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Commit 83848065 authored by ralfulrich's avatar ralfulrich
Browse files

make compile with cmake

parent 4657b4de
No related branches found
No related tags found
No related merge requests found
with 1674 additions and 24 deletions
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.4.3)
find_package (Boost 1.40 COMPONENTS program_options REQUIRED)
find_package (Eigen3 3.3 REQUIRED)
# include_directories (${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR})
# include_directories(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
# ADD_EXECUTABLE( anyExecutable myMain.cpp )
add_subdirectory (Framework)
add_subdirectory (Units)
add_subdirectory (Geometry)
#ifndef _include_BASEVECTOR_H_
#define _include_BASEVECTOR_H_
#include "QuantityVector.h"
#include "CoordinateSystem.h"
#include <Geometry/QuantityVector.h>
#include <Geometry/CoordinateSystem.h>
template <typename dim>
class BaseVector
set (GEOMETRY_SOURCES CoordinateSystem.cc)
set (GEOMETRY_HEADERS Vector.h Point.h CoordinateSystem.h)
add_library (CORSIKAgeometry STATIC ${GEOMETRY_SOURCES})
set_target_properties (CORSIKAgeometry PROPERTIES VERSION ${PROJECT_VERSION})
set_target_properties (CORSIKAgeometry PROPERTIES SOVERSION 1)
target_include_directories (CORSIKAgeometry PRIVATE ${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_include_directories (CORSIKAgeometry PRIVATE ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/Framework)
install (TARGETS CORSIKAgeometry
#include "CoordinateSystem.h"
#include <Geometry/CoordinateSystem.h>
EigenTransform CoordinateSystem::getTransformation(CoordinateSystem const& c1, CoordinateSystem const& c2)
#ifndef _include_COORDINATESYSTEM_H_
#define _include_COORDINATESYSTEM_H_
#include <Geometry/QuantityVector.h>
#include <Units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include "QuantityVector.h"
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <phys/units/quantity.hpp>
typedef Eigen::Transform<double, 3, Eigen::Affine> EigenTransform;
typedef Eigen::Translation<double, 3> EigenTranslation;
#ifndef POINT_H_
#define POINT_H_
#ifndef _include_POINT_H_
#define _include_POINT_H_
#include "BaseVector.h"
#include "QuantityVector.h"
#include <phys/units/quantity.hpp>
#include <Geometry/BaseVector.h>
#include <Geometry/QuantityVector.h>
#include <Units/PhysicalUnits.h>
class Point : public BaseVector<phys::units::length_d>
#ifndef _include_QUANTITYVECTOR_H_
#define _include_QUANTITYVECTOR_H_
#include <Units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <phys/units/quantity.hpp>
#include <phys/units/io.hpp>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
#include <iostream>
#ifndef VECTOR_H_
#define VECTOR_H_
#ifndef _include_VECTOR_H_
#define _include_VECTOR_H_
#include "BaseVector.h"
#include "QuantityVector.h"
#include <phys/units/quantity.hpp>
#include <Geometry/BaseVector.h>
#include <Geometry/QuantityVector.h>
#include <Units/PhysicalUnits.h>
template <typename dim>
class Vector : public BaseVector<dim>
install (FILES PhysicalUnits.h PhysicalConstants.h
DESTINATION include/Units)
install (DIRECTORY units
DESTINATION include/Units)
#include "Units/PhysicalUnits.h"
namespace phys {
namespace units {
// electronvolt
constexpr quantity< energy_d > eV { Rep( 1.60217733e-19L ) * joule };
// elementary charge
constexpr quantity< electric_charge_d >
e { Rep( 1.602176462e-19L ) * coulomb };
// Planck constant
constexpr quantity< dimensions< 2, 1, -1 > >
h { Rep( 6.62606876e-34L ) * joule * second };
// speed of light in a vacuum
constexpr quantity< speed_d > c { Rep( 299792458L ) * meter / second };
#ifndef _include_PhysicalUnits_h_
#define _include_PhysicalUnits_h_
#include <Units/units/quantity.hpp>
#include <Units/units/io.hpp>
#include <Units/PhysicalConstants.h>
// define _XeV literals
//namespace corsika {
namespace phys {
namespace units {
namespace literals {
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERALS(eV, energy_d, magnitude(eV) )
#ifndef _include_PhysicalUnits_h_
#define _include_PhysicalUnits_h_
#include "boost/units/quantity.hpp"
#include "boost/units/io.hpp"
#include "boost/units/physical_constants.hpp"
//#include <cstdlib>
//#include <iostream>
// define _XeV literals
namespace phys {
namespace units {
namespace literals {
QUANTITY_DEFINE_SCALING_LITERALS(eV, energy_d, magnitude(eV) )
* \file io.hpp
* \brief IO for compile-time quantity library.
