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Commit 24b4271f authored by ralfulrich's avatar ralfulrich
Browse files

some getters -> style

parent 8ccf3d7e
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* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* See file AUTHORS for a list of contributors.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#include <corsika/cascade/Cascade.h>
#include <corsika/process/ProcessSequence.h>
#include <corsika/process/energy_loss/EnergyLoss.h>
#include <corsika/process/hadronic_elastic_model/HadronicElasticModel.h>
#include <corsika/process/stack_inspector/StackInspector.h>
#include <corsika/process/tracking_line/TrackingLine.h>
#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.h>
#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.h>
#include <corsika/environment/Environment.h>
#include <corsika/environment/HomogeneousMedium.h>
#include <corsika/environment/NuclearComposition.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/Sphere.h>
#include <corsika/process/sibyll/Decay.h>
#include <corsika/process/sibyll/Interaction.h>
#include <corsika/process/sibyll/NuclearInteraction.h>
#include <corsika/process/pythia/Decay.h>
#include <corsika/process/track_writer/TrackWriter.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
#include <corsika/random/RNGManager.h>
#include <corsika/utl/CorsikaFenv.h>
#include <boost/type_index.hpp>
using boost::typeindex::type_id_with_cvr;
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include <typeinfo>
using namespace corsika;
using namespace corsika::process;
using namespace corsika::units;
using namespace corsika::particles;
using namespace corsika::random;
using namespace corsika::setup;
using namespace corsika::geometry;
using namespace corsika::environment;
using namespace std;
using namespace corsika::units::si;
class ProcessCut : public process::SecondariesProcess<ProcessCut> {
HEPEnergyType fECut;
HEPEnergyType fEnergy = 0_GeV;
HEPEnergyType fEmEnergy = 0_GeV;
int fEmCount = 0;
HEPEnergyType fInvEnergy = 0_GeV;
int fInvCount = 0;
ProcessCut(const HEPEnergyType cut)
: fECut(cut) {}
template <typename Particle>
bool isBelowEnergyCut(Particle& p) const {
// nuclei
if (p.GetPID() == particles::Code::Nucleus) {
auto const ElabNuc = p.GetEnergy() / p.GetNuclearA();
auto const EcmNN = sqrt(2. * ElabNuc * 0.93827_GeV);
if (ElabNuc < fECut || EcmNN < 10_GeV)
return true;
return false;
} else {
// TODO: center-of-mass energy hard coded
const HEPEnergyType Ecm = sqrt(2. * p.GetEnergy() * 0.93827_GeV);
if (p.GetEnergy() < fECut || Ecm < 10_GeV)
return true;
return false;
bool isEmParticle(Code pCode) const {
bool is_em = false;
// FOR NOW: switch
switch (pCode) {
case Code::Electron:
is_em = true;
case Code::Positron:
is_em = true;
case Code::Gamma:
is_em = true;
return is_em;
void defineEmParticles() const {
// create bool array identifying em particles
bool isInvisible(Code pCode) const {
bool is_inv = false;
// FOR NOW: switch
switch (pCode) {
case Code::NuE:
is_inv = true;
case Code::NuEBar:
is_inv = true;
case Code::NuMu:
is_inv = true;
case Code::NuMuBar:
is_inv = true;
case Code::MuPlus:
is_inv = true;
case Code::MuMinus:
is_inv = true;
case Code::Neutron:
is_inv = true;
case Code::AntiNeutron:
is_inv = true;
return is_inv;
template <typename TSecondaries>
EProcessReturn DoSecondaries(TSecondaries& vS) {
auto p = vS.begin();
while (p != vS.end()) {
const Code pid = p.GetPID();
HEPEnergyType energy = p.GetEnergy();
cout << "ProcessCut: DoSecondaries: " << pid << " E= " << energy
<< ", EcutTot=" << (fEmEnergy + fInvEnergy + fEnergy) / 1_GeV << " GeV" << endl;
