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Commit 220750df authored by Ralf M Ulrich's avatar Ralf M Ulrich
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Merge branch '257-particle-list-example'

parents d91131b9 add4ca92
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1 merge request!186Resolve "particle list example"
Pipeline #1303 canceled
Showing with 330 additions and 163 deletions
......@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ CORSIKA_ADD_TEST (helix_example)
target_link_libraries (helix_example CORSIKAgeometry CORSIKAunits)
install (TARGETS helix_example DESTINATION share/examples)
CORSIKA_ADD_TEST (particle_list_example)
target_link_libraries (particle_list_example CORSIKAparticles CORSIKAunits CORSIKAprocesses ProcessSibyll ProcessQGSJetII)
install (TARGETS particle_list_example DESTINATION share/examples)
CORSIKA_ADD_TEST (geometry_example)
target_link_libraries (geometry_example CORSIKAgeometry CORSIKAunits)
install (TARGETS geometry_example DESTINATION share/examples)
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* See file AUTHORS for a list of contributors.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#include <corsika/particles/ParticleProperties.h>
#include <corsika/process/ProcessSequence.h>
#include <corsika/process/qgsjetII/ParticleConversion.h>
#include <corsika/process/sibyll/ParticleConversion.h>
#include <corsika/setup/SetupEnvironment.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace corsika::units;
using namespace corsika::units::si;
using namespace corsika::particles;
using namespace std;
// The example main program for a particle list
int main() {
cout << "------------------------------------------"
<< "particles in CORSIKA"
<< "------------------------------------------" << endl;
cout << std::setw(20) << "Name"
<< " | " << std::setw(10) << "PDG-id"
<< " | " << std::setw(10) << "SIBYLL-id"
<< " | " << std::setw(10) << "QGSJETII-id"
<< " | " << std::setw(18) << "PDG-mass (GeV)"
<< " | " << std::setw(18) << "SIBYLL-mass (GeV)"
<< " | " << endl;
cout << std::setw(104) << std::setfill('-') << "-" << endl;
for (auto p : getAllParticles()) {
if (!IsNucleus(p)) {
corsika::process::sibyll::SibyllCode sib_id =
auto const sib_mass =
(sib_id != corsika::process::sibyll::SibyllCode::Unknown
? to_string(corsika::process::sibyll::GetSibyllMass(p) / 1_GeV)
: "--");
auto const qgs_id =
cout << std::setw(20) << std::setfill(' ') << p << " | " << std::setw(10)
<< static_cast<int>(GetPDG(p)) << " | " << std::setw(10)
<< (sib_id != corsika::process::sibyll::SibyllCode::Unknown
? to_string(static_cast<int>(sib_id))
: "--")
<< " | " << std::setw(10)
<< (qgs_id != corsika::process::qgsjetII::QgsjetIICode::Unknown
? to_string(static_cast<int>(qgs_id))
: "--")
<< " | "
<< std::setw(18) << std::setprecision(5) << GetMass(p) / 1_GeV << " | "
<< std::setw(18) << std::setprecision(5) << sib_mass << " | " << endl;
cout << std::setw(104) << std::setfill('-') << "-" << endl;
......@@ -152,6 +152,10 @@ namespace corsika::particles {
return Proton::GetMass() * vZ + (vA - vZ) * Neutron::GetMass();
