c $Id: init.f,v 1.20 2002/05/14 12:33:50 balazs Exp $ C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## subroutine init c c Revision : 1.0 c This subroutine calls initialization procedures for different c equations of state and calculation modi. cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none include 'coms.f' include 'options.f' include 'comres.f' include 'inputs.f' include 'freezeout.f' include 'newpart.f' include 'boxinc.f' include 'colltab.f' integer j,k,icount,npold,getspin,fchg,indsp(2),isrt,ipbm real*8 nucrad,dstt,dstp,pcm,eb,embeam,emtarget real*8 massit,ranf,pcms,dectim real*8 gaeq,beeq,galab,belab,ppeq,pteq real*8 pboost real*8 ratio integer AAp, AAt integer nnuc parameter (nnuc=11) save isrt,ipbm logical bcorr common /ini/ bcorr integer i,flagy real*8 alf,regula c momenta real*8 mx,my,mz c important: never change! npart = 0 npold = 0 nbar=0 nmes=0 apt=0 uid_cnt=0 c reset counters c all collisions/decays ctag = 0 c all decays dectag = 0 c number of prod. hard resonances NHardRes=0 c number of prod. soft resonances NSoftRes=0 c number of prod. resonances via decay NDecRes=0 c number of blocked collisions NBlColl=0 c number of elastic collisions NElColl=0 c number of strings strcount=1 c nspec = 0 !hjd c eb=0D0 c icount is the number of EXTRAordinary pro/tar combinations (i.e. pion ...) icount = 0 c reset particle vectors do 20 j=1,nmax spin(j) = 0 ncoll(j) = 0 lstcoll(j)=0 r0(j) = 0.0 rx(j) = 0.0 ry(j) = 0.0 rz(j) = 0.0 p0(j) = 0.0 px(j) = 0.0 py(j) = 0.0 pz(j) = 0.0 frr0(j) = 0.0 frrx(j) = 0.0 frry(j) = 0.0 frrz(j) = 0.0 frp0(j) = 0.0 frpx(j) = 0.0 frpy(j) = 0.0 frpz(j) = 0.0 fmass(j) = 0.0 charge(j)= 0 iso3(j) = 0 ityp(j) = 0 dectime(j)= 0.0 origin(j)=0 tform(j)=0.0 xtotfac(j)=1.0 strid(j)=0 uid(j)=0 ffermpx(j) = 0.0 ffermpy(j) = 0.0 ffermpz(j) = 0.0 ctd do 21 k=1,2 p0td(k,j)=0.d0 pxtd(k,j)=0.d0 pytd(k,j)=0.d0 pztd(k,j)=0.d0 fmasstd(k,j)=0.d0 ityptd(k,j)=0 iso3td(k,j)=0 21 continue 20 continue if(CTOption(40).eq.1) then call getoldevent return endif if (boxflag.eq.1) then mbpx=0 mbpy=0 mbpz=0 mx=0 my=0 mz=0 nbar=0 nmes=0 flagy=edensflag ctoption(30)=0 ! no frozen fermi for box do 100 cbox=1,mbox if (flagy.ge.1) then bptpmax(cbox)=edens/mbox endif call bptinit(cbox) 100 Continue c prevents a collective motion in the box do 143 i=1,npart mbpx=mbpx+px(i) mbpy=mbpy+py(i) mbpz=mbpz+pz(i) 143 continue do 142 i=1,npart px(i)=px(i)-mbpx/npart py(i)=py(i)-mbpy/npart pz(i)=pz(i)-mbpz/npart call setonshell(i) 142 continue if (flagy.ge.1) then alf=Regula(edens) do 42 i=1,npart px(i) = alf*px(i) py(i) = alf*py(i) pz(i) = alf*pz(i) call setonshell(i) 42 continue endif Write(*,*) 'walls selected' mbflag=2 if (solid.gt.0) Write(*,*)'solid walls selected' Return EndIf if(At.ne.0) then if (CTParam(21).eq.0.0) then dstp = nucrad(Ap)+CTParam(41) dstt = nucrad(At)+CTParam(41) else ratio = sqrt((1 + 4.0*CTParam(21)/3.0) / $ (1 - 2.0*CTParam(21)/3.0) ) dstp = nucrad(Ap)*ratio**(2.0/3.0)+CTParam(41) dstt = nucrad(At)*ratio**(2.0/3.0)+CTParam(41) endif c add radius offset dstp=dstp+CTParam(30) dstt=dstt+CTParam(30) c c dst=0.5d0*(dstt+dstp) else c dst=0.d0 dstp=0d0 dstt=0d0 endif ce For anti nuclei: AAp = abs(Ap) AAt = abs(At) c c fix masses of projectile and target for calculation of pbeam,ecm,pcm if(prspflg.eq.0) then embeam=AAp*EMNUC elseif(prspflg.eq.1) then icount=icount+1 c!!! sofar only pro/tar with fixed masses allowed embeam=massit(spityp(1)) endif if(trspflg.eq.0) then emtarget=AAt*EMNUC elseif(trspflg.eq.1) then icount=icount+1 emtarget=massit(spityp(2)) endif c c p(equal_speed) with given elab cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc