From 920af65e81b3232dd28d93b75df55c0d6e30ffac Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: ralfulrich <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2021 13:41:15 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] added Mars

 examples/mars.cpp | 461 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 461 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 examples/mars.cpp

diff --git a/examples/mars.cpp b/examples/mars.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac25be75c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/mars.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+ * (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project,
+ *
+ * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
+ * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
+ * the license.
+ */
+/* clang-format off */
+// InteractionCounter used boost/histogram, which
+// fails if boost/type_traits have been included before. Thus, we have
+// to include it first...
+#include <corsika/framework/process/InteractionCounter.hpp>
+/* clang-format on */
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Plane.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/Sphere.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/Logging.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/utility/SaveBoostHistogram.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/process/ProcessSequence.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/process/SwitchProcessSequence.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/process/InteractionCounter.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/random/RNGManager.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/utility/CorsikaFenv.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/core/Cascade.hpp>
+#include <corsika/framework/geometry/PhysicalGeometry.hpp>
+#include <corsika/output/OutputManager.hpp>
+#include <corsika/output/NoOutput.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/Environment.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/FlatExponential.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/HomogeneousMedium.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/IMagneticFieldModel.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/LayeredSphericalAtmosphereBuilder.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/NuclearComposition.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/MediumPropertyModel.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/UniformMagneticField.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/ShowerAxis.hpp>
+#include <corsika/media/SlidingPlanarExponential.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/BetheBlochPDG.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/LongitudinalProfile.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/ObservationPlane.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/OnShellCheck.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/StackInspector.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/TrackWriter.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/ParticleCut.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/Pythia8.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/Sibyll.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/UrQMD.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/PROPOSAL.hpp>
+#include <corsika/modules/QGSJetII.hpp>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.hpp>
+#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.hpp>
+#include <CLI/App.hpp>
+#include <CLI/Formatter.hpp>
+#include <CLI/Config.hpp>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+  The .../Random.hpp implement the hooks of external modules to the C8 random
+  number generator. It has to occur excatly ONCE per linked
+  executable. If you include the header below multiple times and
+  link this togehter, it will fail.
+ */
+#include <corsika/modules/Random.hpp>
+using namespace corsika;
+using namespace std;
+using Particle = setup::Stack::particle_type;
+typedef decltype(1 * pascal) PressureType;
+typedef decltype(1 * degree_celsius) TemperatureType;
+class MarsAtmModel {
+  MarsAtmModel() = delete;
+  MarsAtmModel(PressureType a, InverseLengthType b, TemperatureType c,
+               decltype(1 * degree_celsius / 1_m) d)
+      : a_(a)
+      , b_(b)
+      , c_(c)
+      , d_(d) {}
+  MassDensityType operator()(LengthType height) const {
+    PressureType const pressure = a_ * exp(-b_ * height);
+    TemperatureType const temperature = -c_ - d_ * height + 273.1_K; // in K
+    constexpr decltype(square(1_m) / (square(1_s) * 1_K)) constant =
+        1000 * 0.1921 * square(1_m) / (square(1_s) * 1_K);
+    return pressure / (constant * temperature);
+  }
+  PressureType a_;
+  InverseLengthType b_;
+  TemperatureType c_;
+  decltype(1_K / 1_m) d_;
+void registerRandomStreams(int seed) {
+  RNGManager<>::getInstance().registerRandomStream("cascade");
+  RNGManager<>::getInstance().registerRandomStream("qgsjet");
+  RNGManager<>::getInstance().registerRandomStream("sibyll");
+  RNGManager<>::getInstance().registerRandomStream("pythia");
+  RNGManager<>::getInstance().registerRandomStream("urqmd");
+  RNGManager<>::getInstance().registerRandomStream("proposal");
+  if (seed == 0) {
+    std::random_device rd;
+    seed = rd();
+    cout << "new random seed (auto) " << seed << endl;
+  }
+  RNGManager<>::getInstance().setSeed(seed);
+template <typename T>
+using MyExtraEnv = MediumPropertyModel<UniformMagneticField<T>>;
+// argv : 1.number of nucleons, 2.number of protons,
+// energy in GeV, 4.number of showers,
+//        5.seed (0 by default to generate random values for all)
+int main(int argc, char** argv) {
+  // the main command line description
+  CLI::App app{"Simulate standard (downgoing) showers with CORSIKA 8."};
+  // some options that we want to fill in
+  int A, Z, nevent = 0;
+  // the following section adds the options to the parser
+  // we start by definining a sub-group for the primary ID
+  auto opt_Z = app.add_option("-Z", Z, "Atomic number for primary")
+                   ->check(CLI::Range(0, 26))
+                   ->group("Primary");
+  auto opt_A = app.add_option("-A", A, "Atomic mass number for primary")
+                   ->needs(opt_Z)
+                   ->check(CLI::Range(1, 58))
+                   ->group("Primary");
+  app.add_option("-p,--pdg", "PDG code for primary.")
