diff --git a/corsika/framework/core/ParticleProperties.hpp b/corsika/framework/core/ParticleProperties.hpp
index b4db8bd04948babd876cfe7a49169cc02e6493be..e3a7bec2d5d2989f9ad60fe8697572fff1d222af 100644
--- a/corsika/framework/core/ParticleProperties.hpp
+++ b/corsika/framework/core/ParticleProperties.hpp
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 #include <array>
 #include <cstdint>
+#include <cmath>
 #include <iosfwd>
 #include <corsika/framework/core/PhysicalUnits.hpp>
@@ -28,7 +29,6 @@
 namespace corsika {
    * @enum Code
    * The Code enum is the actual place to define CORSIKA 8 particle codes.
@@ -39,126 +39,115 @@ namespace corsika {
   using PDGCodeType = std::underlying_type<PDGCode>::type;
   // forward declarations to be used in GeneratedParticleProperties
-  int16_t constexpr GetChargeNumber(Code const);
-  ElectricChargeType constexpr GetCharge(Code const);
-  HEPMassType constexpr GetMass(Code const);
-  PDGCode constexpr GetPDG(Code const);
-  constexpr std::string const& GetName(Code const);
-  TimeType constexpr GetLifetime(Code const);
-  bool constexpr IsNucleus(Code const);
-  bool constexpr IsHadron(Code const);
-  bool constexpr IsEM(Code const);
-  bool constexpr IsMuon(Code const);
-  bool constexpr IsNeutrino(Code const);
-  int constexpr GetNucleusA(Code const);
-  int constexpr GetNucleusZ(Code const);
+  int16_t constexpr charge_number(Code const);     //!< electric charge in units of e
+  ElectricChargeType constexpr charge(Code const); //!< electric charge
+  HEPMassType constexpr mass(Code const);          //!< mass
+  //! Particle code according to PDG, "Monte Carlo Particle Numbering Scheme"
+  PDGCode constexpr PDG(Code const);
+  constexpr std::string const& name(Code const); //!< name of the particle as string
+  TimeType constexpr lifetime(Code const);       //!< lifetime
+  //! true iff the particle is a hard-coded nucleus or Code::Nucleus
+  bool constexpr is_nucleus(Code const);
+  bool constexpr is_hadron(Code const); //!< true iff particle is hadron
+  bool constexpr is_em(Code const); //!< true iff particle is electron, positron or gamma
+  bool constexpr is_muon(Code const);     //!< true iff particle is mu+ or mu-
+  bool constexpr is_neutrino(Code const); //!< true iff particle is (anti-) neutrino
+  int constexpr nucleus_A(Code const); //!< returns A for hard-coded nucleus, otherwise 0
+  int constexpr nucleus_Z(Code const); //!< returns Z for hard-coded nucleus, otherwise 0
+} // namespace corsika
 #include <corsika/framework/core/GeneratedParticleProperties.inc>
-namespace corsika::particles {
+namespace corsika {
-  /*!
-   * returns mass of particle in natural units
-   */
-  HEPMassType constexpr GetMass(Code const p) {
+  HEPMassType constexpr mass(Code const p) {
     if (p == Code::Nucleus)
       throw std::runtime_error("Cannot GetMass() of particle::Nucleus -> unspecified");
     return particle::detail::masses[static_cast<CodeIntType>(p)];
-  /*!
-   * returns PDG id
-   */
-  PDGCode constexpr GetPDG(Code const p) {
+  PDGCode constexpr PDG(Code const p) {
     return particle::detail::pdg_codes[static_cast<CodeIntType>(p)];
-  /*!
-   * returns electric charge number of particle return 1 for a proton.
-   */
-  int16_t constexpr GetChargeNumber(Code const p) {
-    if (p == Code::Nucleus)
-      throw std::runtime_error(
-          "Cannot GetChargeNumber() of particle::Nucleus -> unspecified");
-    // electric_charges stores charges in units of (e/3), e.g. 3 for a proton
-    return particle::detail::electric_charges[static_cast<CodeIntType>(p)] / 3;
+  int16_t constexpr charge_number(Code const code) {
+    if (code == Code::Nucleus)
+      throw std::runtime_error("charge of particle::Nucleus undefined");
+    return particle::detail::electric_charges[static_cast<CodeIntType>(code)];
-  /*!
-   * returns electric charge of particle, e.g. return 1.602e-19_C for a proton.
