From b70f4a4f8886c02fdce012ddd78bc232bd8334d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ralfulrich <>
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2021 14:47:02 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] more unit tests

 tests/framework/testEnergyMomentum.cpp  |  36 ++++++++
 tests/output/testWriterEnergyLoss.cpp   | 110 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/output/testWriterLongitudinal.cpp | 101 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 247 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/framework/testEnergyMomentum.cpp
 create mode 100644 tests/output/testWriterEnergyLoss.cpp
 create mode 100644 tests/output/testWriterLongitudinal.cpp

diff --git a/tests/framework/testEnergyMomentum.cpp b/tests/framework/testEnergyMomentum.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..efef1a9f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/framework/testEnergyMomentum.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project,
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/EnergyMomentumOperations.hpp>
+using namespace corsika;
+TEST_CASE("EnergyMomentumOperations") {
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::info);
+  HEPMomentumType const p0 = 30_GeV;
+  HEPMassType const m0 = 40_GeV;
+  HEPEnergyType const e0 = 50_GeV;
+  CHECK(calculate_mass_sqr(e0, p0) / (m0 * m0) == Approx(1));
+  CHECK(calculate_mass(e0, p0) / m0 == Approx(1));
+  CHECK(calculate_momentum_sqr(e0, m0) / (p0 * p0) == Approx(1));
+  CHECK(calculate_momentum(e0, m0) / p0 == Approx(1));
+  CHECK(calculate_total_energy_sqr(p0, m0) / (e0 * e0) == Approx(1));
+  CHECK(calculate_total_energy(p0, m0) / e0 == Approx(1));
+  CHECK(calculate_kinetic_energy(p0, m0) / (e0 - m0) == Approx(1));
+  CHECK(calculate_lab_energy((100_GeV * 100_GeV), 1_GeV, 100_MeV) / 49999.99_GeV ==
+        Approx(1).margin(0.1));
diff --git a/tests/output/testWriterEnergyLoss.cpp b/tests/output/testWriterEnergyLoss.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4d297f35f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/output/testWriterEnergyLoss.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project,
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/writers/EnergyLossWriter.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/HomogeneousMedium.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/ShowerAxis.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/StraightTrajectory.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Point.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Line.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/CoordinateSystem.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/Logging.hpp>
+using namespace corsika;
+const auto density = 1_kg / (1_m * 1_m * 1_m);
+auto setupEnvironment(Code vTargetCode) {
+  // setup environment, geometry
+  auto env = std::make_unique<Environment<IMediumModel>>();
+  auto& universe = *(env->getUniverse());
+  const CoordinateSystemPtr& cs = env->getCoordinateSystem();
+  auto theMedium = Environment<IMediumModel>::createNode<Sphere>(
+      Point{cs, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m}, 1_km * std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
+  using MyHomogeneousModel = HomogeneousMedium<IMediumModel>;
+  theMedium->setModelProperties<MyHomogeneousModel>(
+      density, NuclearComposition({vTargetCode}, {1.}));
+  auto const* nodePtr = theMedium.get();
+  universe.addChild(std::move(theMedium));
+  return std::make_tuple(std::move(env), &cs, nodePtr);
+class TestEnergyLoss : public corsika::EnergyLossWriter<> {
+  TestEnergyLoss(corsika::ShowerAxis const& axis)
+      : EnergyLossWriter(axis) {}
+  YAML::Node getConfig() const { return YAML::Node(); }
+TEST_CASE("EnergyLossWriter") {
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::info);
+  auto [env, csPtr, nodePtr] = setupEnvironment(Code::Nitrogen);
+  auto const& cs = *csPtr;
+  [[maybe_unused]] auto const& env_dummy = env;
+  [[maybe_unused]] auto const& node_dummy = nodePtr;
+  auto const observationHeight = 0_km;
+  auto const injectionHeight = 10_km;
+  auto const t = -observationHeight + injectionHeight;
+  Point const showerCore{cs, 0_m, 0_m, observationHeight};
+  Point const injectionPos = showerCore + Vector<dimensionless_d>{cs, {0, 0, 1}} * t;
+  ShowerAxis const showerAxis{injectionPos, (showerCore - injectionPos), *env,
+                              true, // -> throw exceptions
+                              20};  // -> number of bins
+  // preparation
+  if (boost::filesystem::exists("./output_dir_eloss")) {
+    boost::filesystem::remove_all("./output_dir_eloss");
+  }
