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Commit 27604f72 authored by Ralf Ulrich's avatar Ralf Ulrich
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Merge branch 'docs_update' into 'master'

More documentation

See merge request !348
parents 1b8ade9e 32b3e5aa
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1 merge request!348More documentation
Pipeline #5081 passed with warnings
...@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ discussions. ...@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ discussions.
General and infrastructure: General and infrastructure:
- Ralf Ulrich <ralf.ulrich@kit.edu>, KIT - Ralf Ulrich <ralf.ulrich@kit.edu>, KIT
- Maximilian Reininghaus <maximilian.reininghaus@kit.edu>, KIT - Maximilian Reininghaus <maximilian.reininghaus@kit.edu>, KIT
- Hans Dembinski <hdembins@mpi-hd.mpg.de>, Dortmund
- Antonio Augusto Alves Junior <antonio.junior@kit.edu>, KIT - Antonio Augusto Alves Junior <antonio.junior@kit.edu>, KIT
High performance, GPU: High performance, GPU:
This is currently derived from
and will be revised whenever needed:
- Luisa Arrabito (1)
- Dominik Baack (2)
- Johan Bregeon (1)
- Hans Dembinski (3)
- Ralph Engel (4)
- Dieter Heck (4)
- Tim Huege (4,5)
- Lukas Nellen (6)
- Tanguy Pierog (4)
- Maximilian Reininghaus (4,7)
- Felix Riehn (8)
- Ralf Ulrich (4)
- Darko Veberic (4)
- University of Montpellier, France
- TU Dortmund University, Germany
- Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg, Germany
- Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
- Instituto de Tecnologías en Detección y Astropartículas (CNEA, CONICET, UNSAM), Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Laboratory of Instrumentation and Experimental Particles (LIP), Portugal
...@@ -25,13 +25,12 @@ def configureDoxyLayout(template_file, output_file, page_url, page_tile): ...@@ -25,13 +25,12 @@ def configureDoxyLayout(template_file, output_file, page_url, page_tile):
read_the_docs_build = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS', None) == 'True' read_the_docs_build = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS', None) != None
build_version = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS_VERSION', None)
breathe_projects = {} breathe_projects = {}
doc_url = 'https://corsika-8.readthedocs.io/en/'+build_version
if read_the_docs_build: if read_the_docs_build:
build_version = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS_VERSION', None)
doc_url = 'https://corsika-8.readthedocs.io/en/'+build_version
configureDoxyfile("Doxyfile.in", "Doxyfile", "../", "_build/workdir/doxygen") configureDoxyfile("Doxyfile.in", "Doxyfile", "../", "_build/workdir/doxygen")
configureDoxyLayout("DoxyLayout.in", "DoxyLayout.xml", doc_url , "CORSIKA 8 Webpage") configureDoxyLayout("DoxyLayout.in", "DoxyLayout.xml", doc_url , "CORSIKA 8 Webpage")
subprocess.call('mkdir -p _build/workdir/doxygen; doxygen Doxyfile', shell=True) subprocess.call('mkdir -p _build/workdir/doxygen; doxygen Doxyfile', shell=True)
Howto create new physics modules
There are different types of physics modules, which you can add to the CORSIKA 8 physics process
sequence. Modules can act on particles, secondaries or the entire stack. Modules can create new particles
or they can modify or delete particles. They can also produce output.
Types of different modules are explained in ::modules
When creating new modules, we suggest to stick as close as possible to the default CORSIKA 8 coding guidelines
and code structure. This makes code review and sharing with others not more complicated than needed.
When your modules creates output, use the available CORSIKA 8 output machinery. This is not explained here. Also learn
how to use units, and use the loggers from the very beginning. Furthermore, get aquinted with C++17.
Let's consider the case of an "InteractionProcess" which will remove the projectile particle and create
secondary particles on the stack instead. It also has a cross section in order to evaulate the probability
with respect to other InteractionProcesses. Create a header file `SimpleProcess.hpp`, which is conceptually
based to resemble (roughly) a Matthew-Heitler model:
.. code-block:: c++
#pragma once
#include <corsika/framework/core/ParticleProperties.hpp>
#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalConstants.hpp>
#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
#include <corsika/framework/core/Logging.hpp>
#include <corsika/framework/process/InteractionProcess.hpp>
#include <corsika/framework/random/RNGManager.hpp>
namespace corsika::simple_process {
class SimpleProcess : public corsika::InteractionProcess<SimpleProcess> {
template <typename TParticle>
GrammageType getInteractionLength(TParticle const&) const;
template <typename TSecondaryView>
void doInteraction(TSecondaryView& view) const;
// the random number stream
corsika::default_prng_type& rng_ =
// the logger
std::shared_ptr<spdlog::logger> logger_ = get_logger("corsika_SimpleProcess");
#include <SimpleProcess.inl>
And the corresponding `SimpleProcess.inl` as:
.. code-block:: c++
Namespace corsika::simple_process
inline SimpleProcess::SimpleProcess() {}
template <typename TParticle>
inline GrammageType SimpleProcess::getInteractionLength(
TParticle const &particle) const
// this process only applies to hadrons above Ekin=100GeV
if (is_hadron(particle.getPID()) && particle.getKineticEnergy()>100_GeV) {
return 2_g/square(1_cm);
// otherwise its cross section is 0
return std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() * 1_g/square(1_cm);
template <typename TSecondaryView>
inline void SimpleProcess::doInteraction(TSecondaryView &view) const
// the actual projectile particle, which will disappear after the call to doInteraction finished.
