Maximilian Reininghaus authoredMaximilian Reininghaus authored
quantity.hpp 31.04 KiB
* \file quantity.hpp
* \brief Zero-overhead dimensional analysis and unit/quantity manipulation and conversion.
* \author Michael S. Kenniston, Martin Moene
* \date 7 September 2013
* \since 0.4
* Copyright 2013 Universiteit Leiden. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2001 by Michael S. Kenniston. For the most
* recent version check www.xnet.com/~msk/quantity. Permission is granted
* to use this code without restriction so long as this copyright
* notice appears in all source files.
* This code is provided as-is, with no warrantee of correctness.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
* Unless otherwise specified, the definitions of all units in this
* file are from NIST Special Publication 811, found online at
* http://physics.nist.gov/Document/sp811.pdf
* Other sources: OED = Oxford English Dictionary
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <utility> // std::declval
/// namespace phys.
namespace phys {
/// namespace units.
namespace units {
using Rep = double;
* declare now, define later.
template< typename Dims, typename T = Rep >
class quantity;
* We could drag dimensions around individually, but it's much more convenient to package them.
template< int D1, int D2, int D3, int D4 = 0, int D5 = 0, int D6 = 0, int D7 = 0 >
struct dimensions
dim1 = D1,
dim2 = D2,
dim3 = D3,
dim4 = D4,
dim5 = D5,
dim6 = D6,
dim7 = D7,
is_all_zero =
D1 == 0 && D2 == 0 && D3 == 0 && D4 == 0 && D5 == 0 && D6 == 0 && D7 == 0,
is_base =
1 == (D1 != 0) + (D2 != 0) + (D3 != 0) + (D4 != 0) + (D5 != 0) + (D6 != 0) + (D7 != 0) &&
1 == D1 + D2 + D3 + D4 + D5 + D6 + D7,
template< int R1, int R2, int R3, int R4, int R5, int R6, int R7 >
constexpr bool operator==( dimensions<R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7> const & ) const
return D1==R1 && D2==R2 && D3==R3 && D4==R4 && D5==R5 && D6==R6 && D7==R7;
template< int R1, int R2, int R3, int R4, int R5, int R6, int R7 >
constexpr bool operator!=( dimensions<R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7> const & rhs ) const
return !( *this == rhs );
/// demensionless 'dimension'.
typedef dimensions< 0, 0, 0 > dimensionless_d;
/// namespace detail.
namespace detail {
* \brief The "collapse" template is used to avoid quantity< dimensions< 0, 0, 0 > >,
* i.e. to make dimensionless results come out as type "Rep".
template< typename D, typename T >
struct collapse
typedef quantity< D, T > type;
template< typename T >
struct collapse< dimensionless_d, T >
typedef T type;
template< typename D, typename T >
using Collapse = typename collapse<D,T>::type;
// promote types of expression to result type.
template < typename X, typename Y >
using PromoteAdd = decltype( std::declval<X>() + std::declval<Y>() );
template < typename X, typename Y >
using PromoteMul = decltype( std::declval<X>() * std::declval<Y>() );
* The following batch of structs are type generators to calculate
* the correct type of the result of various operations.
* product type generator.
template< typename DX, typename DY, typename T >
struct product
d1 = DX::dim1 + DY::dim1,
d2 = DX::dim2 + DY::dim2,
d3 = DX::dim3 + DY::dim3,
d4 = DX::dim4 + DY::dim4,
d5 = DX::dim5 + DY::dim5,
d6 = DX::dim6 + DY::dim6,
d7 = DX::dim7 + DY::dim7,
typedef Collapse< dimensions< d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 >, T > type;
template< typename DX, typename DY, typename X, typename Y>
using Product = typename product<DX, DY, PromoteMul<X,Y>>::type;
* quotient type generator.
template< typename DX, typename DY, typename T >
struct quotient
d1 = DX::dim1 - DY::dim1,
d2 = DX::dim2 - DY::dim2,
d3 = DX::dim3 - DY::dim3,
d4 = DX::dim4 - DY::dim4,
d5 = DX::dim5 - DY::dim5,
d6 = DX::dim6 - DY::dim6,
d7 = DX::dim7 - DY::dim7,
typedef Collapse< dimensions< d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 >, T > type;
template< typename DX, typename DY, typename X, typename Y>
using Quotient = typename quotient<DX, DY, PromoteMul<X,Y>>::type;
* reciprocal type generator.
