c $Id: iso.f,v 1.7 1999/01/18 09:57:06 ernst Exp $ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC SUBROUTINE ISOCGK4(J1,M1,J2,M2,Jnew,Mnew,ITAG) c c Revision : 1.0 c c This subroutine determines according to probabilities given by c Clebsch Gordan cefficients the total and 3-component of the c isospin of up to 4 outgoing particles C c input: c (isocgk: two part. in and two part. out) c J1 : 2*I of ingoing particle 1 c M1 : 2*I3 of ingoing particle 1 c J2 : 2*I of ingoing particle 2 c M2 : 2*I3 of ingoing particle 2 c Jnew : 2*I of outgoing particles (array) c c c (isonew: one part. in and two part. out) c J : 2*I of ingoing particle c M : 2*I3 of ingoing particle c Jnew : 2*I of outgoing particles (array) c ITAG=-50 << necessary for correct functioning of routine c c input/output: c Mnew : 2*I3 of outgoing particles (array) c Mnew(i)=-9 to determine the I3 component of the c i-th particle randomly c ITAG : = -1 then no possible isospin combination has been found c c c function calls: c ranf() c clebsch c c important global variables: c nexit : number of outgoing particles c c important local variables: C JMINOL/JMINNW THE MINIMAL POSSIBLE TOTAL ISOSPIN IN IN-/OUT-STATE C M TOTAL I3 OF IN-/OUT-STATE cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none include 'newpart.f' integer m1,j1,m2,j2,itag,Jnew,Mnew integer Jtot,M,Jminol,Jmaxol,Jminnw,Jmaxnw,i,j,k,l,il,jp,jpr integer jmin,jmax,Nj,ifind integer m1pr,m1p,m1pos,m1out integer m2pr,m2p,m2pos,m2out integer m3pr,m3p,m3pos,m3out integer m4pr,m4p,m4pos,m4out,Mmin,Mmax integer m12,m34,j12,j34 integer Jin,Min real*8 pjin,prbout,prbsum,zrand,c12,c34,c_tot DIMENSION pjin(20),prbout(20,20,20,20) DIMENSION m1out(20),m2out(20),m3out(20),m4out(20) DIMENSION JNEW(mprt),Mnew(mprt),Mmin(mprt),Mmax(mprt) real*8 ranf,clebsch ITAG=0 M=M1+M2 c 1.) first treat some special cases if(nexit.gt.4)then write(6,*)'ISOCGK: only <=4 outgoing Isospins can be coupled' itag=-1 stop return endif if(nexit.eq.3)Jnew(4)=0 if(nexit.eq.2)then !nexit.eq.2 Jnew(3)=0 Jnew(4)=0 c check for zero in out-channel: if(Jnew(1).eq.0) then Mnew(1)=0 Mnew(2)=m return elseif(Jnew(2).eq.0) then Mnew(2)=0 Mnew(1)=m return endif endif !nexit.eq.2 c 2.) determine possible min and max isospins for in/out state c c determine number of possible in-states Jminol= MAX0(IABS(J1-J2),IABS(M)) Jmaxol= J1+J2 c determine number of possible out-states c JMINNW= MAX0(IABS(J1NEW-J2NEW),IABS(M)) Jminnw=1000 do 1 i=-1,1,2 do 2 j=-1,1,2 do 3 k=-1,1,2 do 4 l=-1,1,2 jp=IABS(i*Jnew(1)+j*Jnew(2)+k*Jnew(3)+l*Jnew(4)) if(jp.lt.Jminnw)Jminnw=jp 4 continue 3 continue 2 continue 1 continue Jminnw=MAX0(Jminnw,IABS(M)) c JMAXNW= J1NEW+J2NEW Jmaxnw=0 do 5 i=1,nexit Jmaxnw=Jmaxnw+Jnew(i) 5 continue c check which possible states match (are common for in AND out state) Jmin = MAX0(Jminol,Jminnw) Jmax = MIN0(Jmaxol,Jmaxnw) c error check for unphysical input if(Jmin.gt.Jmax) then