if (isEmParticle(pid)) {
cout << "removing em. particle..." << endl;
fEmEnergy += energy;
fEmCount += 1;
} else if (isInvisible(pid)) {
cout << "removing inv. particle..." << endl;
fInvEnergy += energy;
fInvCount += 1;
} else if (isBelowEnergyCut(p)) {
cout << "removing low en. particle..." << endl;
fEnergy += energy;
} else if (p.GetTime()>10_ms) {
cout << "removing OLD particle..." << endl;
fEnergy += energy;
} else {
++p; // next entry in SecondaryView
return EProcessReturn::eOk;
void Init() {
fEmEnergy = 0. * 1_GeV;
fEmCount = 0;
fInvEnergy = 0. * 1_GeV;
fInvCount = 0;
fEnergy = 0. * 1_GeV;
// defineEmParticles();
void ShowResults() {
cout << " ******************************" << endl
<< " ParticleCut: " << endl
<< " energy in em. component (GeV): " << fEmEnergy / 1_GeV << endl
<< " no. of em. particles injected: " << fEmCount << endl
<< " energy in inv. component (GeV): " << fInvEnergy / 1_GeV << endl
<< " no. of inv. particles injected: " << fInvCount << endl
<< " energy below particle cut (GeV): " << fEnergy / 1_GeV << endl
<< " ******************************" << endl;
HEPEnergyType GetInvEnergy() const { return fInvEnergy; }
HEPEnergyType GetCutEnergy() const { return fEnergy; }
HEPEnergyType GetEmEnergy() const { return fEmEnergy; }
class ObservationLevel : public process::ContinuousProcess<ObservationLevel> {
LengthType fHeight;
ObservationLevel(const LengthType vHeight)
: fHeight(vHeight) {}
template <typename Particle>
LengthType MaxStepLength(Particle&, setup::Trajectory&) const {
return 1_m * std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity();
template <typename TParticle, typename TTrack>
EProcessReturn DoContinuous(TParticle&, TTrack& vT) {
if ((vT.GetPosition(0).GetZ()<=fHeight &&
vT.GetPosition(1).GetZ()>fHeight) ||
(vT.GetPosition(0).GetZ()>fHeight &&
vT.GetPosition(1).GetZ()<=fHeight)) {
cout << "OBSERVED " << endl;
return EProcessReturn::eParticleAbsorbed;
return EProcessReturn::eOk;
void Init() {}
// The example main program for a particle cascade
int main() {
// initialize random number sequence(s)
// setup environment, geometry
environment::Environment env;
auto& universe = *(env.GetUniverse());
auto theMedium = environment::Environment::CreateNode<Sphere>(
Point{env.GetCoordinateSystem(), 0_m, 0_m, 0_m},
1_km * std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
// fraction of oxygen
const float fox = 0.20946;
using MyHomogeneousModel = environment::HomogeneousMedium<environment::IMediumModel>;
1_kg / (1_m * 1_m * 1_m),
std::vector<float>{(float)1. - fox, fox}));
const CoordinateSystem& rootCS = env.GetCoordinateSystem();
// setup processes, decays and interactions
tracking_line::TrackingLine<setup::Stack, setup::Trajectory> tracking(env);
// stack_inspector::StackInspector<setup::Stack> stackInspect(true);
const std::vector<particles::Code> trackedHadrons = {
particles::Code::PiPlus, particles::Code::PiMinus, particles::Code::KPlus,
particles::Code::KMinus, particles::Code::K0Long, particles::Code::K0Short};
process::sibyll::Interaction sibyll(env);
process::sibyll::NuclearInteraction sibyllNuc(env, sibyll);
process::sibyll::Decay decay(trackedHadrons);
// random::RNGManager::GetInstance().RegisterRandomStream("pythia");
// process::pythia::Decay decay(trackedHadrons);
ProcessCut cut(20_GeV);
ObservationLevel obsLevel(1400_m);
// random::RNGManager::GetInstance().RegisterRandomStream("HadronicElasticModel");
// process::HadronicElasticModel::HadronicElasticInteraction
// hadronicElastic(env);
process::TrackWriter::TrackWriter trackWriter("tracks.dat");
