#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys, getopt import re """ Note: this is technically used as a mutliline regexp """ text = """/* * (c) Copyright YEAR CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu * * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of * the license. */\n """ """ Debug settings are 0: nothing, 1: checking, 2: filesystem """ Debug = 0 excludeDirs = ["ThirdParty", "git", "build", "install"] excludeFiles = ['PhysicalConstants.h','CorsikaFenvOSX.cc', 'sgn.h'] extensions = [".cc", ".h", ".test"] """ justCheck: T: only checking, F: also changing files """ justCheck = True """ foundMissing: global variable set to True in case of any needed action """ foundMissing = False """ updateMessage: T: update message, put preserve the YEAR, F: no special action """ updateMessage = False """ forYear: replace this with year for copyright notice via command line """ forYear="YEAR" ############################################### # def checkNote(filename, justCheck, forYear, updateMessage): """ function to check, if the file 'filename' contains an exact copy of the copyright notice defined above. The function also checks for eventual multiple (maybe conflicting) copyright notices in the same file. If 'justCheck' is True, the file will never be changed, otherwise the function will attempt to put the correct notice exactly once at the top of the file. The copyright YEAR will be replace with 'forYear', e.g. forYear="2019" or forYear="2018-2020", etc. If 'updateMessage' is True, then the value of Year will be determined from the previous copyright message, if possible. Thus, the copyright year is preserved. The global variable 'foundMissing' is set to True in the event where any changes are identified, BUT not implemented. """ global foundMissing if Debug>0: print ("***********************************************") print ("file: " + filename ) startNote = [] endNote = [] """ read input file into lines """ lines = [] with open(filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: for line in file.readlines(): lines.append(line) file.close() """ 0:before comment block, #1 in comment block, #2 found copyright """ searchStatus = 0 blockStart = 0 for iLine in range(len(lines)): line = lines[iLine] if "/*" in line and searchStatus==0: searchStatus = 1 blockStart = iLine if "copyright" in line.lower() and searchStatus>0: searchStatus = 2 if "*/" in line: if searchStatus>=2: startNote.append(blockStart) endNote.append(iLine) searchStatus = 0 iLine += 1 if Debug>0: txt = "states: n=" + str(len(startNote)) for i in range(len(startNote)): txt += ", [" + str(startNote[i]) + "-" + str(endNote[i]) + "]" print ("stats: " + txt) """ now check if first copyright notices is already identical... """ isSame = False prevYear = "" if len(startNote)>0: isSame = True noteLines = text.split('\n') for iLine in range(len(noteLines)-2): if startNote[0]+iLine >= len(lines): isSame = False break # only if updateMessage is True: # read the YEAR from old message to use it for new message (->update message) if updateMessage: regexYear = re.compile(r'.*Copyright\s+(\d\d\S*)\s.*') matchYear = re.match(regexYear, lines[startNote[0]+iLine].strip(" \n")) if matchYear and len(matchYear.groups())>0: prevYear = str(matchYear.groups()[0]) # compare old with new message here: regex = re.compile(re.escape(noteLines[iLine].strip(" \n")).replace('YEAR','(..+)')) match = re.match(regex, lines[startNote[0]+iLine].strip(" \n")) if not match: if isSame: print ("needs update: " + filename + "\n [diff] new=\'" + noteLines[iLine] + "\' vs old=\'" + lines[startNote[0]+iLine].rstrip('\n') + "\'") isSame = False foundMissing = True if Debug>0: print ("isSame=" + str(isSame) + " " + str(len(startNote))) """ check if notice is the same, or we need to remove multiple notices... """ if isSame and len(startNote)<=1: return if (len(startNote)==0): print ("No copyright note in file: " + filename) """ either we found a file with no copyright, or with wrong copyright notice here """ if justCheck: foundMissing = True return """ add (new) copyright notice here: """ print (" [file] " + filename + " --> backup to " + filename+".bak") os.rename(filename, filename+".bak") with open(filename, "w") as file: if len(prevYear)>0: textReplace = re.sub(r"Copyright YEAR ", "Copyright " + prevYear + " ", text) else: textReplace = re.sub(r"Copyright YEAR ", "Copyright " + forYear + " ", text) file.write(textReplace) skip = False for iLine in range(len(lines)): inBlock = False for iBlock in range(len(startNote)): if iLine>=startNote[iBlock] and iLine<=endNote[iBlock]: print (" [remove " + str(iBlock) + "] " + (lines[iLine]).strip()) inBlock = True skip = True if inBlock: continue """ if line after comment is empty, also remove it """ if lines[iLine].strip() != "": skip = False if not skip: file.write(lines[iLine]) file.close() ############################################### # def next_file(dir_name, files, justCheck, forYear, updateMessage): """ check files: loops over list of files, excludes if wished, process otherwise """ for check in excludeDirs : if check in dir_name: if Debug>1: print ("exclude-dir: " + check) return True for check in files : if (os.path.isdir(check)): continue filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(check) if '#' in check or '~' in check: continue excludeThisFile=False for check2 in excludeFiles : if check2 in check: if Debug>1: print ("exclude: " + check2) excludeThisFile=True if excludeThisFile: continue if file_extension in extensions: checkNote(os.path.join(dir_name, check), justCheck, forYear, updateMessage) else: if Debug>1: print ("exclude-extension: " + os.path.join(dir_name, check)) ############################################### # def main(argv): """ the main program """ global justCheck, foundMissing, updateMessage, Debug, forYear justCheck = True updateMessage = False Debug = 0 try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "cnuA:hd:", ["check", "no-check", "update-message", "add=", "help", "debug="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print ('do-copyright.py [--check/--no-check] [--add=YEAR] [--update-message] [--debug=0]') sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ("-h", "--help"): print ('do-copyright.py [--check/--no-check] [--add=YEAR] [--update-message] [--debug=0]') sys.exit() elif opt in ("-c", "--check"): justCheck = True elif opt in ("-n", "--no-check"): justCheck = False elif opt in ("-u", "--update-message"): updateMessage = True print ('Preserve YEAR of existing message, where possible.') elif opt in ("-A", "--add"): justCheck = False forYear = str(arg) print ('Adding \'Copyright ' + forYear + '\' notice, where needed. ') elif opt in ("-d", "--debug"): Debug = int(arg) if justCheck: print ('Only checking. No changes. See \'do-copyright.py -h\' for options.') else: print ('** WARN: THIS WILL MODIFY YOUR FILES! ** ') for root, dirs, files in os.walk('./'): next_file(root, files, justCheck, forYear, updateMessage) ############################################### # if __name__ == "__main__": """ main python entry point """ main(sys.argv[1:]) if justCheck and foundMissing: """ found any need for action """ sys.exit(-1) print ("Finished") sys.exit(0)