itag=-1 write(6,*)'isocgk: jmin > jmax : unphysical input!' write(6,*) J1,M1,J2,M2,jnew(1),jnew(2),jmin,jmax return endif c 3.) calculate number of possible isospins nj = (Jmax-Jmin)/2 +1 if(J1.eq.0.or.J2.eq.0)then if(Jmin.ne.Jmax) then itag=-1 write(6,*) 'J1(2)=0,Jmin.ne.Jmax IN ISOCGK - check calling' return endif if(J1.eq.0.and.J2.eq.0) then write(6,*) "J1,J2=0 IN ISOCGK - can't couple this" itag=-1 return endif c here only one total isospin is possible (probability is unity) pjin(1)=1. goto 310 END IF !J1.EQ.0.OR.J2.EQ.0 c if no overlap between in and out state, return with itag=-1 if(nj.le.0) then itag=-1 write(6,*)'Isocgk: nj.le.0 - no combination possible' return endif ifind=0 c 4) loops over all possible combinations of J1,J2,M1,M2,Jtot c to get the probabilities of the in-channel couplings DO 6 jpr=Jmin,Jmax,2 ifind=ifind+1 pjin(ifind)=clebsch(J1,J2,m1,m2,jpr) 6 CONTINUE C c error message, if not all possible Jtot's have been found c if(ifind.ne.nj) then c write(6,*)'ERROR IN ISOCGK IFIND.NE.NJ' c stop c endif c sum CGKs over all possible Jtots (-> probabilities) prbsum=0. do 7 il=1,nj prbsum=prbsum+pjin(il) 7 continue c check for nonsense IF(prbsum.le.0.) THEN write(6,*)'ERROR IN ISOCGK 30:PRBSUM.LE.0.' stop END IF c normalize PJIN(.) to 1 c now PJIN contains CGK-based probabilities for the different possible Jtots Do 8 il=1,nj pjin(il)=pjin(il)/prbsum 8 Continue 310 continue c 5) now throw dice to determine one of the possible Jtots zrand=ranf(0) Do 9 il=1,nj if(zrand.lt.pjin(il))then c this is now the "real Jtot" Jtot= Jmin +2*(il-1) goto 11 else zrand=zrand-pjin(il) endif 9 Continue 11 Continue goto 111 cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c this is the entry for one in and >= two out particles cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ENTRY ISONEW4(JIN,MIN,JNEW,MNEW,ITAG) IF(ITAG.EQ.-50) THEN Jtot=Jin M=Min itag=0 END IF !itag=-50 c here now both cases (one/two-in particles) together c now the in-channel is determined -> get out-channel 111 continue c special cases if(nexit.gt.4)then write(6,*)'ISONEW: only <=4 outgoing Isospins can be coupled' itag=-1 stop return endif if(nexit.eq.3)then Jnew(4)=0 Mnew(4)=0 endif if(nexit.eq.2)then Jnew(3)=0 Jnew(4)=0 Mnew(3)=0 Mnew(4)=0 c check for zero in out-channel: if(Jnew(1).eq.0) then mnew(1)=0 mnew(2)=m return elseif(Jnew(2).eq.0) then mnew(2)=0 mnew(1)=m return endif endif !nexit=2 c reset counters m1pos=2*Jnew(1)+1 m2pos=2*Jnew(2)+1 m3pos=2*Jnew(3)+1 m4pos=2*Jnew(4)+1 Do 161 m1p=1,20 m1out(m1p)=0 m2out(m1p)=0 m3out(m1p)=0 m4out(m1p)=0 Do 162 m2p=1,m2pos Do 163 m3p=1,m3pos Do 164 m4p=1,m4pos prbout(m1p,m2p,m3p,m4p)=0d0 164 Continue 163 Continue 162 Continue 161 Continue c get min/maximal M Do 100 i=1,4 Mmin(i)=-Jnew(i) Mmax(i)=Jnew(i) 100 Continue c calculate the possible |J_i M_i> combinations and their probability do 112 j12=Iabs(Jnew(1)-Jnew(2)),(Jnew(1)+Jnew(2)),2 