* \author Martin Moene
* \date 7 September 2013
* \since 1.0
* Copyright 2013 Universiteit Leiden. All rights reserved.
* This code is provided as-is, with no warrantee of correctness.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include "Units/units/quantity_io.hpp"
#include "Units/units/quantity_io_engineering.hpp"
#include "Units/units/quantity_io_symbols.hpp"
* end of file
* \file io_output.hpp
* \brief IO for quantity library.
* \author Martin Moene
* \date 7 September 2013
* \since 1.0
* Copyright 2013 Universiteit Leiden. All rights reserved.
* This code is provided as-is, with no warrantee of correctness.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include "Units/units/quantity_io.hpp"
* end of file
* \file io_output_eng.hpp
* \brief Engineering IO for quantity library.
* \author Martin Moene
* \date 7 September 2013
* \since 1.0
* Copyright 2013 Universiteit Leiden. All rights reserved.
* This code is provided as-is, with no warrantee of correctness.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include "Units/units/quantity_io_engineering.hpp"
* end of file
* \file io_symbols.hpp
* \brief IO for quantity library.
* \author Martin Moene
* \date 7 September 2013
* \since 1.0
* Copyright 2013 Universiteit Leiden. All rights reserved.
* This code is provided as-is, with no warrantee of correctness.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include "Units/units/quantity_io_symbols.hpp"
* end of file
* \file other_units.hpp
* \brief Units not approved for use with SI.
* \author Michael S. Kenniston
* \date 16 July 2001
* \since 0.4
* Copyright 2013 Universiteit Leiden. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2001 by Michael S. Kenniston. For the most
* recent version check www.xnet.com/~msk/quantity. Permission is granted
* to use this code without restriction so long as this copyright
* notice appears in all source files.
* This code is provided as-is, with no warrantee of correctness.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
* This file contains the definitions of units that are *NOT* approved
* for use with SI, as specified by SP811. These units should not
* be used with any new work. However, they may be needed for
* handling and converting legacy data.
#include "Units/units/quantity.hpp"
namespace phys { namespace units {
constexpr quantity< electric_current_d > abampere { Rep( 1e+1L ) * ampere };
constexpr quantity< electric_charge_d > abcoulomb { Rep( 1e+1L ) * coulomb };
constexpr quantity< capacitance_d > abfarad { Rep( 1e+9L ) * farad };
constexpr quantity< inductance_d > abhenry { Rep( 1e-9L ) * henry };
constexpr quantity< electric_conductance_d > abmho { Rep( 1e+9L ) * siemens };
constexpr quantity< electric_resistance_d > abohm { Rep( 1e-9L ) * ohm };
constexpr quantity< electric_potential_d > abvolt { Rep( 1e-8L ) * volt };
constexpr quantity< area_d > acre { Rep( 4.046873e+3L ) * square( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > acre_foot { Rep( 1.233489e+3L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< length_d > astronomical_unit { Rep( 1.495979e+11L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< pressure_d > atmosphere_std { Rep( 1.01325e+5L ) * pascal };
constexpr quantity< pressure_d > atmosphere_tech { Rep( 9.80665e+4L ) * pascal };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > barrel { Rep( 1.589873e-1L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< electric_current_d > biot { Rep( 1e+1L ) * ampere };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > btu { Rep( 1.05587e+3L ) * joule };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > btu_it { Rep( 1.055056e+3L ) * joule };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > btu_th { Rep( 1.054350e+3L ) * joule };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > btu_39F { Rep( 1.05967e+3L ) * joule };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > btu_59F { Rep( 1.05480e+3L ) * joule };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > btu_60F { Rep( 1.05468e+3L ) * joule };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > bushel { Rep( 3.523907e-2L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > calorie { Rep( 4.19002L ) * joule };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > calorie_it { Rep( 4.1868L ) * joule };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > calorie_th { Rep( 4.184L ) * joule };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > calorie_15C { Rep( 4.18580L ) * joule };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > calorie_20C { Rep( 4.18190L ) * joule };
