ralfulrich authoredralfulrich authored
LayeredSphericalAtmosphereBuilder.cc 2.56 KiB
* (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#include <corsika/environment/FlatExponential.h>
#include <corsika/environment/HomogeneousMedium.h>
#include <corsika/environment/LayeredSphericalAtmosphereBuilder.h>
#include <corsika/environment/SlidingPlanarExponential.h>
using namespace corsika::environment;
void LayeredSphericalAtmosphereBuilder::checkRadius(units::si::LengthType r) const {
if (r <= previousRadius_) {
throw std::runtime_error("radius must be greater than previous");
void LayeredSphericalAtmosphereBuilder::setNuclearComposition(
NuclearComposition composition) {
composition_ = std::make_unique<NuclearComposition>(composition);
void LayeredSphericalAtmosphereBuilder::addExponentialLayer(
units::si::GrammageType b, units::si::LengthType c,
units::si::LengthType upperBoundary) {
auto const radius = earthRadius_ + upperBoundary;
previousRadius_ = radius;
auto node = std::make_unique<VolumeTreeNode<IMediumModel>>(
std::make_unique<geometry::Sphere>(center_, radius));
auto const rho0 = b / c;
std::cout << "rho0 = " << rho0 << ", c = " << c << std::endl;
center_, rho0, -c, *composition_, earthRadius_);
void LayeredSphericalAtmosphereBuilder::addLinearLayer(
units::si::LengthType c, units::si::LengthType upperBoundary) {
using namespace units::si;
auto const radius = earthRadius_ + upperBoundary;
previousRadius_ = radius;
units::si::GrammageType constexpr b = 1 * 1_g / (1_cm * 1_cm);
auto const rho0 = b / c;
std::cout << "rho0 = " << rho0;
auto node = std::make_unique<VolumeTreeNode<environment::IMediumModel>>(
std::make_unique<geometry::Sphere>(center_, radius));
node->SetModelProperties<HomogeneousMedium<IMediumModel>>(rho0, *composition_);
Environment<IMediumModel> LayeredSphericalAtmosphereBuilder::assemble() {
Environment<IMediumModel> env;
return env;
void LayeredSphericalAtmosphereBuilder::assemble(Environment<IMediumModel>& env) {
auto& universe = env.GetUniverse();
auto* outmost = universe.get();
while (!layers_.empty()) {
auto l = std::move(layers_.top());
auto* tmp = l.get();
outmost = tmp;