c $Id: urqmd.f,v 1.22 2001/04/06 22:38:54 weber Exp $ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC cdh program UrQMD subroutine UrQMD(iflbmax) c c Authors : The UrQMD collaboration c S.A. Bass, M. Belkacem, M. Bleicher, M. Brandstetter, c L. Bravina, C. Ernst, L. Gerland, M. Hofmann, c S. Hofmann, J. Konopka, G. Mao, L. Neise, S. Soff, c C. Spieles, H. Weber, L.A. Winckelmann, H. Stoecker c and W. Greiner c c Revision: 1.2 c cc contact address: cc cc urqmd@th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de cc c c This is the main module of {\tt urqmd}. It servers as a connection between c the initialization, the propagation (including the real part of the c optical potential) and the collision term (imaginary part of the optical c potential). c c iflbmax: flag for retrying interaction after non-interaction c 0 = do retry until interaction happens c 1 = do not ( propagate particle, retry then) c C modifications for use in connection with CORSIKA by D. Heck cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none include 'coms.f' include 'comres.f' include 'options.f' include 'colltab.f' include 'inputs.f' include 'newpart.f' include 'boxinc.f' c integer i,j,k,steps,ii,ocharge,ncharge, mc, mp, noc, it1,it2 real*8 sqrts,otime,xdummy,st logical isstable integer stidx,iflbmax real*8 Ekinbar, Ekinmes, ESky2, ESky3, EYuk, ECb, EPau common /energies/ Ekinbar, Ekinmes, ESky2, ESky3, EYuk, ECb, EPau integer cti1sav,cti2sav common/cncc/ncc integer*8 ncc c c numerical/technical initialisation c cdh call uinit(0) cdh call osc_header cdh call osc99_header c c Main program c noc=0 1 mc=0 mp=0 c c loop over all events c cdh do 10 event=1,nevents c start event here c c time is the system time at the BEGINNING of every timestep time = 0.0 c initialize random number generator c call auto-seed generator only for first event and if no seed was fixed cdh if(.not.firstseed.and.(.not.fixedseed)) then cdh ranseed=-(1*abs(ranseed)) cdh call sseed(ranseed) cdh else cdh firstseed=.false. cdh endif cdh cdh write(6,*)'event# ',event,ranseed c c initialisation of physics quantities c call init c old time if an old fort.14 is used if(CTOption(40).eq.1)time=acttime c output preparation c write headers to file call output(13) call output(14) call output(15) cdh call output(16) cdh if(event.eq.1)call output(17) cdh call osc99_event(-1) c for CTOption(4)=1 : output of initialization configuration if(CTOption(4).eq.1)call file14out(0) c participant/spectator model: cdh if(CTOption(28).ne.0) call rmspec(0.5d0*bimp,-(0.5d0*bimp)) c compute time of output otime = outsteps*dtimestep c reset time step counter steps = 0 c loop over all timesteps do 20 steps=1,nsteps c store coordinates in arrays with *_t c this is needed for MD type propagation if (eos.ne.0) then do 23 j=1,npart r0_t(j) = r0(j) rx_t(j) = rx(j) ry_t(j) = ry(j) rz_t(j) = rz(j) 23 continue end if c we are at the beginning of the timestep, set current time (acttime) acttime = time c option for MD without collision term if(CTOption(16).ne.0) goto 103 c Load collision table with next collisions in current timestep call colload c check for collisions in time-step, nct = # of collisions in table if (nct.gt.0) then c entry-point for collision loop in case of full colload after every coll. 101 continue k = 0 c normal entry-point for collision loop 100 continue c get next collision call getnext(k) c exit collision loop if no collisions are left if (k.eq.0) goto 102 c propagate all particles to next collision time c store actual time in acttime, propagation time st=cttime(k)-acttime st=cttime(k)-acttime call cascstep(acttime,st) c new actual time (for upcoming collision) acttime = cttime(k) c perform collision if(cti2(k).gt.0.)then if(abs(sqrts(cti1(k),cti2(k))-ctsqrts(k)).gt.1d-3)then write(6,*)' ***(E) wrong collision update (col) ***' write(6,*)cti1(k),cti2(k), & ctsqrts(k),sqrts(cti1(k),cti2(k)) endif else if(cti2(k).eq.0.and. & abs(fmass(cti1(k))-ctsqrts(k)).gt.1d-3) then write(6,*)' *** main(W) wrong collision update (decay)' write(6,*)ctag,cti1(k),ityp(cti1(k)),dectime(cti1(k)), & fmass(cti1(k)),ctsqrts(k) endif ocharge=charge(cti1(k)) if(cti2(k).gt.0) ocharge=ocharge+charge(cti2(k)) c store quantities in local variables for charge conservation check it1= ityp(cti1(k)) if(cti2(k).gt.0)it2= ityp(cti2(k)) c increment "dirty" collision counter if(cti2(k).gt.0)then !scatter !scatter mc=mc+1 endif c perform scattering/decay ncc = ncc+1 cti1sav = cti1(k) ! hjd cti2sav = cti2(k) ! hjd call scatter(cti1(k),cti2(k),ctsigtot(k),ctsqrts(k), & ctcolfluc(k)) c c update collision table c c normal update mode if(CTOption(17).eq.0) then if(nexit.eq.0) then c new collision partners for pauli-blocked states (nexit=0) c hjd1 and cdh if (cti1(k).ne.cti1sav.or.cti2(k).ne.cti2sav) then goto 1 c cti1(k) = cti1sav !!! hjd1 c cti2(k) = cti2sav !!! hjd1 endif c hjd1 and cdh call collupd(cti1(k),1) if(cti2(k).gt.0) call collupd(cti2(k),1) else ncharge=0 c new collision partners for scattered/produced particles (nexit><0) do 30 i=1,nexit c ncharge is used for charge conservation check ncharge=ncharge+charge(inew(i)) call collupd(inew(i),1) 30 continue c charge conservation check if(ocharge.ne.ncharge) then write(6,*)'ch-conservation error coll/dec ',ctag write(6,*)' it1:',it1,' it2:',it2 write(6,*)' ch:',ocharge,ncharge write(6,*)'cti1(k),cti2(k),ctsigtot(k),ctsqrts(k)' write(6,*)cti1(k),cti2(k),ctsigtot(k),ctsqrts(k) endif endif c update collisions for partners of annihilated particles do 55 ii=1,nsav call collupd(ctsav(ii),1) 55 continue nsav=0 else ! (CTOption(17).ne.0) c full collision load call colload endif if (CTOption(17).eq.0) goto 100 goto 101 c this is the point to jump to after all collisions in the timestep c have been taken care of 102 continue endif ! (nct.gt.0) c After all collisions in the timestep are done, propagate to end of c the timestep. c point to jump to in case of MD without collision term 103 continue c increment timestep time = time+dtimestep c After all collisions in the timestep are done, propagate to end of c the timestep. call cascstep(acttime,time-acttime) c in case of potential interaction, do MD propagation step if (eos.ne.0) then c set initial conditions for MD propagation-step do 24 j=1,npart r0(j) = r0_t(j) rx(j) = rx_t(j) ry(j) = ry_t(j) rz(j) = rz_t(j) 24 continue c now molecular dynamics trajectories call proprk(time,dtimestep) end if ! (eos.ne.0) c perform output if desired cdh if(mod(steps,outsteps).eq.0.and.steps.lt.nsteps)then cdh if(CTOption(28).eq.2)call spectrans(otime) cdh call file14out(steps) cdh endif ! output handling 20 continue ! time step loop c acttime=time c optional decay of all unstable particles before final output c DANGER: pauli-blocked decays are not performed !!! if(CTOption(18).eq.0) then c no do-loop is used because npart changes in loop-structure i=0 nct=0 actcol=0 c disable Pauli-Blocker for final decays CTOption(10)=1 c decay loop structure starts here 40 continue i=i+1 c is particle unstable if(dectime(i).lt.1.d30) then 41 continue isstable = .false. do 44 stidx=1,nstable if (ityp(i).eq.stabvec(stidx)) then cdh write (6,*) 'no decay of particle ',ityp(i) isstable = .true. endif 44 enddo if (.not.isstable) then c perform decay call scatter(i,0,0.d0,fmass(i),xdummy) c backtracing if decay-product is unstable itself if(dectime(i).lt.1.d30) goto 41 endif endif c check next particle if(i.lt.npart) goto 40 endif ! final decay c final output cdh if(CTOption(28).eq.2)call spectrans(otime) call file13out(nsteps) call file14out(nsteps) cdh call file16out cdh call osc_event cdh call osc99_event(1) cdh call osc99_eoe c print *,"noc",noc,bdist,ctag,bimp mp=mp+npart if(iflbmax.eq.0.and.ctag.eq.0)then cdh write(*,*)'(W) No collision in event ',event noc=noc+1 if(noc.ge.1000 .and. mod(noc,1000) .eq. 0)then c RU Mi 23. Jun 08:47:32 CEST 2021 c switch off printout of number of collision counter warning: c print *,'no collision problem in UrQMD' c~ stop endif if (noc.ge.50000) then print *,'UrQMD terminating without collision !? ...' print *,' ebeam=', ebeam print *,' projectile mass=', Ap print *,' projectile charge=', Zp print *,' target mass=', At print *, 'target charge=', Zt write(*,*) ' iterations =', noc c RU Mi 23. Jun 08:53:43 CEST 2021 c MAYBE do not quit: just assume this is very rate and resembles an elastic FS call exit(333) ! think of a better way to hand over the error ! to C++ c return ! RU !!!!! back to C8 c RU Mi 23. Jun 08:54:25 CEST 2021 endif goto 1 endif c RU Mi 23. Jun 08:37:22 CEST 2021 c switch off printout of number of collision counter: c write(*,*) 'iterations =', noc c end of event loop cdh 10 continue cdh write(6,*)'no. of collisions = ',mc/dble(nevents), ' (per event)' cdh write(6,*)'final particles = ',mp/dble(nevents), ' (per event)' cdh write(6,*)'empty events : ', noc, ' = ', cdh + noc*1d2/dble(nevents), '%' return end