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  • AirShowerPhysics/corsika
  • rulrich/corsika
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......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ boost/1.76.0
......@@ -10,9 +10,8 @@
#include <corsika/modules/epos/InteractionModel.hpp>
#include <corsika/modules/epos/EposStack.hpp>
#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Point.hpp>
#include <corsika/framework/core/ParticleProperties.hpp>
#include <corsika/framework/utility/COMBoost.hpp>
#include <corsika/framework/utility/CorsikaData.hpp>
......@@ -35,8 +34,8 @@ namespace corsika::epos {
data_path_ = (std::string(corsika_data("EPOS").c_str()) + "/").c_str();
inline void InteractionModel::setParticlesStable() const {
......@@ -46,10 +45,30 @@ namespace corsika::epos {
if (!is_hadron(p)) continue;
int const eid = convertToEposRaw(p);
if (eid != 0) {
::epos::nodcy_.nrnody = ::epos::nodcy_.nrnody + 1;
::epos::nodcy_.nody[::epos::nodcy_.nrnody - 1] = eid;
// this is only a safeguard against messing up the epos internals by initializing
// more than once.
unsigned int const n_particles_stable_epos =
::epos::nodcy_.nrnody; // avoid waring -Wsign-compare
if (n_particles_stable_epos < ::epos::mxnody) {
CORSIKA_LOGGER_TRACE(logger_, "setting {} with EposId={} stable inside EPOS.",
p, eid);
::epos::nodcy_.nrnody = ::epos::nodcy_.nrnody + 1;
::epos::nodcy_.nody[::epos::nodcy_.nrnody - 1] = eid;
} else {
CORSIKA_LOGGER_ERROR(logger_, "List of stable particles too long for Epos!");
throw std::runtime_error("Epos initialization error!");
} else {
"particle conversion Corsika-->Epos not known for {}. Using {}. Setting "
"unstable in Epos!",
p, eid);
CORSIKA_LOGGER_DEBUG(logger_, "set {} particles stable inside Epos",
inline bool InteractionModel::isValid(Code const projectileId, Code const targetId,
......@@ -59,7 +78,7 @@ namespace corsika::epos {
if (!is_nucleus(targetId) && targetId != Code::Neutron && targetId != Code::Proton) {
return false;
if (is_nucleus(targetId) && (get_nucleus_A(targetId) >= maxTargetMassNumber_)) {
if (is_nucleus(targetId) && (get_nucleus_A(targetId) >= get_nucleus_A(maxNucleus_))) {
return false;
if ((minEnergyCoM_ > sqrtS) || (sqrtS > maxEnergyCoM_)) { return false; }
......@@ -136,9 +155,10 @@ namespace corsika::epos {
strcpy(::epos::fname_.fncs, CS.data);
::epos::nfname_.nfncs = CS.length;
// initialiazes maximum energy and mass
initializeEventCoM(Code::Lead, Lead::nucleus_A, Lead::nucleus_Z, Code::Lead,
Lead::nucleus_A, Lead::nucleus_Z, 1_PeV);
// initializes maximum energy and mass
maxNucleus_, get_nucleus_A(maxNucleus_), get_nucleus_Z(maxNucleus_), maxNucleus_,
get_nucleus_A(maxNucleus_), get_nucleus_Z(maxNucleus_), maxEnergyCoM_);
inline void InteractionModel::initializeEventCoM(Code const idBeam, int const iBeamA,
......@@ -284,7 +304,7 @@ namespace corsika::epos {
"beamA={}, "
"beamZ={} "
"targetId={}, "
"ELab={:4.3f} GeV,",
"ELab={:12.2f} GeV,",
BeamId, BeamA, BeamZ, TargetId, EnergyLab / 1_GeV);
// read cross section from epos internal tables
......@@ -300,7 +320,7 @@ namespace corsika::epos {
int const iBeam = epos::getEposXSCode(
BeamId); // 0 (can not interact, 1: pion-like, 2: proton-like, 3:kaon-like)
"projectile cross section type={} "
