diff --git a/corsika/detail/modules/qgsjetII/InteractionModel.inl b/corsika/detail/modules/qgsjetII/InteractionModel.inl
index 5a149d95ec233ff61e3d35e9b44f668869bef6e1..2702b27db01ceef64ccda6a798b8c76edcf6b59c 100644
--- a/corsika/detail/modules/qgsjetII/InteractionModel.inl
+++ b/corsika/detail/modules/qgsjetII/InteractionModel.inl
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace corsika::qgsjetII {
     // initialize QgsjetII
     static bool initialized = false;
     if (!initialized) {
-	  CORSIKA_LOG_DEBUG("Reading QGSJetII data tables from {}", dataPath);
+      CORSIKA_LOG_DEBUG("Reading QGSJetII data tables from {}", dataPath);
       datadir DIR(dataPath.string() + "/");
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ namespace corsika::qgsjetII {
     int const iBeam = static_cast<QgsjetIIXSClassIntType>(
         "QgsjetII::getCrossSection Elab= {} GeV iBeam= {}"
         " iProjectile= {} iTarget= {}",
@@ -121,15 +121,17 @@ namespace corsika::qgsjetII {
     if (!corsika::qgsjetII::canInteract(projectileId) ||
         !isValid(projectileId, targetId, sqrtSNN)) {
-      throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("invalid target [{}]/ projectile [{}] /energy [{} GeV] combination.", get_name(targetId, full_name{}), get_name(projectileId, full_name{}), sqrtSNN/1_GeV));
+      throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format(
+          "invalid target [{}]/ projectile [{}] /energy [{} GeV] combination.",
+          get_name(targetId, full_name{}), get_name(projectileId, full_name{}),
+          sqrtSNN / 1_GeV));
     auto const projMass = get_mass(projectileId);
     auto const targetMass = get_mass(targetId);
     // lab-frame energy per projectile nucleon
-    HEPEnergyType const Elab =
-        calculate_lab_energy(S, projMass, targetMass);
+    HEPEnergyType const Elab = calculate_lab_energy(S, projMass, targetMass);
     auto const ElabN = Elab / AfactorProjectile;
     CORSIKA_LOG_DEBUG("ebeam lab: {} GeV per projectile nucleon", ElabN / 1_GeV);
@@ -142,7 +144,8 @@ namespace corsika::qgsjetII {
     QgsjetIIHadronType qgsjet_hadron_type = qgsjetII::getQgsjetIIHadronType(projectileId);
     if (qgsjet_hadron_type == QgsjetIIHadronType::NucleusType) {
       projectileMassNumber = get_nucleus_A(projectileId);
-      qgsjet_hadron_type = bernoulli_(rng_) ? QgsjetIIHadronType::ProtonType : QgsjetIIHadronType::NeutronType;
+      qgsjet_hadron_type = bernoulli_(rng_) ? QgsjetIIHadronType::ProtonType
+                                            : QgsjetIIHadronType::NeutronType;
     } else if (qgsjet_hadron_type == QgsjetIIHadronType::NeutralLightMesonType) {
       // from conex: replace pi0 or rho0 with pi+/pi- in alternating sequence
       qgsjet_hadron_type = alternate_;
@@ -152,7 +155,8 @@ namespace corsika::qgsjetII {
-    int const qgsjet_hadron_type_int = static_cast<QgsjetIICodeIntType>(qgsjet_hadron_type);
+    int const qgsjet_hadron_type_int =
+        static_cast<QgsjetIICodeIntType>(qgsjet_hadron_type);
         "qgsjet_hadron_type_int={} projectileMassNumber={} targetMassNumber={}",
         qgsjet_hadron_type_int, projectileMassNumber, targetMassNumber);
@@ -195,17 +199,18 @@ namespace corsika::qgsjetII {
         HEPMassType const nucleonMass = get_mass(idFragm);
         // no pT, fragments just go forward
-        MomentumVector const momentum{csPrime, {0_eV, 0_eV, calculate_momentum(ElabN, nucleonMass)}};
+        MomentumVector const momentum{
+            csPrime, {0_eV, 0_eV, calculate_momentum(ElabN, nucleonMass)}};
         // this is not "CoM" here, but rather the system defined by projectile+target,
         // which in Cascade-mode is already lab
-        auto const P4com =
