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  • bz2_patch
  • fix_string_fill
  • master default
  • no_conan
  • proposal_interpoaltion_tables
  • proposal_utility_tables
  • pythia-8313
  • pythia_npz
  • replace_proposal_tables
  • update_cmake
  • wmm-andre
  • Tables_v7.8
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.06Mar28Feb19620Jan20Dec7Nov19Sep5Aug1Jul25Jun191730May27244Mar23Nov226Feb419Jul10Dec22Nov914Sep24Aug11Jun31May107529Jan22181564Nov2Oct124Jul2018171615141312111022Apr29NovMerge branch 'pythia-8313' into 'master'mastermasteradded readme for pythia tablespythia-8313pythia-8313add prelim. reuse file for pythia 8313delete .dat files and update .npz files to fitted Pythia 8.312 cross-sectionsupdate EPOS tables after correction in lambda_c decay table update tables for EPOS LHC-R and SIBYLL 2.3e (missing files in previous commit)Tables_v7.8Tables_v7.8update tables for EPOS LHC-R and SIBYLL 2.3eupdate CONEX tables ("lhc" is for EPOS LHC and "epo" for EPOS LHC-R) and add tables for new models QGSJETIII-01 and EPOS LHC-Rdelete .dat files and update .npz files to fitted Pythia 8.312 cross-sectionspythia_npzpythia_npzChange license in readlib to BSD 3-clauseUpdate 2 filesrevert to basic tables for pythia wo nuclear primariesadd reuse files to pythia_npz branch aswelladd .npz files for proj(4He, 14N, 56Fe)+targ(14N)convert to NPZ tablesMerge branch 'conan2_cmake_building' into 'master'Conan2 cmake buildingupdate reuse file using mB not as the proton mass only -> higher eCM_maxupdate reuse file for current available projectilesadd reuse files for Pythia 8.3.12 generated with a modified version of main424.ccfix elab, targ_id and proj_id formattinguse correct delimiter for cross-section filesadd missing cross-section files for "ap 12C" and "km 40Ar" collision systemsCatch2 without CONAN_PKGno_conanno_conandependencies via find_package()update separator from tabulations to spaces for Pythia v8.311 cross-section tablesadd generated cross-sections tables for Pythia v8.311Merge branch 'proposal_utility_tables' into 'master'add PROPOSAL utility tables, and add missing tables for 1000MeV cutproposal_utilit…proposal_utility_tablesMerge branch 'proposal_tables_new_23' into 'master'add new PROPOSAL tablesMerge branch 'update_proposal_tables' into 'master'remove old PROPOSAL tables, add all PROPOSAL tables in new format that are necessary for test execution. tables are for gcc only.Merge branch 'add_py8mpi' into 'master'Pythia8 main184.mpi addedRevert "Delete IGRF13.COF"Merge branch 'wmm-andre' into 'master'Delete IGRF13.COFwmm-andrewmm-andreUpload World magnetic model coefficientsadded new custom feature for telescopes array