"readCrossSectionTableLab: projectile cross section type={} "
"(0: cannot interact, 1:pion, 2:baryon, 3:kaon)",
......@@ -314,16 +334,25 @@ namespace corsika::epos {
int iMode = 3; // 0: air, >0 not air
"inside Epos "
"readCrossSectionTableLab: inside Epos "
"beamId={}, beamXS={}",
::epos::hadr2_.idproj, ::epos::had10_.iclpro);
"readCrossSectionTableLab: calling Epos cross section with"
"Ekin = {}, Abeam = {}, Atarget = {}, iMode = {}",
Ekin, Abeam, Atarget, iMode);
// cross section from table, FAST
float sigProdEpos = ::epos::eposcrse_(Ekin, Abeam, Atarget, iMode);
// sig-el from analytic calculation, no fast
float sigElaEpos = ::epos::eposelacrse_(Ekin, Abeam, Atarget, iMode);
"readCrossSectionTableLab: result: sigProd = {}, sigEla = {}",
sigProdEpos, sigElaEpos);
return std::make_tuple(sigProdEpos * 1_mb, sigElaEpos * 1_mb);
......@@ -89,16 +89,18 @@ namespace corsika::epos {
void doInteraction(TSecondaries&, Code const projectileId, Code const targetId,
FourMomentum const& projectileP4, FourMomentum const& targetP4);
void initialize() const;
void initializeEventCoM(Code const, int const, int const, Code const, int const,
int const, HEPEnergyType const) const;
void initializeEventLab(Code const, int const, int const, Code const, int const,
int const, HEPEnergyType const) const;
void configureParticles(Code const, int const, int const, Code const, int const,
int const) const;
void setParticlesStable() const;
// initialize and setParticlesStable are private since they can only be called once at
// the beginning and are already called in the constructor!
void initialize() const;
void setParticlesStable() const;
inline static bool isInitialized_ = false;
std::string data_path_;
......@@ -109,8 +111,7 @@ namespace corsika::epos {
std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> logger_ = get_logger("corsika_epos_Interaction");
HEPEnergyType const minEnergyCoM_ = 6 * 1e9 * electronvolt;
HEPEnergyType const maxEnergyCoM_ = 2.e6 * 1e9 * electronvolt;
static unsigned int constexpr maxTargetMassNumber_ = 20;
static unsigned int constexpr minNuclearTargetA_ = 4;
static Code constexpr maxNucleus_ = Code::Lead;
} // namespace corsika::epos
......@@ -2430,6 +2430,7 @@ c p=sqrt(max(0.,egy**2-ampro**2))
call Class("pscrse-1")
if(iqq.eq.1)then !sig ela
call psfz(1,gz2,0.)
......@@ -2479,6 +2480,7 @@ c p=sqrt(max(0.,egy**2-ampro**2))
call Class("pscrse-2")
......@@ -2597,7 +2599,7 @@ c------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -19,20 +19,30 @@ PiPlus 120 1 Pion
PiMinus -120 1 Pion
KPlus 130 1 Kaon
KMinus -130 1 Kaon
K0 230 0 CannotInteract
K0Bar -230 0 CannotInteract
K0Long -20 1 Kaon
K0Short 20 1 Kaon
Neutron 1220 1 Baryon
AntiNeutron -1220 1 Baryon
Proton 1120 1 Baryon
AntiProton -1120 1 Baryon
Eta 220 0 CannotInteract
Lambda0 2130 0 CannotInteract
Lambda0Bar -2130 0 CannotInteract
Lambda0 2130 1 Baryon
Lambda0Bar -2130 1 Baryon
SigmaPlus 1130 1 Baryon
SigmaMinusBar -1130 1 Baryon
Sigma0 1230 1 Baryon
Sigma0Bar -1230 1 Baryon
SigmaMinus 2230 1 Baryon
SigmaPlusBar -2230 1 Baryon
SigmaPlus 1130 0 CannotInteract
SigmaMinusBar -1130 0 CannotInteract
Sigma0 1230 0 CannotInteract
Sigma0Bar -1230 0 CannotInteract
SigmaMinus 2230 0 CannotInteract
SigmaPlusBar -2230 0 CannotInteract
SigmaStarPlus 1131 0 CannotInteract
SigmaStarMinusBar -1131 0 CannotInteract