std::initializer_list<Code> constexpr getAllParticles() {
return detail::all_particles;
} // namespace corsika::particles
......@@ -316,6 +316,13 @@ def gen_properties(particle_db):
# number of particles, size of tables
string = "static constexpr std::size_t size = {size:d};\n".format(size = len(particle_db))
string += "\n"
# all particle initializer_list
string += "constexpr std::initializer_list<Code> all_particles = {"
for k in particle_db:
string += " Code::{name:s},\n".format(name = k)
string += "};\n"
string += "\n"
# particle masses table
string += "static constexpr std::array<corsika::units::si::HEPMassType const, size> masses = {\n"
......@@ -58,8 +58,7 @@ namespace corsika::process::qgsjetII {
#include <corsika/process/qgsjetII/Generated.inc>
QgsjetIICode constexpr ConvertToQgsjetII(corsika::particles::Code pCode) {
return static_cast<QgsjetIICode>(
return corsika2qgsjetII[static_cast<corsika::particles::CodeIntType>(pCode)];
corsika::particles::Code constexpr ConvertFromQgsjetII(QgsjetIICode pCode) {
......@@ -13,15 +13,26 @@ import pickle, sys, itertools
# loads the pickled particle_db (which is an OrderedDict)
# definition of particle_db dict is: "name", "antiName", "pdg", "mass", "electric_charge", "lifetime", "ngc_code", "isNucleus", "isHadron"
def load_particledb(filename):
loads the pickled particle_db (which is an OrderedDict)
definition of particle_db dict is: "name", "antiName", "pdg", "mass", "electric_charge", "lifetime", "ngc_code", "isNucleus", "isHadron"
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
particle_db = pickle.load(f)
return particle_db
def set_default_qgsjetII_definition(particle_db):
Also particles not explicitly known by QGSJetII may in fact interact via mapping
to cross section types (xsType) and hadron type (hadronType)
This is achieved here.
The function return nothing, but modified the input particle_db by adding the
fields 'xsType' and 'hadronType'
for identifier, pData in particle_db.items():
# the cross-section types
xsType = "CannotInteract"
......@@ -43,7 +54,7 @@ def set_default_qgsjetII_definition(particle_db):
hadronType = "PiPlusType"
hadronType = "PiMinusType"
elif ((pdg>=300 and pdg<400) or pdg in [130, 10313, 10323]): # kanos
elif ((pdg>=300 and pdg<400) or pdg in [130, 10313, 10323]): # kaons
xsType = "Kaons"
if (charge>0):
hadronType = "KaonPlusType"
......@@ -69,13 +80,15 @@ def set_default_qgsjetII_definition(particle_db):
hadronType = "AntiProtonType"
# all othe not-captured cased are hopefully irrelevant
pData['qgsjetII_xsType'] = xsType
pData['qgsjetII_hadronType'] = hadronType
# read the qgsjet-codes data file
def read_qgsjetII_codes(filename, particle_db):
reads the qgsjet-codes data file. For particles known to QGSJetII the 'qgsjetII_code' is set in the particle_db, as
well as the 'xsType' is updated in case it is different from its default value set above.
with open(filename) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
......@@ -91,28 +104,36 @@ def read_qgsjetII_codes(filename, particle_db):
raise Exception("Identifier '{:s}' not found in particle_db".format(identifier))
