# Guidelines for code development, structure, formating etc.
The CORSIKA Project very much welcomes contributions. Here we outlined
how you can find the right place to contribute, and how to do that.
Connect to and (self-register at to get in touch with the project.
The CORSIKA Project decides on the [GUIDELINES]( and can decide to
change/improve them.
- We organize all development via gitlab `Issues` that may be feature requests,
- Issues are discussed in meetings or via
within the CORSIKA Project.
- Issues are assigned to milestones.
- The work on issues is performed in `branches` that can be best
created directly via the gitlab web interface.
- Proposed code to close one issue (located in a specific git
into the master branch via a merge-request (MR) to close the issue.
- all merge request will undergo a code review, and must be approved before merge, in order to ensure high code qualtiy: [Code Approval Procedure](
## Code formatting
We rely on `clang-format` for code formatting. This has the tremendous
advantage that definitely all code follows the same formatting rules,
and nobody at any point needs to invest time and effort into code
formatting. We provide a script ``, which can be
very useful. But we urge everybody to integrate `clang-format` already
on the level of your source code editor. See [the official
page]( for information
about `clang-format` and its editor integrations. At least: run
`` prior to any `git add/commit` command. Code with
improper formatting will not be accepted for merging. It will trigger automatic warnings by the continuous integration (CI) system.
The definition of source code format is written down in the file
[.clang-format](.clang-format) and can be changed, if the CORSIKA
Project agrees on it. To see what is possible, check
e.g. [link1]( or
Please read the [Coding wiki page](
Releases of CORSIKA 8 are thought to be the baseline for larger scale
validation, and full production. The releases are numbered as x.y.z,
starting with x=8, which will not be changed for CORSIKA 8. The y index is
updated for new releases that normally contain improved or
enhanced physics performance, and also interface
changes to accomodate improvements. The z index can be updated more
frequently for bug fixes or new features. Changes in z will not
contain interface changes, thus, production code will remain
fully compatible within changes of z. Special releases of CORSIKA will
also have a release names.
# How to become scientific author of the CORSIKA Project
The CORSIKA Project decides on who becomes scientific author. The
following conditions are sufficient, but not all of them are
- responsibility for a particular functionality or software/management part
- have read and follow these [GUIDELINES](
- active in the CORSIKA Project, that means responsive to
discussions and problems in or on https//,
of relevant *Issues*, or in (phone) meetings
- agreement to the [COLLABORATION_AGREEMENT](
- the members of the CORSIKA Project must agree