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  • AirShowerPhysics/corsika
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#ifndef _include_VOLUME_H_
#define _include_VOLUME_H_
#include <corsika/geometry/Point.h>
namespace corsika::geometry {
class Volume {
//! returns true if the Point p is within the volume
virtual bool Contains(Point const& p) const = 0;
virtual ~Volume() = default;
} // namespace corsika::geometry
......@@ -132,7 +132,15 @@ TEST_CASE("Sphere") {
Point center(rootCS, {0_m, 3_m, 4_m});
Sphere sphere(center, 5_m);
SECTION("isInside") {
SECTION("GetCenter") {
CHECK((sphere.GetCenter().GetCoordinates(rootCS) -
QuantityVector<length_d>(0_m, 3_m, 4_m))
.magnitude() == Approx(0).margin(absMargin));
CHECK(sphere.GetRadius() / 5_m == Approx(1));
SECTION("Contains") {
REQUIRE_FALSE(sphere.Contains(Point(rootCS, {100_m, 0_m, 0_m})));
REQUIRE(sphere.Contains(Point(rootCS, {2_m, 3_m, 4_m})));
......@@ -152,11 +160,11 @@ TEST_CASE("Trajectories") {
.magnitude() == Approx(0).margin(absMargin));
Trajectory<Line> base(line, 1_s);
CHECK(line.GetPosition(2_s).GetCoordinates() ==
auto const t = 1_s;
Trajectory<Line> base(line, t);
CHECK(line.GetPosition(t).GetCoordinates() == base.GetPosition(1.).GetCoordinates());
CHECK(base.GetDistanceBetween(1_s, 2_s) / 1_m == Approx(1));
CHECK(base.ArcLength(1_s, 2_s) / 1_m == Approx(1));
SECTION("Helix") {
......@@ -180,10 +188,10 @@ TEST_CASE("Trajectories") {
.magnitude() == Approx(0).margin(absMargin));
Trajectory<Helix> const base(helix, 1_s);
CHECK(helix.GetPosition(1234_s).GetCoordinates() ==
auto const t = 1234_s;
Trajectory<Helix> const base(helix, t);
CHECK(helix.GetPosition(t).GetCoordinates() == base.GetPosition(1.).GetCoordinates());
CHECK(base.GetDistanceBetween(1_s, 2_s) / 1_m == Approx(5));
CHECK(base.ArcLength(1_s, 2_s) / 1_m == Approx(5));
......@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ namespace corsika::units::si {
phys::units::quantity<phys::units::electric_charge_d, double>;
using EnergyType = phys::units::quantity<phys::units::energy_d, double>;
using MassType = phys::units::quantity<phys::units::mass_d, double>;
using MassDensityType = phys::units::quantity<phys::units::mass_density_d, double>;
using GrammageType = phys::units::quantity<phys::units::dimensions<-2, 1, 0>, double>;
using MomentumType = phys::units::quantity<momentum_d, double>;
using CrossSectionType = phys::units::quantity<sigma_d, double>;
......@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include <corsika/geometry/RootCoordinateSystem.h>
#include <corsika/process/stack_inspector/StackInspector.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <corsika/particles/ParticleProperties.h>
#include <corsika/logging/Logger.h>
......@@ -22,17 +22,16 @@ target_include_directories (
# # --------------------
# # code unit testing
# add_executable (testStackInspector testStackInspector.cc)
# target_link_libraries (
# testStackInspector
# CORSIKAunits
# CORSIKAthirdparty # for catch2
# )
# add_test (NAME testStackInspector COMMAND testStackInspector)
# #-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
# #code unit testing
add_executable (testTrackingLine testTrackingLine.cc)
target_link_libraries (
CORSIKAthirdparty # for catch2
add_test (NAME testTrackingLine COMMAND testTrackingLine)
#ifndef _include_corsika_processes_TrackinLine_h_
#define _include_corsika_processes_TrackinLine_h_
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* See file AUTHORS for a list of contributors.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#ifndef _include_corsika_processes_TrackingLine_h_
#define _include_corsika_processes_TrackingLine_h_
#include <corsika/geometry/Point.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Sphere.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Vector.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <corsika/environment/Environment.h>
#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.h>
#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <optional>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>
using namespace corsika;
namespace corsika::process {
......@@ -16,15 +34,96 @@ namespace corsika::process {
namespace tracking_line {
template <typename Stack>
class TrackingLine { // Newton-step, naja.. not yet
class TrackingLine { //
typedef typename Stack::ParticleType Particle;
corsika::environment::Environment const& fEnvironment;
std::optional<std::pair<corsika::units::si::TimeType, corsika::units::si::TimeType>>
TimeOfIntersection(corsika::geometry::Line const& traj,
geometry::Sphere const& sphere) {
using namespace corsika::units::si;
auto const& cs = fEnvironment.GetCoordinateSystem();
geometry::Point const origin(cs, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m);
auto const r0 = (traj.GetR0() - origin);
auto const v0 = traj.GetV0();
auto const c0 = (sphere.GetCenter() - origin);
auto const alpha = r0.dot(v0) - 2 * v0.dot(c0);
auto const beta = c0.squaredNorm() + r0.squaredNorm() + 2 * c0.dot(r0) -
sphere.GetRadius() * sphere.GetRadius();
auto const discriminant = alpha * alpha - 4 * beta * v0.squaredNorm();
//~ std::cout << "discriminant: " << discriminant << std::endl;
//~ std::cout << "alpha: " << alpha << std::endl;
//~ std::cout << "beta: " << beta << std::endl;
