From aa57373744a70ace0ea37b035b4fdc629b42a359 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Maximilian Reininghaus <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2019 11:53:43 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] changed implementation to PYTHIA-like

 Framework/Units/PhysicalConstants.h           |  3 +
 .../HadronicElasticModel.h                    | 70 +++++++++----------
 2 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Framework/Units/PhysicalConstants.h b/Framework/Units/PhysicalConstants.h
index ae47bd34d..38c59992f 100644
--- a/Framework/Units/PhysicalConstants.h
+++ b/Framework/Units/PhysicalConstants.h
@@ -53,9 +53,12 @@ namespace corsika::units::constants {
   constexpr quantity<speed_d> c{Rep(299792458L) * meter / second};
   constexpr auto cSquared = c * c;
+  // hbar * c
   constexpr quantity<dimensions<1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1>> hBarC{
       Rep(1.973'269'78e-7L) * electronvolt * meter}; // from RPP 2018
+  auto constexpr invGeVsq = 1e-18 / (electronvolt * electronvolt);
   // unified atomic mass unit
   constexpr quantity<mass_d> u{Rep(1.6605402e-27L) * kilogram};
diff --git a/Processes/HadronicElasticModel/HadronicElasticModel.h b/Processes/HadronicElasticModel/HadronicElasticModel.h
index 243d9727e..0e7dc954d 100644
--- a/Processes/HadronicElasticModel/HadronicElasticModel.h
+++ b/Processes/HadronicElasticModel/HadronicElasticModel.h
@@ -36,8 +36,10 @@ namespace corsika::process::HadronicElasticModel {
       : public corsika::process::InteractionProcess<HadronicElasticInteraction> {
     corsika::units::si::CrossSectionType const fX, fY;
-    static double constexpr fEpsilon = 0.0808;
-    static double constexpr fEta = 0.4525;
+    static double constexpr gfEpsilon = 0.0808;
+    static double constexpr gfEta = 0.4525;
+    // Froissart-Martin is not violated up for sqrt s < 10^32 eV with these values [DL].
     using SquaredHEPEnergyType = decltype(corsika::units::si::HEPEnergyType() *
@@ -47,33 +49,32 @@ namespace corsika::process::HadronicElasticModel {
     corsika::environment::Environment const& fEnvironment;
-    auto B(corsika::units::si::HEPEnergyType sqrtS) const {
-      using namespace corsika::units::si;
-      auto constexpr a =
-          2.5 / (1_GeV * 1_GeV); // read off by eye from Gaisser, Engel, Resconi, fig. 4.9
-      auto constexpr b = 10 / (1_GeV * 1_GeV);
-      return a * std::log10(sqrtS / 10_GeV) + b;
+    auto B(decltype(units::si::detail::static_pow<2>(units::si::electronvolt)) s) const {
+      using namespace corsika::units::constants;
+      auto constexpr b_p = 2.3;
+      return (2 * b_p + 2 * b_p + 4 * pow(s * invGeVsq, gfEpsilon) - 4.2) * invGeVsq;
     corsika::units::si::CrossSectionType CrossSection(SquaredHEPEnergyType s) const {
       using namespace corsika::units::si;
-      // according to Gaisser, Engel, Resconi, eq. (4.41)
-      // assuming every target behaves like a proton
-      CrossSectionType const sigmaTot = fX * pow(s * (1 / (1_GeV * 1_GeV)), fEpsilon) +
-                                        fY * pow(s * (1 / (1_GeV * 1_GeV)), -fEta);
+      using namespace corsika::units::constants;
+      // assuming every target behaves like a proton, fX and fY are universal
+      CrossSectionType const sigmaTot =
+          fX * pow(s * invGeVsq, gfEpsilon) + fY * pow(s * invGeVsq, -gfEta);
-      // we ignore rho because rho^2 is just ~2 %
+      // according to Schuler & Sjöstrand, PRD 49, 2257 (1994)
+      // (we ignore rho because rho^2 is just ~2 %)
       auto const sigmaElastic =
-          sigmaTot * sigmaTot /
-          (16 * M_PI * ConvertHEPToSI<CrossSectionType::dimension_type>(B(sqrt(s))));
+          units::si::detail::static_pow<2>(sigmaTot) /
