c $Id: dwidth.f,v 1.10 2001/04/06 22:08:24 weber Exp $ C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## real*8 function mmean (io,m0,g,mmin,mmax) c cinput io : flag (see bleow) cinput m0 : pole mass cinput g : nominal width cinput mmin : minimal mass cinput mmax : maximal mass c c io=0 : Yields average mass between {\rm mmin} and {\rm mmax} c according to a Breit-Wigner function with constant width {\rm g} c and pole {\rm m0}.\\ c io=1 : Chooses a mass randomly between {\rm mmin} and {\rm mmax} c according to a Breit-Wigner function with constant c width {\rm g} and pole {\rm m0}.\\ c else: Integral of a Breit-Wigner function from {\rm mmin} to {\rm mmax}. ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none real*8 m0,g,mmin,mmax,x,i0,i1,inv,fmin,fmax,ranf,f,gcut parameter(gcut=1d-10) integer io logical errchk parameter (errchk=.true.) i0(x) =2.*g*atan( 2.* (x-m0)/ g ) i1(x) =.5*g**2*log( (x-m0)**2+g**2/4. ) + m0*i0(x) inv(x)=.5*g*tan( 0.5*x/g )+m0 c...check for some error conditions if(errchk)then if(mmin.gt.mmax) . write(6,*)'mmean: mass range negative (mmin>mmax)' . ,mmin,mmax if(g.le.gcut.and.(m0.gt.mmax.or.m0.lt.mmin)) . write(6,*)'mmean: narrow particle out of mass range' end if if(io.eq.0)then if(g.le.gcut)then mmean=0d0 if(mmin.le.m0.and.m0.le.mmax)mmean=1d0 else mmean=(i1(mmax)-i1(mmin))/(i0(mmax)-i0(mmin)) end if else if(io.eq.1)then c... determin a mass in a given interval if(g.le.gcut)then mmean=max(mmin,min(mmax,m0)) else fmin=i0(mmin) fmax=i0(mmax) f=fmin+(fmax-fmin)*ranf(0) mmean=inv(f) end if else mmean=i0(mmax)-i0(mmin) !this might not work for narrow part. end if return end C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## subroutine getmas(m0,g0,i,iz,mmin,mmax,mrest,m) c cinput m0 : pole mass of resonance cinput g0 : nominal width of resonance cinput i : resonance ID cinput iz : iso3 of resonance cinput mmin : minimal mass cinput mmax : maximal mass coutput m : actual mass of the resonance c c {\tt getmas} (not $\rightarrow$ {\tt getmass}) first chooses the c mass {\tt m} of resonance {\tt i} between {\tt mmin} and {\tt mmax} c by a call of {\tt mmean}. Since {\tt mmean} only handles Breit-Wigners c with constant widths it follows c a correction such that {\tt m} is distributed according to mass c dependent widths (corresponding to {\tt fbrwig(...,m,1)}). c C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## implicit none include 'options.f' include 'comres.f' integer i,iz,nrej, nrejmax real*8 m,m0,g0,mmin,mmax,x,x0,gg,f,g,h,pi,al,alpha,ce,mmax2 real*8 phi,k,k0,mrest c...functions real*8 ranf,mmean,fbrwig,bwnorm,pcms parameter(pi=3.1415926535d0) parameter(alpha=3d0, ce=2d0, nrejmax=5000) c 'broadened' Breit-Wigner function with h(x0,al)=h(x0,1) c normalised to alpha h(x,x0,gg,al)=al*0.5/pi*(al*gg)/((x-x0)**2+0.25*(al*gg)**2) c cut-off for maximum resonance mass mmax2=min(mresmax,mmax) if(g0.lt.1d-4.or.CTOption(1).ne.0.or.CTOption(32).ne.0)then m=mmean(1,m0,g0,mmin,mmax2) return else nrej=0 c This is a Monte Carlo rejection method, where the invertable c BW-distribution with constant widths is used to limit the BW-distribution c with mass-dep. widths whose inverse is not known analytically. 108 continue m=mmean(1,m0,alpha*g0,mmin,mmax2) if(m.gt.(mmax2+1d-8).or.m.lt.(mmin-1d-8))then write(*,*)'getmas (W): m outside (mmin,mmax2)',m,mmin,mmax2 write(*,*)'called as getmas(',m0,g0,i,mmin,mmax,')' write(*,*)'Program stopped' stop endif cdh if ((CTOption(25).eq.1).and.(mrest.gt.0.0)) then if ((CTOption(25).eq.1).and.(mrest.gt.0.d0)) then k=pcms(mmax2+mrest,mrest,m) k0=pcms(mmax2+mrest,mrest,mmin) phi = m*k / (mmin*k0) else phi = 1.0 endif c Breit-Wigner with mass dependent widths and phase space correction f=fbrwig(i,iz,m,1)*phi/bwnorm(i) g=ce*h(m,m0,g0,alpha) if(g.lt.f)then write(*,*)'(W) getmas: C h(m) not limiting at m=',m write(*,*)'->mass distribution of ',i,'might be corrupt' endif nrej=nrej+1 if (nrej.le.nrejmax.and.