do 134 j34=Iabs(Jnew(3)-Jnew(4)),(Jnew(3)+Jnew(4)),2 m1pos=0 Do 41 m1pr=Mmin(1),Mmax(1),2 m1pos=m1pos+1 m1out(m1pos)=m1pr m2pos=0 Do 42 m2pr=Mmin(2),Mmax(2),2 m2pos=m2pos+1 m2out(m2pos)=m2pr m3pos=0 Do 43 m3pr=Mmin(3),Mmax(3),2 m3pos=m3pos+1 m3out(m3pos)=m3pr m4pos=0 Do 44 m4pr=Mmin(4),Mmax(4),2 m4pos=m4pos+1 m4out(m4pos)=m4pr c m4pr=m-m1pr-m2pr-m3pr If(m1pr+m2pr+m3pr+m4pr.ne.m)goto 44 m12=m1pr+m2pr m34=m3pr+m4pr c12=clebsch(Jnew(1),Jnew(2),m1pr,m2pr,J12) c34=clebsch(Jnew(3),Jnew(4),m3pr,m4pr,J34) c_tot= clebsch(J12,J34,m12,m34,Jtot) prbout(m1pos,m2pos,m3pos,m4pos)= + prbout(m1pos,m2pos,m3pos,m4pos)+c12*c34*c_tot 44 Continue 43 Continue 42 Continue 41 Continue 134 continue 112 continue c error check if(m1pos.eq.0.or.m2pos.eq.0.or.m3pos.eq.0.or.m4pos.eq.0)then write(6,*)'IN ISOCGK/ISONEW: MPOS=0 ERROR' write(6,*)"Can't couple Jin, Min=",Jtot,M write(6,*)'To J1,J2,J3,J4=',Jnew(1),Jnew(2),Jnew(3),Jnew(4) itag=-1 return endif c sum up all CGKs prbsum=0. Do 51 m1p=1,m1pos Do 52 m2p=1,m2pos Do 53 m3p=1,m3pos Do 54 m4p=1,m4pos prbsum=prbsum+prbout(m1p,m2p,m3p,m4p) 54 Continue 53 continue 52 continue 51 continue c error check IF(prbsum.le.0.) then write(6,*)'ERROR IN ISOCGK/ISONEW:PRBSUM.LE.0.' write(6,*)"Can't couple Jin, Min=",Jtot,M write(6,*)'To J1,J2,J3,J4=',Jnew(1),Jnew(2),Jnew(3),Jnew(4) stop endif c normalize to 1 (now we have real probabilities for different Mout combis) Do 61 m1p=1,m1pos Do 62 m2p=1,m2pos Do 63 m3p=1,m3pos Do 64 m4p=1,m4pos prbout(m1p,m2p,m3p,m4p)=prbout(m1p,m2p,m3p,m4p)/prbsum c write(*,*)'!p= ',m1out(m1p),m2out(m2p),m3out(m3p), c & m4out(m4p),prbout(m1p,m2p,m3p,m4p) 64 Continue 63 Continue 62 Continue 61 Continue c now determine according to the PRBOUT values the outgoing M combination zrand=ranf(0) Do 71 m1p=1,m1pos Do 72 m2p=1,m2pos Do 73 m3p=1,m3pos Do 74 m4p=1,m4pos if(zrand.lt.prbout(m1p,m2p,m3p,m4p)) then Mnew(1)= M1out(m1p) Mnew(2)= M2out(m2p) Mnew(3)= M3out(m3p) Mnew(4)= M4out(m4p) goto 70 else zrand=zrand-prbout(m1p,m2p,m3p,m4p) endif 74 Continue 73 Continue 72 Continue 71 Continue 70 Continue RETURN END C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## real*8 function fcgk(i1,i2,iz1,iz2,i) !L.A.W. Tue Aug 15 1995 c returns the normalized clebsch gorden factor also for combinations c involving strange mesons and antibaryons C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## implicit none include 'comres.f' real*8 c integer i1,i2,iz1,iz2,i,iz,isoit,i12,i12a,ir,strit,icnt logical nombbb fcgk=0D0 icnt=0 c=0d0 iz=iz1+iz2 if(isoit(i).lt.iabs(iz))goto 1008 if(isoit(i1)*isoit(i2).eq.0)then c=1d0 goto 1008 end if call cgknrm(isoit(i),iz,isoit(i1),isoit(i2),iz1,iz2,ir,c) if(i1.eq.i2.and.iz1.ne.iz2.and.iz1+iz2.eq.0)c=2d0*c c... particle exchange if(ir.ne.0)then icnt=icnt+1 if(icnt.le.1)then write(6,*)'fcgk: no iso-spin decomposition found for:', @ i,iz,' to ',i1,iz1,'+',i2,iz2 write(6,*)' please check this channel' end if return end if if(strit(i).eq.0)then c... this is now for particle+antiparticle (except nonstrange mesons) i12=i1*i2 i12a=iabs(i12) nombbb=i12a.lt.maxbar**2.or.i12a.gt.minmes**2 c... the charge conjugated states have the same weight if(i12.lt.0.and.nombbb)then c... for example anti-K* + K if(i1.ne.