-   */
-  ElectricChargeType constexpr GetCharge(Code const p) {
-    if (p == Code::Nucleus)
+  ElectricChargeType constexpr charge(Code const code) {
+    if (code == Code::Nucleus)
       throw std::runtime_error("Cannot GetCharge() of particle::Nucleus -> unspecified");
-    return GetChargeNumber(p) * constants::e;
+    return charge_number(code) * constants::e;
-  constexpr std::string const& GetName(Code const p) {
-    return particle::detail::names[static_cast<CodeIntType>(p)];
+  constexpr std::string const& name(Code const code) {
+    return particle::detail::names[static_cast<CodeIntType>(code)];
-  inline TimeType constexpr GetLifetime(Code const p) {
+  TimeType constexpr lifetime(Code const p) {
     return particle::detail::lifetime[static_cast<CodeIntType>(p)] * second;
-  inline bool constexpr IsHadron(Code const p) {
+  bool constexpr is_hadron(Code const p) {
     return particle::detail::isHadron[static_cast<CodeIntType>(p)];
-  inline bool constexpr IsEM(Code c) {
+  bool constexpr is_em(Code c) {
     return c == Code::Electron || c == Code::Positron || c == Code::Gamma;
-  inline bool constexpr IsMuon(Code c) { return c == Code::MuPlus || c == Code::MuMinus; }
+  bool constexpr is_muon(Code c) { return c == Code::MuPlus || c == Code::MuMinus; }
-  inline bool constexpr IsNeutrino(Code c) {
+  bool constexpr is_neutrino(Code c) {
     return c == Code::NuE || c == Code::NuMu || c == Code::NuTau || c == Code::NuEBar ||
            c == Code::NuMuBar || c == Code::NuTauBar;
-  inline int constexpr GetNucleusA(Code const p) {
-    if (p == Code::Nucleus) {
-      throw std::runtime_error("GetNucleusA(Code::Nucleus) is impossible!");
+  int constexpr nucleus_A(Code const code) {
+    if (code == Code::Nucleus) {
+      throw std::runtime_error("nucleus_A(Code::Nucleus) is impossible!");
-    return particle::detail::nucleusA[static_cast<CodeIntType>(p)];
+    return particle::detail::nucleusA[static_cast<CodeIntType>(code)];
-  inline int constexpr GetNucleusZ(Code const p) {
-    if (p == Code::Nucleus) {
-      throw std::runtime_error("GetNucleusZ(Code::Nucleus) is impossible!");
+  int constexpr nucleus_Z(Code const code) {
+    if (code == Code::Nucleus) {
+      throw std::runtime_error("nucleus_Z(Code::Nucleus) is impossible!");
-    return particle::detail::nucleusZ[static_cast<CodeIntType>(p)];
+    return particle::detail::nucleusZ[static_cast<CodeIntType>(code)];
-  inline bool constexpr IsNucleus(Code const p) {
-    return (p == Code::Nucleus) || (GetNucleusA(p) != 0);
+  bool constexpr is_nucleus(Code const code) {
+    return (code == Code::Nucleus) || (nucleus_A(code) != 0);
-  /**
-   * the output operator for humand-readable particle codes
-   **/
-  inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, corsika::Code const p) {
-    return stream << corsika::GetName(p);
+  //! the output stream operator for human-readable particle codes
+  inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, corsika::Code const code) {
+    return stream << name(code);
-  inline Code ConvertFromPDG(PDGCode p) {
+  //! convert PDG code to CORSIKA 8 internal code
+  inline Code convert_from_PDG(PDGCode p) {
     static_assert(particle::detail::conversionArray.size() % 2 == 1);
     // this will fail, for the strange case where the maxPDG is negative...