# generates the enum to access qgsjetII particles by readable names
def generate_qgsjetII_enum(particle_db):
generates the enum to access qgsjetII particles by readable names
output = "enum class QgsjetIICode : int8_t {\n"
for identifier, pData in particle_db.items():
if pData.get('qgsjetII_code') != None:
if 'qgsjetII_code' in pData:
output += " {:s} = {:d},\n".format(identifier, pData['qgsjetII_code'])
output += "};\n"
return output
# generates the look-up table to convert corsika codes to qgsjetII codes
def generate_corsika2qgsjetII(particle_db):
string = "std::array<QgsjetIICodeIntType, {:d}> constexpr corsika2qgsjetII = {{\n".format(len(particle_db))
generates the look-up table to convert corsika codes to qgsjetII codes
string = "std::array<QgsjetIICode, {:d}> constexpr corsika2qgsjetII = {{\n".format(len(particle_db))
for identifier, pData in particle_db.items():
modelCode = pData.get("qgsjetII_code", 0)
string += " {:d}, // {:s}\n".format(modelCode, identifier if modelCode else identifier + " (not implemented in QGSJETII)")
if 'qgsjetII_code' in pData:
string += " QgsjetIICode::{:s}, \n".format(identifier)
string += " QgsjetIICode::Unknown, // {:s}\n".format(identifier + ' not implemented in QGSJetII')
string += "};\n"
return string
# generates the look-up table to convert corsika codes to qgsjetII codes
def generate_corsika2qgsjetII_xsType(particle_db):
generates the look-up table to convert corsika codes to qgsjetII codes
string = "std::array<QgsjetIIXSClass, {:d}> constexpr corsika2qgsjetIIXStype = {{\n".format(len(particle_db))
for identifier, pData in particle_db.items():
modelCodeXS = pData.get("qgsjetII_xsType", "CannotInteract")
......@@ -121,8 +142,10 @@ def generate_corsika2qgsjetII_xsType(particle_db):
return string
# generates the look-up table to convert corsika codes to qgsjetII codes
def generate_corsika2qgsjetII_hadronType(particle_db):
generates the look-up table to convert corsika codes to qgsjetII codes
string = "std::array<QgsjetIIHadronType, {:d}> constexpr corsika2qgsjetIIHadronType = {{\n".format(len(particle_db))
for identifier, pData in particle_db.items():
modelCode = pData.get("qgsjetII_hadronType", "UndefinedType")
......@@ -131,8 +154,10 @@ def generate_corsika2qgsjetII_hadronType(particle_db):
return string
# generates the look-up table to convert qgsjetII codes to corsika codes
def generate_qgsjetII2corsika(particle_db) :
generates the look-up table to convert qgsjetII codes to corsika codes
minID = 0
for identifier, pData in particle_db.items() :
if 'qgsjetII_code' in pData:
# input file for particle conversion to/from QGSJet
# the format of this file is: "corsika-identifier" "qgsjet-id" "xs-class"
# The 'Unknown' particle is needed to mark all particles qgsjetII does
# not know
# IMPORTANT Note: the code "20" MAY NOT BE USED by qgsjetII. Change to
# another positive integer if a conflict arises. Since we use std::array
# to store PID data keep the number as low as reasonable.
Unknown 20 CannotInteract
# Note, we list here only the particles, which are produced by
# QGSJetII as secondaries. There is additional mapping of corsika
# particles on QGSJetII "xs-class"es and "hadron-type"s, which are
......@@ -13,7 +13,15 @@