-i2)c=c*5d-1 end if end if 1008 fcgk=c return end C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## subroutine cgknrm(JIN,MIN,J1NEW,J2NEW,M1IN,M2IN,ierr,cf) C gives the normalized cg-factor i.e. poosibility into a given C iso-spin decomposition of JIN,MIN into J1NEW,J2NEW,M1IN,M2IN C ierr equals 0 if there is any alowed J1,J2,M1,M2 (not necessaryly C equal to J1NEW,J2NEW,M1IN,M2). C ierr is not equal 0 if all channels are iso-spin forbidden C for specific couplings possibly involving strange particles or C anti-particles function fcgk should be used (see beyond) Coutput cf : normalized cg-factor C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## implicit integer (i - n) implicit real*8 (a - h , o - z) DIMENSION PRBOUT(20),M1OUT(20) real*8 clebsch c the in particle of course defines Jtot and Mtot cf =0d0 ierr = 0 ctp060202 1 JTOT=JIN JTOT=JIN M=MIN ITAG=0 c check for zero in out-channel: if(j1new.eq.0) then m1new=0 m2new=m return elseif(j2new.eq.0) then m2new=0 m1new=m return endif c here now both cases (one/two in particles) together c reset counters M1POS=0 c loop over all J1,J2,Jtot,M1,M2 combinations do 39 m1pr=-j1new,j1new,2 m2pr=m-m1pr c if J1new and J2new and Jtot and Mtot create a match then store M1new c inM1OUT array and the CGK in PRBOUT array; the counter for possible c Mnew combinations is M1POS M1POS=M1POS+1 M1OUT(M1POS)=M1PR PRBOUT(M1POS)=clebsch(j1new,j2new,m1pr,m2pr,jtot) if( ! (m1pr.eq.m2in.and.m2pr.eq.m1in).or. @ (m2pr.eq.m2in.and.m1pr.eq.m1in))cf=cf+PRBOUT(M1POS) 39 continue c error check IF(M1POS.EQ.0) then write(6,*)'IN ISOCGK: M1POS=0 ERROR' write(6,*)'jtot,j1new,j2new,m',jtot,j1new,j2new,m itag=-1 return endif c sum over all CGKs PRBSUM=0. DO 50 M1P=1,M1POS PRBSUM=PRBSUM+PRBOUT(M1P) 50 continue c error check IF(PRBSUM.LT.1d-3) then ierr = 1 cf = 0d0 return endif c normalize to 1 (now we have real probabilities for different Mout combis) cf=cf/PRBSUM RETURN END ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc real*8 function dbweight(j1,m1,j2,m2,j1new,j2new) c c Revision : 1.0 c c This function delivers a weight, based on a Clebsch Gordan c coefficient, for detailed balance cross sections C c input: c J1 : 2*I of ingoing particle 1 c J2 : 2*I of ingoing particle 2 c M1 : 2*I3 of ingoing particle 1 c M2 : 2*I3 of ingoing particle 2 c J1new : 2*I of outgoing particle 1 c J2new : 2*I of outgoing particle 2 c c output: c weight : weight factor c c function calls: c clebsch c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none integer j1,m1,j2,m2,j1new,j2new,jminol,jmaxol,jminnw,jmaxnw integer