... | ... | @@ -82,6 +82,11 @@ Important rules, and notable differences are summarized here: |
- do not use e.g. ```i```, if ```i``` is used in more than a single line of code; rather use ```index```, or ```count``` or whatever is appropriate
- Same for ```p```, if it should be ```particle``` etc.
### Declaration Specifiers
- ```const``` should be placed as far right as possible e.g. ```type const& foo``` ```type const* foo``` or ```type* const foo```. Use the ([right-to-left rule](http://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~ricko/rt_lt.rule.html)).
- ```constexpr``` follows the same pattern and is placed before the ([declarator](https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/declarations))
### Class Design
- Classes are designed like this:
... | ... | @@ -90,8 +95,8 @@ Important rules, and notable differences are summarized here: |
- Everything that should not change should be ```const```.
- A ```const``` argument should be written as ```TypeName const var``` (not ```const TypeName var```)
- Access data members using getters and setters
- for setters use either by value ```setValue(type value)``` or, if ```type``` is not an integral type by reference ```setValue(const type& value)```
- for getters use by value ```type getValue() const {return value_;}```, or by reference ```type& value() {return value_;}``` respectively ```const type& value() const {return value_;}```. Note, use the from ```value()``` only when it returns a reference to a data member, i.e. for function chaining.
- for setters use either by value ```setValue(type value)``` or, if ```type``` is not an integral type by reference ```setValue(type const& value)```
- for getters use by value ```type getValue() const {return value_;}```, or by reference ```type& value() {return value_;}``` respectively ```type const& value() const {return value_;}```. Note, use the from ```value()``` only when it returns a reference to a data member, i.e. for function chaining.
- For logical states, use ```bool isTrue() const``` or ```bool hasThis() const```. Avoid ```bool isNotNeeded() const``` since it is just ```!isNeeded()```.
- Data member declarations follow after method declarations.
- Classes need to be documented with doxygen commands.
... | ... | @@ -168,7 +173,7 @@ Important rules, and notable differences are summarized here: |
Wine wine_;
- Reflect about the resources the class is holding and if makes sense to move or copy them.
- Reflect on the resources the class is holding and if makes sense to move or copy them.
Implement non-default or long components in the *.inl.
- Follow the ```rule of zero/five```. This concerns any of the following methods handling an object lifecyle:
... | ... | @@ -186,16 +191,14 @@ Important rules, and notable differences are summarized here: |
- Each functional group of classes has a unit test ```testThis.cpp```. See [Guidelines for Unit Tests](Guidelines-for-Unit-Tests) for details.
- Adhere to C++17 standards. In particular:
- Define public, private and protected type aliases and typedefs on the top, inside the class or
method they are
necessary. It should be written in minor letters, suffixed by "_type", like in ``` typedef
- Define public, private and protected type aliases and typedefs on the top, inside the class or method they are necessary. It should be written in minor letters, suffixed by "_type", like in ``` typedef
ClassA someclass_type```.
- Template, meta programming:
- Template (meta) parameters are identified by a prefixed "T", like ```template <typename TProperty>```.
This makes it easier in writing code to distinguish classes and types from template (meta) parameters.
- For class templates, provide deduction guides, if applicable. Also, add instance makers
as free functions in the concerning namespace, to deploy type deduction and avoid explicit
template instantiation. Look the example below:
template instantiation. Look at the example below:
// prototype example of a class to manage process queue, that should be able to
// dispatch processes in parallel o sequentially, according to TParallelPolicy
... | ... | @@ -309,7 +312,7 @@ warning using the flag ```"FIXME"``` as keyword. |
* Here we have a length comment on the purpose of this function TimeOfIntersection to explain that
* it calculated the "time of intersection" and all the strange symbols and conventions used here.
* Such a comment only bloats the code, and provides not further information compared to the code above.
* Such a comment only bloats the code, and provides no further information compared to the code above.
TimeType TimeOfIntersection(Line const& l, Plane const& p) {
auto const d = p.GetCenter() - l.GetR0();
... | ... | |