* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project,
* See file AUTHORS for a list of contributors.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#ifndef _include_sib23c_interface_h_
#define _include_sib23c_interface_h_
// C++ interface for the SIBYLL event generator
// SIBYLL particle stack (FORTRAN COMMON)
// variables are: np : numer of particles on stack
// p : 4momentum + mass of particles on stack
// llist : id of particles on stack
extern struct {
double p[5][8000];
int llist[8000];
int np;
} s_plist_;
// additional information about interactions.
// number of wounded nucleons, number of hard and soft scatterings etc.
extern struct { int nnsof[20], nnjet[20], jdif[20], nwd, njet, nsof; } s_chist_;
extern struct {
double cbr[223 + 16 + 12 + 8];
int kdec[1338 + 6 * (16 + 12 + 8)];
int lbarp[99];
int idb[99];
} s_csydec_;
// additional particle stack for the mother particles of unstable particles
// stable particles have entry zero
extern struct { int llist1[8000]; } s_plist1_;
// tables with particle properties
// charge, strangeness and baryon number
extern struct {
int ichp[99];
int istr[99];
int ibar[99];
} s_chp_;
// tables with particle properties
// mass and mass squared
extern struct {
double am[99];
double am2[99];
} s_mass1_;
// table with particle names
extern struct { char namp[6][99]; } s_cnam_;
Felix Riehn
// debug info
extern struct {
int ncall;
int ndebug;
int lun;
} s_debug_;
// lund random generator setup
// extern struct {int mrlu[6]; float rrlu[100]; }ludatr_;
void sibyll_(const int&, const int&, const double&);
// subroutine to initiate random number generator
// void rnd_ini_();
void sib_sigma_hnuc_(const int&, const int&, const double&, double&, double&, double&);
void sib_sigma_hp_(const int&, const double&, double&, double&, double&, double*, double&,
int get_nwounded();
Felix Riehn
double get_sibyll_mass2(int&);
// phojet random generator setup
void pho_rndin_(int&, int&, int&, int&);