nj,jpr,m,jmax,jmin,ind real*8 clebsch,weight(10) dbweight=0.d0 m=m1+m2 c determine number of possible states c fist the in state JMINOL= MAX0(IABS(J1-J2),IABS(M)) JMAXOL= J1+J2 c now the out state JMINNW= MAX0(IABS(J1NEW-J2NEW),IABS(M)) JMAXNW= J1NEW+J2NEW c which possible states match (are common for in AND out state) JMIN = MAX0(JMINOL,JMINNW) JMAX = MIN0(JMAXOL,JMAXNW) NJ = (JMAX-JMIN)/2 +1 if(nj.lt.1) return ind=0 do 18 jpr=jmin,jmax,2 ind=ind+1 weight(ind)=clebsch(j1,j2,m1,m2,jpr) dbweight=dbweight+weight(ind) 18 continue return end cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc real*8 function clebsch(j1,j2,m1,m2,j3) c c Revision : 1.0 c c This function delivers a Clebsch Gordan Coefficient, which has been c calculated by w3j. C c input: c J1 : 2*I of ingoing particle 1 c J2 : 2*I of ingoing particle 2 c M1 : 2*I3 of ingoing particle 1 c M2 : 2*I3 of ingoing particle 2 c J3 : 2*I of projection requested c (i.e. resonance to be formed) c c output: c clebsch : CGK**2 c c function calls: c w3j c !!! first call function after intialization with loginit c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none real*8 LogFak( 0 : 100 ),dj1,dj2,dj3,dm1,dm2,dm3,w3j real*8 cfct,cgk integer j1,j2,j3,m1,m2,ipot,jmm,jmm1 common /FACTORIALS/LogFak integer jmax parameter(jmax=7) real*8 cgktab(0:jmax,0:jmax,-jmax:jmax,-jmax:jmax,0:jmax) common /cgks/cgktab c each cgk for j's in the range up to jmax is calculated only once c and then stored in the cgktab table for further use jmm1=max(j1,j2) jmm=max(j3,jmm1) if(jmm.gt.jmax.or.(cgktab(j1,j2,m1,m2,j3).lt.-8.d0)) then dj1=dble(j1)/2.d0 dj2=dble(j2)/2.d0 dj3=dble(j3)/2.d0 dm1=dble(m1)/2.d0 dm2=dble(m2)/2.d0 dm3=-(dm1+dm2) ipot=(j1+m1+j2-m2)/2 cfct=sqrt(2*dj3+1.d0)/(-(1.d0**ipot)) cgk=cfct*w3j(dj1,dj2,dj3,dm1,dm2,dm3) clebsch=cgk**2 if(jmm.le.jmax) then cgktab(j1,j2,m1,m2,j3)=clebsch endif else clebsch=cgktab(j1,j2,m1,m2,j3) endif return END cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc function W3j( J1, J2, J3, M1, M2, M3 ) c c c This program calculates the 3-j wigner symbols according to the c representation of A. Lindner. c c Reference: c A. Lindner, Drehimpulse in der Quantenmechanik, Teubner 1984, P.39 c c====================================================================== implicit none c Program input real*8 J1, J2, J3, M1, M2, M3 c Program returns real*8 W3j c Global variables real*8 LogFak( 0 : 100 ) common /FACTORIALS/ LogFak c Program variables real*8 R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, R7, R8, R9 real*8 N( 1 : 3, 1 : 3 ) real*8 Sum1, Sum2 real*8 Sigma real*8 LF_R1, LF_R2, LF_R3, LF_R4, LF_R5, LF_R6 real*8 LF_R7, LF_R8, LF_R9 real*8 LF_Sigma real*8 Hlp1, Hlp2, Pre real*8 Summe, S( 0 : 100 ) integer*4 Signum integer*4 in real*8 minimal integer*4 imin, jmin integer*4 i, j real*8 dn real*8 dummy c Start of calculation c Evaluation due to equivalence with Regge