template< typename D, typename T >
struct reciprocal
d1 = - D::dim1,
d2 = - D::dim2,
d3 = - D::dim3,
d4 = - D::dim4,
d5 = - D::dim5,
d6 = - D::dim6,
d7 = - D::dim7,
typedef Collapse< dimensions< d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 >, T > type;
template< typename D, typename X, typename Y>
using Reciprocal = typename reciprocal<D, PromoteMul<X,Y>>::type;
* power type generator.
template< typename D, int N, typename T >
struct power
d1 = N * D::dim1,
d2 = N * D::dim2,
d3 = N * D::dim3,
d4 = N * D::dim4,
d5 = N * D::dim5,
d6 = N * D::dim6,
d7 = N * D::dim7,
typedef Collapse< dimensions< d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 >, T > type;
template< typename D, int N, typename T >
using Power = typename detail::power< D, N, T >::type;
* root type generator.
template< typename D, int N, typename T >
struct root
all_even_multiples =
D::dim1 % N == 0 &&
D::dim2 % N == 0 &&
D::dim3 % N == 0 &&
D::dim4 % N == 0 &&
D::dim5 % N == 0 &&
D::dim6 % N == 0 &&
D::dim7 % N == 0
d1 = D::dim1 / N,
d2 = D::dim2 / N,
d3 = D::dim3 / N,
d4 = D::dim4 / N,
d5 = D::dim5 / N,
d6 = D::dim6 / N,
d7 = D::dim7 / N
typedef Collapse< dimensions< d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7 >, T > type;
template< typename D, int N, typename T >
using Root = typename detail::root< D, N, T >::type;
* tag to construct a quantity from a magnitude.
constexpr struct magnitude_tag_t{} magnitude_tag{};
} // namespace detail
* \brief class "quantity" is the heart of the library. It associates
* dimensions with a single "Rep" data member and protects it from
* dimensionally inconsistent use.
template< typename Dims, typename T /*= Rep */ >
class quantity
typedef Dims dimension_type;
typedef T value_type;
typedef quantity<Dims, T> this_type;
constexpr quantity() : m_value{} { }
* public converting initializing constructor;
* requires magnitude_tag to prevent constructing a quantity from a raw magnitude.
template <typename X>
constexpr explicit quantity( detail::magnitude_tag_t, X x )
: m_value( x ) { }
* converting copy-assignment constructor.
template <typename X >
constexpr quantity( quantity<Dims, X> const & x )
: m_value( x.magnitude() ) { }
// /**
// * convert to compatible unit, for example: (3._dm).to(meter) gives 0.3;
// */
// constexpr value_type to( quantity const & x ) const { return *this / x; }
* convert to given unit, for example: (3._dm).to(meter) gives 0.3;
template <typename DX, typename X>
constexpr auto to( quantity<DX,X> const & x ) const -> detail::Quotient<Dims,DX,T,X>
return *this / x;
* the quantity's magnitude.
constexpr value_type magnitude() const { return m_value; }
* the quantity's dimensions.
constexpr dimension_type dimension() const { return dimension_type{}; }
* We need a "zero" of each type -- for comparisons, to initialize running
* totals, etc. Note: 0 m != 0 kg, since they are of different dimensionality.
* zero is really just defined for convenience, since
* quantity< length_d >::zero == 0 * meter, etc.
static constexpr quantity zero() { return quantity{ value_type( 0.0 ) }; }
// static constexpr quantity zero = quantity{ value_type( 0.0 ) };
* private initializing constructor.