using namespace corsika::process::sibyll;
// const std::map<sibyll::PID, ParticleProperties::InternalParticleCode>
// process::sibyll::Sibyll2Corsika = {
// {PID::E_MINUS, InternalParticleCode::Electron},
corsika::units::si::HEPMassType corsika::process::sibyll::GetSibyllMass(
corsika::particles::Code const pCode) {
using namespace corsika::units;
using namespace corsika::units::si;
if (pCode == corsika::particles::Code::Nucleus)
throw std::runtime_error("Cannot GetMass() of particle::Nucleus -> unspecified");
auto sCode = ConvertToSibyllRaw(pCode);
if (sCode == 0)
throw std::runtime_error("GetSibyllMass: unknown particle!");
return sqrt(get_sibyll_mass2(sCode)) * 1_GeV;
......@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
#define _include_processes_sibyll_particles_h_
#include <corsika/particles/ParticleProperties.h>
#include <corsika/process/sibyll/sibyll2.3c.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <string>
......@@ -20,11 +22,23 @@ namespace corsika::process::sibyll {
enum class SibyllCode : int8_t;
using SibyllCodeIntType = std::underlying_type<SibyllCode>::type;
These are the possible projectile for which Sibyll knows the cross section
enum class SibyllXSClass : int8_t {
CannotInteract = 0,
Baryon = 1,
Pion = 2,
Kaon = 3,
using SibyllXSClassIntType = std::underlying_type<SibyllXSClass>::type;
#include <corsika/process/sibyll/Generated.inc>
SibyllCode constexpr ConvertToSibyll(corsika::particles::Code pCode) {
return static_cast<SibyllCode>(
corsika::particles::Code constexpr ConvertFromSibyll(SibyllCode pCode) {
......@@ -43,13 +57,15 @@ namespace corsika::process::sibyll {
int constexpr GetSibyllXSCode(corsika::particles::Code pCode) {
return corsika2sibyllXStype[static_cast<corsika::particles::CodeIntType>(pCode)];
return static_cast<SibyllXSClassIntType>(corsika2sibyllXStype[static_cast<corsika::particles::CodeIntType>(pCode)]);
bool constexpr CanInteract(corsika::particles::Code pCode) {
return GetSibyllXSCode(pCode) > 0;
corsika::units::si::HEPMassType GetSibyllMass(corsika::particles::Code const);
} // namespace corsika::process::sibyll
......@@ -13,65 +13,83 @@ import pickle, sys, itertools
# loads the pickled particle_db (which is an OrderedDict)
def load_particledb(filename):
loads the pickled particle_db (which is an OrderedDict)
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
particle_db = pickle.load(f)
return particle_db
def read_sibyll_codes(filename, particle_db):
reads to sibyll codes data file
For particls known to sibyll, add 'sibyll_code' and 'sibyll_xsType' to particle_db
with open(filename) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if line[0] == '#':
if len(line)==0 or line[0] == '#':
identifier, sib_code, canInteractFlag, xsType = line.split()
particle_db[identifier]["sibyll_code"] = int(sib_code)
particle_db[identifier]["sibyll_xsType"] = int(xsType)
particle_db[identifier]["sibyll_xsType"] = xsType
except KeyError as e:
raise Exception("Identifier '{:s}' not found in particle_db".format(identifier))
