 * (c) Copyright 2018 CORSIKA Project, corsika-project@lists.kit.edu
 * See file AUTHORS for a list of contributors.
 * This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
 * Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3). See file LICENSE for a full version of
 * the license.

#include <corsika/cascade/Cascade.h>
#include <corsika/geometry/LineTrajectory.h>
#include <corsika/process/ProcessSequence.h>
#include <corsika/process/stack_inspector/StackInspector.h>

#include <corsika/setup/SetupStack.h>
#include <corsika/setup/SetupTrajectory.h>

#include <corsika/random/RNGManager.h>
#include <corsika/cascade/sibyll2.3c.h>
#include <corsika/cascade/SibStack.h>

//#include <corsika/units/PhysicalConstants.h>
#include <corsika/units/PhysicalUnits.h>
using namespace corsika;
using namespace corsika::process;
using namespace corsika::units;
using namespace corsika::particles;
using namespace corsika::random;

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

static int fCount = 0;

class ProcessSplit : public corsika::process::BaseProcess<ProcessSplit> {
  ProcessSplit() {}

  template <typename Particle>
  double MinStepLength(Particle& p) const {
    // beam particles for sibyll : 1, 2, 3 for p, pi, k
    int kBeam   = 1;

       the target should be defined by the Environment,
       ideally as full particle object so that the four momenta 
       and the boosts can be defined..
    // target nuclei: A < 18
    // FOR NOW: assume target is oxygen
    int kTarget = 16;
    double beamEnergy =  p.GetEnergy() / 1_GeV; 
    std::cout << "ProcessSplit: " << "MinStep: en: " << beamEnergy << " pid:" << kBeam << std::endl;
    double prodCrossSection,dummy;
    sib_sigma_hnuc_(kBeam, kTarget, beamEnergy, prodCrossSection, dummy );
    std::cout << "ProcessSplit: " << "MinStep: sibyll return: " << prodCrossSection << std::endl;
    CrossSectionType sig = prodCrossSection  / 1000. * barn;
    std::cout << "ProcessSplit: " << "MinStep: CrossSection (mb): " << sig / 1_mbarn << std::endl;

    const MassType nucleon_mass = 0.93827_GeV / corsika::units::si::constants::cSquared;
    std::cout << "ProcessSplit: " << "nucleon mass " << nucleon_mass << std::endl;
    // calculate interaction length in medium
    double int_length = kTarget * ( nucleon_mass / 1_g ) / ( sig / 1_cmeter / 1_cmeter );
    // pick random step lenth
    std::cout << "ProcessSplit: " << "interaction length (g/cm2): " << int_length << std::endl;
    // add exponential sampling
    int a = 0;
    const double next_step = -int_length * log(s_rndm_(a));
      what are the units of the output? slant depth or 3space length?
    std::cout << "ProcessSplit: " << "next step (g/cm2): " << next_step << std::endl;
    return next_step;

  template <typename Particle, typename Trajectory, typename Stack>
  EProcessReturn DoContinuous(Particle&, Trajectory&, Stack&) const {
    // corsika::utls::ignore(p);
    return EProcessReturn::eOk;

  template <typename Particle, typename Stack>
  void DoDiscrete(Particle& p, Stack& s) const {
    // get energy of particle from stack
      stack is in GeV in lab. frame
      convert to GeV in cm. frame 
      (assuming proton at rest as target AND 
      assuming no pT, i.e. shower frame-z is aligned with hadron-int-frame-z)
    EnergyType E   = p.GetEnergy();
    EnergyType Ecm = sqrt( 2. * E * 0.93827_GeV );
    // FOR NOW: set beam to proton
    int kBeam   = 13; //p.GetPID();
       the target should be defined by the Environment,
       ideally as full particle object so that the four momenta 
       and the boosts can be defined..
    // FOR NOW: set target to proton
    int kTarget = 1; //p.GetPID();
    std::cout << "ProcessSplit: " << " DoDiscrete: E(GeV):" << E / 1_GeV << " Ecm(GeV): " << Ecm / 1_GeV << std::endl;
    if (E < 8.5_GeV || Ecm < 10_GeV ) {
      std::cout << "ProcessSplit: " << " DoDiscrete: dropping particle.." << std::endl;
    } else {
      // Sibyll does not know about units..
      double sqs = Ecm / 1_GeV;
      // running sibyll, filling stack
      sibyll_( kBeam, kTarget, sqs);
      // running decays
      // print final state
      int print_unit = 6;
      sib_list_( print_unit );

      // delete current particle

      // add particles from sibyll to stack
      // link to sibyll stack
      SibStack ss;
	get transformation between Stack-frame and SibStack-frame
	for EAS Stack-frame is lab. frame, could be different for CRMC-mode
	the transformation should be derived from the input momenta
	in general transformation is rotation + boost
      const EnergyType proton_mass = 0.93827_GeV;
      const double gamma  = ( E + proton_mass ) / ( Ecm );
      const double gambet =  sqrt( E * E - proton_mass * proton_mass ) / Ecm;

      // SibStack does not know about momentum yet so we need counter to access momentum array in Sibyll
      int i = -1;
      for (auto &p: ss){
	//transform to lab. frame, primitve
	const double en_lab = gambet * s_plist_.p[2][i] + gamma * p.GetEnergy();	
	// add to corsika stack
	s.NewParticle().SetEnergy( en_lab * 1_GeV );
  void Init() 
    fCount = 0;

    // define reference frame? --> defines boosts between corsika stack and model stack.
    // initialize random numbers for sibyll
    // corsika::random::RNGManager rmng;
    // const std::string str_name = "s_rndm";
    // rmng.RegisterRandomStream(str_name);

    // //    corsika::random::RNG srng;
    // auto srng = rmng.GetRandomStream("s_rndm");

    // test random number generator
    std::cout << "ProcessSplit: " << " test sequence of random numbers."  << std::endl;
    int a = 0;
    for(int i=0; i<5; ++i)
      std::cout << i << " " << s_rndm_(a) << std::endl;
    //initialize Sibyll

    // set particles stable / unstable

  int GetCount() { return fCount; }


int main(){

  stack_inspector::StackInspector<setup::Stack, setup::Trajectory> p0(true);
  ProcessSplit p1;
  const auto sequence = p0 + p1;
  setup::Stack stack;

  corsika::cascade::Cascade EAS(sequence, stack);

  auto particle = stack.NewParticle();
  EnergyType E0 = 100_GeV;
  particle.SetPID( Code::Proton );
  cout << "Result: E0=" << E0 / 1_GeV << "GeV, count=" << p1.GetCount() << endl;