From 96339351e58e7d1daf2949bd164566bd08854c5b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ralfulrich <>
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 2021 19:28:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] format

 .../tracking/TrackingLeapFrogCurved.inl       | 119 +++++++++---------
 corsika/framework/stack/SecondaryView.hpp     |  10 ++
 .../tracking/TrackingLeapFrogCurved.hpp       |   2 +-
 src/framework/core/ParticleData.xml           |   4 +-
 tests/common/SetupTestTrajectory.hpp          |  19 +--
 tests/framework/testCascade.cpp               |   4 +-
 tests/media/testMedium.cpp                    |   3 +-
 7 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)

diff --git a/corsika/detail/modules/tracking/TrackingLeapFrogCurved.inl b/corsika/detail/modules/tracking/TrackingLeapFrogCurved.inl
index 1691b0486..5be8e516e 100644
--- a/corsika/detail/modules/tracking/TrackingLeapFrogCurved.inl
+++ b/corsika/detail/modules/tracking/TrackingLeapFrogCurved.inl
@@ -225,81 +225,84 @@ namespace corsika {
       return Intersections(d_enter / absVelocity, d_exit / absVelocity);
     template <typename TParticle, typename TMedium>
     Intersections Tracking::intersect(TParticle const& particle, Plane const& plane,
-				      TMedium const& medium) {
+                                      TMedium const& medium) {
       int chargeNumber;
       if (is_nucleus(particle.getPID())) {
-	chargeNumber = particle.getNuclearZ();
+        chargeNumber = particle.getNuclearZ();
       } else {
-	chargeNumber = get_charge_number(particle.getPID());
+        chargeNumber = get_charge_number(particle.getPID());
       auto const* currentLogicalVolumeNode = particle.getNode();
-      auto magneticfield = currentLogicalVolumeNode->getModelProperties().getMagneticField(
-											   particle.getPosition());
+      auto magneticfield =
+          currentLogicalVolumeNode->getModelProperties().getMagneticField(
+              particle.getPosition());
       VelocityVector const velocity =
-	particle.getMomentum() / particle.getEnergy() * constants::c;
+          particle.getMomentum() / particle.getEnergy() * constants::c;
       auto const absVelocity = velocity.getNorm();
       DirectionVector const direction =
-	velocity.normalized(); // determine steplength to next volume
+          velocity.normalized(); // determine steplength to next volume
       Point const position = particle.getPosition();
       if (chargeNumber != 0 &&
-	  abs(plane.getNormal().dot(velocity.cross(magneticfield))) *
-	  1_s / 1_m / 1_T > 1e-6) {
-	auto const* currentLogicalVolumeNode = particle.getNode();
-	auto magneticfield = currentLogicalVolumeNode->getModelProperties().getMagneticField(
-											     particle.getPosition());
-	auto k = chargeNumber * constants::c * 1_eV /
-             (particle.getMomentum().getNorm() * 1_V);
-	if ( * -
-	    (plane.getNormal().dot(position - plane.getCenter()) *
-             plane.getNormal().dot(direction.cross(magneticfield)) * 2 * k) <
-	    0) {
-	  return Intersections(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() * 1_s);
-	}
-	LengthType const MaxStepLength1 =
-	  (sqrt( * -
-		(plane.getNormal().dot(position - plane.getCenter()) *
-		 plane.getNormal().dot(direction.cross(magneticfield)) * 2 * k)) -
- / direction.getNorm()) /
-	  (plane.getNormal().dot(direction.cross(magneticfield)) * k);
-	LengthType const MaxStepLength2 =
-	  (-sqrt(
- * -
-		 (plane.getNormal().dot(position - plane.getCenter()) *
-		  plane.getNormal().dot(direction.cross(magneticfield)) * 2 * k)) -
- / direction.getNorm()) /
-	  (plane.getNormal().dot(direction.cross(magneticfield)) * k);
-	if (MaxStepLength1 <= 0_m && MaxStepLength2 <= 0_m) {
-	  return Intersections(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() * 1_s);
-	} else if (MaxStepLength1 <= 0_m || MaxStepLength2 < MaxStepLength1) {
-	  CORSIKA_LOG_TRACE(" steplength to obs plane 2: {} ", MaxStepLength2);
-	  return Intersections(MaxStepLength2 *
-			       (direction + direction.cross(magneticfield) * MaxStepLength2 * k / 2)
-			       .getNorm() / absVelocity);
-	} else if (MaxStepLength2 <= 0_m || MaxStepLength1 < MaxStepLength2) {
-	  CORSIKA_LOG_TRACE(" steplength to obs plane 2: {} ", MaxStepLength1);