# generates the enum to access sibyll particles by readable names
def generate_sibyll_enum(particle_db):
generates the enum to access sibyll particles by readable names
output = "enum class SibyllCode : int8_t {\n"
for identifier, pData in particle_db.items():
if pData.get('sibyll_code') != None:
if 'sibyll_code' in pData:
output += " {:s} = {:d},\n".format(identifier, pData['sibyll_code'])
output += "};\n"
return output
# generates the look-up table to convert corsika codes to sibyll codes
def generate_corsika2sibyll(particle_db):
string = "std::array<SibyllCodeIntType, {:d}> constexpr corsika2sibyll = {{\n".format(len(particle_db))
generates the look-up table to convert corsika codes to sibyll codes
string = "std::array<SibyllCode, {:d}> constexpr corsika2sibyll = {{\n".format(len(particle_db))
for identifier, pData in particle_db.items():
sibCode = pData.get("sibyll_code", 0)
string += " {:d}, // {:s}\n".format(sibCode, identifier if sibCode else identifier + " (not implemented in SIBYLL)")
if 'sibyll_code' in pData:
string += " SibyllCode::{:s}, \n".format(identifier)
string += " SibyllCode::Unknown, // {:s}\n".format(identifier + ' not implemented in SIBYLL')
string += "};\n"
return string
# generates the look-up table to convert corsika codes to sibyll codes
def generate_corsika2sibyll_xsType(particle_db):
string = "std::array<int, {:d}> constexpr corsika2sibyllXStype = {{\n".format(len(particle_db))
generates the look-up table to convert corsika codes to sibyll codes
string = "std::array<SibyllXSClass, {:d}> constexpr corsika2sibyllXStype = {{\n".format(len(particle_db))
for identifier, pData in particle_db.items():
sibCodeXS = pData.get("sibyll_xsType", 0)
string += " {:d}, // {:s}\n".format(sibCodeXS, identifier if sibCodeXS else identifier + " (not implemented in SIBYLL)")
if 'sibyll_xsType' in pData:
string += " SibyllXSClass::{:s}, // {:s}\n".format(pData['sibyll_xsType'], identifier)
string += " SibyllXSClass::CannotInteract, // {:s}\n".format(identifier + ' not implemented in SIBYLL')
string += "};\n"
return string
# generates the look-up table to convert sibyll codes to corsika codes
def generate_sibyll2corsika(particle_db) :
generates the look-up table to convert sibyll codes to corsika codes
string = ""
minID = 0
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
#include <random>
int get_nwounded() { return s_chist_.nwd; }
double get_sibyll_mass2(int& id) { return s_mass1_.am2[id]; }
double get_sibyll_mass2(int& id) { return s_mass1_.am2[abs(id) - 1]; }
double s_rndm_(int&) {
static corsika::random::RNG& rng =
# input file for particle conversion to/from SIBYLL
# the format of this file is: "corsika-identifier" "sibyll-id" "can-interact-in-sibyll" "cross-section-type"
Electron 3 0 0
Positron 2 0 0
NuE 15 0 0
NuEBar 16 0 0
MuMinus 5 0 0
MuPlus 4 0 0
NuMu 17 0 0
NuMuBar 18 0 0
TauMinus 91 0 0
TauPlus 90 0 0
NuTau 92 0 0
NuTauBar 93 0 0
Gamma 1 0 0
Pi0 6 1 2
# rho0 could interact but sibyll has no cross section/interaction length. was used for gamma had int
Rho0 27 0 0
K0Long 11 1 3
K0 21 0 3
K0Bar 22 0 3
PiPlus 7 1 2
PiMinus 8 1 2
RhoPlus 25 0 0
RhoMinus 26 0 0