constexpr quantity< mass_d > carat_metric { Rep( 2e-4L ) * kilogram };
constexpr quantity< length_d > chain { Rep( 2.011684e+1L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< thermal_insulance_d > clo { Rep( 1.55e-1L ) * square( meter ) * kelvin / watt };
constexpr quantity< pressure_d > cm_mercury { Rep( 1.333224e+3L ) * pascal };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > cord { Rep( 3.624556L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > cup { Rep( 2.365882e-4L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< dimensions< 2, 0, 0 >> darcy { Rep( 9.869233e-13L ) * square( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< time_interval_d > day_sidereal { Rep( 8.616409e+4L ) * second };
constexpr quantity< dimensions< 1, 0, 1, 1>> debye { Rep( 3.335641e-30L ) * coulomb * meter };
constexpr quantity< thermodynamic_temperature_d > degree_fahrenheit{ Rep( 5.555556e-1L ) * kelvin };
constexpr quantity< thermodynamic_temperature_d > degree_rankine { Rep( 5.555556e-1L ) * kelvin };
constexpr quantity< dimensions< -1, 1, 0 >> denier { Rep( 1.111111e-7L ) * kilogram / meter };
constexpr quantity< force_d > dyne { Rep( 1e-5L ) * newton };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > erg { Rep( 1e-7L ) * joule };
constexpr quantity< electric_charge_d > faraday { Rep( 9.648531e+4L ) * coulomb };
constexpr quantity< length_d > fathom { Rep( 1.828804L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< length_d > fermi { Rep( 1e-15L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< length_d > foot { Rep( 3.048e-1L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > foot_pound_force { Rep( 1.355818L ) * joule };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > foot_poundal { Rep( 4.214011e-2L ) * joule };
constexpr quantity< length_d > foot_us_survey { Rep( 3.048006e-1L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< illuminance_d > footcandle { Rep( 1.076391e+1L ) * lux };
constexpr quantity< illuminance_d > footlambert { Rep( 3.426259L ) * candela / square( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< time_interval_d > fortnight { Rep( 14 ) * day }; // from OED
constexpr quantity< electric_charge_d > franklin { Rep( 3.335641e-10L ) * coulomb };
constexpr quantity< length_d > furlong { Rep( 2.01168e+2L ) * meter }; // from OED
constexpr quantity< volume_d > gallon_imperial { Rep( 4.54609e-3L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > gallon_us { Rep( 3.785412e-3L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< magnetic_flux_density_d > gamma { Rep( 1e-9L ) * tesla };
constexpr quantity< mass_d > gamma_mass { Rep( 1e-9L ) * kilogram };
constexpr quantity< magnetic_flux_density_d > gauss { Rep( 1e-4L ) * tesla };
constexpr quantity< electric_current_d > gilbert { Rep( 7.957747e-1L ) * ampere };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > gill_imperial { Rep( 1.420653e-4L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > gill_us { Rep( 1.182941e-4L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr Rep gon { Rep( 9e-1L ) * degree_angle };
constexpr quantity< mass_d > grain { Rep( 6.479891e-5L ) * kilogram };
constexpr quantity< power_d > horsepower { Rep( 7.456999e+2L ) * watt };
constexpr quantity< power_d > horsepower_boiler { Rep( 9.80950e+3L ) * watt };
constexpr quantity< power_d > horsepower_electric{ Rep( 7.46e+2L ) * watt };
constexpr quantity< power_d > horsepower_metric { Rep( 7.354988e+2L ) * watt };