if(srtflag.eq.0) then ebeam=AAp*ebeam eb=ebeam+embeam pbeam=sqrt(ebeam*(ebeam+2.0d0*embeam)) c p(equal_speed) with given sqrt(s) ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc elseif(srtflag.eq.1) then c in this mode, everything has to calculated on a per particle basis embeam=embeam/dble(AAp) emtarget=emtarget/dble(AAt) if(emtarget+embeam.gt.srtmin)then srtmin=emtarget+embeam+1d-2 write(6,*)' *** error:initial energy below treshold' write(6,*)' c.m. energy will be increased to:', & srtmin srtmax=max(srtmax,srtmin) end if if(efuncflag.eq.0) then ecm=srtmin else ! if(efuncflag.eq.1) then c excitation function if(mod((event-1)*nsrt,nevents).eq.0 & .and.firstev.gt.0)then if(efuncflag.eq.1)then ecm=ecm+(srtmax-srtmin)/dble(nsrt-1) else if(efuncflag.eq.2)then isrt=isrt+1 ecm=srtmin*exp( & (dlog(srtmax/srtmin)) & *isrt/(nsrt-1)) end if elseif(firstev.eq.0) then isrt=0 firstev=1 ecm=srtmin endif endif c c this is all on a per particle basis pcm=pcms(ecm,embeam,emtarget) ebeam=sqrt(embeam**2 + (pcm*ecm/emtarget)**2) - embeam pbeam=pcm*ecm/emtarget c now revert to full quantities ebeam=AAp*ebeam pbeam=AAp*pbeam embeam=embeam*AAp emtarget=emtarget*AAt eb=sqrt(embeam**2+pbeam**2) c p(equal_speed) with given plab ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc elseif(srtflag.eq.2) then if(efuncflag.gt.0) then c excitation function c calculate the next pbeam if number of events at current pbeam exceeds nevents/npb if (mod((event-1)*npb,nevents).eq.0 & .and.firstev.gt.0) then c excitation function linear in pbeam if (efuncflag.eq.1) then pbeam=pbeam+(pbmax-pbmin)/dble(npb-1) c else use a logaritmic excitation function else if(efuncflag.eq.2) then ipbm=ipbm+1 pbeam=pbmin*exp( & (dlog(pbmax/pbmin)) & *ipbm/(npb-1)) end if else if (firstev.eq.0) then ipbm=0 firstev=1 pbeam=pbmin endif endif c input was pbeam per particle pbeam=AAp*pbeam eb=sqrt(embeam**2+pbeam**2) ebeam=eb-embeam endif c now do the calculation of equal_speed quantities galab=eb/embeam ! gamma_lab belab=pbeam/eb ! beta_lab gaeq=sqrt(0.5*(1+galab)) ! gamma_equal_speed beeq=belab*galab/(1+galab) ! beta_equal_speed ppeq=gaeq*beeq*embeam ! p_projectile(eq) pteq=-(gaeq*beeq*emtarget) ! p_target(eq) c reduce to per particle quantities ppeq=ppeq/dble(AAp) if(AAt.ne.0) then pteq=pteq/dble(AAt) emtarget=emtarget/dble(AAt) endif embeam=embeam/dble(AAp) pbeam=pbeam/dble(AAp) ebeam=ebeam/dble(AAp) c the following is the NN sqrt(s) ecm=sqrt(embeam**2+2*eb/dble(AAp)*emtarget+emtarget**2) ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c compute transformation betas for output pcm=max(1d-10,pbeam*emtarget/ecm) if(CTOption(27).eq.0) then betann=0.d0 betatar=pcm/sqrt(pcm**2+emtarget**2) betapro=-(1.*pcm/sqrt(pcm**2+embeam**2)) elseif(CTOption(27).eq.1) then betann=-(1*pcm/sqrt(pcm**2+emtarget**2)) betatar=0.d0 betapro=-(1*pbeam/sqrt(pbeam**2+embeam**2)) elseif(CTOption(27).eq.2) then betann=pcm/sqrt(pcm**2+emtarget**2) betatar=pbeam/sqrt(pbeam**2+embeam**2) betapro=0.d0 endif ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c determine impact parameter if(CTOption(5).eq.0) then bimp=bdist elseif(CTOption(5).eq.1) then C M.R. we don't truncate bdist here, logic happens in CORSIKA c hjd1 c if(bdist.gt.(nucrad(Ap)+nucrad(At)+2*CTParam(30))) c & bdist=nucrad(Ap)+nucrad(At)+2*CTParam(30) c hjd1 C M.R. 2019-04-24: updated sampling procedure from UrQMD 3.4 bimp=sqrt(bmin**2 + ranf(0) * (bdist**2 - bmin**2)) cdh if (bimp<bmin) goto 215 elseif(CTOption(5).eq.2) then CMR if(bdist.gt.