-            boostInternal.toCoM(FourVector{ElabN, momentum});
+        auto const P4com = boostInternal.toCoM(FourVector{ElabN, momentum});
         auto const P4output = boost.fromCoM(P4com);
         auto p3output = P4output.getSpaceLikeComponents();
         p3output.rebase(originalCS); // transform back into standard lab frame
-        HEPEnergyType const Ekin = calculate_kinetic_energy(p3output.getNorm(), nucleonMass);
+        HEPEnergyType const Ekin =
+            calculate_kinetic_energy(p3output.getNorm(), nucleonMass);
             "secondary fragment> id= {}"
@@ -239,15 +244,12 @@ namespace corsika::qgsjetII {
         Code const idFragm = get_nucleus_code(A, Z);
         HEPEnergyType const mass = get_mass(idFragm);
         // no pT, frgments just go forward
-        MomentumVector momentum{
-            csPrime,
-            {0.0_GeV, 0.0_GeV,
-             calculate_momentum(ElabN * A, mass)}};
+        MomentumVector momentum{csPrime,
+                                {0.0_GeV, 0.0_GeV, calculate_momentum(ElabN * A, mass)}};
         // this is not "CoM" here, but rather the system defined by projectile+target,
         // which in Cascade-mode is already lab
-        auto const P4com =
-            boostInternal.toCoM(FourVector{ElabN * A, momentum});
+        auto const P4com = boostInternal.toCoM(FourVector{ElabN * A, momentum});
         auto const P4output = boost.fromCoM(P4com);
         auto p3output = P4output.getSpaceLikeComponents();
         p3output.rebase(originalCS); // transform back into standard lab frame
diff --git a/corsika/framework/utility/COMBoost.hpp b/corsika/framework/utility/COMBoost.hpp
index ef907d07f58b9bb8bd6fd39a8fe6e25a047cc30b..76cbe20d7dbb1799c6c39c0d7265ffda2c34a881 100644
--- a/corsika/framework/utility/COMBoost.hpp
+++ b/corsika/framework/utility/COMBoost.hpp
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ namespace corsika {
     COMBoost(FourMomentum const& P4projectile, HEPEnergyType const massTarget);
-     * Construct a COMBoost to boost into the rest frame of a particle given its 3-momentum and mass.
+     * Construct a COMBoost to boost into the rest frame of a particle given its
+     * 3-momentum and mass.
     COMBoost(MomentumVector const& momentum, HEPEnergyType const mass);
diff --git a/tests/modules/testQGSJetII.cpp b/tests/modules/testQGSJetII.cpp
index 329ebcc3eb068f740852254f7dabce864cbfdda5..3cd75c47e46421f3957fd5957ec67b84a2496192 100644
--- a/tests/modules/testQGSJetII.cpp
+++ b/tests/modules/testQGSJetII.cpp
@@ -142,7 +142,8 @@ TEST_CASE("QgsjetIIInterface", "interaction,processes") {
   corsika::qgsjetII::InteractionModel model;
   SECTION("cross-sections") {
-    auto projCode = GENERATE(Code::PiPlus, Code::Proton, Code::K0Long, Code::Nitrogen, Code::Helium);
+    auto projCode =
+        GENERATE(Code::PiPlus, Code::Proton, Code::K0Long, Code::Nitrogen, Code::Helium);
     auto targetCode = GENERATE(Code::Oxygen, Code::Nitrogen);
     auto projEnergy = GENERATE(1_PeV, 1e18_eV);
@@ -152,24 +153,28 @@ TEST_CASE("QgsjetIIInterface", "interaction,processes") {
                 projCode, targetCode, FourMomentum{projEnergy, projMomentum},
                 FourMomentum{get_mass(targetCode), {*csPtr, 0_eV, 0_eV, 0_eV}}) /
-                1_mb > 0);
+                1_mb >
+            0);
   SECTION("InteractionInterface") {
-    auto projCode = GENERATE(Code::PiPlus, Code::Proton, Code::K0Long,Code::Iron, Code::Nitrogen, Code::Helium);
-    auto targetCode = GENERATE(Code::Oxygen/*, Code::Nitrogen*/);
-    auto projMomentum = GENERATE(1_PeV); //, 1e20_eV);
+    auto projCode =
+        GENERATE(Code::PiPlus, Code::Proton, Code::K0Long, Code::Nitrogen, Code::Helium);
+    auto targetCode = GENERATE(Code::Oxygen, Code::Nitrogen);