-    unsigned int constexpr maxPDG{(particle::detail::conversionArray.size() - 1) >> 1};
-    auto k = static_cast<PDGCodeType>(p);
-    if ((unsigned int)abs(k) <= maxPDG) {
+    int constexpr maxPDG{(particle::detail::conversionArray.size() - 1) >> 1};
+    auto const k = static_cast<PDGCodeType>(p);
+    if (std::abs(k) <= maxPDG) {
       return particle::detail::conversionArray[k + maxPDG];
     } else {
       return particle::detail::conversionMap.at(p);
-  /**
-   * Get mass of nucleus
-   **/
-  inline HEPMassType constexpr GetNucleusMass(const int vA, const int vZ) {
-    return Proton::GetMass() * vZ + (vA - vZ) * Neutron::GetMass();
+  //! returns mass of (A,Z) nucleus, disregarding binding energy
+  HEPMassType constexpr nucleus_mass(const int A, const int Z) {
+    auto const absA = std::abs(A);
+    auto const absZ = std::abs(Z);
+    return Proton::mass() * absZ + (absA - absZ) * Neutron::mass();
 } // namespace corsika
diff --git a/src/framework/core/pdxml_reader.py b/src/framework/core/pdxml_reader.py
index 8ce20b80a058cc86090e053ddde888b1902d5db9..e9c61b3a836a7ac0eca9a2c6c99d09341b87e357 100755
--- a/src/framework/core/pdxml_reader.py
+++ b/src/framework/core/pdxml_reader.py
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ def gen_properties(particle_db):
     # electric charges table
     string += "static constexpr std::array<int16_t, size> electric_charges = {\n"
     for p in particle_db.values():
-        string += "  {charge:d},\n".format(charge = p['electric_charge'])
+        string += "  {charge:d},\n".format(charge = p['electric_charge'] // 3)
     string += "};\n"
     # anti-particle table
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ def gen_classes(particle_db):
         string += " * Particle properties are taken from the PYTHIA8 ParticleData.xml file:<br>\n"
         string += " *  - pdg=" + str(particle_db[cname]['pdg']) +"\n"
         string += " *  - mass=" + str(particle_db[cname]['mass']) + " GeV \n"
-        string += " *  - charge= " + str(particle_db[cname]['electric_charge']/3) + " \n"
+        string += " *  - charge= " + str(particle_db[cname]['electric_charge'] // 3) + " \n"
         string += " *  - name=" + str(cname) + "\n"
         string += " *  - anti=" + str(antiP) + "\n"
         if (particle_db[cname]['isNucleus']):
@@ -425,19 +425,18 @@ def gen_classes(particle_db):
         string += "*/\n\n"
         string += "class " + cname + " {\n"
         string += "  public:\n"
-        string += "   static constexpr Code GetCode() { return Type; }\n"
-        string += "   static constexpr corsika::units::si::HEPMassType GetMass() { return corsika::GetMass(Type); }\n"
-        string += "   static constexpr corsika::units::si::ElectricChargeType GetCharge() { return corsika::GetCharge(Type); }\n"
-        string += "   static constexpr int16_t GetChargeNumber() { return corsika::GetChargeNumber(Type); }\n"
-        string += "   static std::string const& GetName() { return corsika::GetName(Type); }\n"
-        string += "   static constexpr Code GetAntiParticle() { return AntiType; }\n"
-        string += "   static constexpr bool IsNucleus() { return corsika::IsNucleus(Type); }\n"
-        string += "   static constexpr int16_t GetNucleusA() { return corsika::GetNucleusA(Type); }\n"
-        string += "   static constexpr int16_t GetNucleusZ() { return corsika::GetNucleusZ(Type); }\n"
-        string += "   static constexpr Code Type = Code::" + cname + ";\n"
-        string += "   static constexpr Code AntiType = Code::" + antiP + ";\n"
+        string += "   " + cname + "() = delete;\n"
+        string += "   static constexpr Code code = Code::" + cname + ";\n"
+        string += "   static constexpr HEPMassType mass() {return corsika::mass(code);}\n"
+        string += "   static constexpr ElectricChargeType charge() { return corsika::charge(code); }\n"
+        string += "   static constexpr int16_t charge_number() { return corsika::charge_number(code); }\n"
+        string += "   static std::string const& name() { return corsika::name(code); }\n"
+        string += "   static constexpr bool is_nucleus() { return corsika::is_nucleus(code); }\n"
+        string += "   static constexpr int16_t nucleus_A() { return corsika::nucleus_A(code); }\n"
+        string += "   static constexpr int16_t nucleus_Z() { return corsika::nucleus_Z(code); }\n"
+        string += "   static constexpr Code anti_code = Code::" + antiP + ";\n"
         string += " private:\n"
-        string += "   static constexpr CodeIntType TypeIndex = static_cast<CodeIntType const>(Type);\n"
+        string += "   static constexpr CodeIntType TypeIndex = static_cast<CodeIntType>(code);\n"
         string += "};\n"
     return string
@@ -448,7 +447,9 @@ def gen_classes(particle_db):
 def inc_start():
     string = ('// generated by pdxml_reader.py\n'
+              '\n'
+              'namespace corsika {\n')
     return string
@@ -471,7 +472,7 @@ def detail_end():
 def inc_end():
-    string = ""
+    string = "} // end namespace corsika"
     return string