diff --git a/Processes/QGSJetII/testQGSJetII.cc b/Processes/QGSJetII/testQGSJetII.cc
index 0a057ceb8cb398d82d2d0a387357c3c00462ea24..5acb717a51b77ef05d50b7eaf6b04e9bee674f2b 100644
--- a/Processes/QGSJetII/testQGSJetII.cc
+++ b/Processes/QGSJetII/testQGSJetII.cc
@@ -145,12 +145,12 @@ TEST_CASE("QgsjetIIInterface", "[processes]") {
     CHECK(length / (1_g / square(1_cm)) == Approx(93.47).margin(0.1));
-     It as turned out already two times (#291 and #307) that the detailed output of QGSJetII
-     event generation depends on the gfortran version used. This is not reliable and cannot
-     be tested in a unit test here. 
-     One related problem was already found (#291) and is realted to undefined behaviour in the
-     evaluation of functions in logical expressions. It is not clear if #307 is the same issue.      
+     It as turned out already two times (#291 and #307) that the detailed output of
+    QGSJetII event generation depends on the gfortran version used. This is not reliable
+    and cannot be tested in a unit test here. One related problem was already found (#291)
+    and is realted to undefined behaviour in the evaluation of functions in logical
+    expressions. It is not clear if #307 is the same issue.
      CHECK(view.GetSize() == 14);
      CHECK(sumCharge(view) == 2);