Eta 23 0 0
EtaPrime 24 0 0
Pi1300Plus 62 0 0
Pi1300Minus 63 0 0
Pi1300_0 61 0 0
Omega 32 0 0
K0Short 12 1 3
KStar0 30 0 0
KStar0Bar 31 0 0
KPlus 9 1 3
KMinus 10 1 3
KStarPlus 28 0 0
KStarMinus 29 0 0
KStar0_1430_0 66 0 0
KStar0_1430_0Bar 67 0 0
KStar0_1430_Plus 64 0 0
KStar0_1430_MinusBar 65 0 0
DPlus 59 1 3
DMinus 60 1 3
DStarPlus 78 0 0
DStarMinus 79 0 0
D0 71 1 3
D0Bar 72 1 3
DStar0 80 0 0
DStar0Bar 81 0 0
DsPlus 74 1 3
DsMinus 75 1 3
DStarSPlus 76 0 0
DStarSMinus 77 0 0
EtaC 73 0 0
Neutron 14 1 1
AntiNeutron -14 1 1
Delta0 42 0 0
Delta0Bar -42 0 0
DeltaMinus 43 0 0
DeltaPlusBar -43 0 0
Proton 13 1 1
AntiProton -13 1 1
N1440Plus 51 0 0
N1440MinusBar -51 0 0
N1440_0 52 0 0
N1440_0Bar -52 0 0
N1710Plus 53 0 0
N1710MinusBar -53 0 0
N1710_0 54 0 0
N1710_0Bar -54 0 0
DeltaPlus 41 0 0
DeltaMinusBar -41 0 0
DeltaPlusPlus 40 0 0
DeltaMinusMinusBar -40 0 0
SigmaMinus 36 1 1
SigmaPlusBar -36 1 1
SigmaStarMinus 46 0 0
SigmaStarPlusBar -46 0 0
SigmaStarPlus 44 0 0
SigmaStarMinusBar -44 0 0
SigmaStar0 45 0 0
SigmaStar0Bar -45 0 0
Lambda0 39 1 1
Lambda0Bar -39 1 1
Sigma0 35 1 1
Sigma0Bar -35 1 1
SigmaPlus 34 1 1
SigmaMinusBar -34 1 1
XiMinus 38 1 1
XiPlusBar -38 1 1
Xi0 37 1 1
Xi0Bar -37 1 1
XiStarMinus 48 0 0
XiStarPlusBar -48 0 0
XiStar0 47 0 0
XiStar0Bar -47 0 0
OmegaMinus 49 0 0
OmegaPlusBar -49 0 0
SigmaC0 86 0 0
SigmaC0Bar -86 0 0
SigmaStarC0 96 0 0
SigmaStarC0Bar -96 0 0
LambdaCPlus 89 1 1
LambdaCMinusBar -89 1 1
XiC0 88 1 1
XiC0Bar -88 1 1
SigmaCPlus 85 0 0
SigmaCMinusBar -85 0 0
SigmaStarCPlus 95 0 0
SigmaStarCMinusBar -95 0 0
SigmaCPlusPlus 84 0 0
SigmaCMinusMinusBar -84 0 0
SigmaStarCPlusPlus 94 0 0
SigmaStarCMinusMinusBar -94 0 0
XiCPlus 87 1 1
XiCMinusBar -87 1 1
XiStarCPlus 97 0 0
XiStarCMinusBar -97 0 0
XiStarC0 98 0 0
XiStarC0Bar -98 0 0
OmegaC0 99 0 0
OmegaC0Bar -99 0 0
Jpsi 83 0 0
Phi 33 0 0
#Unknown 0 0 0
# The unknown particle is to handle all particles that are not known to SIBYLL.
# It is important that sibyll-id does not overlap with any existing sibyll particle!
# Be careful
Unknown 0 0 CannotInteract
# Here is the list of particles known to sibyll
Electron 3 0 CannotInteract
Positron 2 0 CannotInteract
NuE 15 0 CannotInteract
NuEBar 16 0 CannotInteract
MuMinus 5 0 CannotInteract
MuPlus 4 0 CannotInteract
NuMu 17 0 CannotInteract
NuMuBar 18 0 CannotInteract
TauMinus 91 0 CannotInteract
TauPlus 90 0 CannotInteract
NuTau 92 0 CannotInteract
NuTauBar 93 0 CannotInteract
Gamma 1 0 CannotInteract
Pi0 6 1 Pion
# rho0 could interact but sibyll has no cross section/interaction length. was used for gamma had int
Rho0 27 0 CannotInteract
K0Long 11 1 Kaon
K0 21 0 Kaon
K0Bar 22 0 Kaon
PiPlus 7 1 Pion
PiMinus 8 1 Pion
RhoPlus 25 0 CannotInteract
RhoMinus 26 0 CannotInteract
Eta 23 0 CannotInteract
EtaPrime 24 0 CannotInteract
Pi1300Plus 62 0 CannotInteract
Pi1300Minus 63 0 CannotInteract
Pi1300_0 61 0 CannotInteract
Omega 32 0 CannotInteract
K0Short 12 1 Kaon
KStar0 30 0 CannotInteract
KStar0Bar 31 0 CannotInteract
KPlus 9 1 Kaon
KMinus 10 1 Kaon
KStarPlus 28 0 CannotInteract
KStarMinus 29 0 CannotInteract
KStar0_1430_0 66 0 CannotInteract
