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newpart.f 2.68 KiB
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c $Id: newpart.f,v 1.6 1999/01/18 09:57:09 ernst Exp $
c     include-file newpart
cdes     this file contains arrays for scattered or new created particles
cdes     and is used to communicate between the different routines which
cdes     are involved in hadling the kinematics

      integer mprt,oprt
c maximum number of new particles:
      parameter(mprt=200) ! maximum number of produced particles
      parameter(oprt=2)   ! maximum number of incoming particles
c pslot : slots of incoming particles
c itypnew: ityps of new particles
c i3new: $2*I_3$ of new particles
c inew: array-indices of new particles (will be assigned in scatter-routines)
c nexit: number of particles in exit-channel
c iline: tag for out-channel process
c nstring1 : number of particles in string 1
c nstring2 : number of particles in string 2
c strcount : ??
c sidnew : stringID for produced particles
c pslot : slots of incoming particles
c itot: $2*I_{tot}$ of new particles (will be assigned in scatter-routines)
c pnew(5,mprt) : momenta, energy and mass of produced particles
c     pnew(1,*) = px
c     pnew(2,*) = py
c     pnew(3,*) = pz
c     pnew(4,*) = e
c     pnew(5,*) = mass
c xnew(4,mprt) : locations and time of produced particles
c     xnew(1,*) = rx
c     xnew(2,*) = ry
c     xnew(3,*) = rz
c     xnew(4,*) = r0
c pold(5,oprt) : momenta, defined like pnew
c itypold : incoming itypes
c iso3old : incoming iso3's
c xtotfacold: xtotfacs of incoming particles
c mstring() masses of strings 1 and 2 (or particles 1 and 2)
c leadfac(mprt): (1-leadfac) is the factor, by which the total cross
c                section of a hadron is multiplied within its formation
c                time (.ne.1 only for leading hadrons)
      integer itypnew(mprt),i3new(mprt),itot(mprt),inew(mprt),nexit
      integer nstring1, nstring2,iline,itypold(oprt),iso3old(oprt)
      integer pslot(oprt),strcount
      real*8 pnew(5,mprt),xnew(4,mprt),mstring(2),leadfac(mprt)
      real*8 pold(5,oprt),xtotfacold(oprt)
      integer sidnew(mprt)

c relative velocity/between comp. frame and two particle rest frame
c is betax, betay, betaz (needed for lotrans)
c momentum vector in two particle restframe is p0nn,pxnn,pynn,pznn

      real*8 betax,betay,betaz,p0nn,pxnn,pynn,pznn,pnn,pnnout

      common /inewpart/ itypnew,i3new,itot,inew,nexit,iline,strcount,
     &                  pslot,nstring1,nstring2,sidnew,itypold,iso3old
      common /rnewpart/ pnew,xnew,betax,betay,betaz,pold,
     &                  p0nn,pxnn,pynn,pznn,pnn,mstring,pnnout,
     &                  xtotfacold
      common /fnewpart/ leadfac