+    auto projMomentum = GENERATE(100_GeV, 1_PeV, 1e20_eV);
     auto [stackPtr, secViewPtr] = setup::testing::setup_stack(
-        Code::Proton, projMomentum, (DummyEnvironment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr, *csPtr);
+        Code::Proton, projMomentum, (DummyEnvironment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr,
+        *csPtr);
     test::StackView& view = *(secViewPtr.get());
     auto projectile = secViewPtr->getProjectile();
     auto const projectileMomentum = projectile.getMomentum();
-    model.doInteraction(view, projCode, targetCode,
-                        FourMomentum{calculate_total_energy(projMomentum, get_mass(projCode)),
-                         projectileMomentum},
-                        FourMomentum{get_mass(targetCode), MomentumVector{cs, {0_eV, 0_eV, 0_eV}}});
+    model.doInteraction(
+        view, projCode, targetCode,
+        FourMomentum{calculate_total_energy(projMomentum, get_mass(projCode)),
+                     projectileMomentum},
+        FourMomentum{get_mass(targetCode), MomentumVector{cs, {0_eV, 0_eV, 0_eV}}});
     /* **********************************
      As it turned out already twice (#291 and #307), the detailed output of
@@ -186,99 +191,99 @@ TEST_CASE("QgsjetIIInterface", "interaction,processes") {
-  SECTION("InteractionInterface Nuclei") {
-    HEPEnergyType const P0 = 20100_GeV;
-    MomentumVector const plab = MomentumVector(cs, {P0, 0_eV, 0_eV});
-    Code const pid = get_nucleus_code(60, 30);
-    auto [stackPtr, secViewPtr] = setup::testing::setup_stack(
-        pid, P0, (DummyEnvironment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr, *csPtr);
-    test::StackView& view = *(secViewPtr.get());
-    HEPEnergyType const Elab = sqrt(static_pow<2>(P0) + static_pow<2>(get_mass(pid)));
-    FourMomentum const projectileP4(Elab, plab);
-    FourMomentum const targetP4(Oxygen::mass, MomentumVector(cs, {0_eV, 0_eV, 0_eV}));
-    view.clear();
-    model.doInteraction(view, pid, Code::Oxygen, projectileP4,
-                        targetP4); // this also should produce some fragments
-    CHECK(view.getSize() == Approx(150).margin(150)); // this is not physics validation
-    int countFragments = 0;
-    for (auto const& sec : view) { countFragments += (is_nucleus(sec.getPID())); }
-    CHECK(countFragments == Approx(4).margin(2)); // this is not physics validation
-  }
-  SECTION("Heavy nuclei") {
-    auto [stackPtr, secViewPtr] = setup::testing::setup_stack(
-        get_nucleus_code(1000, 1000), 1100_GeV,
-        (DummyEnvironment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr, *csPtr);
-    test::StackView& view = *(secViewPtr.get());
-    auto projectile = secViewPtr->getProjectile();
-    auto const projectileMomentum = projectile.getMomentum();
-    FourMomentum const aP4(100_GeV, {cs, 99_GeV, 0_GeV, 0_GeV});
-    FourMomentum const bP4(1_TeV, {cs, 0.9_TeV, 0_GeV, 0_GeV});
-    CHECK(model.getCrossSection(get_nucleus_code(10, 5), get_nucleus_code(1000, 500), aP4,
-                                bP4) /
-              1_mb ==
-          Approx(0));
-    CHECK(model.getCrossSection(Code::Nucleus, Code::Nucleus, aP4, bP4) / 1_mb ==
-          Approx(0));
-        model.doInteraction(view, get_nucleus_code(1000, 500), Code::Oxygen, aP4, bP4));
-  }
-  SECTION("Allowed Particles") {
-    { // pi0 is internally converted into pi+/pi-
-      auto [stackPtr, secViewPtr] = setup::testing::setup_stack(
-          Code::Pi0, 1000_GeV, (DummyEnvironment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr, *csPtr);
-      [[maybe_unused]] test::StackView& view = *(secViewPtr.get());
-      [[maybe_unused]] auto particle = stackPtr->first();
-      model.doInteraction(view, Code::Pi0, Code::Oxygen,