SigmaStar0 1231 0 CannotInteract
SigmaStar0Bar -1231 0 CannotInteract
SigmaStarMinus 2231 0 CannotInteract
SigmaStarPlusBar -2231 0 CannotInteract
DeltaPlus 1121 0 CannotInteract
DeltaMinusBar -1121 0 CannotInteract
......@@ -41,14 +51,24 @@ Delta0Bar -1221 0 CannotInteract
DeltaMinus 2221 0 CannotInteract
DeltaPlusBar -2221 0 CannotInteract
DeltaPlusPlus 1111 0 CannotInteract
DeltaMinusMinusBar -1111 0 CannotInteract
Xi0 1330 0 CannotInteract
XiMinus 2330 0 CannotInteract
Xi0Bar -1330 0 CannotInteract
XiPlusBar -2330 0 CannotInteract
XiStar0 1331 0 CannotInteract
XiStarMinus 2331 0 CannotInteract
XiStar0Bar -1331 0 CannotInteract
XiStarPlusBar -2331 0 CannotInteract
OmegaMinus 3331 0 CannotInteract
OmegaPlusBar -3331 0 CannotInteract
Eta 220 0 CannotInteract
EtaPrime 330 0 CannotInteract
Phi 331 0 CannotInteract
Omega 221 0 CannotInteract
......@@ -56,9 +76,6 @@ Rho0 111 1 Pion
RhoPlus 121 0 CannotInteract
RhoMinus -121 0 CannotInteract
DeltaPlusPlus 1111 0 CannotInteract
DeltaMinusMinusBar -1111 0 CannotInteract
KStarPlus 131 0 CannotInteract
KStarMinus -131 0 CannotInteract
KStar0 231 0 CannotInteract
......@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ TEST_CASE("EposBasics", "module,process") {
SECTION("cross-section type") {
CHECK(corsika::epos::getEposXSCode(Code::Electron) == 0);
CHECK(corsika::epos::getEposXSCode(Code::K0Long) == 0);
CHECK(corsika::epos::getEposXSCode(Code::SigmaPlus) == 0);
CHECK(corsika::epos::getEposXSCode(Code::K0Long) == 3);
CHECK(corsika::epos::getEposXSCode(Code::SigmaPlus) == 2);
CHECK(corsika::epos::getEposXSCode(Code::KMinus) == 3);
CHECK(corsika::epos::getEposXSCode(Code::PiMinus) == 1);
CHECK(corsika::epos::getEposXSCode(Code::Proton) == 2);
......@@ -148,7 +148,8 @@ TEST_CASE("Epos", "modules") {
CHECK_FALSE(model.isValid(Code::Proton, Code::Electron, 100_GeV));
CHECK(model.isValid(Code::Proton, Code::Hydrogen, 100_GeV));
CHECK(model.isValid(Code::Proton, Code::Helium, 100_GeV));
CHECK_FALSE(model.isValid(Code::Proton, Code::Iron, 100_GeV));
CHECK_FALSE(model.isValid(Code::Proton, Code::Iron, 10_EeV));
CHECK_FALSE(model.isValid(Code::Proton, get_nucleus_code(240, 120), 10_EeV));
CHECK(model.isValid(Code::Proton, Code::Oxygen, 100_GeV));
......@@ -239,51 +240,53 @@ TEST_CASE("Epos", "modules") {
CHECK(xs_prod2 / 1_mb == Approx(1076.7).margin(3.1));
SECTION("InteractionInterface - invalid") {
Code const pid = Code::Electron;
HEPEnergyType const P0 = 10_TeV;
auto [stack, viewPtr] = setup::testing::setup_stack(
pid, P0, (setup::Environment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr, cs);
setup::StackView& view = *viewPtr;
view, pid, Code::Oxygen,
{sqrt(static_pow<2>(P0) + static_pow<2>(get_mass(pid))), {cs, P0, 0_GeV,
0_GeV}}, {Oxygen::mass, {cs, 0_GeV, 0_GeV, 0_GeV}}));
SECTION("InteractionInterface - nuclear projectile") {
HEPEnergyType const P0 = 10_TeV;
Code const pid = get_nucleus_code(40, 20);
auto [stack, viewPtr] = setup::testing::setup_stack(
pid, P0, (setup::Environment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr, cs);
MomentumVector plab =
MomentumVector(cs, {P0, 0_eV, 0_eV}); // this is secret knowledge about
setupStack setup::StackView& view = *viewPtr;
// @todo This is very obscure since it fails for -O2, but for both clang and gcc ???
