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1 merge request!334readthedocs and better error messages
......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ namespace corsika {
class TDerived; // fwd decl
class _BaseProcess {};
@ingroup Processes
......@@ -31,7 +33,6 @@ namespace corsika {
./Processes/AnalyticProcessors/ExecTime.h, see e.g. how this is done in
class _BaseProcess {};
template <typename TDerived>
struct BaseProcess : _BaseProcess {
......@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ namespace corsika {
* ProcessTraits specialization
ProcessTraits specialization
template <typename TProcess>
struct is_process<
......@@ -60,6 +60,65 @@ namespace corsika {
- ContinuousProcess
- StackProcess
- SecondariesProcess
- BoundaryCrossingProcess
And all processes (including ProcessSequence and SwitchProcessSequence) are derived from BaseProcess.
Processes of any type (e.g. p1, p2, p3,...) can be assembled into a ProcessSequence using the `make_sequence` factory function.
auto sequence1 = make_sequence(p1, p2, p3);
auto sequence2 = make_sequence(p4, p5, p6, p7);
auto sequence3 = make_sequence(sequence1, sequemce2, p8, p9);
Note, if the order of processes
matters, the order of occurence
in the ProcessSequence determines
the executiion order.
SecondariesProcess alyways act on
new secondaries produced (i.e. in
InteractionProcess and
DecayProcess) in the scope of
their ProcessSequence. For
example if i1 and i2 are
InteractionProcesses and s1 is a
SecondariesProcess, then
auto sequence = make_sequence(i1, make_sequence(i2, s1))
will result in s1 acting only on
the particles produced by i2 and
not by i1. This can be very
useful, e.g. to fine tune thinning.
A special type of ProcessSequence
is SwitchProcessSequence, which
has two branches and a functor
that can select between these two
auto sequence = make_switch(sequence1, sequence2, selector);
where the only requirement to
`selector` is that it
provides a `SwitchResult operator()(Particle const& particle) const` method. Thus,
based on the dynamic properties
of `particle` the functor
can make its decision. This is
clearly important for switching
between low-energy and
high-energy models, but not
limited to this. The selection
can even be done with a lambda
@ingroup Processes
......@@ -67,27 +126,28 @@ namespace corsika {
* Definition of a static process list/sequence
* A compile time static list of processes. The compiler will
* generate a new type based on template logic containing all the
* elements provided by the user.
* TProcess1 and TProcess2 must both be derived from BaseProcess,
* and are both references if possible (lvalue), otherwise (rvalue)
* they are just classes. This allows us to handle both, rvalue as
* well as lvalue Processes in the ProcessSequence.
* (The sequence, and the processes use the CRTP, curiously recurring template
* pattern).
* Template parameters:
* - TProcess1 is of type BaseProcess, either a dedicatd process, or a ProcessSequence
* - TProcess2 is of type BaseProcess, either a dedicatd process, or a ProcessSequence
* - ProcessIndexOffset, IndexOfProcess1, IndexOfProcess2 are to count and index each
* ContinuousProcess in the entire process-chain
Definition of a static process list/sequence
A compile time static list of processes. The compiler will
generate a new type based on template logic containing all the
elements provided by the user.
TProcess1 and TProcess2 must both be derived from BaseProcess,
and are both references if possible (lvalue), otherwise (rvalue)
they are just classes. This allows us to handle both, rvalue as
well as lvalue Processes in the ProcessSequence.
(The sequence, and the processes use the CRTP, curiously recurring template
Template parameters:
@tparam TProcess1 is of type BaseProcess, either a dedicatd process, or a ProcessSequence
@tparam TProcess2 is of type BaseProcess, either a dedicatd process, or a ProcessSequence
@tparam ProcessIndexOffset to count and index each ContinuousProcess in the entire process-chain
@tparam IndexOfProcess1
@tparam IndexOfProcess2
template <typename TProcess1, typename TProcess2 = NullModel,
int ProcessIndexOffset = 0,
......@@ -218,17 +278,21 @@ namespace corsika {
@fn make_sequence
Factory function to create a ProcessSequence
to construct ProcessSequences in a flexible and dynamic way the
`sequence` factory functions are provided
Any objects of type
- BaseProcess,
- ContinuousProcess, and
- InteractionProcess/DecayProcess,
- StackProcess,
- BaseProcess
- ContinuousProcess and
- InteractionProcess/DecayProcess
- StackProcess
- SecondariesProcess
- BoundaryCrossingProcess
can be assembled into a ProcessSequence, all
combinatorics are allowed.