-                          {sqrt(static_pow<2>(1_TeV) + static_pow<2>(Pi0::mass)),
-                           MomentumVector{cs, 1_TeV, 0_GeV, 0_GeV}},
-                          {Oxygen::mass, MomentumVector{cs, 0_eV, 0_eV, 0_eV}});
-      CHECK(view.getSize() == Approx(20).margin(20)); // this is not physics validation
-    }
-    { // rho0 is internally converted into pi-/pi+
-      auto [stackPtr, secViewPtr] = setup::testing::setup_stack(
-          Code::Rho0, 1000_GeV, (DummyEnvironment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr, *csPtr);
-      [[maybe_unused]] test::StackView& view = *(secViewPtr.get());
-      [[maybe_unused]] auto particle = stackPtr->first();
-      model.doInteraction(view, Code::Rho0, Code::Oxygen,
-                          {sqrt(static_pow<2>(1_TeV) + static_pow<2>(Rho0::mass)),
-                           MomentumVector{cs, 1_TeV, 0_GeV, 0_GeV}},
-                          {Oxygen::mass, MomentumVector{cs, 0_eV, 0_eV, 0_eV}});
-      CHECK(view.getSize() == Approx(50).margin(50)); // this is not physics validation
-    }
-    { // Lambda is internally converted into neutron
-      auto [stackPtr, secViewPtr] = setup::testing::setup_stack(
-          Code::Lambda0, 100_GeV, (DummyEnvironment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr, *csPtr);
-      [[maybe_unused]] test::StackView& view = *(secViewPtr.get());
-      [[maybe_unused]] auto particle = stackPtr->first();
-      model.doInteraction(view, Code::Lambda0, Code::Oxygen,
-                          {sqrt(static_pow<2>(100_GeV) + static_pow<2>(Lambda0::mass)),
-                           MomentumVector{cs, 100_GeV, 0_GeV, 0_GeV}},
-                          {Oxygen::mass, MomentumVector{cs, 0_eV, 0_eV, 0_eV}});
-      CHECK(view.getSize() == Approx(50).margin(50)); // this is not physics validation
-    }
-    { // AntiLambda is internally converted into anti neutron
-      auto [stackPtr, secViewPtr] = setup::testing::setup_stack(
-          Code::Lambda0Bar, 1000_GeV, (DummyEnvironment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr,
-          *csPtr);
-      [[maybe_unused]] test::StackView& view = *(secViewPtr.get());
-      [[maybe_unused]] auto particle = stackPtr->first();
-      model.doInteraction(view, Code::Lambda0Bar, Code::Oxygen,
-                          {sqrt(static_pow<2>(1_TeV) + static_pow<2>(Lambda0Bar::mass)),
-                           MomentumVector{cs, 1_TeV, 0_GeV, 0_GeV}},
-                          {Oxygen::mass, MomentumVector{cs, 0_eV, 0_eV, 0_eV}});
-      CHECK(view.getSize() == Approx(70).margin(67)); // this is not physics validation
-    }
-  }
+  //~ SECTION("InteractionInterface Nuclei") {
+  //~ HEPEnergyType const P0 = 20100_GeV;
+  //~ MomentumVector const plab = MomentumVector(cs, {P0, 0_eV, 0_eV});
+  //~ Code const pid = get_nucleus_code(60, 30);
+  //~ auto [stackPtr, secViewPtr] = setup::testing::setup_stack(
+  //~ pid, P0, (DummyEnvironment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr, *csPtr);
+  //~ test::StackView& view = *(secViewPtr.get());
+  //~ HEPEnergyType const Elab = sqrt(static_pow<2>(P0) + static_pow<2>(get_mass(pid)));
+  //~ FourMomentum const projectileP4(Elab, plab);
+  //~ FourMomentum const targetP4(Oxygen::mass, MomentumVector(cs, {0_eV, 0_eV, 0_eV}));
+  //~ view.clear();
+  //~ model.doInteraction(view, pid, Code::Oxygen, projectileP4,
+  //~ targetP4); // this also should produce some fragments
+  //~ CHECK(view.getSize() == Approx(150).margin(150)); // this is not physics validation
+  //~ int countFragments = 0;
+  //~ for (auto const& sec : view) { countFragments += (is_nucleus(sec.getPID())); }
+  //~ CHECK(countFragments == Approx(4).margin(2)); // this is not physics validation