model.doInteraction(view, pid, Code::Oxygen,
{sqrt(static_pow<2>(P0) + static_pow<2>(get_mass(pid))), plab},
{Oxygen::mass, {cs, 0_GeV, 0_GeV, 0_GeV}});
auto const pSum = sumMomentum(view, cs);
CHECK(pSum.getComponents(cs).getX() / P0 == Approx(1).margin(0.05));
CHECK(pSum.getComponents(cs).getY() / 1_GeV ==
Approx(0).margin(0.5)); // this is not physics validation
CHECK(pSum.getComponents(cs).getZ() / 1_GeV ==
Approx(0).margin(0.5)); // this is not physics validation
CHECK((pSum - plab).getNorm() / 1_GeV ==
Approx(0).margin(plab.getNorm() * 0.05 / 1_GeV));
CHECK(pSum.getNorm() / P0 == Approx(1).margin(0.05));
// [[maybe_unused]] const GrammageType length =
// model.getInteractionLength(particle);
// CHECK(length / 1_g * 1_cm * 1_cm ==
// Approx(30).margin(20)); // this is no physics validation
SECTION("InteractionInterface - invalid") {
Code const pid = Code::Electron;
HEPEnergyType const P0 = 10_TeV;
auto [stack, viewPtr] = setup::testing::setup_stack(
pid, P0, (DummyEnvironment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr, cs);
test::StackView& view = *viewPtr;
view, pid, Code::Oxygen,
{sqrt(static_pow<2>(P0) + static_pow<2>(get_mass(pid))), {cs, P0, 0_GeV, 0_GeV}},
{Oxygen::mass, {cs, 0_GeV, 0_GeV, 0_GeV}}));
SECTION("InteractionInterface - nuclear projectile") {
HEPEnergyType const P0 = 10_TeV;
Code const pid = get_nucleus_code(40, 20);
auto [stack, viewPtr] = setup::testing::setup_stack(
pid, P0, (DummyEnvironment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr, cs);
MomentumVector plab =
MomentumVector(cs, {P0, 0_eV, 0_eV}); // this is secret knowledge about
test::StackView& view = *viewPtr;
// @todo This is very obscure since it fails for -O2, but for both clang and gcc ???
model.doInteraction(view, pid, Code::Oxygen,
{sqrt(static_pow<2>(P0) + static_pow<2>(get_mass(pid))), plab},
{Oxygen::mass, {cs, 0_GeV, 0_GeV, 0_GeV}});
// simply check if stack is not empty after the event. Energy and momentum
// conservation will be tested elsewhere
CHECK(view.getSize() > 0);
// auto const pSum = sumMomentum(view, cs);
// CHECK(pSum.getComponents(cs).getX() / P0 == Approx(1).margin(0.05));
// CHECK(pSum.getComponents(cs).getY() / 1_GeV ==
// Approx(0).margin(0.5)); // this is not physics validation
// CHECK(pSum.getComponents(cs).getZ() / 1_GeV ==
// Approx(0).margin(0.5)); // this is not physics validation
// CHECK((pSum - plab).getNorm() / 1_GeV ==
// Approx(0).margin(plab.getNorm() * 0.05 / 1_GeV));
// CHECK(pSum.getNorm() / P0 == Approx(1).margin(0.05));
// [[maybe_unused]] const GrammageType length =
// model.getInteractionLength(particle);
// CHECK(length / 1_g * 1_cm * 1_cm ==
// Approx(30).margin(20)); // this is no physics validation
// SECTION("InteractionInterface")
......@@ -316,4 +319,4 @@ TEST_CASE("Epos", "modules") {
// CHECK(length / 1_g * 1_cm * 1_cm ==
// Approx(30).margin(20)); // this is no physics validation
\ No newline at end of file