constexpr explicit quantity( value_type x ) : m_value{ x } { }
value_type m_value;
enum { has_dimension = ! Dims::is_all_zero };
// static_assert( has_dimension, "quantity dimensions must not all be zero" ); // MR: removed
// friends:
// arithmetic
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
friend constexpr quantity<D, X> &
operator+=( quantity<D, X> & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y );
template <typename D, typename X>
friend constexpr quantity<D, X>
operator+( quantity<D, X> const & x );
template< typename D, typename X, typename Y >
friend constexpr quantity <D, detail::PromoteAdd<X,Y>>
operator+( quantity<D, X> const & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y );
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
friend constexpr quantity<D, X> &
operator-=( quantity<D, X> & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y );
template <typename D, typename X>
friend constexpr quantity<D, X>
operator-( quantity<D, X> const & x );
template< typename D, typename X, typename Y >
friend constexpr quantity <D, detail::PromoteAdd<X,Y>>
operator-( quantity<D, X> const & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y );
template< typename D, typename X, typename Y>
friend constexpr quantity<D, X> &
operator*=( quantity<D, X> & x, const Y & y );
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
friend constexpr quantity<D, detail::PromoteMul<X,Y>>
operator*( quantity<D, X> const & x, const Y & y );
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
friend constexpr quantity< D, detail::PromoteMul<X,Y> >
operator*( const X & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y );
template <typename DX, typename DY, typename X, typename Y>
friend constexpr detail::Product<DX, DY, X, Y>
operator*( quantity<DX, X> const & lhs, quantity< DY, Y > const & rhs );
template< typename D, typename X, typename Y>
friend constexpr quantity<D, X> &
operator/=( quantity<D, X> & x, const Y & y );
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
friend constexpr quantity<D, detail::PromoteMul<X,Y>>
operator/( quantity<D, X> const & x, const Y & y );
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
friend constexpr detail::Reciprocal<D, X, Y>
operator/( const X & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y );
template <typename DX, typename DY, typename X, typename Y>
friend constexpr detail::Quotient<DX, DY, X, Y>
operator/( quantity<DX, X> const & x, quantity< DY, Y > const & y );
// absolute value.
template <typename D, typename X>
friend constexpr quantity<D,X>
abs( quantity<D,X> const & x );
// powers and roots
template <int N, typename D, typename X>
friend detail::Power<D, N, X>
nth_power( quantity<D, X> const & x );
template <typename D, typename X>
friend constexpr detail::Power<D, 2, X>
square( quantity<D, X> const & x );
template <typename D, typename X>
friend constexpr detail::Power<D, 3, X>
cube( quantity<D, X> const & x );
template <int N, typename D, typename X>
friend detail::Root<D, N, X>
nth_root( quantity<D, X> const & x );
template <typename D, typename X>
friend detail::Root< D, 2, X >
sqrt( quantity<D, X> const & x );
// comparison
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
friend constexpr bool operator==( quantity<D, X> const & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y );
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
friend constexpr bool operator!=( quantity<D, X> const & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y );
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
friend constexpr bool operator<( quantity<D, X> const & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y );
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
friend constexpr bool operator<=( quantity<D, X> const & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y );
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
friend constexpr bool operator>( quantity<D, X> const & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y );
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
friend constexpr bool operator>=( quantity<D, X> const & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y );
// Give names to the seven fundamental dimensions of physical reality.
typedef dimensions< 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 > length_d;
typedef dimensions< 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 > mass_d;
typedef dimensions< 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 > time_interval_d;
typedef dimensions< 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 > electric_current_d;
typedef dimensions< 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 > thermodynamic_temperature_d;
typedef dimensions< 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 > amount_of_substance_d;
typedef dimensions< 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 > luminous_intensity_d;
// Addition operators
/// quan += quan
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
constexpr quantity<D, X> &
operator+=( quantity<D, X> & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y )
