c $Id: colltab.f,v 1.5 1999/11/24 19:47:48 ssoff Exp $
cdes This file contains the uqmd collision tables
integer ncollmax
parameter (ncollmax = 100) ! maximum number of entries in collision table
integer nct,actcol,nsav,apt
real*8 cttime(0:ncollmax),ctsqrts(ncollmax),ctsigtot(ncollmax)
real*8 ctcolfluc(ncollmax)
logical ctvalid(ncollmax)
real*8 tmin
integer cti1(ncollmax),cti2(ncollmax),ctsav(ncollmax)
c integer updi1(ncollmax),updi2(ncollmax)
c cttime : collision time
c ctsqrts : $sqrt{s}$ of collision
c ctsigtot: total cross section in mbarn
c tmin : paramteter for {\tt collupd}
c cti1 : index of particle 1
c cti2 : index of particle 2
c nct : number of collisions in the table
c actcol : current collision
c ctvalid : tag whether collision is {\em true} or {\em false}
c ctsav : list of particles which lost their collision partner
c nsav : number of entries in {\tt ctsav}
c apt : mass of first particle/composite in the part. arrays
common /colltab/cttime,ctsqrts,ctsigtot,tmin,cti1,cti2,nct,actcol,
& ctvalid,ctsav,nsav,apt,ctcolfluc