+  boost::filesystem::create_directory("./output_dir_eloss");
+  TestEnergyLoss test(showerAxis);
+  test.startOfLibrary("./output_dir_eloss");
+  test.startOfShower(0);
+  CHECK(test.getEnergyLost() / 1_GeV == Approx(0));
+  test.write(100_g / square(1_cm), 110_g / square(1_cm), Code::Photon, 100_GeV);
+  CHECK(test.getEnergyLost() / 1_GeV == Approx(100));
+  test.write(Point(cs, {0_m, 0_m, observationHeight + 10_km}), Code::Proton, 100_GeV);
+  CHECK(test.getEnergyLost() / 1_GeV == Approx(200));
+  // generate straight simple track
+  CoordinateSystemPtr rootCS = get_root_CoordinateSystem();
+  Point r0(rootCS, {0_m, 0_m, 5_km});
+  SpeedType const V0 = constants::c;
+  VelocityVector v0(rootCS, {V0, 0_m / second, 0_m / second});
+  Line const line(r0, v0);
+  auto const time = 10_ns;
+  StraightTrajectory track(line, time);
+  // test write
+  test.write(track, Code::Proton, 100_GeV);
+  // incompatible binning
+      test.write(100_g / square(1_cm), 120_g / square(1_cm), Code::Photon, 100_GeV));
+  test.endOfShower(0);
+  test.endOfLibrary();
+  CHECK(boost::filesystem::exists("./output_dir_eloss/dEdX.parquet"));
diff --git a/tests/output/testWriterLongitudinal.cpp b/tests/output/testWriterLongitudinal.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ec270a9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/output/testWriterLongitudinal.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2020 CORSIKA Project,
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
+#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/writers/LongitudinalWriter.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/HomogeneousMedium.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/ShowerAxis.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/StraightTrajectory.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Point.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Line.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/CoordinateSystem.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/Logging.hpp>
+using namespace corsika;
+const auto density = 1_kg / (1_m * 1_m * 1_m);
+auto setupEnvironment2(Code vTargetCode) {
+  // setup environment, geometry
+  auto env = std::make_unique<Environment<IMediumModel>>();
+  auto& universe = *(env->getUniverse());
+  const CoordinateSystemPtr& cs = env->getCoordinateSystem();
+  auto theMedium = Environment<IMediumModel>::createNode<Sphere>(
+      Point{cs, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m}, 1_km * std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity());
+  using MyHomogeneousModel = HomogeneousMedium<IMediumModel>;
+  theMedium->setModelProperties<MyHomogeneousModel>(
+      density, NuclearComposition({vTargetCode}, {1.}));
+  auto const* nodePtr = theMedium.get();
+  universe.addChild(std::move(theMedium));
+  return std::make_tuple(std::move(env), &cs, nodePtr);
+class TestLongitudinal : public corsika::LongitudinalWriter<> {
+  TestLongitudinal(corsika::ShowerAxis const& axis)
+      : LongitudinalWriter(axis) {}
+  YAML::Node getConfig() const { return YAML::Node(); }
+TEST_CASE("LongitudinalWriter") {
+  logging::set_level(logging::level::info);
+  auto [env, csPtr, nodePtr] = setupEnvironment2(Code::Nitrogen);
+  auto const& cs = *csPtr;
+  [[maybe_unused]] auto const& env_dummy = env;
+  [[maybe_unused]] auto const& node_dummy = nodePtr;
+  auto const observationHeight = 0_km;
+  auto const injectionHeight = 10_km;
+  auto const t = -observationHeight + injectionHeight;
+  Point const showerCore{cs, 0_m, 0_m, observationHeight};
+  Point const injectionPos = showerCore + Vector<dimensionless_d>{cs, {0, 0, 1}} * t;
+  ShowerAxis const showerAxis{injectionPos, (showerCore - injectionPos), *env,
+                              true, // -> throw exceptions
+                              20};  // -> number of bins
+  // preparation
+  if (boost::filesystem::exists("./output_dir_long")) {
+    boost::filesystem::remove_all("./output_dir_long");
+  }
+  boost::filesystem::create_directory("./output_dir_long");
+  TestLongitudinal test(showerAxis);
+  test.startOfLibrary("./output_dir_long");
+  test.startOfShower(0);
+  // generate straight simple track
+  CoordinateSystemPtr rootCS = get_root_CoordinateSystem();
+  Point r0(rootCS, {0_km, 0_m, 5_m});
+  SpeedType const V0 = constants::c;
+  VelocityVector v0(rootCS, {V0, 0_m / second, 0_m / second});
+  Line const line(r0, v0);
+  auto const time = 10_ns;
+  StraightTrajectory track(line, time);
+  // test write
+  test.write(track, Code::Proton, 1.0);
+  test.endOfShower(0);
+  test.endOfLibrary();
+  CHECK(boost::filesystem::exists("./output_dir_long/profile.parquet"));