return x.m_value += y.m_value, x;
/// + quan
template <typename D, typename X>
constexpr quantity<D, X>
operator+( quantity<D, X> const & x )
return quantity<D, X >( +x.m_value );
/// quan + quan
template< typename D, typename X, typename Y >
constexpr quantity <D, detail::PromoteAdd<X,Y>>
operator+( quantity<D, X> const & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y )
return quantity<D, detail::PromoteAdd<X,Y>>( x.m_value + y.m_value );
// Subtraction operators
/// quan -= quan
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
constexpr quantity<D, X> &
operator-=( quantity<D, X> & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y )
return x.m_value -= y.m_value, x;
/// - quan
template <typename D, typename X>
constexpr quantity<D, X>
operator-( quantity<D, X> const & x )
return quantity<D, X >( -x.m_value );
/// quan - quan
template< typename D, typename X, typename Y >
constexpr quantity <D, detail::PromoteAdd<X,Y>>
operator-( quantity<D, X> const & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y )
return quantity<D, detail::PromoteAdd<X,Y>>( x.m_value - y.m_value );
// Multiplication operators
/// quan *= num
template< typename D, typename X, typename Y>
constexpr quantity<D, X> &
operator*=( quantity<D, X> & x, const Y & y )
return x.m_value *= y, x;
/// quan * num
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
constexpr quantity<D, detail::PromoteMul<X,Y>>
operator*( quantity<D, X> const & x, const Y & y )
return quantity<D, detail::PromoteMul<X,Y>>( x.m_value * y );
/// num * quan
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
constexpr quantity< D, detail::PromoteMul<X,Y> >
operator*( const X & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y )
return quantity<D, detail::PromoteMul<X,Y>>( x * y.m_value );
/// quan * quan:
template <typename DX, typename DY, typename X, typename Y>
constexpr detail::Product<DX, DY, X, Y>
operator*( quantity<DX, X> const & lhs, quantity< DY, Y > const & rhs )
return detail::Product<DX, DY, X, Y>( lhs.m_value * rhs.m_value );
// Division operators
/// quan /= num
template< typename D, typename X, typename Y>
constexpr quantity<D, X> &
operator/=( quantity<D, X> & x, const Y & y )
return x.m_value /= y, x;
/// quan / num
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
constexpr quantity<D, detail::PromoteMul<X,Y>>
operator/( quantity<D, X> const & x, const Y & y )
return quantity<D, detail::PromoteMul<X,Y>>( x.m_value / y );
/// num / quan
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
constexpr detail::Reciprocal<D, X, Y>
operator/( const X & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y )
return detail::Reciprocal<D, X, Y>( x / y.m_value );
/// quan / quan:
template <typename DX, typename DY, typename X, typename Y>
constexpr detail::Quotient<DX, DY, X, Y>
operator/( quantity<DX, X> const & x, quantity< DY, Y > const & y )
return detail::Quotient<DX, DY, X, Y>( x.m_value / y.m_value );
/// absolute value.
template <typename D, typename X>
constexpr quantity<D,X> abs( quantity<D,X> const & x )
return quantity<D,X>( std::abs( x.m_value ) );
// General powers
/// N-th power.
template <int N, typename D, typename X>
detail::Power<D, N, X>
nth_power( quantity<D, X> const & x )
return detail::Power<D, N, X>( std::pow( x.m_value, X( N ) ) );
// Low powers defined separately for efficiency.
/// square.
template <typename D, typename X>
constexpr detail::Power<D, 2, X>
square( quantity<D, X> const & x )
return x * x;
/// cube.
template <typename D, typename X>
constexpr detail::Power<D, 3, X>
cube( quantity<D, X> const & x )
return x * x * x;
// General root
/// n-th root.
template <int N, typename D, typename X>
detail::Root<D, N, X>
nth_root( quantity<D, X> const & x )
static_assert( detail::root<D, N, X>::all_even_multiples, "root result dimensions must be integral" );
return detail::Root<D, N, X>( std::pow( x.m_value, X( 1.0 ) / N ) );
// Low roots defined separately for convenience.
/// square root.
template <typename D, typename X>
detail::Root< D, 2, X >
sqrt( quantity<D, X> const & x )
detail::root<D, 2, X >::all_even_multiples, "root result dimensions must be integral" );
return detail::Root<D, 2, X>( std::pow( x.m_value, X( 1.0 ) / 2 ) );
// Comparison operators
/// equality.
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
constexpr bool
operator==( quantity<D, X> const & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y )
return x.m_value == y.m_value;
/// inequality.
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
constexpr bool
operator!=( quantity<D, X> const & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y )
return x.m_value != y.m_value;
/// less-than.
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
constexpr bool
operator<( quantity<D, X> const & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y )
return x.m_value < y.m_value;
/// less-equal.
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
constexpr bool
operator<=( quantity<D, X> const & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y )
return x.m_value <= y.m_value;
/// greater-than.
