Maximilian Reininghaus authoredMaximilian Reininghaus authored
code_generator.py 4.10 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# (c) Copyright 2018-2019 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
# See file AUTHORS for a list of contributors.
# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
# the license.
import pickle, sys, itertools
# loads the pickled particle_db (which is an OrderedDict)
def load_particledb(filename):
with open(filename, "rb") as f:
particle_db = pickle.load(f)
return particle_db
def read_sibyll_codes(filename, particle_db):
with open(filename) as f:
for line in f:
line = line.strip()
if line[0] == '#':
identifier, sib_code, canInteractFlag, xsType = line.split()
particle_db[identifier]["sibyll_code"] = int(sib_code)
particle_db[identifier]["sibyll_xsType"] = int(xsType)
except KeyError as e:
raise Exception("Identifier '{:s}' not found in particle_db".format(identifier))
# generates the enum to access sibyll particles by readable names
def generate_sibyll_enum(particle_db):
output = "enum class SibyllCode : int8_t {\n"
for identifier, pData in particle_db.items():
if pData.get('sibyll_code') != None:
output += " {:s} = {:d},\n".format(identifier, pData['sibyll_code'])
output += "};\n"
return output
# generates the look-up table to convert corsika codes to sibyll codes
def generate_corsika2sibyll(particle_db):
string = "std::array<SibyllCodeIntType, {:d}> constexpr corsika2sibyll = {{\n".format(len(particle_db))
for identifier, pData in particle_db.items():
sibCode = pData.get("sibyll_code", 0)
string += " {:d}, // {:s}\n".format(sibCode, identifier if sibCode else identifier + " (not implemented in SIBYLL)")
string += "};\n"
return string
# generates the look-up table to convert corsika codes to sibyll codes
def generate_corsika2sibyll_xsType(particle_db):
string = "std::array<int, {:d}> constexpr corsika2sibyllXStype = {{\n".format(len(particle_db))
for identifier, pData in particle_db.items():
sibCodeXS = pData.get("sibyll_xsType", -1)
string += " {:d}, // {:s}\n".format(sibCodeXS, identifier if sibCodeXS else identifier + " (not implemented in SIBYLL)")
string += "};\n"
return string
# generates the look-up table to convert sibyll codes to corsika codes
def generate_sibyll2corsika(particle_db) :
string = ""
minID = 0
for identifier, pData in particle_db.items() :
if 'sibyll_code' in pData:
minID = min(minID, pData['sibyll_code'])
string += "SibyllCodeIntType constexpr minSibyll = {:d};\n\n".format(minID)
pDict = {}
for identifier, pData in particle_db.items() :
if 'sibyll_code' in pData:
sib_code = pData['sibyll_code'] - minID
pDict[sib_code] = identifier
nPart = max(pDict.keys()) - min(pDict.keys()) + 1
string += "std::array<corsika::particles::Code, {:d}> constexpr sibyll2corsika = {{\n".format(nPart)
for iPart in range(nPart) :
if iPart in pDict:
identifier = pDict[iPart]
identifier = "Unknown"
string += " corsika::particles::Code::{:s}, \n".format(identifier)
string += "};\n"
return string
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("usage: {:s} <particle_db.pkl> <sibyll_codes.dat>".format(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr)
print("code_generator.py for SIBYLL")
particle_db = load_particledb(sys.argv[1])
read_sibyll_codes(sys.argv[2], particle_db)
with open("Generated.inc", "w") as f:
print("// this file is automatically generated\n// edit at your own risk!\n", file=f)
print(generate_sibyll_enum(particle_db), file=f)
print(generate_corsika2sibyll(particle_db), file=f)
print(generate_sibyll2corsika(particle_db), file=f)
print(generate_corsika2sibyll_xsType(particle_db), file=f)