+  //~ }
+  //~ SECTION("Heavy nuclei") {
+  //~ auto [stackPtr, secViewPtr] = setup::testing::setup_stack(
+  //~ get_nucleus_code(1000, 1000), 1100_GeV,
+  //~ (DummyEnvironment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr, *csPtr);
+  //~ test::StackView& view = *(secViewPtr.get());
+  //~ auto projectile = secViewPtr->getProjectile();
+  //~ auto const projectileMomentum = projectile.getMomentum();
+  //~ FourMomentum const aP4(100_GeV, {cs, 99_GeV, 0_GeV, 0_GeV});
+  //~ FourMomentum const bP4(1_TeV, {cs, 0.9_TeV, 0_GeV, 0_GeV});
+  //~ CHECK(model.getCrossSection(get_nucleus_code(10, 5), get_nucleus_code(1000, 500),
+  // aP4, ~ bP4) /
+  //~ 1_mb ==
+  //~ Approx(0));
+  //~ CHECK(model.getCrossSection(Code::Nucleus, Code::Nucleus, aP4, bP4) / 1_mb ==
+  //~ Approx(0));
+  //~ model.doInteraction(view, get_nucleus_code(1000, 500), Code::Oxygen, aP4, bP4));
+  //~ }
+  //~ SECTION("Allowed Particles") {
+  //~ { // pi0 is internally converted into pi+/pi-
+  //~ auto [stackPtr, secViewPtr] = setup::testing::setup_stack(
+  //~ Code::Pi0, 1000_GeV, (DummyEnvironment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr, *csPtr);
+  //~ [[maybe_unused]] test::StackView& view = *(secViewPtr.get());
+  //~ [[maybe_unused]] auto particle = stackPtr->first();
+  //~ model.doInteraction(view, Code::Pi0, Code::Oxygen,
+  //~ {sqrt(static_pow<2>(1_TeV) + static_pow<2>(Pi0::mass)),
+  //~ MomentumVector{cs, 1_TeV, 0_GeV, 0_GeV}},
+  //~ {Oxygen::mass, MomentumVector{cs, 0_eV, 0_eV, 0_eV}});
+  //~ CHECK(view.getSize() == Approx(20).margin(20)); // this is not physics validation
+  //~ }
+  //~ { // rho0 is internally converted into pi-/pi+
+  //~ auto [stackPtr, secViewPtr] = setup::testing::setup_stack(
+  //~ Code::Rho0, 1000_GeV, (DummyEnvironment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr, *csPtr);
+  //~ [[maybe_unused]] test::StackView& view = *(secViewPtr.get());
+  //~ [[maybe_unused]] auto particle = stackPtr->first();
+  //~ model.doInteraction(view, Code::Rho0, Code::Oxygen,
+  //~ {sqrt(static_pow<2>(1_TeV) + static_pow<2>(Rho0::mass)),
+  //~ MomentumVector{cs, 1_TeV, 0_GeV, 0_GeV}},
+  //~ {Oxygen::mass, MomentumVector{cs, 0_eV, 0_eV, 0_eV}});
+  //~ CHECK(view.getSize() == Approx(50).margin(50)); // this is not physics validation
+  //~ }
+  //~ { // Lambda is internally converted into neutron
+  //~ auto [stackPtr, secViewPtr] = setup::testing::setup_stack(
+  //~ Code::Lambda0, 100_GeV, (DummyEnvironment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr, *csPtr);
+  //~ [[maybe_unused]] test::StackView& view = *(secViewPtr.get());
+  //~ [[maybe_unused]] auto particle = stackPtr->first();
+  //~ model.doInteraction(view, Code::Lambda0, Code::Oxygen,
+  //~ {sqrt(static_pow<2>(100_GeV) + static_pow<2>(Lambda0::mass)),
+  //~ MomentumVector{cs, 100_GeV, 0_GeV, 0_GeV}},
+  //~ {Oxygen::mass, MomentumVector{cs, 0_eV, 0_eV, 0_eV}});
+  //~ CHECK(view.getSize() == Approx(50).margin(50)); // this is not physics validation
+  //~ }
+  //~ { // AntiLambda is internally converted into anti neutron
+  //~ auto [stackPtr, secViewPtr] = setup::testing::setup_stack(
+  //~ Code::Lambda0Bar, 1000_GeV, (DummyEnvironment::BaseNodeType* const)nodePtr,
+  //~ *csPtr);
+  //~ [[maybe_unused]] test::StackView& view = *(secViewPtr.get());
+  //~ [[maybe_unused]] auto particle = stackPtr->first();
+  //~ model.doInteraction(view, Code::Lambda0Bar, Code::Oxygen,
+  //~ {sqrt(static_pow<2>(1_TeV) + static_pow<2>(Lambda0Bar::mass)),
+  //~ MomentumVector{cs, 1_TeV, 0_GeV, 0_GeV}},
+  //~ {Oxygen::mass, MomentumVector{cs, 0_eV, 0_eV, 0_eV}});
+  //~ CHECK(view.getSize() == Approx(70).margin(67)); // this is not physics validation
+  //~ }
+  //~ }