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
constexpr bool
operator>( quantity<D, X> const & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y )
return x.m_value > y.m_value;
/// greater-equal.
template <typename D, typename X, typename Y>
constexpr bool
operator>=( quantity<D, X> const & x, quantity<D, Y> const & y )
return x.m_value >= y.m_value;
/// quantity's dimension.
template <typename DX, typename X>
inline constexpr DX dimension( quantity<DX,X> const & q ) { return q.dimension(); }
/// quantity's magnitude.
template <typename DX, typename X>
inline constexpr X magnitude( quantity<DX,X> const & q ) { return q.magnitude(); }
// The seven SI base units. These tie our numbers to the real world.
constexpr quantity<length_d > meter { detail::magnitude_tag, 1.0 };
constexpr quantity<mass_d > kilogram{ detail::magnitude_tag, 1.0 };
constexpr quantity<time_interval_d > second { detail::magnitude_tag, 1.0 };
constexpr quantity<electric_current_d > ampere { detail::magnitude_tag, 1.0 };
constexpr quantity<thermodynamic_temperature_d> kelvin { detail::magnitude_tag, 1.0 };
constexpr quantity<amount_of_substance_d > mole { detail::magnitude_tag, 1.0 };
constexpr quantity<luminous_intensity_d > candela { detail::magnitude_tag, 1.0 };
// The standard SI prefixes.
constexpr long double yotta = 1e+24L;
constexpr long double zetta = 1e+21L;
constexpr long double exa = 1e+18L;
constexpr long double peta = 1e+15L;
constexpr long double tera = 1e+12L;
constexpr long double giga = 1e+9L;
constexpr long double mega = 1e+6L;
constexpr long double kilo = 1e+3L;
constexpr long double hecto = 1e+2L;
constexpr long double deka = 1e+1L;
constexpr long double deci = 1e-1L;
constexpr long double centi = 1e-2L;
constexpr long double milli = 1e-3L;
constexpr long double micro = 1e-6L;
constexpr long double nano = 1e-9L;
constexpr long double pico = 1e-12L;
constexpr long double femto = 1e-15L;
constexpr long double atto = 1e-18L;
constexpr long double zepto = 1e-21L;
constexpr long double yocto = 1e-24L;
// Binary prefixes, pending adoption.
constexpr long double kibi = 1024;
constexpr long double mebi = 1024 * kibi;
constexpr long double gibi = 1024 * mebi;
constexpr long double tebi = 1024 * gibi;
constexpr long double pebi = 1024 * tebi;
constexpr long double exbi = 1024 * pebi;
constexpr long double zebi = 1024 * exbi;
constexpr long double yobi = 1024 * zebi;
// The rest of the standard dimensional types, as specified in SP811.
using absorbed_dose_d = dimensions< 2, 0, -2 >;
using absorbed_dose_rate_d = dimensions< 2, 0, -3 >;
using acceleration_d = dimensions< 1, 0, -2 >;
using activity_of_a_nuclide_d = dimensions< 0, 0, -1 >;
using angular_velocity_d = dimensions< 0, 0, -1 >;
using angular_acceleration_d = dimensions< 0, 0, -2 >;
using area_d = dimensions< 2, 0, 0 >;
using capacitance_d = dimensions< -2, -1, 4, 2 >;
using concentration_d = dimensions< -3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 >;
using current_density_d = dimensions< -2, 0, 0, 1 >;
using dose_equivalent_d = dimensions< 2, 0, -2 >;
using dynamic_viscosity_d = dimensions< -1, 1, -1 >;
using electric_charge_d = dimensions< 0, 0, 1, 1 >;
using electric_charge_density_d = dimensions< -3, 0, 1, 1 >;
using electric_conductance_d = dimensions< -2, -1, 3, 2 >;
using electric_field_strenth_d = dimensions< 1, 1, -3, -1 >;
using electric_flux_density_d = dimensions< -2, 0, 1, 1 >;
using electric_potential_d = dimensions< 2, 1, -3, -1 >;
using electric_resistance_d = dimensions< 2, 1, -3, -2 >;
using energy_d = dimensions< 2, 1, -2 >;
using energy_density_d = dimensions< -1, 1, -2 >;
using exposure_d = dimensions< 0, -1, 1, 1 >;
using force_d = dimensions< 1, 1, -2 >;
using frequency_d = dimensions< 0, 0, -1 >;
using heat_capacity_d = dimensions< 2, 1, -2, 0, -1 >;
using heat_density_d = dimensions< 0, 1, -2 >;