+      ->excludes(opt_A)
+      ->excludes(opt_Z)
+      ->group("Primary");
+  // the remainding options
+  app.add_option("-E,--energy", "Primary energy in GeV")
+      ->required()
+      ->check(CLI::PositiveNumber)
+      ->group("Primary");
+  app.add_option("-z,--zenith", "Primary zenith angle (deg)")
+      ->required()
+      ->default_val(0.)
+      ->check(CLI::Range(0, 90))
+      ->group("Primary");
+  app.add_option("-a,--azimuth", "Primary azimuth angle (deg)")
+      ->default_val(0.)
+      ->check(CLI::Range(0, 360))
+      ->group("Primary");
+  app.add_option("-N,--nevent", nevent, "The number of events/showers to run.")
+      ->required()
+      ->check(CLI::PositiveNumber)
+      ->group("Library/Output");
+  app.add_option("-f,--filename", "Filename for output library.")
+      ->required()
+      ->default_val("corsika_library")
+      ->check(CLI::NonexistentPath)
+      ->group("Library/Output");
+  app.add_option("-s,--seed", "The random number seed.")
+      ->default_val(12351739)
+      ->check(CLI::NonNegativeNumber)
+      ->group("Misc.");
+  app.add_flag("--force-interaction", "Force the location of the first interaction.")
+      ->group("Misc.");
+  app.add_option("-v,--verbosity", "Verbosity level: warn, info, debug, trace.")
+      ->default_val("info")
+      ->check(CLI::IsMember({"warn", "info", "debug", "trace"}))
+      ->group("Misc.");
+  // parse the command line options into the variables
+  CLI11_PARSE(app, argc, argv);
+  if (app.count("--verbosity")) {
+    string const loglevel = app["verbosity"]->as<string>();
+    if (loglevel == "warn") {
+      logging::set_level(logging::level::warn);
+    } else if (loglevel == "info") {
+      logging::set_level(logging::level::info);
+    } else if (loglevel == "debug") {
+      logging::set_level(logging::level::debug);
+    } else if (loglevel == "trace") {
+#ifndef DEBUG
+      CORSIKA_LOG_ERROR("trace log level requires a Debug build.");
+      return 1;
+      logging::set_level(logging::level::trace);
+    }
+  }
+  // check that we got either PDG or A/Z
+  // this can be done with option_groups but the ordering
+  // gets all messed up
+  if (app.count("--pdg") == 0) {
+    if ((app.count("-A") == 0) || (app.count("-Z") == 0)) {
+      std::cerr << "If --pdg is not provided, then both -A and -Z are required."
+                << std::endl;
+      return 1;
+    }
+  }
+  // initialize random number sequence(s)
+  registerRandomStreams(app["--seed"]->as<int>());
+  using EnvType = setup::Environment;
+  EnvType env;
+  CoordinateSystemPtr const& rootCS = env.getCoordinateSystem();
+  Point const center{rootCS, 0_m, 0_m, 0_m};
+  LengthType const radiusMars = 3389.5_km;
+  auto builder =
+      make_layered_spherical_atmosphere_builder<setup::EnvironmentInterface, MyExtraEnv>::
+          create(center,
+                 radiusMars,                                   // Mars
+                 Medium::AirDry1Atm,                           // Mars, close enough
+                 MagneticFieldVector{rootCS, 0_T, 0_uT, 0_T}); // Mars
+  builder.setNuclearComposition(                             // Mars
+      {{Code::Nitrogen, Code::Oxygen}, {1. / 3., 2. / 3.}}); // simplified
+  //{{Code::Carbon, Code::Oxygen, // 95.97 CO2
+  //          Code::Nitrogen},            // 1.89 N2 + 1.93 Argon + 0.146 O2
+  //       {0.9597 / 3, 0.9597 * 2 / 3,
+  //      1 - 0.9597}}); // values taken from AIRES manual, Ar removed for now
+  MarsAtmModel layer1(0.699e3 * pascal, 0.00009 / 1_m, 31.0 * degree_celsius,
+                      0.000998 * 1 * degree_celsius / 1_m);
+  MarsAtmModel layer2(0.699e3 * pascal, 0.00009 / 1_m, 23.4 * degree_celsius,
+                      0.00222 * 1 * degree_celsius / 1_m);
+  builder.addTabularLayer(layer1, 100, 100_m, 7_km);
+  builder.addTabularLayer(layer2, 300, 500_m, 100_km);
+  builder.addLinearLayer(1e9_cm, 112.8_km);
+  builder.assemble(env);
+  ofstream atmout("mars.dat");
