORSIKA: Particle properties
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- Maximilian Reininghaus assigned to @mreininghaus
assigned to @mreininghaus
- Owner
We already have:
- mass
- electric charge
- PDG code
- conversion from/to SIBYLL codes
Lifetimes are a bit weird. Some particles in
have lifetimes, others have decay widths. Some have both, but they don't match. - Author Owner
Almost finished:
- re-add SiBYLL conversion tables
- add nuclei
As future option: is it possible to select subset of ParticleData.xml based on the "process" list? Seems complicated (at compile time) but maybe possible.
- Author Owner
Discuss, how to add nuclei?
Collapse replies - Owner
Where can we get easily parsable files with the relevant data about all the isotopes we want to incorporate?
How are nuclei represented in the interaction models?
- Author Owner
In the models they are represented by A and Z and a flag that they are nuclei.
I am not aware of a file that would contain the data we need on an isotope basis.
- Ralf Ulrich mentioned in issue #35 (closed)
mentioned in issue #35 (closed)
- Ralf Ulrich mentioned in merge request !3 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !3 (merged)
- Ralf Ulrich closed via merge request !3 (merged)
closed via merge request !3 (merged)
- Ralf Ulrich mentioned in commit bd8c3a91
mentioned in commit bd8c3a91