using heat_density_flow_rate_d = dimensions< 0, 1, -3 >;
using heat_flow_rate_d = dimensions< 2, 1, -3 >;
using heat_flux_density_d = dimensions< 0, 1, -3 >;
using heat_transfer_coefficient_d = dimensions< 0, 1, -3, 0, -1 >;
using illuminance_d = dimensions< -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 >;
using inductance_d = dimensions< 2, 1, -2, -2 >;
using irradiance_d = dimensions< 0, 1, -3 >;
using kinematic_viscosity_d = dimensions< 2, 0, -1 >;
using luminance_d = dimensions< -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 >;
using luminous_flux_d = dimensions< 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 >;
using magnetic_field_strength_d = dimensions< -1, 0, 0, 1 >;
using magnetic_flux_d = dimensions< 2, 1, -2, -1 >;
using magnetic_flux_density_d = dimensions< 0, 1, -2, -1 >;
using magnetic_permeability_d = dimensions< 1, 1, -2, -2 >;
using mass_density_d = dimensions< -3, 1, 0 >;
using mass_flow_rate_d = dimensions< 0, 1, -1 >;
using molar_energy_d = dimensions< 2, 1, -2, 0, 0, -1 >;
using molar_entropy_d = dimensions< 2, 1, -2, -1, 0, -1 >;
using moment_of_force_d = dimensions< 2, 1, -2 >;
using permittivity_d = dimensions< -3, -1, 4, 2 >;
using power_d = dimensions< 2, 1, -3 >;
using pressure_d = dimensions< -1, 1, -2 >;
using radiance_d = dimensions< 0, 1, -3 >;
using radiant_intensity_d = dimensions< 2, 1, -3 >;
using speed_d = dimensions< 1, 0, -1 >;
using specific_energy_d = dimensions< 2, 0, -2 >;
using specific_heat_capacity_d = dimensions< 2, 0, -2, 0, -1 >;
using specific_volume_d = dimensions< 3, -1, 0 >;
using substance_permeability_d = dimensions< -1, 0, 1 >;
using surface_tension_d = dimensions< 0, 1, -2 >;
using thermal_conductivity_d = dimensions< 1, 1, -3, 0, -1 >;
using thermal_diffusivity_d = dimensions< 2, 0, -1 >;
using thermal_insulance_d = dimensions< 0, -1, 3, 0, 1 >;
using thermal_resistance_d = dimensions< -2, -1, 3, 0, 1 >;
using thermal_resistivity_d = dimensions< -1, -1, 3, 0, 1 >;
using torque_d = dimensions< 2, 1, -2 >;
using volume_d = dimensions< 3, 0, 0 >;
using volume_flow_rate_d = dimensions< 3, 0, -1 >;
using wave_number_d = dimensions< -1, 0, 0 >;
// Handy values.
constexpr Rep pi { Rep( 3.141592653589793238462L ) };
constexpr Rep percent { Rep( 1 ) / 100 };
//// Not approved for use alone, but needed for use with prefixes.
constexpr quantity< mass_d > gram { kilogram / 1000 };
// The derived SI units, as specified in SP811.
constexpr Rep radian { Rep( 1 ) };
constexpr Rep steradian { Rep( 1 ) };
constexpr quantity< force_d > newton { meter * kilogram / square( second ) };
constexpr quantity< pressure_d > pascal { newton / square( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > joule { newton * meter };
constexpr quantity< power_d > watt { joule / second };
constexpr quantity< electric_charge_d > coulomb { second * ampere };
constexpr quantity< electric_potential_d > volt { watt / ampere };
constexpr quantity< capacitance_d > farad { coulomb / volt };
constexpr quantity< electric_resistance_d > ohm { volt / ampere };
constexpr quantity< electric_conductance_d > siemens { ampere / volt };
constexpr quantity< magnetic_flux_d > weber { volt * second };
constexpr quantity< magnetic_flux_density_d > tesla { weber / square( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< inductance_d > henry { weber / ampere };
constexpr quantity< thermodynamic_temperature_d > degree_celsius { kelvin };
constexpr quantity< luminous_flux_d > lumen { candela * steradian };
constexpr quantity< illuminance_d > lux { lumen / meter / meter };
constexpr quantity< activity_of_a_nuclide_d > becquerel { 1 / second };
constexpr quantity< absorbed_dose_d > gray { joule / kilogram };
constexpr quantity< dose_equivalent_d > sievert { joule / kilogram };
constexpr quantity< frequency_d > hertz { 1 / second };
// The rest of the units approved for use with SI, as specified in SP811.