auto projectile = view.getProjectile();
int const nMult = 15;
auto pionEnergy = projectile.getEnergy() / nMult;
auto const pOrig = projectile.getPosition();
auto const tOrig = projectile.getTime();
auto const projectileMomentum = projectile.getMomentum();
auto const &cs = projectileMomentum.getCoordinateSystem();
for (int iMult=0; iMult<nMult; ++iMult) {
projectileMomentum.normalized() * sqrt(square(pionEnergy) + square(PiPlus::mass)),
CORSIKA_LOGGER_INFO(logger_, "Created {} new secondaries of energy {}.", nMult, pionEnergy);
In this example, `TParticle` as used here in the SimpleModule is one
particle on the CORSIKA8 particle stack. It has all methods you expect
as `getPosition()`, `getEnergy()`, `getKineticEnergy()`, etc.
The `TSecondaryView` provides special access to the CORSIKA8 particle
stack as needed for a particle interaction with a projectile and
secondaries. For example, `getProjectil()` will return the actual
projectile particle, `addSecondary(...)` will produce a secondary of
the projectil. The advantage of addSecondary wrt. addParticle is that
there exists a direct reference to the projectile allowing to
automatically copy weights, keep the cascade history,
etc. Furthermore, you can define subsequent `SeoncariesProcesses`
which can further process all the newly created secondaries. This
could perform energy threshold cuts, or also calculate new weights,
The SimpleProcess is not necessarily useful for anything and its sole purpuse is to illustrate the mechanism to
create your own processes.
You can then include such a process in your programm (e.g. in vertical_EAS) with
- add: `#include <SimpleProcess.hpp>`
- register the new random stream: `RNGManager<>::getInstance().registerRandomStream("simple_process");`
- initialize it with `simple_process::SimpleProcess simple; `
- add it to the physiscs sequence i.e. via `auto extended_sequence = make_sequence(old_sequence, simple);`
Please follow the style and guidelines for programming CORSIKA 8 code
even for private project. Your code will be GPLv3, too, and thus
should be made public to the community. Any discussion or eventual
bug-fixing is much more complicated if there are deviations from the
...@@ -7,13 +7,16 @@ Welcome to the CORSIKA 8 air shower simulation framework. ...@@ -7,13 +7,16 @@ Welcome to the CORSIKA 8 air shower simulation framework.
:maxdepth: 2 :maxdepth: 2
readme_link readme_link
modules output
particles particles
media media
units units
environment environment
stack stack
utilities utilities
api api
The format of CORSIKA 8 is designed to allow simple and robust managmenet of large libraries, as well as high reading performance. There is a dedicated python library to help processing data.
The basic structure of output is structured on the filesystem itself with a couple of subdirectories and files. Each run of CORSIKA~8 creates a library that can contain any number of showers.
The format is equally suited for single huge showers as well as for a very high number of very low-energy showers. Each module included in the run can
produce output inside this directory. The module output is separeted in individual user-named sub-directories, each containing files produced by the module. The file format is either yaml for basic configuration and summary data, or Apache parquet for any other (binary, compressed)
data. Parquet is optimal for columnar/tabular data as it is produced by CORSIKA 8.
One advantage of this format is that with normal filesystem utilties users can manage the libraries. On all systems there are tools available to
directly read/process yaml as well as parquet files. If you, for example, don't need the particle data for space reasons, this is very simple to remove from a library. Individual
output stream (modules) can be easily separated with no extra effort.
For example, the output of the "vertical_EAS" example program looks like this:
The "vertical_EAS_outputs" and the "particles" are user-defined names and can be arranged/changed. But the type
of data is well defined, e.g. in "particles" the data from an ObservationPlane object is stored. This is relevant,
since it allows python to access this data in a controlled way.
The top level "config.yaml" contains top-level library information:
.. code-block:: YAML
name: vertical_EAS_outputs
creator: CORSIKA8
version: 8.0.0-prealpha
and the "summary.yaml" is written in the very end (thus, the presence of the summary also indicates that a run is finished):
.. code-block:: YAML
showers: 2
start time: 06/02/2021 23:46:18 HST
end time: 06/02/2021 23:46:42 HST
runtime: 00:00:24.260
Each module has its own "config.yaml" and "summary.yaml" file, too.