if (discriminant.magnitude() > 0) {
(-alpha - sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * v0.squaredNorm());
return std::make_pair((-alpha - sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * v0.squaredNorm()),
(-alpha + sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * v0.squaredNorm()));
} else {
return {};
TrackingLine(corsika::environment::Environment const& pEnv)
: fEnvironment(pEnv) {}
void Init() {}
setup::Trajectory GetTrack(Particle& p) {
geometry::Vector<SpeedType::dimension_type> v = p.GetDirection();
geometry::Line traj(p.GetPosition(), v);
return geometry::Trajectory<corsika::geometry::Line>(traj, 100_ns);
auto GetTrack(Particle& p) {
using namespace corsika::units::si;
geometry::Vector<SpeedType::dimension_type> const velocity =
p.GetMomentum() / p.GetEnergy() * corsika::units::si::constants::cSquared;
auto const currentPosition = p.GetPosition();
geometry::Line line(currentPosition, velocity);
auto const* currentVolumeNode =
auto const& children = currentVolumeNode->GetChildNodes();
auto const& excluded = currentVolumeNode->GetExcludedNodes();
std::vector<TimeType> intersectionTimes;
auto addIfIntersects = [&](auto& vtn) {
auto const& volume = vtn.GetVolume();
auto const& sphere = dynamic_cast<geometry::Sphere const&>(
volume); // for the moment we are a bit bold here and assume
// everything is a sphere, crashes with exception if not
if (auto opt = TimeOfIntersection(line, sphere); opt.has_value()) {
auto const [t1, t2] = *opt;
if (t1.magnitude() >= 0)
else if (t2.magnitude() >= 0)
for (auto const& child : children) { addIfIntersects(*child); }
for (auto const* child : excluded) { addIfIntersects(*child); }
auto const minIter =
std::min_element(intersectionTimes.cbegin(), intersectionTimes.cend());
TimeType min;
if (minIter == intersectionTimes.cend()) {
min = 1_s; // todo: do sth. more reasonable as soon as tracking is able
// to handle the numerics properly
//~ throw std::runtime_error("no intersection with anything!");
} else {
min = *minIter;
return geometry::Trajectory<corsika::geometry::Line>(line, min);
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* See file AUTHORS for a list of contributors.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#include <corsika/environment/Environment.h>
#include <corsika/process/tracking_line/TrackingLine.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Point.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Vector.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Sphere.h>
#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.h>
using corsika::setup::Trajectory;
#define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN // This tells Catch to provide a main() - only do this in one
// cpp file
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
using namespace corsika;
using namespace corsika::process;
using namespace corsika::units;
using namespace corsika::geometry;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace corsika::units::si;
struct DummyParticle {
EnergyType fEnergy;
Vector<momentum_d> fMomentum;
Point fPosition;
DummyParticle(EnergyType pEnergy, Vector<momentum_d> pMomentum, Point pPosition) : fEnergy(pEnergy), fMomentum(pMomentum), fPosition(pPosition) {}
auto GetEnergy() const { return fEnergy; }
auto GetMomentum() const { return fMomentum; }
auto GetPosition() const { return fPosition; }
struct DummyStack {
using ParticleType = DummyParticle;
TEST_CASE("TrackingLine") {
corsika::environment::Environment env; // dummy environment
auto const& cs = env.GetCoordinateSystem();
tracking_line::TrackingLine<DummyStack> tracking(env);
SECTION("intersection with sphere") {
Point const origin(cs, {0_m, 0_m, 0_m});
Point const center(cs, {0_m, 0_m, 10_m});
Sphere const sphere(center, 1_m);
Vector<corsika::units::si::SpeedType::dimension_type> v(cs, 0_m/second, 0_m/second, 1_m/second);
Line line(origin, v);
geometry::Trajectory<Line> traj(line, 12345_s);
auto const opt = tracking.TimeOfIntersection(traj, Sphere(Point(cs, {0_m, 0_m, 10_m}), 1_m));
auto [t1, t2] = opt.value();
REQUIRE(t1 / 9_s == Approx(1));
REQUIRE(t2 / 11_s == Approx(1));
auto const optNoIntersection = tracking.TimeOfIntersection(traj, Sphere(Point(cs, {5_m, 0_m, 10_m}), 1_m));
SECTION("maximally possible propagation") {
auto& universe = *(env.GetUniverse());
//~ std::cout << env.GetUniverse().get() << std::endl;
DummyParticle p(1_J, Vector<momentum_d>(cs, 0*kilogram*meter/second, 0*kilogram*meter/second, 1*kilogram*meter/second), Point(cs, 0_m, 0_m,0_m));
auto const radius = 20_m;
auto theMedium = corsika::environment::Environment::CreateNode<Sphere>(
Point{env.GetCoordinateSystem(), 0_m, 0_m, 0_m}, radius);
Point const origin(cs, {0_m, 0_m, 0_m});
Vector<corsika::units::si::SpeedType::dimension_type> v(cs, 0_m/second, 0_m/second, 1_m/second);
Line line(origin, v);
auto const traj = tracking.GetTrack(p);
REQUIRE((traj.GetPosition(1.) - Point(cs, 0_m, 0_m, radius)).GetComponents(cs).norm().magnitude() == Approx(0).margin(1e-4));
......@@ -12,6 +12,10 @@
#ifndef _include_corsika_setup_environment_h_
#define _include_corsika_setup_environment_h_
namespace corsika {}
#include <corsika/environment/IMediumModel.h>
namespace corsika::setup {
using IEnvironmentModel = corsika::environment::IMediumModel;