// (However, use of these units is generally discouraged.)
constexpr quantity< length_d > angstrom { Rep( 1e-10L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< area_d > are { Rep( 1e+2L ) * square( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< pressure_d > bar { Rep( 1e+5L ) * pascal };
constexpr quantity< area_d > barn { Rep( 1e-28L ) * square( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< activity_of_a_nuclide_d > curie { Rep( 3.7e+10L ) * becquerel };
constexpr quantity< time_interval_d > day { Rep( 86400L ) * second };
constexpr Rep degree_angle { pi / 180 };
constexpr quantity< acceleration_d > gal { Rep( 1e-2L ) * meter / square( second ) };
constexpr quantity< area_d > hectare { Rep( 1e+4L ) * square( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< time_interval_d > hour { Rep( 3600 ) * second };
constexpr quantity< speed_d > knot { Rep( 1852 ) / 3600 * meter / second };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > liter { Rep( 1e-3L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< time_interval_d > minute { Rep( 60 ) * second };
constexpr Rep minute_angle { pi / 10800 };
constexpr quantity< length_d > mile_nautical{ Rep( 1852 ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< absorbed_dose_d > rad { Rep( 1e-2L ) * gray };
constexpr quantity< dose_equivalent_d > rem { Rep( 1e-2L ) * sievert };
constexpr quantity< exposure_d > roentgen { Rep( 2.58e-4L ) * coulomb / kilogram };
constexpr Rep second_angle { pi / 648000L };
constexpr quantity< mass_d > ton_metric { Rep( 1e+3L ) * kilogram };
// Alternate (non-US) spellings:
constexpr quantity< length_d > metre { meter };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > litre { liter };
constexpr Rep deca { deka };
constexpr quantity< mass_d > tonne { ton_metric };
// cooked literals for base units;
// these could also have been created with a script.
#define QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( sfx, dim, factor ) \
constexpr quantity<dim, double> operator "" _ ## sfx(unsigned long long x) \
{ \
return quantity<dim, double>( detail::magnitude_tag, factor * x ); \
} \
constexpr quantity<dim, double> operator "" _ ## sfx(long double x) \
{ \
return quantity<dim, double>( detail::magnitude_tag, factor * x ); \
#define QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERALS( pfx, dim, fact ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( Y ## pfx, dim, fact * yotta ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( Z ## pfx, dim, fact * zetta ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( E ## pfx, dim, fact * exa ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( P ## pfx, dim, fact * peta ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( T ## pfx, dim, fact * tera ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( G ## pfx, dim, fact * giga ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( M ## pfx, dim, fact * mega ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( k ## pfx, dim, fact * kilo ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( h ## pfx, dim, fact * hecto ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( da## pfx, dim, fact * deka ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( d ## pfx, dim, fact * deci ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( c ## pfx, dim, fact * centi ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( m ## pfx, dim, fact * milli ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( u ## pfx, dim, fact * micro ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( n ## pfx, dim, fact * nano ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( p ## pfx, dim, fact * pico ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( f ## pfx, dim, fact * femto ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( a ## pfx, dim, fact * atto ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( z ## pfx, dim, fact * zepto ) \
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERAL( y ## pfx, dim, fact * yocto )
#define QUANTITY_DEFINE_LITERALS( pfx, dim ) \
/// literals
namespace literals {
QUANTITY_DEFINE_LITERALS( s , time_interval_d )
QUANTITY_DEFINE_LITERALS( A , electric_current_d )
QUANTITY_DEFINE_LITERALS( K , thermodynamic_temperature_d )
QUANTITY_DEFINE_LITERALS( mol, amount_of_substance_d )
QUANTITY_DEFINE_LITERALS( cd , luminous_intensity_d )
} // namespace literals
}} // namespace phys::units
* end of file