constexpr quantity< power_d > horsepower_uk { Rep( 7.4570e+2L ) * watt };
constexpr quantity< power_d > horsepower_water { Rep( 7.46043e+2L ) * watt };
constexpr quantity< time_interval_d > hour_sidereal { Rep( 3.590170e+3L ) * second };
constexpr quantity< mass_d > hundredweight_long { Rep( 5.080235e+1L ) * kilogram };
constexpr quantity< mass_d > hundredweight_short{ Rep( 4.535924e+1L ) * kilogram };
constexpr quantity< length_d > inch { Rep( 2.54e-2L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< pressure_d > inches_mercury { Rep( 3.386389e+3L ) * pascal };
constexpr quantity< wave_number_d > kayser { Rep( 1e+2 ) / meter };
constexpr quantity< force_d > kilogram_force { Rep( 9.80665 ) * newton };
constexpr quantity< force_d > kilopond { Rep( 9.80665 ) * newton };
constexpr quantity< force_d > kip { Rep( 4.448222e+3L ) * newton };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > lambda_volume { Rep( 1e-9L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< illuminance_d > lambert { Rep( 3.183099e+3L ) * candela / square( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< heat_density_d > langley { Rep( 4.184e+4L ) * joule / square( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< length_d > light_year { Rep( 9.46073e+15L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< magnetic_flux_d > maxwell { Rep( 1e-8L ) * weber };
constexpr quantity< electric_conductance_d > mho { siemens };
constexpr quantity< length_d > micron { micro * meter };
constexpr quantity< length_d > mil { Rep( 2.54e-5L ) * meter };
constexpr Rep mil_angle { Rep( 5.625e-2L ) * degree_angle };
constexpr quantity< area_d > mil_circular { Rep( 5.067075e-10L ) * square( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< length_d > mile { Rep( 1.609344e+3L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< length_d > mile_us_survey { Rep( 1.609347e+3L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< time_interval_d > minute_sidereal { Rep( 5.983617e+1L ) * second };
constexpr quantity< dimensions< -1, 0, 0, 1 > >oersted { Rep( 7.957747e+1L ) * ampere / meter };
constexpr quantity< mass_d > ounce_avdp { Rep( 2.834952e-2L ) * kilogram };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > ounce_fluid_imperial{ Rep( 2.841306e-5L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > ounce_fluid_us { Rep( 2.957353e-5L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< force_d > ounce_force { Rep( 2.780139e-1L ) * newton };
constexpr quantity< mass_d > ounce_troy { Rep( 3.110348e-2L ) * kilogram };
constexpr quantity< length_d > parsec { Rep( 3.085678e+16L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > peck { Rep( 8.809768e-3L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< mass_d > pennyweight { Rep( 1.555174e-3L ) * kilogram };
constexpr quantity< substance_permeability_d > perm_0C { Rep( 5.72135e-11L ) * kilogram / pascal / second / square( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< substance_permeability_d > perm_23C { Rep( 5.74525e-11L ) * kilogram / pascal / second / square( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< illuminance_d > phot { Rep( 1e+4L ) * lux };
constexpr quantity< length_d > pica_computer { Rep( 4.233333e-3L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< length_d > pica_printers { Rep( 4.217518e-3L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > pint_dry { Rep( 5.506105e-4L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > pint_liquid { Rep( 4.731765e-4L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< length_d > point_computer { Rep( 3.527778e-4L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< length_d > point_printers { Rep( 3.514598e-4L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< dynamic_viscosity_d > poise { Rep( 1e-1L ) * pascal * second };
constexpr quantity< mass_d > pound_avdp { Rep( 4.5359237e-1L ) * kilogram };
constexpr quantity< force_d > pound_force { Rep( 4.448222L ) * newton };
constexpr quantity< mass_d > pound_troy { Rep( 3.732417e-1L ) * kilogram };