+          (16 * M_PI * ConvertHEPToSI<CrossSectionType::dimension_type>(B(s)));
       return sigmaElastic;
     HadronicElasticInteraction(corsika::environment::Environment const&,
-                               units::si::CrossSectionType x = 2.17e-5 * units::si::barn,
-                               units::si::CrossSectionType y = 5.608e-5 *
-                                                               units::si::barn);
+                               // x & y values taken from Pythia8 for pp collisions
+                               units::si::CrossSectionType x = 0.217 * units::si::barn,
+                               units::si::CrossSectionType y = 0.5608 * units::si::barn);
     void Init();
     template <typename Particle, typename Track>
@@ -126,6 +127,7 @@ namespace corsika::process::HadronicElasticModel {
       using namespace units::si;
+      using namespace units::constants;
       const auto* currentNode =
@@ -166,8 +168,8 @@ namespace corsika::process::HadronicElasticModel {
       auto const sqrtS = eProjectileCoM + eTargetCoM;
       auto const s = units::si::detail::static_pow<2>(sqrtS);
-      auto const B = this->B(sqrtS);
+      auto const B = this->B(s);
       std::cout << B << std::endl;
       corsika::random::ExponentialDistribution tDist(1 / B);
@@ -176,41 +178,35 @@ namespace corsika::process::HadronicElasticModel {
         auto const maxT = 4 * pProjectileCoMSqNorm;
         do {
-          // |t| cannot become arbitrarily large, max. given by GEN eq. (4.16), so we just
-          // throw again until we have an acceptable value note that the formula holds in
-          // any frame despite of what is stated there
+          // |t| cannot become arbitrarily large, max. given by GER eq. (4.16), so we just
+          // throw again until we have an acceptable value. Note that the formula holds in
+          // any frame despite of what is stated in the book.
           absT = tDist(fRNG);
         } while (absT >= maxT);
         return absT;
-      auto constexpr GeVsq = 1_GeV * 1_GeV;
-      std::cout << "s = " << s / GeVsq << " GeV²; absT = " << absT / GeVsq
-                << " GeV² (max./GeV² = " << 4 * projectileMomentumSquaredNorm / GeVsq
+      std::cout << "HadronicElasticInteraction: s = " << s * invGeVsq
+                << " GeV²; absT = " << absT * invGeVsq
+                << " GeV² (max./GeV² = " << 4 * invGeVsq * projectileMomentumSquaredNorm
                 << ')' << std::endl;
       auto const theta =
-          2 * asin(sqrt(absT / (4 * pProjectileCoMSqNorm))); // would work for in any frame
+          2 *
+          asin(sqrt(absT / (4 * pProjectileCoMSqNorm))); // would work for in any frame
       auto const phi = phiDist(fRNG);
       geometry::QuantityVector<units::si::hepmomentum_d> const scatteredMomentum{
           pProjectileCoMNorm * sin(theta) * cos(phi),
           pProjectileCoMNorm * sin(theta) * sin(phi), pProjectileCoMNorm * cos(theta)};
       auto const [eProjectileScatteredLab, pProjectileScatteredLab] =
           boost.fromCoM(eProjectileCoM, scatteredMomentum);
-      std::cout << "xxx: " << pProjectileScatteredLab.squaredNorm() / p.GetMomentum().squaredNorm() << std::endl;
-      // alternatives: 1. do not touch energy
-      //               2. take back-boosted energy
-      //               3. recalculate energy from momentum
-      //~ p.SetEnergy(sqrt(pProjectileScatteredLab.squaredNorm() +
-                       //~ units::si::detail::static_pow<2>(corsika::particles::GetMass(p.GetPID()))));
+      p.SetEnergy(eProjectileScatteredLab); // alternatively recalculate energy from
+                                            // momentum and mass
       return process::EProcessReturn::eOk;