(ranf(0)*g).gt.f) goto 108 if (nrej.gt.nrejmax) then write(*,*)'(W) getmas_space: too many rejections, m= ',m write(*,*)'called with (',m0,g0,i,mmin,mmax,mrest,')' write(*,*)'->mass distribution of ',i,' might be corrupt' m=mmean(1,m0,alpha*g0,mmin,mmax2) endif endif return end C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## real*8 function bwnorm(ires) c cinput ires : itype of resonance c c This function calculates the integral of {\tt fbrwig} c between parameters {\tt mmin}(= 0~GeV) and {\tt mmax}(= 30~GeV) by c calling {\tt qsimp3} resp. by table lookup. It's value shall c serve as the norm of the Breit-Wigner function of particle {\tt ires} c with mass dependent width. c C####C##1#########2#########3#########4#########5#########6#########7## implicit none include 'comres.f' include 'comwid.f' include 'options.f' integer ires,iz,isoit,it real*8 mmin,mmax,pole,norm1,norm2 real*8 widit,massit parameter(mmin=0d0,mmax=50d0) real*8 fbrwig external fbrwig if((CTOption(36).ne.0.or.CTOption(1).ne.0).and.wtabflg.gt.1)then bwnorm=1d0 return endif it=iabs(ires) if (wtabflg.ge.2.and.CTOption(33).eq.0) then c table lookup if (it.ge.minbar.and.it.le.maxbar) then bwnorm=bwbarnorm(it) else if (it.ge.minmes.and.it.le.maxmes) then bwnorm=bwmesnorm(it) else write (6,*) '*** error(bwnorm) wrong id:',it bwnorm=1d0 endif else c calculate if (widit(it).gt.1d-3)then pole=massit(it) c arbitrary value of iz iz=isoit(it) c the integration is divided by the pole of the Breit-Wigner - c thus two integrations with pole as upper or lower boundary c respectively are necessary call qsimp3(fbrwig,mmin,pole,it,iz,norm1,-1) call qsimp3(fbrwig,pole,mmax,it,iz,norm2,+1) bwnorm=norm1+norm2 else bwnorm=1d0 endif endif return end c no physics after these routines! cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c(c) numerical receipies, adapted for f(idum1,idum2,x) SUBROUTINE qsimp3(func,a,b,idum1,idum2,s,flag) c c Simpson integration via Numerical Receipies. c cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none include 'options.f' INTEGER JMAX,j,idum1,idum2,flag REAL*8 a,b,func,s,EPS REAL*8 os,ost,st PARAMETER (JMAX=100) external func if(b-a.le.1.d-4) then s=0.d0 return endif EPS = 5d-3 if (CTOption(35).eq.1) EPS=5d-4 ost=-1.d30 os= -1.d30 do 11 j=1,JMAX if(flag.eq.-1) then call midsqu3(func,a,b,idum1,idum2,st,j) elseif(flag.eq.1) then call midsql3(func,a,b,idum1,idum2,st,j) endif s=(9.*st-ost)/8. if (abs(s-os).le.EPS*abs(os)) return os=s ost=st 11 continue write(6,*) 'too many steps in qsimp3, increase JMAX!' return END SUBROUTINE midsqu3(funk,aa,bb,idum1,idum2,s,n) c modified midpoint rule; allows singuarity at upper limit implicit none integer idum1,idum2 INTEGER n REAL*8 aa,bb,s,funk EXTERNAL funk INTEGER it,j REAL*8 ddel,del,sum,tnm,x,func,a,b func(x)=2.*x*funk(idum1,idum2,bb-x**2,1) b=sqrt(bb-aa) a=0. if (n.eq.1) then s=(b-a)*func(0.5*(a+b)) else it=3**(n-2) tnm=it del=(b-a)/(3.*tnm) ddel=del+del x=a+0.5*del sum=0. do 11 j=1,it sum=sum+func(x) x=x+ddel sum=sum+func(x) x=x+del 11 continue s=(s+(b-a)*sum/tnm)/3. endif return END SUBROUTINE midsql3(funk,aa,bb,idum1,idum2,s,n) c modified midpoint rule; allows singularity at lower limit implicit none integer idum1,idum2 INTEGER n REAL*8 aa,bb,s,funk EXTERNAL funk INTEGER it,j REAL*8 ddel,del,sum,tnm,x,func,a,b func(x)=2.*x*funk(idum1,idum2,aa+x**2,1) b=sqrt(bb-aa) a=0. if (n.eq.1) then s=(b-a)*func(0.5*(a+b)) else it=3**(n-2) tnm=it del=(b-a)/(3.*tnm) ddel=del+del x=a+0.5*del sum=0. do 11 j=1,it sum=sum+func(x) x=x+ddel sum=sum+func(x) x=x+del 11 continue s=(s+(b-a)*sum/tnm)/3. endif return END