/** @mainpage Technical documentation of the CORSIKA 8 software framework Software documentatin and reference guide for the CORSIKA 8 software framework for air shower simulations. CORSIKA 8 is developed at <a href="https://gitlab.ikp.kit.edu/AirShowerPhysics">https://gitlab.ikp.kit.edu</a>. If you got the code from somewhere else, consider to switch to the official development repository. If you want to report bugs, or want to suggest features or future development, please submit an "issue" on this gitlab server. We only accept Issues and discussion via our central development server https://gitlab.ikp.kit.edu. Write to corsika-devel@lists.kit.edu, or even register yourself at https://www.lists.kit.edu/sympa/info/corsika-devel to get in contact with other developers. For more information about the project, see @ref md_README. ## Further details: 1. @subpage Stack 2. @subpage Particles 3. @subpage COAST */