to all knowledge the atmosphere within 100km is basically perfectly mixed. If you look at at density profile you also see that the density profile above 100km is less than insignificant.
for space based experiments it might matter what happens at very great height (or i.e. UV-absorbing ozone layer). But we could always implement this in CORSIKA8, either as a parametric variation with in a volumen, or just add another volume on top of the default one.
Ralf, perhaps you remember that we decided not to support inhomogeneous compositions when we were discussing the cascade "step" procedure with Felix. Supporting them would require to calculate and convert grammages
for each component
individually using their respective
\varrho_i(\bm x)
since you could not just use the cross-sections weighted by the fraction of number densities when sampling the next point of interaction - certainly doable but (currently) out of scope.
Yes, but all those are properties that do not affect the atomic composition and thus in particular not the determination of grammages and interaction lengths.
There is no limit in extending the general list of properties of the environment.