(nucrad(Ap)+nucrad(At)+2*CTParam(30))) CMR & bdist=nucrad(Ap)+nucrad(At)+2*CTParam(30) bimp=bmin+ranf(0)*(bdist-bmin) else write(6,*)'illegal CTOption(5) :',CTOption(5) stop endif if(At.eq.0) bimp=0.d0 c initialize normal projectile if(prspflg.eq.0) then if(mod(event,nnuc).eq.0)then call cascinit(Zp,Ap,1) endif call getnucleus(1,npart) npart=npart+AAp c change reference frame if (CTOption(27).eq.1) then pboost = -pbeam elseif (CTOption(27).eq.2) then pboost = 0.d0 else pboost = -ppeq endif call boostnuc(npold+1,npold+AAp, & pboost,0.5*bimp,-dstp) c save fermi motion if (CTOption(30).eq.1) then call savefermi(npold+1,npold+AAp,-pboost) endif npold=npart nbar=nbar+AAp if (CTParam(20).ne.0) then call getnucleus(1,npart) npart=npart+AAp call boostnuc(npold+1,npold+AAp, & pboost,0.5*bimp,-dstp+CTParam(20)) if (CTOption(30).eq.1) then call savefermi(npold+1,npold+AAp,-pboost) endif npold=npart nbar=nbar+AAp endif endif c initialize normal target if(At.ne.0) then if(trspflg.eq.0) then if(mod(event,nnuc).eq.0)then call cascinit(Zt,At,2) endif call getnucleus(2,npart) npart=npart+AAt c change ref. frame if(CTOption(27).eq.1) then pboost = 0.d0 elseif(CTOption(27).eq.2) then pboost = pbeam else pboost = -pteq endif call boostnuc(npold+1,npold+AAt, & pboost,-(0.5*bimp),dstt) c save fermi motion if (CTOption(30).eq.1) then call savefermi(npold+1,npold+AAt,-pboost) endif npold=npart nbar = nbar + AAt endif endif c set unique ID-tag counter (is not initialized with getnucleus calls) uid_cnt=npart if(icount.eq.0) then c set counter for collupd apt=Ap return c initialize special PRO/TAR combinations elseif(icount.eq.1) then if(prspflg.eq.1) then indsp(1)=1 c the "regular" target sits first in the arrays apt=At else indsp(1)=2 apt=Ap endif elseif(icount.eq.2) then if(abs(spityp(1)).le.abs(spityp(2))) then indsp(1)=1 indsp(2)=2 apt=Ap else indsp(1)=2 indsp(2)=1 apt=At endif endif do 40 j=1,icount npart=npart+1 if(abs(spityp(indsp(j))).lt.minmes) then nbar=nbar+1 else nmes=nmes+1 endif iso3(npart) = spiso3(indsp(j)) ityp(npart) = spityp(indsp(j)) uid_cnt=uid_cnt+1 uid(npart)=uid_cnt spin(npart) = getspin(ityp(npart),-1) charge(npart)=fchg(iso3(npart),ityp(npart)) fmass(npart) = massit(ityp(npart)) rx(npart) = 0.d0 ry(npart) = 0.d0 rz(npart) = 0.d0 px(npart) = 0.d0 py(npart) = 0.d0 c pz ist stored in pbeam,p?eq! pz(npart) = 0.d0 p0(npart)=sqrt(px(npart)**2+py(npart)**2+pz(npart)**2 & +fmass(npart)**2) if(indsp(j).eq.1) then if(CTOption(27).eq.1) then call boostnuc(npart,npart,-pbeam,0.5*bimp,-dstp) elseif(CTOption(27).eq.2) then call boostnuc(npart,npart,0.d0,0.5*bimp,-dstp) else call boostnuc(npart,npart,-ppeq,0.5*bimp,-dstp) endif elseif(indsp(j).eq.2) then if(CTOption(27).eq.1) then call boostnuc(npart,npart,0.d0,-(0.5*bimp),dstt) elseif(CTOption(27).eq.2) then call boostnuc(npart,npart,pbeam,-(0.5*bimp),dstt) else call boostnuc(npart,npart,-pteq,-(0.5*bimp),dstt) endif endif dectime(npart) = dectim(npart,1) 40 continue return end subroutine savefermi(i1,i2,p) c c Revision : 1.0 c Store fermi momentum in fferm cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none include 'coms.f' integer i,i1,i2 real*8 p if (i1.eq.0) return if (ncoll(i1).gt.0) return do i=i1,i2 ffermpx(i)=px(i) ffermpy(i)=py(i) ffermpz(i)=pz(i)-p px(i)=0.0 py(i)=0.0 pz(i)=p enddo return end CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC subroutine addfermi(ind,p) c c Revision : 1.0 c Restore fermi momentum from fferm cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none include 'coms.f' integer ind real*8 p if (ind.eq.0) return p = pz(ind) px(ind) = px(ind)+ffermpx(ind) py(ind) = py(ind)+ffermpy(ind) pz(ind) = pz(ind)+ffermpz(ind) ffermpx(ind) = 0.0 ffermpy(ind) = 0.0 ffermpz(ind) = 0.0 return end