# Python for CORSIKA8

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## Installation

To install the CORSIKA 8 Python library, you will need Python >= 3.6. The below
instructions are assuming that `python` refers to Python 3.\*. If `python` still
refers to Python 2.\*, please replace `python` with `python3` and `pip` with

To install this package, change into the `corsika/Python` directory and run

    pip install --user -e .

You can verify that the installation was successful by trying to import `corsika`

    python -c 'import corsika'

# Running the Tests
If you wish to develop new features in `corsika`, you will also need to install
some additional dependencies so you can run our unit tests. These can be
installed with

    pip install --user -e .[test]

Once that is completed, you can run the unit tests directory from the `corsika` directory

    python -m pytest tests