-	  return Intersections(MaxStepLength1 *
-			       (direction + direction.cross(magneticfield) * MaxStepLength2 * k / 2)
-			       .getNorm() / absVelocity);
-	}
-	CORSIKA_LOG_WARN("Particle wasn't tracked with curved trajectory -> straight");
+          abs(plane.getNormal().dot(velocity.cross(magneticfield))) * 1_s / 1_m / 1_T >
+              1e-6) {
+        auto const* currentLogicalVolumeNode = particle.getNode();
+        auto magneticfield =
+            currentLogicalVolumeNode->getModelProperties().getMagneticField(
+                particle.getPosition());
+        auto k =
+            chargeNumber * constants::c * 1_eV / (particle.getMomentum().getNorm() * 1_V);
+        if ( * -
+                (plane.getNormal().dot(position - plane.getCenter()) *
+                 plane.getNormal().dot(direction.cross(magneticfield)) * 2 * k) <
+            0) {
+          return Intersections(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() * 1_s);
+        }
+        LengthType const MaxStepLength1 =
+            (sqrt( * -
+                  (plane.getNormal().dot(position - plane.getCenter()) *
+                   plane.getNormal().dot(direction.cross(magneticfield)) * 2 * k)) -
+    / direction.getNorm()) /
+            (plane.getNormal().dot(direction.cross(magneticfield)) * k);
+        LengthType const MaxStepLength2 =
+            (-sqrt( * -
+                   (plane.getNormal().dot(position - plane.getCenter()) *
+                    plane.getNormal().dot(direction.cross(magneticfield)) * 2 * k)) -
+    / direction.getNorm()) /
+            (plane.getNormal().dot(direction.cross(magneticfield)) * k);
+        if (MaxStepLength1 <= 0_m && MaxStepLength2 <= 0_m) {
+          return Intersections(std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity() * 1_s);
+        } else if (MaxStepLength1 <= 0_m || MaxStepLength2 < MaxStepLength1) {
+          CORSIKA_LOG_TRACE(" steplength to obs plane 2: {} ", MaxStepLength2);
+          return Intersections(
+              MaxStepLength2 *
+              (direction + direction.cross(magneticfield) * MaxStepLength2 * k / 2)
+                  .getNorm() /
+              absVelocity);
+        } else if (MaxStepLength2 <= 0_m || MaxStepLength1 < MaxStepLength2) {
+          CORSIKA_LOG_TRACE(" steplength to obs plane 2: {} ", MaxStepLength1);
+          return Intersections(
+              MaxStepLength1 *
+              (direction + direction.cross(magneticfield) * MaxStepLength2 * k / 2)
+                  .getNorm() /
+              absVelocity);
+        }
+        CORSIKA_LOG_WARN("Particle wasn't tracked with curved trajectory -> straight");
       } // end if curved-tracking
       return tracking_line::Tracking::intersect(particle, plane, medium);
     template <typename TParticle, typename TBaseNodeType>
     inline Intersections Tracking::intersect(const TParticle& particle,
                                              const TBaseNodeType& volumeNode) {
diff --git a/corsika/framework/stack/SecondaryView.hpp b/corsika/framework/stack/SecondaryView.hpp
index e18531b31..e15179c7e 100644
--- a/corsika/framework/stack/SecondaryView.hpp
+++ b/corsika/framework/stack/SecondaryView.hpp
@@ -189,6 +189,16 @@ namespace corsika {
       // NOTE: 0 is special marker here for PROJECTILE, see getIndexFromIterator
       return stack_view_iterator(*this, 0);
+    /**
+     * This return a projectile of this SecondaryView, which can be
+     * used to modify the SecondaryView
+     */
+    inline const_stack_view_iterator getProjectile() const {
+      // NOTE: 0 is special marker here for PROJECTILE, see getIndexFromIterator
+      return const_stack_view_iterator(*this, 0);
+    }
      * Method to add a new secondary particle on this SecondaryView
diff --git a/corsika/modules/tracking/TrackingLeapFrogCurved.hpp b/corsika/modules/tracking/TrackingLeapFrogCurved.hpp
index 6fe3af378..05073691e 100644
--- a/corsika/modules/tracking/TrackingLeapFrogCurved.hpp
+++ b/corsika/modules/tracking/TrackingLeapFrogCurved.hpp
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ namespace corsika {
       template <typename TParticle, typename TMedium>