constexpr quantity< force_d > poundal { Rep( 1.382550e-1L ) * newton };
constexpr quantity< pressure_d > psi { Rep( 6.894757e+3L ) * pascal };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > quad { Rep( 1e+15L ) * btu_it };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > quart_dry { Rep( 1.101221e-3L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > quart_liquid { Rep( 9.463529e-4L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr Rep revolution { Rep( 2 ) * pi };
constexpr quantity< dimensions< 1, -1, 1 > > rhe { Rep( 1e+1L ) / pascal / second };
constexpr quantity< length_d > rod { Rep( 5.029210L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< angular_velocity_d > rpm { Rep( 1.047198e-1L ) / second };
constexpr quantity< time_interval_d > second_sidereal { Rep( 9.972696e-1L ) * second };
constexpr quantity< time_interval_d > shake { Rep( 1e-8L ) * second };
constexpr quantity< mass_d > slug { Rep( 1.459390e+1L ) * kilogram };
constexpr quantity< electric_current_d > statampere { Rep( 3.335641e-10L ) * ampere };
constexpr quantity< electric_charge_d > statcoulomb { Rep( 3.335641e-10L ) * coulomb };
constexpr quantity< capacitance_d > statfarad { Rep( 1.112650e-12L ) * farad };
constexpr quantity< inductance_d > stathenry { Rep( 8.987552e+11L ) * henry };
constexpr quantity< electric_conductance_d > statmho { Rep( 1.112650e-12L ) * siemens };
constexpr quantity< electric_resistance_d > statohm { Rep( 8.987552e+11L ) * ohm };
constexpr quantity< electric_potential_d > statvolt { Rep( 2.997925e+2L ) * volt };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > stere { cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< illuminance_d > stilb { Rep( 1e+4L ) * candela / square( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< kinematic_viscosity_d > stokes { Rep( 1e-4L ) * square( meter ) / second };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > tablespoon { Rep( 1.478676e-5L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > teaspoon { Rep( 4.928922e-6L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< dimensions< -1, 1, 0 > > tex { Rep( 1e-6L ) * kilogram / meter };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > therm_ec { Rep( 1.05506e+8L ) * joule };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > therm_us { Rep( 1.054804e+8L ) * joule };
constexpr quantity< mass_d > ton_assay { Rep( 2.916667e-2L ) * kilogram };
constexpr quantity< force_d > ton_force { Rep( 8.896443e+3L ) * newton };
constexpr quantity< mass_d > ton_long { Rep( 1.016047e+3L ) * kilogram };
constexpr quantity< heat_flow_rate_d > ton_refrigeration { Rep( 3.516853e+3L ) * watt };
constexpr quantity< volume_d > ton_register { Rep( 2.831685L ) * cube( meter ) };
constexpr quantity< mass_d > ton_short { Rep( 9.071847e+2L ) * kilogram };
constexpr quantity< energy_d > ton_tnt { Rep( 4.184e+9L ) * joule };
constexpr quantity< pressure_d > torr { Rep( 1.333224e+2L ) * pascal };
constexpr quantity< magnetic_flux_d > unit_pole { Rep( 1.256637e-7L ) * weber };
constexpr quantity< time_interval_d > week { Rep( 604800L ) * second }; // 7 days
constexpr quantity< length_d > x_unit { Rep( 1.002e-13L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< length_d > yard { Rep( 9.144e-1L ) * meter };
constexpr quantity< time_interval_d > year_sidereal { Rep( 3.155815e+7L ) * second };
constexpr quantity< time_interval_d > year_std { Rep( 3.1536e+7L ) * second }; // 365 days
constexpr quantity< time_interval_d > year_tropical { Rep( 3.155693e+7L ) * second };
}} // namespace phys::units
* end of file
This diff is collapsed.
* \file quantity_io.hpp
* \brief IO for quantity library.
* \author Michael S. Kenniston, Martin Moene
* \date 10 September 2013
* \since 0.4
* Copyright 2013 Universiteit Leiden. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (c) 2001 by Michael S. Kenniston. For the most
* recent version check www.xnet.com/~msk/quantity. Permission is granted
* to use this code without restriction so long as this copyright
* notice appears in all source files.
