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Commit b88cb88b authored by ralfulrich's avatar ralfulrich
Browse files

removed file, not needed any more

parent 0c927cc5
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# input file paths:
PARTICLE_DATA_XML = "./Tools/ParticleData.xml"
SIBYLL_CODES = "./Tools/sibyll_codes.dat"
# output file paths:
GENERATED_PARTICLE_PROPERTIES_INC = "./Framework/ParticleProperties/generated_particle_properties.inc"
GENERATED_SIBYLL_INC = "./Framework/ParticleProperties/generated_sibyll.inc"
import sys, math, itertools, re, csv, pprint
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from collections import OrderedDict
# for testing
def sib_to_pdg(sib_id): # adapted from sibyll2.3c.f
idmap = [22,-11,11,-13,13,111,211,-211,321,-321,
pida = abs(sib_id)
if pida != 0:
ISIB_PID2PDG = idmap[pida-1]
return 0
isign = lambda a, b: abs(a) if b > 0 else -abs(a)
if sib_id < 0:
ISIB_PID2PDG = isign(ISIB_PID2PDG,sib_id)
def parse(filename):
tree = ET.parse(filename)
root = tree.getroot()
for particle in root.iter("particle"):
name = particle.attrib["name"]
pdg_id = int(particle.attrib["id"])
mass = float(particle.attrib["m0"]) # GeV
electric_charge = int(particle.attrib["chargeType"]) # in units of e/3
decay_width = float(particle.attrib.get("mWidth", 0)) # GeV
lifetime = float(particle.attrib.get("tau0", math.inf)) # mm / c
yield (pdg_id, name, mass, electric_charge)
# TODO: read decay channels from child elements
if "antiName" in particle.attrib:
name = particle.attrib['antiName']
yield (-pdg_id, name, mass, -electric_charge)
def c_identifier(name):
orig = name
name = name.upper()
for c in "() ":
name = name.replace(c, "_")
name = name.replace("BAR", "_BAR")
name = name.replace("0", "_0")
name = name.replace("/", "_")
name = name.replace("*", "_STAR")
name = name.replace("'", "_PRIME")
name = name.replace("+", "_PLUS")
name = name.replace("-", "_MINUS")
while True:
tmp = name.replace("__", "_")
if tmp == name:
name = tmp
pattern = re.compile(r'^[A-Z_][A-Z_0-9]*$')
if pattern.match(name):
return name.strip("_")
raise Exception("could not generate C identifier for '{:s}'".format(orig))
def build_pythia_db(filename):
particle_db = OrderedDict()
for (pdg, name, mass, electric_charge) in parse(filename):
c_id = c_identifier(name)
#~ print(name, c_id, sep='\t', file=sys.stderr)
#~ enums += "{:s} = {:d}, ".format(c_id, corsika_id)
particle_db[c_id] = {
"name" : name,
"pdg" : pdg,
"mass" : mass, # in GeV
"electric_charge" : electric_charge # in e/3
return particle_db
def read_sibyll(filename):
with open(filename, "rt", newline='') as file:
reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter=' ')
for c_id, sib_code in reader:
yield (c_id, {"sibyll" : int(sib_code)})
def gen_convert_sib_int(pythia_db):
min_sib = min((pythia_db[p]['sibyll'] for p in pythia_db if "sibyll" in pythia_db[p]))
max_sib = max((pythia_db[p]['sibyll'] for p in pythia_db if "sibyll" in pythia_db[p]))
table_size = max_sib - min_sib + 1
map_sib_int = [None] * table_size
for p in filter(lambda _: True, pythia_db.values()):
map_sib_int[min_sib + p['sibyll']] = (p['ngc_code'], p["name"])
string = ("constexpr int8_t min_sib = {min_sib:d};\n"