       static Intersections intersect(TParticle const& particle, Plane const& plane,
-				     TMedium const& medium);
+                                     TMedium const& medium);
diff --git a/src/framework/core/ParticleData.xml b/src/framework/core/ParticleData.xml
index 40cd64c8a..db89d0462 100644
--- a/src/framework/core/ParticleData.xml
+++ b/src/framework/core/ParticleData.xml
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
  <channel onMode="1" bRatio="0.1081660" products="-13 14"/> 
  <channel onMode="1" bRatio="0.1080870" products="-15 16"/> 
+ -->
 <particle id="25" name="h0" spinType="1" chargeType="0" colType="0" 
           m0="125.00000" mWidth="0.00374" mMin="50.00000" mMax="0.00000"> 
  <channel onMode="1" bRatio="0.0000009" products="1 -1"/> 
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
  <channel onMode="1" bRatio="0.0000000" meMode="103" products="1000016 -2000016"/> 
  <channel onMode="1" bRatio="0.0000000" meMode="103" products="-1000016 2000016"/> 
 <particle id="32" name="Z'0" spinType="3" chargeType="0" colType="0" 
           m0="500.00000" mWidth="14.54029" mMin="10.00000" mMax="0.00000"> 
  <channel onMode="1" bRatio="0.1458350" products="1 -1"/> 
diff --git a/tests/common/SetupTestTrajectory.hpp b/tests/common/SetupTestTrajectory.hpp
index a33be655e..827231719 100644
--- a/tests/common/SetupTestTrajectory.hpp
+++ b/tests/common/SetupTestTrajectory.hpp
@@ -17,13 +17,14 @@
 //#include <corsika/modules/TrackingLine.hpp>
 //#include <corsika/modules/TrackingCurved.hpp> // simple leap-frog implementation
 //#include <corsika/modules/TrackingLeapFrog.hpp> // more complete leap-frog
-                                                  // implementation
+// implementation
 namespace corsika::setup::testing {
   template <typename TTrack>
-  TTrack make_track(Line const line,		    
-		    TimeType const tEnd = std::numeric_limits<TimeType::value_type>::infinity() * 1_s);
+  TTrack make_track(
+      Line const line,
+      TimeType const tEnd = std::numeric_limits<TimeType::value_type>::infinity() * 1_s);
   template <>
   inline StraightTrajectory make_track<StraightTrajectory>(Line const line,
@@ -33,13 +34,13 @@ namespace corsika::setup::testing {
   template <>
   inline LeapFrogTrajectory make_track<LeapFrogTrajectory>(Line const line,
-							   TimeType const tEnd) {
+                                                           TimeType const tEnd) {
     auto const k = square(0_m) / (square(1_s) * 1_V);
     return LeapFrogTrajectory(
-			      line.getStartPoint(), line.getVelocity(),
-			      MagneticFieldVector{line.getStartPoint().getCoordinateSystem(), 0_T, 0_T, 0_T},
-			      k, tEnd);
-    }
+        line.getStartPoint(), line.getVelocity(),
+        MagneticFieldVector{line.getStartPoint().getCoordinateSystem(), 0_T, 0_T, 0_T}, k,
+        tEnd);
+  }
 } // namespace corsika::setup::testing
diff --git a/tests/framework/testCascade.cpp b/tests/framework/testCascade.cpp
index 9070f0d89..633f30f47 100644
--- a/tests/framework/testCascade.cpp
+++ b/tests/framework/testCascade.cpp
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ public:
     Line const theLine = Line(particle.getPosition(), initialVelocity);
     TimeType const tEnd = std::numeric_limits<TimeType::value_type>::infinity() * 1_s;
     return std::make_tuple(
-			   corsika::setup::testing::make_track<setup::Trajectory>(theLine, tEnd),
-			   // trajectory: just go ahead forever
+        corsika::setup::testing::make_track<setup::Trajectory>(theLine, tEnd),
+        // trajectory: just go ahead forever
         particle.getNode()); // next volume node
diff --git a/tests/media/testMedium.cpp b/tests/media/testMedium.cpp
index d303c820f..edcba45fc 100644
--- a/tests/media/testMedium.cpp
+++ b/tests/media/testMedium.cpp
@@ -101,7 +101,8 @@ TEST_CASE("MediumPropertyModel w/ Homogeneous") {
   auto const tEnd = 1_s;
   // and the associated trajectory
-  setup::Trajectory const trajectory = corsika::setup::testing::make_track<setup::Trajectory>(line, tEnd);
+  setup::Trajectory const trajectory =
+      corsika::setup::testing::make_track<setup::Trajectory>(line, tEnd);
   // and check the integrated grammage
   CHECK((medium.getIntegratedGrammage(trajectory, 3_m) / (density * 3_m)) == Approx(1));