process::EnergyLoss::EnergyLoss eLoss;
// assemble all processes into an ordered process list
// auto sequence = stackInspect << sibyll << decay << hadronicElastic << cut <<
// trackWriter; auto sequence = stackInspect << sibyll << sibyllNuc << decay << eLoss <<
// cut << trackWriter;
auto sequence = sibyll << sibyllNuc << decay << eLoss << cut << obsLevel;
// auto sequence = stackInspect << sibyll << sibyllNuc << decay << eLoss << cut;
// cout << "decltype(sequence)=" << type_id_with_cvr<decltype(sequence)>().pretty_name()
// << "\n";
// setup particle stack, and add primary particle
setup::Stack stack;
const Code beamCode = Code::Nucleus;
const int nuclA = 4;
const int nuclZ = int(nuclA / 2.15 + 0.7);
const HEPMassType mass = GetNucleusMass(nuclA, nuclZ);
const HEPEnergyType E0 = nuclA * 10_TeV;
double theta = 0.;
double phi = 0.;
auto elab2plab = [](HEPEnergyType Elab, HEPMassType m) {
return sqrt((Elab - m) * (Elab + m));
HEPMomentumType P0 = elab2plab(E0, mass);
auto momentumComponents = [](double theta, double phi, HEPMomentumType ptot) {
return std::make_tuple(ptot * sin(theta) * cos(phi), ptot * sin(theta) * sin(phi),
-ptot * cos(theta));
auto const [px, py, pz] =
momentumComponents(theta / 180. * M_PI, phi / 180. * M_PI, P0);
auto plab = corsika::stack::MomentumVector(rootCS, {px, py, pz});
cout << "input particle: " << beamCode << endl;
cout << "input angles: theta=" << theta << " phi=" << phi << endl;
cout << "input momentum: " << plab.GetComponents() / 1_GeV << endl;
Point pos(rootCS, 0_m, 0_m, 112.8_km); // this is the CORSIKA 7 start of atmosphere/universe
stack.AddParticle(std::tuple<particles::Code, units::si::HEPEnergyType,
corsika::stack::MomentumVector, geometry::Point,
units::si::TimeType, unsigned short, unsigned short>{
beamCode, E0, plab, pos, 0_ns, nuclA, nuclZ});
// define air shower object, run simulation
cascade::Cascade EAS(env, tracking, sequence, stack);
eLoss.PrintProfile(); // print longitudinal profile
const HEPEnergyType Efinal =
cut.GetCutEnergy() + cut.GetInvEnergy() + cut.GetEmEnergy();
cout << "total cut energy (GeV): " << Efinal / 1_GeV << endl
<< "relative difference (%): " << (Efinal / E0 - 1) * 100 << endl;
cout << "total dEdX energy (GeV): " << eLoss.GetTotal() / 1_GeV << endl
<< "relative difference (%): " << eLoss.GetTotal() / E0 * 100 << endl;
* (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
* See file AUTHORS for a list of contributors.
* This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
* Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
* the license.
#ifndef _include_corsika_secondariesprocess_h_
#define _include_corsika_secondariesprocess_h_
#include <corsika/process/ProcessReturn.h> // for convenience
#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
namespace corsika::process {
\class SecondariesProcess
The structural base type of a process object in a
ProcessSequence. Both, the ProcessSequence and all its elements
are of type SecondariesProcess<T>
template <typename derived>
struct SecondariesProcess {
derived& GetRef() { return static_cast<derived&>(*this); }
const derived& GetRef() const { return static_cast<const derived&>(*this); }
/// here starts the interface-definition part
// -> enforce derived to implement DoSecondaries...
template <typename TSecondaries>
inline EProcessReturn DoSecondaries(TSecondaries&);
// overwrite the default trait class, to mark BaseProcess<T> as useful process
template <class T>
std::true_type is_process_impl(const SecondariesProcess<T>* impl);
} // namespace corsika::process
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