#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Run clang-format with the style file in the CORSIKA repository. By default it finds new files and files with modifications with respect to the current master and prints the filenames which need clang-formatting. Returns 1 if there are files which need modifications and 0 otherwise, so it can be used as a test. """ import argparse import subprocess as subp import os import sys import re parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__) parser.add_argument('--apply', action="store_true", help="Apply clang-format to files which need changes.") parser.add_argument("--all", action="store_true", help="Check all files below current path instead of new/modified.") args = parser.parse_args() excludeDirs = [r"^(\./)?modules/", r"^(\./)?externals/", r"^(\./)?build", r"^(\./)?install", r"(\./)?\.git", r"^(\./)?corsika/framework/units",] filelist = [] if args.all: for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk("."): excl = False for excl_dir in excludeDirs: if re.findall(excl_dir, dirpath): excl = True break if excl: continue for f in filenames: if (f.endswith(".hpp") or f.endswith(".cpp") or f.endswith(".inl")): filename = os.path.join(dirpath, f) if not os.path.islink(filename): filelist.append(filename) if not filelist: raise SystemExit("Error: You specified --all, but file list is empty. " "Did you run from the build directory?") else: cmd = "git diff master --name-status" for line in subp.check_output(cmd, shell=True).decode("utf8").strip().split("\n"): if line.startswith("D"): continue if line.startswith("R"): filelist.append(line.split()[-1]) else: filelist.append(line[1:].lstrip()) cmd = "git ls-files --exclude-standard --others" filelist2 = subp.check_output(cmd, shell=True).decode("utf8").strip().split("\n") filelist += filelist2 # some cleanup filelist_clean = [] for f in filelist: if not (f.endswith(".hpp") or f.endswith(".cpp") or f.endswith(".inl")): continue if os.path.islink(f): continue excl = False for excl_dir in excludeDirs: if re.findall(excl_dir, f): excl = True break if excl: continue filelist_clean.append(f) filelist = filelist_clean cmd = "clang-format" if "CLANG_FORMAT" in os.environ: cmd = os.environ["CLANG_FORMAT"] cmd += " -style=file" if args.apply: for filename in filelist: subp.check_call(cmd.split() + ["-i", filename]) else: # only print files which need formatting files_need_formatting = 0 for filename in filelist: a = open(filename, "rb").read() b = subp.check_output(cmd.split() + [filename]) if a != b: files_need_formatting += 1 print(filename) sys.exit(1 if files_need_formatting > 0 else 0)