"constexpr std::array<int16_t, {size:d}> map_sibyll_internal = {{{{\n").format(size = table_size, min_sib = min_sib)
for val in map_sib_int:
internal, name = (*val,) if val else (0, "UNUSED")
string += " {code:d}, // {name:s}\n".format(code = internal, name = name)
string += "}};\n"
return string
def gen_sibyll_enum(pythia_db):
string = "enum class SibyllParticleCode : int8_t {\n"
for k in filter(lambda k: "sibyll" in pythia_db[k], pythia_db):
string += " {key:s} = {sib:d},\n".format(key = k, sib = pythia_db[k]['sibyll'])
string += "};"
return string
def gen_convert_int_sib(pythia_db):
map_int_sib_size = len(pythia_db)
map_int_sib = [None] * map_int_sib_size
for p in pythia_db:
map_int_sib[pythia_db[p]['ngc_code']] = pythia_db[p]['sibyll'] if "sibyll" in pythia_db[p] else 0
map_int_sib_table = "constexpr std::array<int8_t, {size:d}> map_internal_sibyll = {{{{".format(size = len(map_int_sib))
for k, p in zip(map_int_sib, pythia_db.values()):
map_int_sib_table += " {:d}, // {:s}\n".format(k, p['name'])
map_int_sib_table += "}};"
return map_int_sib_table
def gen_internal_enum(pythia_db):
string = "enum class InternalParticleCode : uint8_t {\n"
for k in filter(lambda k: "ngc_code" in pythia_db[k], pythia_db):
string += " {key:s} = {sib:d},\n".format(key = k, sib = pythia_db[k]['ngc_code'])
string += "};"
return string
def gen_properties(pythia_db):
# masses
string = "static constexpr std::size_t size = {size:d};\n".format(size = len(pythia_db))
string += "static constexpr std::array<double const, size> masses{{\n"
for p in pythia_db.values():
string += " {mass:f}, // {name:s}\n".format(mass = p['mass'], name = p['name'])
string += ("}};\n"
# PDG codes
"static constexpr std::array<PDGCode const, size> pdg_codes{{\n")
for p in pythia_db.values():
string += " {pdg:d}, // {name:s}\n".format(pdg = p['pdg'], name = p['name'])
string += ("}};\n"
# name strings
"static const std::array<std::string const, size> names{{\n")
for p in pythia_db.values():
string += " \"{name:s}\",\n".format(name = p['name'])
string += ("}};\n"
# electric charges
"static constexpr std::array<int16_t, size> electric_charges{{\n")
for p in pythia_db.values():
string += " \"{charge:d}\",\n".format(charge = p['electric_charge'])
return string
if __name__ == "__main__":
pythia_db = build_pythia_db(PARTICLE_DATA_XML)
for c_id, sib_info in read_sibyll(SIBYLL_CODES):
#~ print(c_id, sib_info)
pythia_db[c_id] = {**pythia_db[c_id], **sib_info}
counter = itertools.count(0)
not_modeled = []
for p in pythia_db:
if 'sibyll' not in pythia_db[p]:
not_modeled += [p]
pythia_db[p]['ngc_code'] = next(counter)
#~ print(not_modeled)
for p in not_modeled:
pythia_db.pop(p, None)
#~ # cross check hand-written tables vs sibyll's conversion
#~ for p in pythia_db:
#~ sib_db = pythia_db[p]['sibyll']
#~ pdg = pythia_db[p]['pdg']
#~ table = sib_to_pdg(sib_db)
#~ if table != pdg:
#~ raise Exception(p, sib_db, pdg, table)
print(gen_internal_enum(pythia_db), file=f)
print(gen_properties(pythia_db), file=f)
with open(GENERATED_SIBYLL_INC, "w") as f:
print(gen_sibyll_enum(pythia_db), file=f)
print(gen_convert_sib_int(pythia_db), file=f)
print(gen_convert_int_sib(pythia_db), file=f)
#~ print(pdg_id_table, mass_table, name_table, enums, sep='\n\n')
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