# Introduction, Context If PDF files are edited with inkscape, or generated with matplotlib, it is a typical scenario that PageGroups are part of those files. If multiple such PDFs are included, e.g. in latex. Only one of those PageGroups is used (there can only be one at least per page). It is not very clear to me if this is a misbehaviour of inkscape, latex or just a general problem in working with both of them. However, latex will produce warnings/errors in such cases pointing to the PageGroups. With this script here, PDF files can be edited automatically to remove PageGroups. The internal structure of the PDFs is kept consistent, if needed the xref tables are updated and fixed. The quality of the PDF is not affected. Also the size of the files is not affected (they become a few bytes shorter). This tool helped me to write and review papers for the CMS Collaboration where no errors on latex are allowed in the final step. # Warning **Use this tool with great care, do not trust its output blindly**. Make sure image-by-image that the generated files are completely OK for the purpose they are indended for! Make your own backup before starting to modify plots! I take no responsibility for any damages or losses. You may use this script only on your own risk. I tested this on files editor with inkscape and generated by matplotlib with excellent results. Thus a workflow for files, where the normal application of the script does not result in good results, it is worth trying to first import in inkscape, re-export as pdf, the apply this script, check output. Note, this only works on single-page PDFs! It is only intended for individual plots/images. # Usage `./strip_pdf.py <file.pdf>` The script will check if file.pdf has any PageGroups and only if one is found it will create a security copy `file.save.pdf` and modify the original file to remove the PageGroup. Ralf Ulrich May 2020 # References The starting point to this project were: https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/76273/multiple-pdfs-with-page-group-included-in-a-single-page-warning https://www.mrunix.de/forums/showthread.php?73546-pdfTeX-warning-pdflatex-exe-PDF-inclusion-multiple-pdfs-with-page-group-included-in There are actually options to edit PDF files based on "qdf" that will be more general -- which I did not need. Also QDF will change the files in a much more invasive way also yieldig significantly larger files in the end.