symbol c call LogInit C Sigma = J1 + J2 + J3 N( 1, 1 ) = -J1 + J2 + J3 N( 1, 2 ) = J1 - J2 + J3 N( 1, 3 ) = J1 + J2 - J3 N( 2, 1 ) = J1 - M1 N( 2, 2 ) = J2 - M2 N( 2, 3 ) = J3 - M3 N( 3, 1 ) = J1 + M1 N( 3, 2 ) = J2 + M2 N( 3, 3 ) = J3 + M3 do 20 i = 1, 3 do 10 j = 1, 3 if ( nint( N( i, j ) ) .lt. 0 ) goto 99999 10 continue Sum1 = N( i, 1 ) + N( i, 2 ) + N( i, 3 ) Sum2 = N( 1, i ) + N( 2, i ) + N( 3, i ) if ( nint( Sum1 ) .ne. nint( Sigma ) ) goto 99999 if ( nint( Sum2 ) .ne. nint( Sigma ) ) goto 99999 20 continue c do 101 i=1, 3 c write(6,'(3f14.5)') (N(i,j), j=1, 3 ) c 101 continue imin = 1 jmin = 1 Signum = 1 minimal = N( 1, 1 ) c Looking for the smallest N( i, j ) do 40 i = 1, 3 do 30 j = 1, 3 if ( N(i,j) .lt. minimal ) then minimal = N( i, j ) imin = i jmin = j endif 30 continue 40 continue Signum = 1 if ( imin .gt. 1 ) then do 50 j = 1, 3 dummy = N( 1, j ) N( 1, j ) = N( imin, j ) N( imin, j ) = dummy 50 continue Signum = (-1)**nint( Sigma ) endif if ( jmin .gt. 1 ) then do 60 i = 1, 3 dummy = N( i, 1 ) N( i, 1 ) = N( i, jmin ) N( i, jmin ) = dummy 60 continue Signum = (-1)**nint( Sigma ) * Signum endif R1 = N( 1, 1 ) R2 = N( 1, 2 ) R3 = N( 1, 3 ) R4 = N( 2, 1 ) R5 = N( 2, 2 ) R6 = N( 2, 3 ) R7 = N( 3, 1 ) R8 = N( 3, 2 ) R9 = N( 3, 3 ) LF_R1 = LogFak( nint( R1 ) ) LF_R2 = LogFak( nint( R2 ) ) LF_R3 = LogFak( nint( R3 ) ) LF_R4 = LogFak( nint( R4 ) ) LF_R5 = LogFak( nint( R5 ) ) LF_R6 = LogFak( nint( R6 ) ) LF_R7 = LogFak( nint( R7 ) ) LF_R8 = LogFak( nint( R8 ) ) LF_R9 = LogFak( nint( R9 ) ) LF_Sigma = LogFak( nint( Sigma+1.d0 ) ) Hlp1 = ( LF_R2 + LF_R3 + LF_R4 + LF_R7 - LF_Sigma - & LF_R1 - LF_R5 - LF_R9 - LF_R6 - LF_R8 ) / 2.d0 Pre = dexp( Hlp1 ) * (-1)**( nint( R6 + R8 ) ) Hlp2 = LF_R6 - LogFak( nint(R6-R1) ) & + LF_R8 - LogFak( nint(R8-R1) ) S( 0 ) = dexp( Hlp2 ) Summe = S( 0 ) do 70 in = 1, nint( R1 ) dn = dble( in ) S( in ) = (-1)*S( in-1 ) * ( R1+1.d0-dn ) * ( R5+1.d0-dn ) & * ( R9+1.d0-dn ) / dn / ( R6-R1+dn ) / ( R8-R1+dn ) Summe = Summe + S( in ) 70 continue W3j = Pre * Summe * Signum return 99999 W3j = 0.d0 return end ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine LogInit c===================================================================== c c This function computes the logarithm of the factorials and c stores it in the array LogFak. c c===================================================================== implicit none c Program output integer jmax parameter(jmax=7) ! must be identical to value in clebsch!!! real*8 cgktab(0:jmax,0:jmax,-jmax:jmax,-jmax:jmax,0:jmax) common /cgks/cgktab real*8 LogFak( 0 : 100 ) common / FACTORIALS / LogFak c Program variables integer*4 i,j1,j2,j3,m1,m2 c Program start do 1 j1=0,jmax do 1 j2=0,jmax do 1 m1=-jmax,jmax do 1 m2=-jmax,jmax do 1 j3=0,jmax cgktab(j1,j2,m1,m2,j3)=-9.d0 1 continue LogFak( 0 ) = 0.d0 do 10 i = 1, 100 LogFak( i ) = LogFak( i-1 ) + dlog( dble( i ) ) 10 continue end