+  for (LengthType h = 0_m; h < 110_km; h += 100_m) {
+    Point const ptest{rootCS, 0_m, 0_m, builder.getPlanetRadius() + h};
+    auto rho =
+        env.getUniverse()->getContainingNode(ptest)->getModelProperties().getMassDensity(
+            ptest);
+    atmout << h / 1_m << " " << rho / 1_kg * cube(1_m) << "\n";
+  }
+  atmout.close();
+  // parse the primary ID as a PDG or A/Z code
+  Code beamCode;
+  HEPEnergyType mass;
+  // check if we want to use a PDG code instead
+  if (app.count("--pdg") > 0) {
+    beamCode = convert_from_PDG(PDGCode(app["--pdg"]->as<int>()));
+    mass = get_mass(beamCode);
+  } else {
+    // check manually for proton and neutrons
+    if ((A == 0) && (Z == 1)) beamCode = Code::Proton;
+    if ((A == 1) && (Z == 1)) beamCode = Code::Neutron;
+    mass = get_nucleus_mass(A, Z);
+  }
+  // particle energy
+  HEPEnergyType const E0 = 1_GeV * app["--energy"]->as<float>();
+  // direction of the shower in (theta, phi) space
+  auto const thetaRad = app["--zenith"]->as<float>() / 180. * M_PI;
+  auto const phiRad = app["--azimuth"]->as<float>() / 180. * M_PI;
+  // convert Elab to Plab
+  HEPMomentumType P0 = sqrt((E0 - mass) * (E0 + mass));
+  // convert the momentum to the zenith and azimuth angle of the primary
+  auto const [px, py, pz] =
+      std::make_tuple(P0 * sin(thetaRad) * cos(phiRad), P0 * sin(thetaRad) * sin(phiRad),
+                      -P0 * cos(thetaRad));
+  auto plab = MomentumVector(rootCS, {px, py, pz});
+  auto const observationHeight = 0_km + builder.getPlanetRadius();
+  auto const injectionHeight = 111.75_km + builder.getPlanetRadius();
+  auto const t = -observationHeight * cos(thetaRad) +
+                 sqrt(-static_pow<2>(sin(thetaRad) * observationHeight) +
+                      static_pow<2>(injectionHeight));
+  Point const showerCore{rootCS, 0_m, 0_m, observationHeight};
+  Point const injectionPos =
+      showerCore + DirectionVector{rootCS,
+                                   {-sin(thetaRad) * cos(phiRad),
+                                    -sin(thetaRad) * sin(phiRad), cos(thetaRad)}} *
+                       t;
+  // we make the axis much longer than the inj-core distance since the
+  // profile will go beyond the core, depending on zenith angle
+  ShowerAxis const showerAxis{injectionPos, (showerCore - injectionPos) * 1.2, env};
+  /* === END: CONSTRUCT GEOMETRY === */
+  // create the output manager that we then register outputs with
+  OutputManager output(app["--filename"]->as<std::string>());
+  /* === START: SETUP PROCESS LIST === */
+  corsika::sibyll::Interaction sibyll;
+  InteractionCounter sibyllCounted(sibyll);
+  corsika::sibyll::NuclearInteraction sibyllNuc(sibyll, env);
+  InteractionCounter sibyllNucCounted(sibyllNuc);
+  corsika::pythia8::Decay decayPythia;
+  // use sibyll decay routine for decays of particles unknown to pythia
+  corsika::sibyll::Decay decaySibyll{{
+      Code::N1440Plus,
+      Code::N1440MinusBar,
+      Code::N1440_0,
+      Code::N1440_0Bar,
+      Code::N1710Plus,
+      Code::N1710MinusBar,
+      Code::N1710_0,
+      Code::N1710_0Bar,
+      Code::Pi1300Plus,
+      Code::Pi1300Minus,
+      Code::Pi1300_0,
+      Code::KStar0_1430_0,
+      Code::KStar0_1430_0Bar,
+      Code::KStar0_1430_Plus,
+      Code::KStar0_1430_MinusBar,
+  }};
+  // decaySibyll.printDecayConfig();
+  ParticleCut cut{1_GeV, 1_GeV, 1_GeV, 1_GeV, false};
+  corsika::proposal::Interaction emCascade(env);
+  corsika::proposal::ContinuousProcess emContinuous(env);
+  InteractionCounter emCascadeCounted(emCascade);
+  LongitudinalProfile longprof{showerAxis};
+  corsika::urqmd::UrQMD urqmd;
+  InteractionCounter urqmdCounted{urqmd};
+  StackInspector<setup::Stack> stackInspect(5000, false, E0);
+  // assemble all processes into an ordered process list
+  struct EnergySwitch {
+    HEPEnergyType cutE_;
+    EnergySwitch(HEPEnergyType cutE)
+        : cutE_(cutE) {}