* This code is provided as-is, with no warrantee of correctness.
* Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
* file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
#include "Units/units/quantity.hpp"
#include <algorithm>
#include <iosfwd>
#include <map>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
/// namespace phys.
namespace phys {
/// namespace units.
namespace units {
/// quantity error base class (not used by quantity itself).
struct quantity_error : public std::runtime_error
quantity_error( std::string const text )
: std::runtime_error( text ) { }
/// prefix error, e.g. when prefix is unrecognized.
struct prefix_error : public quantity_error
prefix_error( std::string const text )
: quantity_error( text ) { }
/// return factor for given prefix.
inline Rep prefix( std::string const prefix_ )
std::map<std::string, Rep> table
{ "m", milli },
{ "k", kilo },
{ "u", micro },
{ "M", mega },
{ "n", nano },
{ "G", giga },
{ "p", pico },
{ "T", tera },
{ "f", femto },
{ "P", peta },
{ "a", atto },
{ "E", exa },
{ "z", zepto },
{ "Z", zetta },
{ "y", yocto },
{ "Y", yotta },
{ "h", hecto },
{ "da", deka },
{ "d", deci },
{ "c", centi },
auto pos = table.find( prefix_ );
if ( pos == table.end() )
throw prefix_error( "quantity: unrecognized prefix '" + prefix_ + "'" );
return pos->second;
* Provide SI units-and-exponents in as close to NIST-specified format as possible with plain ascii.
* Made presentation customizable by specialization of template.
* Adapted by Martin Moene, 21 February 2012.
template <typename Dims>
struct unit_info
/// true if base dimension.
static bool single()
return Dims::is_base;
/// provide unit's name.
static std::string name()
return symbol();
/// provide unit's symbol.
static std::string symbol()
std::ostringstream os;
bool first = true;
emit_dim( os, "m", Dims::dim1, first );
emit_dim( os, "kg", Dims::dim2, first );
emit_dim( os, "s", Dims::dim3, first );
emit_dim( os, "A", Dims::dim4, first );
emit_dim( os, "K", Dims::dim5, first );
emit_dim( os, "mol", Dims::dim6, first );
emit_dim( os, "cd", Dims::dim7, first );
return os.str();
/// emit a single dimension.
static void emit_dim( std::ostream & os, const char * label, int exp, bool & first )
if( exp == 0 )
if ( first )
first = false;
os << " ";
os << label;
if( exp > 1 )
os << "+";
if( exp != 1 )
os << exp;
}} // namespace phys::units
#include "quantity_io_meter.hpp"
#include "quantity_io_kilogram.hpp"
#include "quantity_io_second.hpp"
#include "quantity_io_ampere.hpp"
#include "quantity_io_mole.hpp"
#include "quantity_io_candela.hpp"
* User must choose celsius or kelvin, either by defining
* including the desired include file.
# include "quantity_io_celsius.hpp"
# include "quantity_io_kelvin.hpp"
namespace phys { namespace units {
/// magnitude as string.
template< typename Dims, typename T >
std::string to_magnitude( quantity<Dims, T> const & q )
std::ostringstream os;
os << q.magnitude();
return os.str();
/// unit name.
template< typename Dims, typename T >
std::string to_unit_name( quantity<Dims, T> const & /* q */)
return unit_info<Dims>::name();
/// unit symbol.
template< typename Dims, typename T >
std::string to_unit_symbol( quantity<Dims, T> const & /* q */)
return unit_info<Dims>::symbol();
/// string representation of value.
inline std::string to_string( long double const value )
std::ostringstream os;
os << value;
return os.str();
/// namespace io.
namespace io {
/// stream quantity.
template< typename Dims, typename T >
std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & os, quantity<Dims, T> const & q )
return os << q.magnitude() << " " << to_unit_symbol( q );
/// quantity string representation.
template< typename Dims, typename T >
std::string to_string( quantity<Dims, T> const & q )
std::ostringstream os;
os << q;
return os.str();
} // namespace io
}} // namespace phys::units
* end of file
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