To handle thus output for analysis any tool of your preference is feasible. We recommend python. There is a python library accompanied with
CORSIKA~8 to facilitate analysis and output handling (>>> is python prompt):
.. code-block:: python
>>> import corsika
>>> lib = corsika.Library("vertical_EAS_outputs")
>>> lib.config # this gets the library configuration as a Python dictionary
{'name': 'vertical_EAS_outputs',
'creator': 'CORSIKA8',
'version': '8.0.0-prealpha'}
>>> lib.names # get a list of all registered processes in the library
>>> lib.summary # you can also load the summary information
{'showers': 1,
'start time': '06/02/2021 23:46:18 HST',
'end time': '06/02/2021 23:46:30 HST',
'runtime': 11.13}
>>> lib.get("particles") # you can then get the process by its registered name.
>>> lib.get("particles").config # and you can also get its config as well
{'type': 'ObservationPlane',
'plane': {'center': [0, 0, 6371000],
'center.units': 'm',
'normal': [0, 0, 1]},
'x-axis': [1, 0, 0],
'y-axis': [0, 1, 0],
'delete_on_hit': True,
'name': 'particles'}
>>> lib.get("particles").data # this returns the data as a Pandas data frame
shower pdg energy x y radius
0 0 211 9.066702e+10 2.449931 -5.913341 7.093710
1 0 22 2.403024e+11 -1.561504 -1.276160 2.024900
2 0 211 1.306354e+11 -4.626045 -3.237780 6.009696
3 0 211 1.773324e+11 -1.566567 4.172961 4.461556
4 0 211 7.835374e+10 3.152863 -1.049201 3.330416
.. ... ... ... ... ... ...
>>> lib.get("particles").astype("arrow") # you can also request the data in a different format
shower: int32 not null
pdg: int32 not null
energy: double not null
x: double not null
y: double not null
radius: double not null
>>>lib.get("particles").astype("pandas") # or astype("arrow"), or astype("pandas").to_numpy()
You can locally install the corsika python analysis library from within your corsika
source code directory by `pip3 install --user -e python pyarrow==0.17.0`. Note, the pyarrow
version fix has shown to be needed on some older systems. You may not need this, or you may
need additional packages, too.
Particle Properties
.. toctree::
.. doxygengroup:: Particles
:project: CORSIKA8
Particle Properties Particle Storage and Stack
=================== ==========================
.. toctree:: Particles in memory are stored in a Stack. The Stack handles the memory management and access to particle data
particle_classes properties. The stack can be extended with additional fields that then become part of the particle object.
.. doxygengroup:: Particles The standard Stack object in CORSIKA 8 is the NuclearStackExtension, further extended with internal
:project: CORSIKA8 fields like `geometry node` and `weight` or `history`. But the important part is the `NuclearStackExtension`.
There are several ways to create particles:
* novel particles on the stack:
* stack::addParticle(particle_data_type const&)
* stack::addParticle(nuclear_particle_data_type const&)
* stack::addParticle(particle_data_momentum_type const&)
* stack::addParticle(nuclear_particle_data_momentum_type const&)
* secondary particles:
* stack::addSecondary(parent const&, particle_data_type const&)
* stack::addSecondary(parent const&, nuclear_particle_data_type const&)
* stack::addSecondary(parent const&, particle_data_momentum_type const&)
* stack::addSecondary(parent const&, nuclear_particle_data_momentum_type const&)
or directly:
* particle::addSecondary(particle_data_type const&)
* particle::addSecondary(nuclear_particle_data_type const&)
* particle::addSecondary(particle_data_momentum_type const&)
* particle::addSecondary(nuclear_particle_data_momentum_type const&)
The content of these method parameters are:
* particle_data_type: {PID [corsika::Code], kinetic energy [HEPEnergyType], direction [DirectionVector], position [Point], time[TimeType]}
* particle_data_momentum_type: {PID [corsika::Code], momentum [MomentumVector], position [Point], time[TimeType]}
* nuclear_particle_data_type: {PID [corsika::Code], kinetic energy [HEPEnergyType], direction [DirectionVector], position [Point], time[TimeType], A [unsigned int], Z [unsigned int]}
* nuclear_particle_data_momentum_type: {PID [corsika::Code], momentum [MomentumVector], position [Point], time[TimeType], A [unsigned int], Z [unsigned int]}