+    bool operator()(const Particle& p) { return (p.getKineticEnergy() < cutE_); }
+  };
+  auto hadronSequence = make_select(EnergySwitch(80_GeV), urqmdCounted,
+                                    make_sequence(sibyllNucCounted, sibyllCounted));
+  auto decaySequence = make_sequence(decayPythia, decaySibyll);
+  // track writer
+  TrackWriter trackWriter;
+  output.add("tracks", trackWriter); // register TrackWriter
+  // observation plane
+  Plane const obsPlane(showerCore, DirectionVector(rootCS, {0., 0., 1.}));
+  ObservationPlane<setup::Tracking, NoOutput> observationLevel(
+      obsPlane, DirectionVector(rootCS, {1., 0., 0.}));
+  // register the observation plane with the output
+  output.add("particles", observationLevel);
+  // assemble the final process sequence
+  auto sequence =
+      make_sequence(stackInspect, hadronSequence, decaySequence, emCascadeCounted,
+                    emContinuous, cut, trackWriter, observationLevel, longprof);
+  /* === END: SETUP PROCESS LIST === */
+  // create the cascade object using the default stack and tracking implementation
+  setup::Tracking tracking;
+  setup::Stack stack;
+  Cascade EAS(env, tracking, sequence, output, stack);
+  // print our primary parameters all in one place
+  if (app["--pdg"]->count() > 0) {
+    CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("Primary PDG ID: {}", app["--pdg"]->as<int>());
+  } else {
+    CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("Primary Z/A: {}/{}", Z, A);
+  }
+  CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("Primary Energy: {}", E0);
+  CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("Primary Momentum: {}", P0);
+  CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("Point of Injection: {}", injectionPos.getCoordinates());
+  CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("Shower Axis Length: {}", (showerCore - injectionPos).getNorm() * 1.2);
+  // trigger the output manager to open the library for writing
+  output.startOfLibrary();
+  // loop over each shower
+  for (int i_shower = 1; i_shower < nevent + 1; i_shower++) {
+    CORSIKA_LOG_INFO("Shower {} / {} ", i_shower, nevent);
+    // trigger the start of the outputs for this shower
+    output.startOfShower();
+    // directory for outputs
+    string const labHist_file = "inthist_lab_verticalEAS_" + to_string(i_shower) + ".npz";
+    string const cMSHist_file = "inthist_cms_verticalEAS_" + to_string(i_shower) + ".npz";
+    string const longprof_file = "longprof_verticalEAS_" + to_string(i_shower) + ".txt";
+    // setup particle stack, and add primary particle
+    stack.clear();
+    // add the desired particle to the stack
+    if (A > 1) {
+      stack.addParticle(std::make_tuple(beamCode, plab, injectionPos, 0_ns, A, Z));
+    } else {
+      stack.addParticle(std::make_tuple(beamCode, plab, injectionPos, 0_ns));
+    }
+    // if we want to fix the first location of the shower
+    if (app["--force-interaction"]) EAS.forceInteraction();
+    // run the shower
+    cut.showResults();
+    // emContinuous.showResults();
+    observationLevel.showResults();
+    const HEPEnergyType Efinal = cut.getCutEnergy() + cut.getInvEnergy() +
+                                 cut.getEmEnergy() + // emContinuous.getEnergyLost() +
+                                 observationLevel.getEnergyGround();
+    cout << "total cut energy (GeV): " << Efinal / 1_GeV << endl
+         << "relative difference (%): " << (Efinal / E0 - 1) * 100 << endl;
+    observationLevel.reset();
+    cut.reset();
+    // emContinuous.reset();
+    auto const hists = sibyllCounted.getHistogram() + sibyllNucCounted.getHistogram() +
+                       urqmdCounted.getHistogram();
+    save_hist(hists.labHist(), labHist_file, true);
+    save_hist(hists.CMSHist(), cMSHist_file, true);
+    // trigger the output manager to save this shower to disk
+    output.endOfShower();
+  }
+  // and finalize the output on disk
+  output.endOfLibrary();