KStar0_1430_0Bar 67 0 CannotInteract
KStar0_1430_Plus 64 0 CannotInteract
KStar0_1430_MinusBar 65 0 CannotInteract
DPlus 59 1 Kaon
DMinus 60 1 Kaon
DStarPlus 78 0 CannotInteract
DStarMinus 79 0 CannotInteract
D0 71 1 Kaon
D0Bar 72 1 Kaon
DStar0 80 0 CannotInteract
DStar0Bar 81 0 CannotInteract
DsPlus 74 1 Kaon
DsMinus 75 1 Kaon
DStarSPlus 76 0 CannotInteract
DStarSMinus 77 0 CannotInteract
EtaC 73 0 CannotInteract
Neutron 14 1 Baryon
AntiNeutron -14 1 Baryon
Delta0 42 0 CannotInteract
Delta0Bar -42 0 CannotInteract
DeltaMinus 43 0 CannotInteract
DeltaPlusBar -43 0 CannotInteract
Proton 13 1 Baryon
AntiProton -13 1 Baryon
N1440Plus 51 0 CannotInteract
N1440MinusBar -51 0 CannotInteract
N1440_0 52 0 CannotInteract
N1440_0Bar -52 0 CannotInteract
N1710Plus 53 0 CannotInteract
N1710MinusBar -53 0 CannotInteract
N1710_0 54 0 CannotInteract
N1710_0Bar -54 0 CannotInteract
DeltaPlus 41 0 CannotInteract
DeltaMinusBar -41 0 CannotInteract
DeltaPlusPlus 40 0 CannotInteract
DeltaMinusMinusBar -40 0 CannotInteract
SigmaMinus 36 1 Baryon
SigmaPlusBar -36 1 Baryon
SigmaStarMinus 46 0 CannotInteract
SigmaStarPlusBar -46 0 CannotInteract
SigmaStarPlus 44 0 CannotInteract
SigmaStarMinusBar -44 0 CannotInteract
SigmaStar0 45 0 CannotInteract
SigmaStar0Bar -45 0 CannotInteract
Lambda0 39 1 Baryon
Lambda0Bar -39 1 Baryon
Sigma0 35 1 Baryon
Sigma0Bar -35 1 Baryon
SigmaPlus 34 1 Baryon
SigmaMinusBar -34 1 Baryon
XiMinus 38 1 Baryon
XiPlusBar -38 1 Baryon
Xi0 37 1 Baryon
Xi0Bar -37 1 Baryon
XiStarMinus 48 0 CannotInteract
XiStarPlusBar -48 0 CannotInteract
XiStar0 47 0 CannotInteract
XiStar0Bar -47 0 CannotInteract
OmegaMinus 49 0 CannotInteract
OmegaPlusBar -49 0 CannotInteract
SigmaC0 86 0 CannotInteract
SigmaC0Bar -86 0 CannotInteract
SigmaStarC0 96 0 CannotInteract
SigmaStarC0Bar -96 0 CannotInteract
LambdaCPlus 89 1 Baryon
LambdaCMinusBar -89 1 Baryon
XiC0 88 1 Baryon
XiC0Bar -88 1 Baryon
SigmaCPlus 85 0 CannotInteract
SigmaCMinusBar -85 0 CannotInteract
SigmaStarCPlus 95 0 CannotInteract
SigmaStarCMinusBar -95 0 CannotInteract
SigmaCPlusPlus 84 0 CannotInteract
SigmaCMinusMinusBar -84 0 CannotInteract
SigmaStarCPlusPlus 94 0 CannotInteract
SigmaStarCMinusMinusBar -94 0 CannotInteract
XiCPlus 87 1 Baryon
XiCMinusBar -87 1 Baryon
XiStarCPlus 97 0 CannotInteract
XiStarCMinusBar -97 0 CannotInteract
XiStarC0 98 0 CannotInteract
XiStarC0Bar -98 0 CannotInteract
OmegaC0 99 0 CannotInteract
OmegaC0Bar -99 0 CannotInteract
Jpsi 83 0 CannotInteract
Phi 33 0 CannotInteract
......@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
using namespace corsika;
using namespace corsika::process::sibyll;
using namespace corsika::units;
using namespace corsika::units::si;
TEST_CASE("Sibyll", "[processes]") {
......@@ -59,6 +61,11 @@ TEST_CASE("Sibyll", "[processes]") {
REQUIRE(process::sibyll::GetSibyllXSCode(particles::Code::SigmaPlus) == 1);
REQUIRE(process::sibyll::GetSibyllXSCode(particles::Code::PiMinus) == 2);
SECTION("sibyll mass") {
REQUIRE_FALSE(process::sibyll::GetSibyllMass(particles::Code::Electron) == 0_GeV);
#include <corsika/geometry/Point.h>
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