......@@ -236,11 +300,11 @@ namespace corsika {
types derived from BaseProcess. Also the ProcessSequence itself
is derived from type BaseProcess
\param vA needs to derive from BaseProcess or ProcessSequence
\param vB paramter-pack, needs to derive BaseProcess or ProcessSequence
@tparam TProcesses parameter pack with objects of type BaseProcess
@tparam TProcess1 another BaseProcess
@param vA needs to derive from BaseProcess or ProcessSequence
@param vB paramter-pack, needs to derive BaseProcess or ProcessSequence
template <typename... TProcesses, typename TProcess1>
typename std::enable_if_t<
is_process_v<typename std::decay_t<TProcess1>>,
......@@ -252,13 +316,17 @@ namespace corsika {
* Factory function to create ProcessSequence
* specialization for two input objects (no paramter pack in vB).
* \param vA needs to derive from BaseProcess or ProcessSequence
* \param vB needs to derive BaseProcess or ProcessSequence
@fn make_sequence
Factory function to create ProcessSequence
specialization for two input objects (no paramter pack in vB).
@tparam TProcess1 another BaseProcess
@tparam TProcess2 another BaseProcess
@param vA needs to derive from BaseProcess or ProcessSequence
@param vB needs to derive BaseProcess or ProcessSequence
template <typename TProcess1, typename TProcess2>
typename std::enable_if_t<is_process_v<typename std::decay_t<TProcess1>> &&
is_process_v<typename std::decay_t<TProcess2>>,
......@@ -268,13 +336,16 @@ namespace corsika {
* Factory function to create ProcessSequence from a single BaseProcess
* also allow a single Process in ProcessSequence, accompany by
* `NullModel`
* \param vA needs to derive from BaseProcess or ProcessSequence
@fn make_sequence
Factory function to create ProcessSequence from a single BaseProcess
also allow a single Process in ProcessSequence, accompany by
@tparam TProcess1 another BaseProcess
@param vA needs to derive from BaseProcess or ProcessSequence
template <typename TProcess>
typename std::enable_if_t<is_process_v<typename std::decay_t<TProcess>>,
ProcessSequence<TProcess, NullModel>>
......@@ -283,7 +354,10 @@ namespace corsika {
* traits marker to identify objectas ProcessSequence
traits marker to identify objectas ProcessSequence
@tparam TProcess1 another BaseProcess
@tparam TProcess2 another BaseProcess
template <typename TProcess1, typename TProcess2>
struct is_process_sequence<ProcessSequence<TProcess1, TProcess2>> : std::true_type {
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
#pragma once
* \file SwitchProcessSequence.hpp
@file SwitchProcessSequence.hpp
#include <corsika/framework/process/BaseProcess.hpp>
......@@ -31,18 +31,22 @@
namespace corsika {
@ingroup Processes
* enum for the process switch selection: identify if First or
* Second process branch should be used.
enum class SwitchResult { First, /// Follow first branch in SwitchProcessSequence
Second /// Follow second branch in
/// SwitchProcessSequence
enum for the process switch selection: identify if First or Second
process branch should be used.
@var SwitchResult::First Follow first branch in SwitchProcessSequence
@var SwitchResult::Second Follow second branch in SwitchProcessSequence
enum class SwitchResult { First,
@ingroup Processes
Class to switch between two process branches
A compile-time static list of processes that uses an internal
......@@ -65,12 +69,14 @@ namespace corsika {
particle stack and not on indiviidual particles.
Template parameters:
- TProcess1 is of type BaseProcess, either a dedicatd process, or a ProcessSequence
- TProcess2 is of type BaseProcess, either a dedicatd process, or a ProcessSequence
- IndexFirstProcess, IndexOfProcess1, IndexOfProcess2 are to count and index each
ContinuousProcess in the entire process-chain
See also class ProcessSequence
@tparam TProcess1 is of type BaseProcess, either a dedicatd process, or a ProcessSequence
@tparam TProcess2 is of type BaseProcess, either a dedicatd process, or a ProcessSequence
@tparam TSelect selector functor/function
@tparam IndexFirstProcess to count and index each ContinuousProcess in the entire process-chain
@tparam IndexOfProcess1 index of TProcess1 (counting of ContinuousProcess)
@tparam IndexOfProcess2 index of TProcess2 (counting of ContinuousProcess)
See also class ProcessSequence.
template <typename TProcess1, typename TProcess2, typename TSelect,
......@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ copyright = u'2021, CORSIKA 8 Collaboration'
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......@@ -152,7 +127,7 @@ latex_documents = [
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
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(master_doc, 'CORSIKA 8', u'CORSIKA 8 Documentation',
author, 'CORSIKA 8', 'The air shower simulation framework',
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