...@@ -101,6 +101,10 @@ TEST_CASE("Geometry CoordinateSystems") { ...@@ -101,6 +101,10 @@ TEST_CASE("Geometry CoordinateSystems") {
// vector norm invariant under rotation // vector norm invariant under rotation
CHECK(v1.getComponents(rotatedCS).getNorm().magnitude() == CHECK(v1.getComponents(rotatedCS).getNorm().magnitude() ==
Approx(v1.getComponents(rootCS).getNorm().magnitude())); Approx(v1.getComponents(rootCS).getNorm().magnitude()));
// this is not possible
QuantityVector<length_d> const axis_invalid{0_m, 0_m, 0_km};
CHECK_THROWS(make_rotation(rootCS, axis_invalid, angle));
} }
SECTION("multiple rotations") { SECTION("multiple rotations") {
...@@ -201,6 +205,10 @@ TEST_CASE("Geometry CoordinateSystem-hirarchy") { ...@@ -201,6 +205,10 @@ TEST_CASE("Geometry CoordinateSystem-hirarchy") {
CoordinateSystemPtr root = get_root_CoordinateSystem(); CoordinateSystemPtr root = get_root_CoordinateSystem();
Point const p1(root, {0_m, 0_m, 0_m}); // the origin of the root CS Point const p1(root, {0_m, 0_m, 0_m}); // the origin of the root CS
CHECK(p1.getX(root) == 0_m);
CHECK(p1.getY(root) == 0_m);
CHECK(p1.getZ(root) == 0_m);
// root -> cs2 // root -> cs2
CoordinateSystemPtr cs2 = make_translation(root, {0_m, 0_m, 1_m}); CoordinateSystemPtr cs2 = make_translation(root, {0_m, 0_m, 1_m});
Point const p2(cs2, {0_m, 0_m, -1_m}); Point const p2(cs2, {0_m, 0_m, -1_m});
...@@ -280,6 +288,8 @@ TEST_CASE("Geometry Trajectories") { ...@@ -280,6 +288,8 @@ TEST_CASE("Geometry Trajectories") {
.getNorm() .getNorm()
.magnitude() == Approx(0).margin(absMargin)); .magnitude() == Approx(0).margin(absMargin));
CHECK((line.getTimeFromArclength(10_m) / (10_m / v0.getNorm()) == Approx(1)));
auto const t = 1_s; auto const t = 1_s;
StraightTrajectory base(line, t); StraightTrajectory base(line, t);
CHECK(line.getPosition(t).getCoordinates() == base.getPosition(1.).getCoordinates()); CHECK(line.getPosition(t).getCoordinates() == base.getPosition(1.).getCoordinates());
...@@ -348,8 +358,6 @@ TEST_CASE("Distance between points") { ...@@ -348,8 +358,6 @@ TEST_CASE("Distance between points") {
CHECK(distance(p5, p6) / 1_m == Approx(1)); CHECK(distance(p5, p6) / 1_m == Approx(1));
} }
TEST_CASE("Geometry Tree") {}
TEST_CASE("Path") { TEST_CASE("Path") {
// define a known CS // define a known CS
CoordinateSystemPtr root = get_root_CoordinateSystem(); CoordinateSystemPtr root = get_root_CoordinateSystem();
...@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE("Tracking", "tracking", tracking_leapfrog_curved::Tracking, ...@@ -186,6 +186,7 @@ TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE("Tracking", "tracking", tracking_leapfrog_curved::Tracking,
particle.setNode(nextVol); particle.setNode(nextVol);
particle.setPosition(traj.getPosition(1)); particle.setPosition(traj.getPosition(1));
particle.setMomentum(traj.getDirection(1) * particle.getMomentum().getNorm()); particle.setMomentum(traj.getDirection(1) * particle.getMomentum().getNorm());
SpeedType const speed_0 = particle.getVelocity().getNorm();
if (outer) { if (outer) {
// now we know we are in target volume, depending on "outer" // now we know we are in target volume, depending on "outer"
CHECK(traj.getLength(1) / 1_m == Approx(0).margin(1e-3)); CHECK(traj.getLength(1) / 1_m == Approx(0).margin(1e-3));
...@@ -211,6 +212,7 @@ TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE("Tracking", "tracking", tracking_leapfrog_curved::Tracking, ...@@ -211,6 +212,7 @@ TEMPLATE_TEST_CASE("Tracking", "tracking", tracking_leapfrog_curved::Tracking,
particle.getMomentum().getNorm(), particle.getMomentum().getNorm(),
particle.getVelocity().getNorm(), traj2.getLength(1), particle.getVelocity().getNorm(), traj2.getLength(1),
traj2.getLength(1) / particle.getVelocity().getNorm()); traj2.getLength(1) / particle.getVelocity().getNorm());
CHECK(speed_0 / traj2.getVelocity(1).getNorm() == Approx(1));
} }
CHECK_FALSE(hit_2nd_behind); // this can never happen CHECK_FALSE(hit_2nd_behind); // this can never happen
// the next line is maybe an actual BUG: this should be investigated and eventually // the next line is maybe an actual BUG: this should be investigated and eventually
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